Turning the Wheel · 9:52am Nov 26th, 2013
So yeah, another year older... It's odd to think that not even a year ago I didn't even know the first thing about the fandom and now.. yeah. I don't recall exactly when I got involved with watching the show but it was a few months after that that I wrote my first thing in over a decade. Another couple of months passed and I decided to start getting back into drawing. And now I'm here.
It's all you out there that make everything just that much more wonderful. Who knows what all may happen between here and the next anniversary of my journey around the sun but I hope to see you all there! And who knows, maybe more might drop by!
For story news, my editor says that he's more than two thirds of the way through the draft I sent him of Q&C3. I really hope to have it out to you all very soon!
Thank you all for your patience with me, I really hope that my work will continue to improve for you all. I've got a lot in the project to-do list, both written and drawn (and one case that covers both) that I hope you will also enjoy as they come forward.
Thanks for everything!
Oh, it's your birthday! Happy birthday! :D
Thank ya muchly, Fronts!