• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 17th, 2017


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  • 403 weeks
    I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, I've been gone for a while because of reasons, but lately I've been working on an important project, I've been writing an original story that I plan adapting into a comic book series. It's really quite good, I can provide links if anyone wants to read the few chapters I have. Anyway, I'm going to write one more after the one I'm in the middle of now and then I will be coming back here to

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  • 419 weeks
    I'm writing a novel!!!!

    I'm writing my first novel, and it's actually based on a fic I wrote here (Fire For Tomorrow). I have the first chapter done already if anyone wants to check it out let me know. Also, I'll be doing the next chapter of Essence of a Sunrise soon! So be watching out for that!

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  • 424 weeks
    more updates on my health and stories

    So, I've been doing pretty well the last couple weeks. I seem to have good leads on my health and my doctors are working hard. My diet has improved and with that, I hope to update some of my stories soon. I will likely update Master of the Sky first, followed by Relics and then one of my more... in demand stories. Oh, also, for anyone interested, I am also writing a Skyrim Fanfic on Fanfiction

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  • 435 weeks
    Bad news from Cleveland Clinic

    I went to Cleveland Clinic with my fiance, it was a 6 hour drive and a 3 day stay and another 6 hour drive back. We got to the clinic and saw my doctor, who proceeded to ignore everything I said, read only 1/4th of my medical records, didn't do a single test then prescribed me pills for something I didn't have and then sent me away. I took the pills for three days and now I'm in a lot of pain

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  • 445 weeks
    I hate condescending doctors!

    I went to the neurologist yesterday and when I told him what was wrong with me, and what I and my other doctors thought about it, he literally laughed at me. He talked down to me and my fiance, treating me like I was incompetent and laughing off my ideas. I have appointments with a hematologist, endocrinologist, immunologist, geneticist and a gastroenterologist coming up within the next two

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Unparalleled anger and frustration! · 8:12pm Jul 1st, 2014

Today I learned that kentucky and 4 other states may likely all strike down the gay marriage ban, bringing the number of states that allow gay marriage to 24! That's nearly half! This is undoubtedly cause to celebrate right? Well, that's what I thought. I found out that my mother is against gay marriage and she places homosexuality with "Adultery and other sexual deviance." Okay, for those who don't know I'm a homosexual atheist. (To be sure, I've figured out my philosophy much more so than my orientation or even gender identity for that matter.) Anyway, needless to say my mom is religious, christian to be exact. Anyway, I want to get married to my boyfriend and I haven't told her yet but to breached the subject by bringing up Kentucky's gay marriage ban being taken down and she didn't respond well. What religion has done to my mom and to me is terrible, and she's a "nice" christian. I don't think I've ever said this before (I may have my memory is pretty poor) and I know it's a ridiculous thing to say, but today, I hate religion and christianity. I love all my friends the religious ones the same as my atheist friends, I love pretty much all humans, but something that would make a mother treat her child that way has to be evil. I know, I know for a fact that there are much worse christians, but I can easily argue and destroy most of them in debate, or i can ignore them like a reasonable person (I like to keep my life conflict free), but not my own mother. She even said she would pray for me, I find that to be one of the most condescending insults christians use on atheists, because you just know that they're saying that because they are subtly saying you are inferior to them. Damn it I'm so mad. Oh! I should reiterate; I have decided to get married to my boyfriend! I'm very happy about this and, despite the bad news (my mother, I'm still sick, hobby lobby won their court case, I can't get a job because I'll lose my health insurance, my laptop chugs when I try to play Just Cause 2) There's also a myriad of great things happening, I'm getting married, Kentucky and four other states are likely to join the growing number of truly equal and free states, I can play Sniper Elite V2 on my laptop fairly well and I am slowly getting healthier. Love all of you and I mean no hate to any of my friends and know that I'm just in a bad place with my feeling towards thing and I know logically that one event does not dictate the character of any one else even if they share similar beliefs. I hope none of you hold it against me and that my friends here will still be my friends.

Report maxxxxxx · 285 views ·
Comments ( 23 )

Wow, that's harsh that your mum doesn't support you. Could you tell her that the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the Church has "no issue with homosexuals, but requests that they refrain from sexual intercourse", so there is no reason for her to hate your sexuality using Christianity. Like I've said, my uncle's proposed to his boyfriend and my parents and grandparents (who are devout Catholics) have no issue whatsoever. Even their priest has no issue with it! If there's anything that I can do, please let me know.
Also, it's great to know that you are recovering! It's always good to know that you're getting better.
And yeah, I'll remain your internet friend if you want me to (regardless of your answer, I will anyway).

I'm so sorry about your mother not taking it well. My whole family are Jehovah's Witnesses - barring me - and for some reason they didn't take me being asexual very well either. I know the feeling (it's the worst feeling in the world to be rejected by loved ones, isn't it?) and if you ever need someone to talk to just PM me.

On a happier note, congratulations about getting married! I don't live anywhere near America - the other side of the pond there, mate - so I'm not entirely familiar with it's laws besides the obvious ones. Still, I'm glad it's becoming legal where you are! It's always great to see people gradually become less narrow minded about these sort of things.

Please excuse the length of this comment - I tend to babble when I'm happy for others. Congratulations again! :pinkiehappy:

On another note, If you want tips on how to make your PC better, or able to cope with demanding games, PM me and I'll give you some tips. Delete this if you don't want this here as it is COMPLETELY unrelated to the more important issue.

