• Member Since 13th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2021


An online test told me I had met myself once but that we're not very close.

More Blog Posts31

  • 572 weeks
    These Winds and Tides

    Hello, everyone!

    So I'm happy to announce that the latest chapter of Quetzals and Caves is now live! I deeply apologize for it having taken so long. I really want to try and get these updates out faster for you, the ones who enjoy my work. :heart:

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  • 574 weeks
    Turning the Wheel

    So yeah, another year older... It's odd to think that not even a year ago I didn't even know the first thing about the fandom and now.. yeah. I don't recall exactly when I got involved with watching the show but it was a few months after that that I wrote my first thing in over a decade. Another couple of months passed and I decided to start getting back into drawing. And now I'm here.

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  • 580 weeks
    Step by Step

    Alrighty everyone! I wanted to let you all know that, after more than enough delays, I have completed the draft of Quetzals & Caves chapter 3! After the editor working with me on the project gives it the once over I will have it out and available for all to enjoy.

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  • 583 weeks
    For a Voice Like Thunder

    So big news right off the bat: new story posted! Closing Time takes a look at the events of the episode "Putting Your Hoof Down" from a different perspective. Take a look and let me know what you think!

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  • 585 weeks

    This won't be a cross-posting of my journal on dA as the musings of an errant artist are likely to not have the same import here. Though this posting will touch on some of the same ideas, I suppose.

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For a Voice Like Thunder · 2:33pm Sep 24th, 2013

So big news right off the bat: new story posted! Closing Time takes a look at the events of the episode "Putting Your Hoof Down" from a different perspective. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Now that this piece is finally out the door (I've been sitting on it since June. First I was waiting on judging for the June contest which ran long and then it took me a bit to get some assistance on polishing it up a bit.) I'm ready to get back to Q&C! Again, the third chapter just needs some tweaking but I'll need to get with my editor for help on that if he's got some time free. I can't quite recall all the suggestions he gave after he read the draft and I'd have to dig pretty far back in Skype history to find em again. :twilightoops: I recall it wasn't much: some characterization buffing up here, some extra description there, and also some changes to the intro/outro sections. Then it should be ready to go! My goal is to get this out the door this weekend, timeframes and such permitting.

I'm still doing art, as well, (in fact I have some art homework that I need to crank through tonight :raritydespair:) so if any of you keep an eye on my stuff on Tumblr or deviantArt you might see something pop up there, too. I'm considering starting to take requests and maybe work my way up to commissions, so we'll see how that goes. I might even start an ask Tumblr at some point to keep me working on improving my art with some set characters but we'll see if I actually do it or not.

Life can be difficult sometimes and is often full of stresses and various woes. I won't bore you with the details but my point here is that having you readers enjoy my work helps keep me together and my desire to improve for you keeps me moving forward. Thank you all for your support, it really does matter! :heart:

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