Overdue Update · 5:37am Aug 8th, 2016
This is a long overdue update. I have been meaning to do this for a while now. I originally wanted do one a few months ago to give my input on the season five finale, but that didn't happen. I tried posting this a few days ago while I was away and on my phone, but it wouldn't post.
First thing I wanted to say is that season six has been great so far. Even though it had a rocky start with the premiere. I did not see until around mid April due to personally being busy and the lack of enthusiasm I had to see it. Mainly from I had seen before, it looked like the episode, Baby Cakes, on steroids with Flurry Heart. I also wasn't ready to see Starlight again after being redeemed. I felt the premiere was funny and entertaining. First episode felt a bit slow until the end. I thought the second episode was better then the first. Even though I knew it probably would not happen, I was hoping for the Crystal Empire would be destroyed. (Hasbro missed out on another new toy placement in addition to Flurry Heart.) So yeah, The Crystalling just felt like two regular alright episodes instead of the usual premiere in my opinion.
My favorite episodes so far are A Hearth Warming Tail and The Saddle Row Review. As much as I have been warming up to Starlight, it felt so good to see her as a villain again with her first solo song being what it should be, evil. Luna's song was also epic!
Now to writing, I have not made time over the summer to work on writing. I still plan on finishing the changes to My Little Clone Wars and finish the story. I don't know when I am going be able to do it. I'm going to be busy when classes start. I'll be sure update again as soon as I can.