• Member Since 4th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2023

Bootsy Slickmane

Retired writer and graphic artist.

More Blog Posts136

  • 307 weeks

    Sometimes, I make the mistake of looking at my stories here and their comment sections, and I get that old itch to make pony stuff again. I had a lot of fun doing it, after all, and I do love to entertain. I still have a lot of trouble getting any creative work done, of course. I haven't even had any real interest in it for quite a while, now. But even beyond that... well...

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  • 320 weeks
    A Collab Relic

    A few years back, Samey90 and I started writing a story. A story about a little group of young pony friends hanging out at a lake. We did most of the writing on it, but it kinda fell by the wayside. I drifted away from ponies and retired, and it looked as though the fic might never see the light of day. But now, that story has finally been

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  • 335 weeks

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  • 354 weeks
    A Surprise Shadowbolts Story

    Do you like the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts? Do you like stories with romance in them? Do you like a grittier and more realistic (and cynical) take on Equestria Girls? Then you might want to have a look at the story below the break. I think you'll like what you find.

    And no, it's definitely not the Shadowbolts Adventures series, if that's what you guessed by who's doing this promotion.

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  • 365 weeks
    The New Fimfic

    Is it April again already? Because this new site update is a joke.

    Edit: Okay, it's not a complete joke. There's actually a lot of good stuff in this new update. Bugfixes and cool stuff galore. Buuuut there are also some not-so-good changes, and the flood of new code seems to have broken... everything, at one point or another.

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Expectations and Story Ideas · 7:22pm Mar 25th, 2014

I need to stop planting the seeds of sequels, because I'm really bad at making them. Seriously, I've got very little written for any of the follow-ups I have in the works. Meanwhile, I've got a ton of other projects going. Every once in a while, I'll get some inspiration and write some more of one or another. Maybe I should look into collabs, or something. I'll get into future works in a bit. For now, I'm going to take a moment to talk about myself because I'm narcissistic.

About a month ago, I came to realize something about my place here. You see, when I first arrived, I had hopes of being a serious writer who makes serious, respectable works. Tragedies, thoughtful tales, and the like. But, as it has been for my entire life, the ridiculous and stupid comedies always come easier for me, while the serious stories are tougher to craft. Not that there's anything wrong with silly comedies.

I also noticed that I kept seeing the same people around here, both in the forums I lurked around and on stories I enjoyed. They weren't the people who were known for being terribly serious. Now, let me state that I mean zero disrespect for these people, and I'll tell you why in a moment. After seeing these people over and over, I started to realize something: these are the kinds of people who I used to hang out with in high school. These are the fun people. These are my people, and they're awesome.

And so, like this fandom has caused me to do several times over, I embraced the absurd side of myself again and let fly with the nutty. I'll still do serious works, of course, but I'm not going to make any attempts to shy away from the silly anymore. Nor the fluffy and the cute. Or even crack fics, as I'm curious to see how well I could pull one off. And on that note, here's some things I'm working on. I can't list them all, because there are around sixty or so, and this post is already really long. Maybe if someone comments on one of my ideas, it'll give me some motivation/inspiration and I'll actually work on it.

Shadow of the Crystal King is one I've been working on for almost as long as I've been writing fanfiction. It stars Black Marble, a stallion who doesn't have a canon name and only appeared in one scene for about two seconds. I chose him because he has the right look for a cosmic horror story. After finding a mysterious artifact, Marble finds himself pursued by a malevolent force. He seeks to unravel the story behind the artifact, and discovers startling secrets about the history of King Sombra and the whole Crystal Empire itself. Heavily inspired by Amnesia: The Dark Descent, but nowhere near enough to be any manner of crossover.

Then there's this story about Fleur, the high-class mare from Canterlot, as she goes slumming in Ponyville. The naive unicorn finds poverty to be delightfully droll... at first, anyway.

Rotten to the Core is another one I've been working on for a long time and haven't gotten much done on. Some of you may remember me mentioning a story that was primarily about Diamond Tiara and Babs Seed. Well, this is the one. Babs returns to Ponyville, much to Diamond's displeasure.

Then there's this story that's sure to rile some people up (which isn't something I like doing). It's a story about Derpy, a boyfriend, and domestic abuse. 'Nuff said.

Project: Sparkle and Shimmer (working title, not sure what to really call it) is one of those stories that made me go, "Aww, yeah!" when I came up with it. Core concept: Twilight got what she wished for when she said that she'd be willing to stay behind to protect the human world from Sunset. Unfortunately, the original idea has become part 2, because it requires a whole story arc in the Equestria Girls universe to set up the original idea. Both would follow Sunset's perspective, though, and the second part would be an epic adventure across all of Equestria.

I'm also thinking about doing a sequel to the Silver Spooner that details how Silver became a superhero. Not sure if I'm gonna bother, though.

And, of course, Dark Spectrum II: Tattered Remains (working title) is being slowly worked on. If anyone thought the first wasn't tragic enough, I think you'll be satisfied whenever this one comes out, because the situation gets even worse than the first.

I also kinda want to do a sequel to Hide Your Foals, since it was requested of me and it piqued my interest. It'd be pretty dark, though. For now, I'm just glad the original story isn't in the negatives. Really, I didn't expect it to do anywhere near as well as it has.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom (or skipping down here). You guys are all awesome, seriously.

Report Bootsy Slickmane · 121 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Am I awesome, too? :rainbowhuh:

That story with Black Marble... I really wish more writers would have the gall to write more stories with ponies that aren't depicted in the tags category. IF AND WHEN YOU DO write this story, please be sure to link to the picture of the stallion and what time he appeared in which episode. Just for reference since there won't be a tag.