Kentucky is legalizing gay marriage?! That's awesome! And I'm glad you're feeling better. I still have no clue what was wrong, but things like that shouldn't happen to people like you. It's just not right. Sorry about your mom. I feel like I'm in a somewhat similar situation with my dad, so I know what you're going through. Only difference is that your mom knows that she's opposed to gay marriage. My dad is religious and critical as well. He believes in gender roles. Boys like action figures and don't wear dresses, he's adamant about things like that.

Also, if your mom starts ranting about how the bible says that homosexuality is bad, just tell her this: "Shellfish, haircuts, multi-material clothing. The bible says these are bad, too, but I don't hear you ranting about the unholiness of them!"

2249155 that's really unfortunate, I think I may find strict adherence to gender role as bad or maybe even worse than homophobia. Does he know that pink used to be a masculine color and that high heels were originally for men? Very, very little about people and society is set in stone and there's no reason to ignorantly adhere to such an idea.

You have unlocked my inner ranter. I hope you realize what this means.

Religions have no place in a modern society. They have literally held us back scientifically hundreds of years, have caused multiple brutal wars, and create an ignorant and compliant population. 40-60% of Christians I've met ave not even read the bible for themselves, and I'm confident that if they did they'd start questioning things. Churches/whatever holy site your religion has are places of indoctrination, and forcing your religion on your children is the equivalent of mental abuse. Ignorance breeds fear, fear breeds violence, and that pretty much sums up America. Hell, even in my home town in Canada there's a flat-earth society. 16% of British people think it takes one month for the earth to orbit around the sun, and 40% think humans walked with dinosaurs. The fact that people can be so ignorant in today's world, with all out knowledge and access to it, is quite frankly a shocking and concerning thought.

I am sorry about your mom though... I wish I could say I know how you feel but I really don't. I am glad to hear your state's looking at removing the gay marriage ban though; it's about damn time. Same with getting better actually. I can't imagine what it must have been like to be sick for so long, especially with symptoms like those.

Congratulations to you and your boyfriend, and I hope the ban is removed completely.

2249179 I don't think he knows about the pink. He might know about the high heels though. It wouldn't bother me so much if I wasn't a closet non-binary. Today, he said to have some "brother brother time" with my half-brother, and I shuddered in disgust. They took it as dread for this upcoming social time with my brother. It wasn't. It wasn't at all.

In my opinion, discrimination of gender is just as painful, but it's harder to place blame. People don't realize that there's anything else. With sexuality, they know, and they openly push.

2249198 Sorry for sounding ignorant myself but... what is a "non-binary"?

2249207 Non-binary just means that I'm not totally, consistently boy or girl. I'm gender-fluid.

Dear homophobes;


2249189 Thanks, I'm sorry about my mom as well, we had a good hour long talk where I kept talking her religion in circles (as nicely as I could, I still love my mom of course) it started with her asking me why "they can have gay churches when gays are against god". I was blown away by that insanely twisted logic. She conflated atheists, homosexuals and anti-theists all into one thing. After I explained I told her about the gay marriage ruling and she stated how she felt about it and said she thinks of it as deviance. What's wrong with that picture? Why the fuck does my mom take the word of some old fairy tale book and non existent magical sky sociopath over the logic of her reasonably intelligent son and condemn a peaceful, happy way of life older than her god or humanity it's self? *Sigh* Anyway, that was my rant. Like I said, this is very depressing but I'll take the good over the bad any day. If anything, this makes me want to write more of "Then We'll Run".

2249216 Oh, that's really cool that you don't feel pressure to have to choose, I wish I could be like that. I often feel more feminine than masculine and think I would have been better off as a girl, though I don't put much stock in gender roles or attributes.

If anything, this makes me want to write more of "Then We'll Run".

I knew it. This really is your story.
Chin up, buddy. I know it's easy for me to say from way over in Down Under, but yeah. And I hope your health keeps improving. :twilightsmile::rainbowdetermined2:

I hate it when people use their faith as a shield to hide behind while at the same time using it as a tool, weapon even, to be vindictive. :twilightangry2: As a Christian, I find the behavior repulsive. :pinkiesick:

I support you, man. You're a pretty good guy, and love knows no gender. Anyone who can't see that is blind. :yay:

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! That makes me incredibly happy to hear, I wish I could be there to talk and say all this in person, I honestly can't say it enough on how happy I am for the both of you, I truly wish you guys a lifetime of happiness. Now about your mother...... that can wait all you need to focus on is the good

2249230 That's crude and uncalled for, if people want to believe in that than they can, what Makes us any better than them if we say stuff like you said

2250354 I am not dissing max. I'm dissing everyone who says he can't get married to his boyfriend. Get the fuck off my back.

2250906 I knew your not dissing max I wasn't taking about Him, I was taking about the people who oppose to Gay marriage, and I'm not on your back just relax I'm just trying to make you be civil and not an animal who can't control themselves

2251440 I've heard so many people saying that gay marriage should never be "legal" that if someone says it directly to my face they're gonna have a broken nose. I'm sick of hearing it and think it's absolutely disgusting that people think that way. America claims to be a "free" country, well there's not a lot of freedom if someone can't marry who they want to.

2252037 and I agree with you I hate those people.... can't stand them they discuss me as much as they do you, but I don't let them get to me like you do.... take the higher road be the better person the one that they can't be.

2252055 I've been doing that. And now I'm getting a mite pissed because of how many people are actually saying that.

2252088 and there's going to be ALOT MORE, you just have to learn how to handle it

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