• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 30th


More Blog Posts5

  • 275 weeks
    Finally met Tara Strong

    I got to meet Tara Strong at the 2019 Fan Expo in Toronto on Saturday. She is the nicest person ever. I got an autograph from her on a picture of some the biggest cartoon characters she has voiced. Twilight was on there, of course, so was Batgirl, Raven, Timmy Turner, and Bubbles. I am so glad I got to meet her.

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  • 384 weeks
    TV Tropes mention

    I just found this out today.

    I was on TV Tropes and saw that my story "Spreading the Hate" has been mentioned. It's in the YMMV section to the episode "All Bottled Up," under the category "Hilarious in Hindsight."

    Here's a link if you want to see for yourself.


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  • 485 weeks
    MLP Quiz (Feel free to post this yourself)

    Fav Characters: Applejack, Twilight, Spike, Discord, Derpy, Sweetie Belle, Luna, Coco, Granny Smith, Maud, Zecora.

    Least Fav. Characters: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ( Everytime I see them on screen, I wanna punch them in the face)

    Fav Background Pony: Derpy (I always get so excited when she's on screen)

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  • 537 weeks
    "Where Was Spike?" 100 Likes

    OMG. My story "Where Was Spike?" just received 100 likes. I never thought that would happen. I just started it off as my way of putting Spike in the spotlight. I never thought it would this big. Thanks to all for the likes.

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  • 660 weeks
    Top 10 MLP fanfics

    Here is my personal top ten favourite MLP fanfics with a small summary for each (I'll try to keep the spoliers to a minimum) and why I like it so much.

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MLP Quiz (Feel free to post this yourself) · 10:22pm Aug 18th, 2015

Fav Characters: Applejack, Twilight, Spike, Discord, Derpy, Sweetie Belle, Luna, Coco, Granny Smith, Maud, Zecora.

Least Fav. Characters: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ( Everytime I see them on screen, I wanna punch them in the face)

Fav Background Pony: Derpy (I always get so excited when she's on screen)

Least Fav Background Pony: Lyra (the whole canon story where she obsesses over hands is getting on my nerves)

Fav Mane Six Member: Applejack

Least Fav Mane Six Member: Rarity (I don't hate her, she's just my least favourite)

Fav CMC: Sweetie Belle (She is so darn cute)

Least Fav CMC: Scootaloo

Fav Princess: Luna (I wish they show more of her)

Least Fav. Princess: I don't really have one.

Fav Season: Season 4

Least Fav Season: Season 2 (Mostly because they have a lot of episodes of ponies being mean to one another, Putting Your Hoof Down, Ponyville Confidential and Part one of A Canterlot Wedding)

Fav Episode: Pinkie Pride, along with A Dog and Pony Show, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls and Baby Cakes.

Least Fav Episode: Putting Your Hoof Down (I hated how almost every pony Fluttershy met were jerks, especially those two 80s ponies who told her to "get a life" and that cherry seller who tried to cheat Fluttershy out of all of her money)

Fav Episode focused on your fav mane six member: Apple Family Reunion

Any episode you hate, but everyone else loves: Sisterhooves Social (I didn't like how Rarity treated Sweetie Belle at the beginning. I know she apologized, but still, she's just a little girl)

Other way around: Magical Mystery Cure

Any Guilty Pleasures: Power Ponies, Secret of My Excess, It's About Time.

Fav Season Premiere and Finale: Premiere: The Crystal Empire. Finale: Twilight's Kingdom

Least Fav. Season Premiere and Finale Premiere: The Cutie Map . Finale: A Canterlot Wedding (But just Part one. Part two was awesome)

Fav Song: Winter Wrap-Up, Smile, Smile, Smile, The Super-Duper Party Pony, Raise this Barn, Celestia's Ballad.

Least Fav Song: Don't have one, all the songs are amazing.

Best Villain: Tie between Discord and Queen Chrysalis.

Worst Villain: King Sombra

Like Equestria Girls: It was okay.

What about Rainbow Rocks: A bit better. Loved the Dazzlings, especially Sonata (I always laugh at the part where she gets all excited about Taco Tuesday)

Looking forward to the third movie: A little bit.

Speaking of movies, looking forward to the 2017 movie: Why yes, yes I am

Fav Shippings: Derpy and the Doctor

Least Fav Shipping: FlashLight.

Fav Bronies of the Community: Silver Quill, Dr. Wolf, KP, Ink Rose, Eliyora.

Least Fav Bronies: Tommy Oliver

Any Character you didn't like but grew to like as the series progressed: Applejack

Have a waifu: Nope

If you could remove one meme from the fandom, what would it be: Scootaloo being a chicken

IAnd finally, can you name anyone you want to guest star on the show: Stan Lee, Peter Dinklege, Jim Parsons, Jess Harnell, Elijah Wood, Christopher Walken, Mark Hamill, Seth Green, Stephen Amell, Matthew Grey Grubler.

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