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Wanderer's Diary: Week Twenty Three · 8:01pm Mar 25th, 2013

The Lone Wanderer continues his miserable yet hilarious existence in Wanderer's Diary: Week Twenty Three.

This week: Vault 101, rescue missions, and public spectacle.

In related news, Wanderer's Diary is now up in full on Fanfiction.net! This is mainly to serve the purpose of reaching a larger audience with this story. After all, while you guys are all great, this was written with Fallout fans in mind and only some of my followers happen to also be Fallout fans. This is primarily a pony site, after all. It's high time I hosted this story in a place where the kind of people it was written for might see it and like it. The docs version will remain up, of course. I'm just make sure this thing gets more exposure, since I've put so much time into it and all.

Vault Dweller's Log is also in progress and coming along nicely. Expect it soon. Along with my other super special surprise which isn't really a surprise anymore because I spoiled it in the comments of my last WD blog, so I'm just gonna come out and say that it's a Doctor Who and Fallout crossover in continuity with my other Fallout stories, because I've yet to see a decent crossover fic of those on the internet for some reason.

I'm excited, guise.

Report DannyJ · 416 views ·
Comments ( 49 )

There's even more excitement on the horizon with Doctor Who series 7 starting again in less than a week. I'm pumped cause it's gonna be awesome. And I'm sure you have seen the two minute prequel that was released two days ago.


Hell yeah I have.

Re-watching series five and six in their entirety in the lead-up.

Actually I have a few questions, if you're well underway of writing the Doctor Who/Fallout crossover how is it going to fit in canon? Is it set after or during series 5 or 6? Or hell are you gonna wait so you can get the character of Clara Oswald down to have the crossover be set during the second half of series 7? And what about Fallout? Is it set in 3 or New Vegas or maybe in DLCs? Or is that asking for too many spoilers?


Spoilers, darling.

You just love quoting River Song, don't you? Alright fine then something else. How about the latest chapter of Life and Times of a Winning Pony? Have you read it yet or not?


Yes I have. Pretty depressing stuff. Good writing though. About what I've come to expect from the story.

Yeah it was quite depressing kinda strange considering it started out as more of a lighthearted comedy fic. I think it needs added tags. So anyway this is a bit of a random question but do you watch any anime series? I ask cause I'm just curious and because I only follow one anime.


A few. Death Note, Hellsing Ultimate, Gurren Lagann, and even a bit of the older Yu-Gi-Oh! runs thanks to the Abridged Series. I'm not a fanatical follower of any of them though.

Yeah, I only watch One Piece. Also I'll say it again you REALLY need Skype or Steam. I'm not kidding cause were always clogging up the comments section and derailing from the blog posts. I'm sure Garion would also like it if you get Skype or Steam.


Maybe he would, but I have no intention of getting on Skype or using Steam as anything other than a downloading platform. These comments work fine and I will use them.

Alright fine I won't pressure to get it. OK how about this if you're still up for a little random debate have you gotten to play any new games or are you considering of buying them? If you're into RTS you should really get Starcraft 2 Heart of The Swarm, it's fucking awesome.


A friend of mine persuaded me to pick up Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance the other day. It's honestly incredible.

Oh dude FUCK YES IT'S INCREDIBLE. The bosses are creative and challenging as well. Well at least Monsoon is the most challenging out of all of them. My favorite parts about the game are the songs and Blade Mode.

I actually considered asking you if you'd use some of that kickass music in a future chapter of Human. Also that friend of yours? He's awesome and do tell him that a random guy from the internet told him that.

Yea, why arn't there more Doctor who fallout fics? I mean, with the easter egg in the game, How come there are only shorts, rare references, and, as far as I know, exactly one fallout equestria doctor whooves crossover. thing.

Also, glad you posted that on fanfiction.net. Makes it far easier to read without keeping track of chapters manually.


It's fast becoming one of my favourite games. I really hope the sequel is longer though.


FF.net is a bitch to post on, but I'm glad you find it easier to read that way at least.

How about the new Simcity? And any thoughts on the new games coming out like Bioshock Infinite and Watch Dogs?


Never played the Bioshock games. No interest to me. The others I wasn't even aware of and they don't sound like my thing anyway.

You haven't heard of Watch Dogs? It was pretty much the biggest thing in E3 2012. It's coming out this fall and it's gonna be playable on PS3 and PS4 as well and probably the new Xbox that Microsoft will debut in this upcoming E3. You should look up the game play demo for Watch Dogs they showed at the Sony press conference, it's really quite amazing and you just might be interested after you see it.


Oh, wait. Yeah. I know what you're talking about. Still doesn't really interest me. I'll wait until the reviews come in first.

Well as of right now it looks very promising but yeah you're right might as well wait until the game comes out and for some reviews. Say any thoughts on the new generation of consoles? Wii U was a flop if I'm honest, it just didn't have enough first party console exclusives and had a gimmick with the Wii U controller again. The PS4 looks promising with how they can do visual effects well I guess we can say the same for the new Xbox when it's shown at E3.


