My Little Clone Wars Update · 10:53pm May 17th, 2022
I wanted to post this a few days ago. I feel like the rewriting of Chapter 1 of My Little Clone Wars is complete. I did some revising of it over the years and I kept some of it. The rest is new that I’ve written in the past several days. There are some things I’ve kept or switched from the original. In 2020, I changed the location of Equestria from the Unknown Region to the Outer Rim. The opening narration is something that I struggled with. I kept going back to fix it over the years and it never seemed right. I finally came up with something that worked late last year and made a few minor tweaks to it recently. The space battle portion is longer than before, as is the chapter as a whole. I will post it soon and I'll be posting chapter 2 sometime after that, but I want to finish Code: Sunset first.