Blogging About Blogging · 7:24pm Jul 28th, 2013
So, it's been... what, nearly two months since my last blog? Mostly because I don't know what to blog about half the time. I see some people blogging every day, which is why I decided to write this. Do you guys want me to blog more? The way I see it, people follow me because they liked one of my stories, and, on the off chance that I write another story said people like, they get notified about it. This is why I have chosen to not blog constantly, as you don't come to me to read about my fascinating life. Not because I don't like socialising or whatever, but because I have nothing to blog about. I write stories, that's all.
About the competition between RainbowBob and myself. I lost... horribly. That guy writes faster than a guy who writes pretty damned fast. Go check out his stories. They're awesome. Anyway, as the loser of the competition, I have been forced at gunpoint over Skype to write a story of his request. Should be good. All about time travel and witty hijinks and all. Got a number of stories coming alongside this, including one appropriately named: 'The Plot Device'. All about plots. I heard you guys like plots, so I wrote plots.
Also, for those who want it, my Skype name is: 'trials.guy'. Come talk about things and stuff. If you want.
So, yeah. That just about does it. Probably forgot to mention one thing. More blogs or less blogs?
Mandatory poneh pic.
More blogs! Your supreme sponge overlord commands you to!
1244079 When I have more stuff to blog about...
I wanna know more about you. Like your Social Security number and credit card number. For... reasons.
1244113 But I'm one of the most uninteresting guys out there. There are rocks with better experiences than me. Not to sound modest or anything, but it's true. Rocks are the shit.
Hmm, I need to get back to writing my Cloudchaser x Flitter fic.
1244228 Do it. Naow.
Cloudchaser is awesome.
I almost never read any of the blogs anyone writes anyway, so I honestly don't care.