MLP Quiz (Feel free to post this yourself) · 10:22pm Aug 18th, 2015
Fav Characters: Applejack, Twilight, Spike, Discord, Derpy, Sweetie Belle, Luna, Coco, Granny Smith, Maud, Zecora.
Least Fav. Characters: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ( Everytime I see them on screen, I wanna punch them in the face)
Fav Background Pony: Derpy (I always get so excited when she's on screen)
Least Fav Background Pony: Lyra (the whole canon story where she obsesses over hands is getting on my nerves)
Fav Mane Six Member: Applejack
Least Fav Mane Six Member: Rarity (I don't hate her, she's just my least favourite)
Fav CMC: Sweetie Belle (She is so darn cute)
Least Fav CMC: Scootaloo
Fav Princess: Luna (I wish they show more of her)
Least Fav. Princess: I don't really have one.
Fav Season: Season 4
Least Fav Season: Season 2 (Mostly because they have a lot of episodes of ponies being mean to one another, Putting Your Hoof Down, Ponyville Confidential and Part one of A Canterlot Wedding)
Fav Episode: Pinkie Pride, along with A Dog and Pony Show, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls and Baby Cakes.
Least Fav Episode: Putting Your Hoof Down (I hated how almost every pony Fluttershy met were jerks, especially those two 80s ponies who told her to "get a life" and that cherry seller who tried to cheat Fluttershy out of all of her money)
Fav Episode focused on your fav mane six member: Apple Family Reunion
Any episode you hate, but everyone else loves: Sisterhooves Social (I didn't like how Rarity treated Sweetie Belle at the beginning. I know she apologized, but still, she's just a little girl)
Other way around: Magical Mystery Cure
Any Guilty Pleasures: Power Ponies, Secret of My Excess, It's About Time.
Fav Season Premiere and Finale: Premiere: The Crystal Empire. Finale: Twilight's Kingdom
Least Fav. Season Premiere and Finale Premiere: The Cutie Map . Finale: A Canterlot Wedding (But just Part one. Part two was awesome)
Fav Song: Winter Wrap-Up, Smile, Smile, Smile, The Super-Duper Party Pony, Raise this Barn, Celestia's Ballad.
Least Fav Song: Don't have one, all the songs are amazing.
Best Villain: Tie between Discord and Queen Chrysalis.
Worst Villain: King Sombra
Like Equestria Girls: It was okay.
What about Rainbow Rocks: A bit better. Loved the Dazzlings, especially Sonata (I always laugh at the part where she gets all excited about Taco Tuesday)
Looking forward to the third movie: A little bit.
Speaking of movies, looking forward to the 2017 movie: Why yes, yes I am
Fav Shippings: Derpy and the Doctor
Least Fav Shipping: FlashLight.
Fav Bronies of the Community: Silver Quill, Dr. Wolf, KP, Ink Rose, Eliyora.
Least Fav Bronies: Tommy Oliver
Any Character you didn't like but grew to like as the series progressed: Applejack
Have a waifu: Nope
If you could remove one meme from the fandom, what would it be: Scootaloo being a chicken
IAnd finally, can you name anyone you want to guest star on the show: Stan Lee, Peter Dinklege, Jim Parsons, Jess Harnell, Elijah Wood, Christopher Walken, Mark Hamill, Seth Green, Stephen Amell, Matthew Grey Grubler.