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What have i been doing? · 10:58pm Dec 18th, 2013

Well first off MERRY CHIRSTMAS...i could be neutral and say happy holdaiys but hannukah (not sure on spelling) happened already and kwanza is bullshit SO MERRY CHRISTMAS/HEARTHSWARMING

well i know that i've been slacking lately i haven't posted a chapter for MNLIE:HHIUAD (long freaking abbreviation) in over two months...so you are probably wondering...What's Grandmaster Hazeshift (one of my many titles along with Captain of Awesome and Lord of the Dance) beenup to...?

well for one if you didn't know i wrote a new story just check out my damn page and find it i don't wanna post another link. It's only one chapter long so far but i worked really hard on it. I've been working more, i do need money, and it does tire me out sometimes and i just come home, flop into bed and do nothing. I'm also working on a internship application because i really don't want to work at my now job anymore because i hate the place, not the people mind you just the place. I've also been catching up on the WWE becausae at one point i watched it every monday and friday, i know alot of it is choreographed and faked but i still love the story and show they put on for the fans. And my last excuse is becayuse of pure laziness...there were just sometimes i didn't want to write, i know where the story is going and i know how it ends and sometimes i think that that is good enough for me but then i get over that idea cause i'm not going to quit andf gyp anybody...heck HiE story iwas reading Somewhere I belong just got cancelled becauser they guy didn't like it anymore....i feel for him and at the same time don't like it because at the least you should make up and ending no matter where you were, tie up as many loose ends as you can and end it. Don't leave us in the middle of something and then just stop.

So anyways let me inform you of my progress ...

I am working on chapter 31 or 32 in my case (it's how i label; my chapter when saving and because the short stories one was technically a chapter) I want it to be big because i've left you guys in the dark for so long. As you know if you remember the story Dan is getting flying lessons and i'm also combingin that with another chapter i was going to do which has something to do with Celestia (think back to one of the holiday chapters and you can figure it out) and to top it off the end of the chapter leads into something that has to do with this

So far i've just finsihed half the chapter its about 4k words so prepare for a biggun

after that i have at least 4 more filler chapters (including the one referenced by the picture).

after that comes the actiony chapterts that when i dreamed them up in ym head actually went on to inspire this whole story. It's not the ending cause there will eb chapters after it but i call them my endgame chapters. These are the ones i really wanted to write and thought by now seeing as i am at 30 chapters would have written by now.

Thise are going to be good buit i also have to address one more thing...season 4...i thought i would have hit the cannon wall by this time and i haven't so now i have to contend with do i use season 4 and mix Dan in it or not....of course i'm going with not cause it's going to take me way to long to find a way to blend everything...oh and no Equestria GIrls either...but does that mean i'm using season 3...well i'm not gonna tell you that would spoil the surprise!!!

so for now i'll get back to wirting and prepare for a chapter hopefulyl soon

Comments ( 1 )

WOO!! YEEEAAAHHH!!! *clops hooves together rapidly*

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