• Member Since 2nd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 15th, 2015


More Blog Posts4

  • 556 weeks
    So... writing (please read)

    Gummy Pie still isn't going to be updated soon, sorry, but I have a question for you all.

    What do you want me to write for Valentine's Day? I want to write something for Valentine's Day to fill the time.

    So! OctaScratch? RariJack? Tell me, please! Please actually leave ideas, don't blow this off! Thanks :)

    Edit: Also, leave any ideas too! My brain is a bit fried ATM.

    9 comments · 456 views
  • 583 weeks
    Laziness FTW

    Sorry about the long delay with Gummy Pie. I'd come up with a good excuse, but I really don't have one. No idea when you can expect the next chapter, and if I gave you a date, it'd probably end up being wrong.

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  • 585 weeks
    Heeeeeeere's Digi!

    Back from my vacation, hurray! That means Gummy Pie is going to be starting again, and also that I have a few updates!

    1. I mentioned a collab in my last blog-a-mabobber, but you know what? Screw that, I'll do that story alone. If I end up doing it at all.

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  • 588 weeks
    I have a blog?! (Story Update Post)

    Awesome! I get my own blog where I can say whatever the crap I want! Muahahahaha! But seriously, I've got some updates you'll wanna see. These won't be edited at all though (minus typos), so whatever randomness comes into my mind will stay.

    Gummy Pie

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    0 comments · 275 views

So... writing (please read) · 9:43pm Feb 3rd, 2014

Gummy Pie still isn't going to be updated soon, sorry, but I have a question for you all.

What do you want me to write for Valentine's Day? I want to write something for Valentine's Day to fill the time.

So! OctaScratch? RariJack? Tell me, please! Please actually leave ideas, don't blow this off! Thanks :)

Edit: Also, leave any ideas too! My brain is a bit fried ATM.

Report DigitalChaos · 456 views · Story: Gummy Pie ·
Comments ( 9 )

How about TwiDash?

Octascratch would be nice ^_^

Any of you got specific ideas? I mean, I'm really running short on inspiration ._.

Also, moonview, you mean Gilda and Fluttershy?

1793199 Uh... well, I don't really have any specific ideas right now, sorry.
Well, besides the ones that I want to write...

Octavia finally agreeing to a date, surprising Vinyl with wanting to try and learn to use the turntable after. or alternately Vinyl wanting to try Octy's instrument. Im sure both ways require a little "hooves-on" instruction. :scootangel:

1793568 Is it just me or are a bunch of the emoticons suddenly not working?

check, check... :ajbemused::twilightangry2::scootangel::twistnerd::pinkiesad2::applejackconfused::raritywink::duck:
(edit) those came through fine, maybe a temporary glitch?

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