I Have News and a Giant Apology · 3:17pm Mar 29th, 2014
Dear readers,
I know many of you have been waiting for new chapters of different stories. Unfortunately, my parents have forbidden me to go on this website ever again. I'm not even supposed to be doing this now. I wish I could do more but I cannot. So, I will no longer be posting stories or new chapters to previous stories. I am EXTREMELY sorry for everything. I wish my parents didn't care about me watching my little pony and me going to this website. But they do and I am forbidden. My most sincere apologies to all of you waiting for new chapters. This will be the last activity of bricann forever. I am sorry again to all of you and I truly hope that this will not be the entire end. BMAGIC678 is working and continuing When the Moon is Full for me. I am hoping you all can understand and I appreciate all of you who have supported me throughout my time on FimFiction.
My Sincere Apologies,