Top 10 MLP fanfics · 2:56pm Apr 7th, 2012
Here is my personal top ten favourite MLP fanfics with a small summary for each (I'll try to keep the spoliers to a minimum) and why I like it so much.
10. All Hallows Eve by Pony in Cheif: This was posted way before the Nightmare Night episode. It centers around the Cutie Mark Crusaders going trick or treating while also taking part in a scavanger hunt that the mane six have made up for them. This story has a lot of funny moments, like where Sweetie Belle is dressed like a mummy and she puts some bandeges over her mouth and she has trouble holding her bag and where Pinkie is dressed like a spy and a real spy pony actually takes her on a mission. I actually thought that this could be made into an actual episode, but of course we got an awesome one with Luna in it instead.
9. My Faithful Student by PhantomFox: I think this is where they came up with the idea for Lesson Zero. It's about Twilight who learns about a magic contest in Canterlot and she starts thinking that if she doesn't win it, Celestia will no longer make her her prize student. So Twilight tries to think of a plan for the contest, but winds up with a spell that almost destorys Ponyville. This had a few funny moments in it and it has qutie a heart warming ending. I think I enjoy the part where Pinkie tries coffee for the first time. Yeah, apperently they have coffee in Equestria.
8. My Little Assistant by Larathin Bradley: This is a very short story, but it is qutie emotinal. It centers around Spike who finally snaps at Twilight because he thinks that she is always putting her stuff first and not letting him do anything he wants to do and he storms out of the library. Twilight then remembers all of the good times when Spike was little and how he was more like her child than her assistant. This had a few heart warming scenes, like when we get flashbacks of Twilight taking care of baby Spike including feeding him and playing with him. It sounds a bit sad, but don't worry, it has a happy ending.
7. Quit Dragon Your Heels by SuperGiantRobot: I'm not a big fan of shipping fics, but I'll make an exception with this one. It's about Spike who decides to finally tell Rarity about his crush on her, only to discover that she's off to meet a rich pony who she might have a crush on. I like this because it reveles that Spike's crush on Rarity is huge and not just simple puppy love and it shows how depressed he gets when Rarity leaves. But of course, there is a happy ending.
6. The Ghost of Carousel Boutique by ItsTheWhinyGuys: I do enjoy a good scare and this story sure terrified me. It's centers around Sweetie Belle spending the night at Rarity's place when she starts hearing strange noises. She automatically assumes it's a ghost and thinks that she might get her cutie marks in ghost catching and she is in for the fright of her life. This story had a few good scary parts. They reminded me of something from films like Paranormal Activity. It also has a good twist ending that made my heart skip a beat.
5. A Hearth's Warming Mircale by PonyToast: This whole story is mostly a My Little Pony version of It's A Wonderful Life. Rainbow Dash winds up getting all of her friends upset with her and she wishes that she was never born. Celestia then appears and uses her magic to show Dash how much infulence she has made on her friends by showing her what they would be like if she wasn't around to do her first sonic rainboom and help them discover their hidden talents. This is pretty clever and some of the things that Dash sees do make me teary eyed. I won't say what they are, let's just say your eyes will not be dry when you read them.
4. The Princess Marks by JaydexTheShadowKnight: This story is just cool. It shows both Celestia and Luna telling the Cutie Mark Crusaders about how they got their cutie marks. The story they tell is amazing and qutie creative. I really like how Ceestia and Luna actually acted like little kids and not just roaylty and the ending was nice as well. We also get a cameo from Starswril the Bearded in this story and he is quite cool. I aways picture him sounding like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings. The king and queen are great too, they have great magical powers and it does show they would do anything to protect their children.
3. Miss. Mary by Picardy Third: This story reminded me of one those old kid dramas. It revovles around Scootaloo who gets in trouble after damaging the school window during a scooter stunt. Instead of giving her detention, Cheerilee has her spend time with an old pony named Miss. Mary who at first is a grouch who insults Scootaloo all the time, but Scootaloo soon learns something from her past that makes them friends. This actually felt like an episode and I enjoyed every moment of it. I won't lie, the ending did make me tear up. I had a feeling it would happen but I still wasn't prepared for it.
2. Past Sins by Pen Stroke: I don't think I have to explain the summary to this story because almost everyone has read it. I'll just come out and say that I love Nyx, she's adorable and my heart melts everytime I see the artwork of her. There were a few parts that made me cry, like when Twilight asks Nyx if she wants to be her daughter and when Celestia takes Nyx away. I also thought Spell Nexus was an insteresting villain, espichally when he tricks Celestia into bringing Nyx to him.
1. A Broken Bond by Rated Ponystar: I love this story. I love every chapter and every word of it. It centers around Apple Bloom who takes Scootaloo's scooter without asking and winds up breaking it and she also winds up breaking her friendship with Scootaloo. Apple Bloom then learns the backstory behind the scooter from Scootaloo's mother. Turns out it was a birthday gift that Scootaloo got from her father right before he died. Apple Bloom then meets a unicorn who can fix anything but it will cost her 200 bits to get the scooter fixed. So now Apple Bloom does a lot of extra chores around the farm and a bunch of different jobs around town to earn enough money and get the scooter fixed and hopefully fix her friendship with Scootaloo. This story got a lot of things right. It got Apple Bloom's guilt and Scootaloo's sorrow down right and it also showed how scared Sweetie Belle was at losing her two friends. The backstory behind the scooter always makes me sad no matter how many times I read it. I tip my hat to you, Rated Ponystar, for making an excellent story.
Number 1, huh? Thanks!
142558 I knew that picture was gonna be Edge because of your name.
Edit: I replied to an 83 week old comment *facepalm*
hay can you give me a link to a hearts worming mirical number 5
thank you
You should try pinkies love for rainbowdash, I think you'd really like it.
Hi! Can you put the link for all hallows eve (10)?Thanks! 2199735
I'd like to, but the link I went to says that it no longer exists. I think it got taken down. Sorry.
Wow, I can't believe this is the first time I've seen this list; thank you so much! I'm humbled!
Do you think you could link stories to titles?