I was gonna comment on why people always had this notion they have to do 'serious' stories to be taken seriously as a writer. Variety is the spice of life, and I make sure to restock my shelves with one of your stories as much as I'm able. I probably take you more seriously in that I think you write good stories.

Glad to see you're not changing the formula on me now and being more open with yourself. Fanfiction is SUPPOSED to be fun, why else would anyone read or even write it?

Now, on to the rest of the stories:

Rotten to the Core: Currently reading one from MasterofDespair, who imo is pulling off quite the story in its current form. I've been dieing for a proper Diamond Tiara and Babs Seed story that comes full circle with her actions from One Bad Apple (good or bad, aside from MoD's story I don't feel any have truly done them justice or attempted to make a serious story about them which FOCUSED on just the two.

So, personally, and no bias here actually, I've been dieing for a good approach to these two being told... I'm still waiting on your take on it as you've proven to handle just about any genre with a sort of respect for each character to be as show like as possible, and that alone demands respect. So, idk, I see stories these days with your name on it and they make me pause what I'm doing or reading just to check what you wrote. I may not read it immediately, but I do see check them out.

You have what very very very few writers on this site have from me. Trust. Trust that what you write is going to be written with a level of respect for the story to want to write it WELL, not so much for the readers, but for the STORY itself. Which, in turn, ends up benefiting the reader anyways. :rainbowlaugh:

Domestic Abuse fic with Derpy: I haven't heard from my friend Hyper in some time now... he too was writing something very personal about a mental disability. Not related to Derpy in any way. But a story that many would likely get upset over how real it might depict things.

So, please, go on and write this story. It wouldn't be the first I've read of the topic, but I feel it's something I'd like to read. It's a very real subject, and unlike others, I think these are the kind of stories we need more of. Even Equestria isn't the paradise many want to believe it is. And it annoys me that many refuse to see it any other way despite even things in S1 clearly stating otherwise.

Project Sparkle and Shimmer: I'm not a fan of Shimmer. She's cute, and I like her as a REPLACEMENT for Twilight Sparkle if they ever ran with an Equestria Girls spin-off, but I could never get into fics with Shimmer. I have one on my R.L., but even reading the comics I could barely stay awake reading her parts. I'll probably check it out eventually since it's you, but she's not even on my list of characters I'd read.

But don't let my opinion think it's a bad idea for a second, it's something everyone thought Hasbro would do to force an Equestria Girls series on us during that moment, they so would of too had it probably not been for the backlash it caused and what would happen if they went through with it.

And lastly, Fleur: Actually, I used to totally dislike this pony. I never caught the appeal. But whatever it was, I just feel like your description for the story premise would be the one Fleur Story I actually WANT to read. Like, even before Rotten to the Core or any others at the moment. Yes, yes. Just yes. Write this one!

I have no comments on Dark Spectrum or Hide Your Foals as I have not read them yet, though I'm drawing a blank on HYF as to what that was about so not sure if read or not.

Anyhow, I guess I can probably say far as Silver Spooner goes, that'd be one hell of a bar to meet let alone clear. And the worst part is it doesn't sound like your heart is all that into it so that alone would probably end up reflecting in the story. If something strikes you then write it. But don't ever feel obligated to write something just because it was popular and people ask for a sequel. But if it has Colgate Adventures with some Rose Luck in it, hey who am I to argue? :twilightblush: Giant super brushie against Giant Silver Spoon?

Damn, Matt was on to something. Those two would make an amazing mother daughter team! :twilightoops:

Yes, you're awesome, too.

The Black Marble story will definitely have a link to the only shot of him ever, along with a better look at him in the cover art. I had about half of it done before I decided that it sucked and needed a total rewrite.

And yeah, man, I have a lot of respect for good writers in general, whether they do drama, comedy, or whatever. Hell, my favorite author on this site is Regidar because he can write such a wide variety of stories. That should tell you something about my stance and tastes.

Rotten... Man, I'm just not sure how to write it. Like, perspective and all that. I'm not sure that switching from Babs to DT would work terribly well, but getting a look into Babs's mind would help the story a lot. I'll figure it out, though.

Keeping everypony in character is usually my top priority, even when they're doing something weird like kidnapping children, burying someone alive, or trying to kill all their friends. And I don't publish stuff unless I think it's worth looking at. Though, I have written some stuff that I actually wouldn't be interested in reading. Sometimes I just have an idea, and have to write it out.

I have your trust.... Well, that really means a lot to me. It does. It reminds me of something, actually. I have some stuff in the works that has been done to death on this site, but with a twist that changes everything about it, and you know what I would say to anyone who wasn't sure about reading these tales? Two words: "Trust me."

The abuse story.... Man, it's gonna be pretty gritty. I don't plan on pulling any punches with it. If it doesn't make people angry, then I will have failed. Not angry at me, but at the characters and the situation. It's something that I both really want to write, and that I really don't want to write. I'll work on it, though.

I like Shimmer because I see potential in her (plus I've always had a thing for bad girls, so sue me). I think she could be a really great character with some more fleshing out and a proper look into her mind and motivations. That's what I plan on doing through a rocky and bitter redemption arc, followed by an epic adventure to save the world.

The Fleur story is another that I really want to write, but have had trouble with getting down. Everyone I've told about it said I should do it, though, and I definitely plan on it.

Hide Your Foals is... a little messed up. My attempt at a deconstruction of the Molestia concept. Dead serious, no funny to be found. It's one of those stories I probably wouldn't be interested in reading, but it was kinda something I felt I should write.

Yeah, I may have a tough time capturing the same tone and everything that Silver Spooner had, but the sequel would certainly be even more absurd. And you've just given me an idea there with Colgate. And Rose Luck.... I'm suddenly reminded of Poison Ivy. This could work.

Thanks, by the way. I think I'll go and get some writing done.

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