• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2019

The Princess Rarity

Quirky teenage girl who writes about cartoons & has an obsession with sparkly things & cute dorks. Goes through life following by Dr. Seuss's wise words; "You have to be odd to be number one."

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  • 408 weeks

    PSA to whatever amount of followers actually read this bullshit anymore - I'm quitting FIMFiction. This blog post will be my last. I will no longer post on this account. I say those specific words because maybe I will come back but I do not wish to constantly have the name and standards of TPR on it. This is a personal issue of my own, influenced by many things (anxiety, depression, life in

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  • 419 weeks
    I'm not dead. I guess?

    Hi, everyone. Reagan / Toni / The Princess Rarity here. I assume most of you thought I was dead, quit the site, et cetera. Obviously, this is not the case. I have no good excuses for my hiatus - I mean, sure, there's school and work and anxiety and other fandoms, along with life in general - but oh, well. Sorry I've been gone so long.

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  • 441 weeks
    New year, and somewhat new me!

    Hey, guys. Long time, no see, right? I mean, aside from the occasional blog post or very rare story, you don’t see me as often as you’d like. I guess that’s expected, seeing how 2015 has been quite the rollercoaster for me; and I’m assuming the same for some of you guys as well. Which is why I’d like to take but a few minutes of time to explain some stuff to you guys.

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  • 446 weeks
    Don't ask me what this is, because I don't even know.

    I honestly just sat down and wrote this in one sitting because feelings. It's not much, really, it should be classified as a drabble but it's whatever, I guess. I'm only posting it here because it follows the word guideline limits.

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  • 448 weeks
    *throws words at you lovely people*


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Season Four {Slight Spoilers???} · 1:18pm Aug 13th, 2013

Ok, so... season four. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?! Seems like just yesterday, I was a newborn brony, catching up on the first few episodes, and now, here we are - The Point of No Return.

Anyway, my predictions.

I'll admit, I don't have a lot, but I got some that are worth mentioning.

First off, Nightmare Moon's return! ...I kinda got some mixed reactions about this.

Now, I know I trust the writers, really - I do, but seriously? Evil Luna's back? I wanna say the writers are running out of ideas, but this does kind of seem like a good idea. Sort of. Like, what is Luna thinking? Does she believe Twi's gonna take her place as Princess of the Night? Is she tired of not getting enough screen time or...? What? What's going on over there, Hasbro? But, then again, Nightmare Moon does tack off as #3 on My Fave Villain/Evil Character list, so I can't complain too much about this.

Second - this one is an actual prediction - Chrysalis/changeling comeback?

I seriously want this to happen. The changelings were hands down the best bad sidekicks in the series and I just wanna see more of them. (Hey, just because I dislike the extremely cliche fanfictions about them doesn't mean that I don't like the species in general!) And if Chryssie comes back, I need another song and that's that. Her singing voice is like some kind of raspy goddess and it's just the perfect Evil Bitch voice. Screw Disney - it's going down the tubes anyway.

Third, the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

I'm sorry, but am I the only one who doesn't want any of the CMC getting their Cutie Marks in this season? I don't want 'em to be blank flanks forever, but I don't want my favorite fillies growing up too fast and if even just one of them gets their Cutie Mark, it would just seem like the writers are rushing things. (In my eyes, anyway.)

Four, DISCORD SONG?! (Again, mixed reactions.)


*deep breath* But where the f:yay:k is my Rainbow Dash song? :applejackbemused: Not cool, Hasbro. As much as I love love love Discord - seriously, he's the most bestest villain ever - but COME ON! Dashie deserves her time to shine in the spotlight! Her singing voice is totally great, and sure, Discord would sound better than her, but that's no excuse. (ok, maybe a bit of an excuse...?)

Five, the fate of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry: Flashlight!


Ok, so Flash apparently isn't going to be a character in Season Four. What. Seriously? Um... awkward? He ties into canon and everything, and him and Twi were a decent chunk of Equestria Girls and they're like my otp for the movie so what, we're not going to even see him parading around the castle? :applecry:

I'm not saying I want them to have the next Royal Wedding or anything, however, I would like some interaction. Just, y'know, a little. MY (extremely massive) SHIPPING HEART WANTS THINGS!!!

Six, Discord (again).

What's his fate now that he's reformed? Is it just an act, so he can rise up and have a comeback with chaos again? Or is it really permanent and he's just gonna stay a comically chaotic goof? What's his background? How did he know Celestia and Luna beforehand? What was his relationship with them? How did they view him? (I'm hoping he was in love with Tia but I highly doubt that's gonna happen.) (Also, I don't believe she dumped him and that's what caused the chaos. No offense to those who believe it, but that's a lame headcanon, in my eyes.) Will I ever stop asking questions?

Seven, Rarity.

Where has she been in Season Three? Ok, so she went to the Moon with her besties and became a hot evil bitch in the comics, woo-hoo, but COME ON! She showed up very few times (and ok, maybe her killer outfits did sorta make up for it) and had very few lines. She's one of the Mane Six, dammit! I really, really, really hope she gets an episode (with a song) in Season Four or imma go burn down the Hasbro HQ. WHO'S WITH ME?! (Also, singing 'Becoming Popular' whenever I try to make a grand entrance or 'Art of the Dress' when I'm in a fashionista mood is getting old... just saying. :ponyshrug:)

Eight - ok, maybe I did lie a little when I said I don't have that many predictions - Princess Twilight's fate???

How's that gonna settle down with her friends? I mean - it's obvious we're most likely gonna get an episode where she's too busy with Royal Duties to spend time with everypony else, but my point is what kind of Royal Duties is she really going to have? Honestly, we almost never see Tia and Luna doing anything important - y'know, except for raising the Sun and Moon on a daily basis. I think the most Royal thing they've done is invite delegates from another region to Equestria and visit local cities. Not really Royal. What about laws and stuff, eh?

