• Member Since 13th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2021


An online test told me I had met myself once but that we're not very close.


Featured on EQD and FimFiction on June 30th, 2013

For generations the port town of Oatsmill has sat quietly wedged between the Sunset Ocean and the Black Silt River. Recently, though, a plague of villainy has descended on the citizens. Two ponies, forced together by a mysterious benefactor, must try to set things right.

The CMC control the action as Apple Bloom leads her friends on their very first quest in Quetzals and Caves. Will Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo be able to work together to overcome the challenges Apple Bloom has set before them?

Get your dice, it's game time.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 37 )

Excellent. Well-written and fast-paced. Very good story so far, look forward to seeing more! :twilightsmile:

Transitions were sharp and amusing, the setting was beautifully painted and the combat was well-choreographed. Definitely following this!

The memories this one brings back. Good job! Not nearly enough junk food being scarfed down though....lol.:rainbowlaugh:

I never get tired of seeing D&D-style stories; the Pirate approves! :pinkiehappy:


Man I miss playing D&D....

Hmm, 17 points of damage taken and she's still standing? Either they're starting out at a higher level or the system has a higher number of hitpoints. First-level D&D characters in 3.5 would have 4-12 hp, and in 4E it'd be somewhere in the late teens, I think.

It's always nice to see more D&D fics. This line, in particular...

“Am I there yet, Apple Bloom?”

...brought back fond memories :twilightsheepish:

Most excellent! I'm liking the scenario so far, and the little bit of CMC interaction was cute. It'll be interesting to see where you take this.

Thank you all for your comments. I'm so glad to hear that you've enjoyed it! :pinkiesmile:

Hell----o... What is this?

I think I'll tag and read in a few more moments!

~Skeeter The Lurker

i really wish mu D&D sessions actually were like this, instead we all get sidetracked and nothing gets done.

Great story can't wait for more

Oh dear god. The CMC play DnD.

Just what the hell have you unleashed??

Well, whatever you've done... I'm here till the end!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Very good story here! I'll be watching this one, though I wonder what's going to happen when their big sisters find out. Or Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon...

Under 4000 words and in the feature box?
Everything I've been told is a lie.


There's even a 2k word one in there right now :pinkiecrazy:

A very entertaining read! Keep it up! :raritywink:

How has this not gotten more attention?! :raritycry:

FiMFic and EqD feature be damned, this deserves MORE! :raritydespair:

I shall attempt to remedy this! :raritystarry:

2802324 yeah that happens at mine too, although one time we did actually summon 100000 squirrel lemur things that shoot poison needles :D

2800957 might be pathfinder, as that has starting hp 20~

2804815 Ah, I heard that was like D&D 3.75?

2805611 its more like a rebalanced 3.75

great story - brings back fond memories of my role playing days.:twilightsmile:

Scootaloo: Whoops
:unsuresweetie: Scootaloo what did you do?
:scootangel: Nothing. *CRASH*
:applecry: We're doomed

“Nopony likes being left on a cliff hanger you know!”


Your plans for the terrible twosome - they intrigue me.:rainbowhuh:


Yeah.. :pinkiecrazy:

To be honest that line was in the piece before this stopping point was decided on. The original draft of this chapter is more than twice the length seen here and to try and keep a steady flow of chapters it was decided to split it into two pieces and this seemed like the most logical place to do so.

The good side of this is that, beyond a little futzing with the upcoming chapter and maybe a little leeway to get a buffer going for updates that the next chapter will (most likely) have a shorter wait. :twilightsmile:

AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :pinkiegasp:

Yay new chapter :yay:

And it was great! :twilightsmile:

2972609 I'm not complaining. I actually thought you did it on purpose:pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:


No worries! I didn't read it as a complaint but rather I expected someone would probably call me out on leaving it that way. :pinkiehappy: I thought about changing that part after the split was decided but figured that it was just too perfect and left it in. :scootangel:

Yay! An update!:pinkiehappy:

Well, somebody failed their spot check. Here's hoping they put a few points into their Rope skill.

Bad jokes aside, it's nice to see a roleplaying story that doesn't focus too heavily on the mechanics of whatever system they're using. I like the way it cuts to the OOC bits just to focus on the CMCs' more amusing reactions, instead of constantly breaking the flow to talk about rolls or defense checks.

Also, what kind of sadistic GM would give a NPC a tongue twister for a name?!

What an intriguing story. I certainly look forward to more of this. :yay:

(As a purely stylistic side-note this would be an excellent story to include Fallout Equestria style end of chapter character stats in the Author's Note block... :derpytongue2:)

Great chapter! I always get excited to see an update on this story keep up the good writing.

“I, um… I’m not allowed to have goldfish anymore.”

that made me chuckle:derpytongue2:

Yay! I love this story, this update really cheered me up. Thanks.

Apple Bloom chuckled. “Well, I’ll calculate y’all’s experience up tomorrow durin’ recess. Oh, go ahead and mark two points of weakness in Starbright’s hydrophobia flaw there, Sweetie.”
Sweetie sighed again and filled in the bubbles.

I haven't played a Hero system game yet, but I get the feeling Quetzals and Caves is set up like that, rather than a standard d20 game. Even close to the mark?

Nothing in the world is quite as sweet as getting your first natural 20.

Makes me wish I knew how to play d&d.
It's that good

Not a bad start. Less comedic than I was expecting, though, so I'm having to adjust a bit to the actual style.

I'm assuming "Hale Storm" is a pun rather than a misspelling.

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