Nine, backgrounders showing up and speaking up.

Four words: Vinyl. Scratch. and. Octavia.

'Nuff said.

Ten, whatever happened to the griffons?

Now, I'm not saying I want a Gilda redemption - that's actually the last thing I want - but I would like to see more Griffons. I mean, they've got their own kingdom! They might be small, but they can't be that small, can they now???

Eleven, FAMILY.

I know I'm not the only one who wants this. The Mane Six have families, really, they do, but all we really know about them is that three of them have sisters (four if honorary counts), two have a brother and the other may or may not be a only child. As far as parents go, we barely know anything about them. Honestly, AJ is the only one Hasbro has ever gotten really indepth with family-wise - when there's five other Main Characters. I wanna see Inkie and Blinkie visit Pinkie, or find out who that stallion Dashie was with at the announcing of the Equestria Games, or figure out why Twilight doesn't really look that much like her parents (maybe that's just me???). Just saying. Also - Celestia and Luna. Where did they come from?! DID THEY JUST APPEAR?

Twelve, SONGS! *waves arms like crazy*

Daniel Ingram really kicked flank with Equestria Girls and I'm really looking forward to Season Four's music, but there is one issue...

I kinda want them to back off a little on the music. Just a little. NOW DON'T PUT ME IN THE CONE OF SHAME FOR THIS. Ok? Season Three's finale filled me with enough music for now - I was not one of those people complaining about the lack of songs. I knew it was gonna be a short season, so I figured music would be limited, but nooooo, they made it a frikkin' musical. :applejackbemused: Seriously, if they have songs in the Season Four premiere, imma flip some tables, cut some bitches and set fires.

And finally, unlucky number thirteen, *shrill scream in the background* Equestria in general.

Well, now that our favorite egghead is a Princess, I have a feeling she will be doing a few Royal things, things like I said before, traveling, so I think we're gonna get to see some more regions of Equestria, such as Baltimare, Fillydelphia, Mustangia, etc. I mean, they put all of these puns (in addition to many of the brony ones) - so why not use 'em?! It only makes sense, right?

Seriously, Equestria can't consist of just, like, Canterlot, Ponyville, Manehatten and a handful of other cities, can it now? That would be totally lame.

All I want is more of everything, basically.

Did it seem like I complained a lot? Probably.

But my motto when it comes to being a fan is, "If you think everything about something is perfect, you're not really a fan. However, if you always find something to complain about, all you want is to make the series better than it already is."

Take that in mind, my fellow bronies. :raritywink:

Report The Princess Rarity · 303 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

If Vinyl and Octavia get a speaking role, I would squee for five minutes straight. :twilightsmile:

And do bear in mind that EQG is non canon to the MLP universe.

I'm with you on Number seven, would you like me to prepare the pitch forks and torches:rainbowdetermined2::pinkiesmile::duck:


<------- My reaction

to be honest, i didnt read all of it
from what i did read, you have bad luck with emoticons
also, nightmare moon? if she comes back im literally going to turn off the tv and wait for a blog post from you, so it better be here

Honestly, I think that depending on how it goes, bringing back Nightmare Moon could work out to be one of the best plot twists ever.
Here's the idea that I heard that would completely fit in cannon, and be completely awesome.
See, it's kinda odd that when Celestia used the Elements of Harmony on Nightmare, she gets sent to the moon, but when the Mane 6 use them, it spontaneously turns her good.
This, coupled with the facts that we never see Luna and Chrysalis in the same place at the same time has an extremely interesting possibility.
See, we know from the second episode that Luna/Nightmare has the power to shapeshift and/or make illusions. We also see Chrysalis fight Celestia, and win. this implies that Chrysalis is somebody who's equal to Celestia in terms of power. Who better for that to be but her sister, whom we know can shape shift, and whose 'return to good' was slightly fishy to begin with!
This would be a ridiculously cool set up for a return of Chrysalis and Knightmare, who were always the same person, all in one fell swoop.

That said, it probably won't happen that way, but oh my god if it did.

1) "Is she tired of not getting enough screen time or...?"
No, that's Seto Kaiba's problem (Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, probably the funniest s:yay:h ever)

2) Changelings? Maybe. Chrysalis's face when she earns there are 3 princesses? :rainbowlaugh: (<- This is me BTW)

3) Just...this...you don't want THIS to happen to the CMC, do you?

4) Discord song...ALL OF MY YES.

5) Like PSP already said, Equestria Girls isn't canon to the regular MLP stuff.

6) I HAVE NO IDEA! ( go to 2:56 )

7) Once again, screen time is Kaiba's problem, but yes, she is a main character...and so is Kaiba...

8) She gon b princess, what else?

Yeah, I dun know...


10) They'll probably make a small appearance...

11) Background of the ponies, it'd be nice...

12) Yeah, if there's one thing I don't like about the show, it's that they have to pull a Phineas and Ferb and put like 2 songs an episode.

13) Background of EQ. Yeah, I'd like that too.

Eh. Mixed reactions to this. I seriously think they'll flop this one, like they flopped the last season, crushing our expectations, and making sure that a bunch of people who haven't watched season 3 (Including me.) stay that way. I honestly didn't want to see it from the bad reviews it got, and I wanted to preserve my view of the show, a great, funny, awesome show.

the Nightmare Moon episode is a origin story; a flashback episode to 1000 years ago.

Twilight and flash sentry. If bronies didn't exist= won't happen.

Twilight and fash sentry. If bronies do exist= WILL HAPPEN!


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