I'm apathetic to be honest. I really don't care about the Wii U because I haven't played my regular Wii in ages anyway and no new Nintendo titles interest me, such is the risk they run by remaking the same game three times per console. PS4 I will likely buy because all the new games will start coming out on that now and PS3 will eventually stop getting new things, but I'm withholding any strong opinions until I see it in action.

You know I was waiting for you to show up. Where the hell were you? I said that I can't pressure him into getting Skype or Steam but you sure as hell can. Tell him no sex for an entire month if he doesn't get it.

Oh so you have both the Xbox 360 and PS3? What games do ya got?

I am doing Controlled Assessment work, I was lucky to even get here in time.
Also, on the no sex thing 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4kszaxM421rwcc6bo1_500.gif
PS: Draven would be much cooler about this than Danny, just saying

Ah dammit is there another way you can get him to get Skype and/or Steam? Also and this is an honest question, what's Controlled Assessment work?

Right now I am finishing up My History GCSE before my final exam, My GCSE has 4 sections.
1.) Russia 1901 - 1970 [exam]
2.) America 1945 -1970 [exam]
3.) The Blitz Spirit [Controlled assessment]
4.) Super Power Relations and the Cold War 1970 - 1996 [exam]

A controlled assessment is an essay you do in class over a period of lessons that you have revised for, that instead of doing in an exam hall are instead done in your usual classroom, in complete silence in exam-like conditions. You revise for it in previous lessons and it is boring as shit

Also Danny will get Skype and/or Steam when he wants to, he does as he pleases

Nah don't worry I wasn't really being serious in you pressuring Danny to get steam and skype, like you said he can get it if he wants to.

And yeah it even sounds boring now that you described what it is, must be pretty tiring, huh? Oh also you have Steam, right? If you wish I can give you my steam name, it's 66vio but I recently changed it to just Vio.

Wow, Metal Gear Rising is THAT good? I have always considered myself a MGS aficionado, but I didn't want to get Metal Gear Rising because I heard that is was more about fast paced action rather than the traditional sneak and shoot. I also heard that it was more of a spin-off, and that it wasn't going to be cannon. I guess I should give it a try though because it seems to be very well received, and I just have to know what happens next in the series. I just recently re-played all of the MGS games (some via the MGS HD collection), and, I swear that have never felt so many feels when I got to the end of MGS 4. Also, DannyJ strongly recommended it to me, so I have to get it now.

Edit: I just gave it a look, and it looks like a hack and slash game fused with soul caliber. The graphics are fucking sexy, it looks fast paced but I'll get over it, and I can't tell if the story will be good but that's usually a given with any metal gear game.


Another successful convert.


A little of this and a little of that. I like both Metal Gear Solid and Fallout, even though they both take opposite stances on the issue of war changing. Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead. Most of Valve's titles. Skyrim. God of War. A few others but I can't recall them all right now.

Honestly speaking here this game had me quite blown away. I did not know that the Metal Gear series had such an interesting story. I guess I just never really looked deeper into it but with MGR: Revengeance it really gave me a better outlook as to what the story as a whole is. It goes into further detail on the whole War Economy the Patriots were managing and even after their collapse the PMCs were still at large, this was also more of a continuation of Raidens story, I don't wanna spoil but just before the second boss battle starts something in my opinion really awesome happens.

Hmm I see.

Well look at it this way Fallout always said that war never changes but that those who fight wars change and Metal Gear Rising is not different from that either they still fight wars and battles, the PMCs are like mercenaries but with differing morals, some will fight just for the money and they don't care for the how and why and some will fight to help other people and yes to get profit from it but that also means they won't go against the law while some others will.

God of War, huh? I'm guessing you got the newest installment in the series then?


No. But I will. Soon.

Do you have a favorite out of the series? 1, 2, 3, Chains of Olympus for PSP, or all of them? I'm quite a big fan of GoW myself, I very much enjoyed Chains of Olympus.


I don't own all of them, but III is my favourite of the ones I do own.

>> DannyJ
Yeah III is also my favorite out of the series too, the new one isn't bad but on the epic level III surpasses the new one.

While we're on the topic of video games, I would like to recommend a really good game that is sort of a hidden jewel. It's called Dwarf Fortress, and it might look like pixelated shit, but I swear that it amazing once you get past that. It's a game where you take a few settler dwarves, build a settlement of some sort, and survive. You can't win, and, as the motto goes in the Dwarf Fortress community, "Losing is fun!". Mining for resources is a large part of the game, and the variety of ores, minerals, and gems is absolutely mind boggling. Of course, you don't have to build a fortress, but if you want your precious dwarves protected from goblins sieges, megabeast assaults, invasions from local zombie mountain sasquatches, and demons from hell itself (yea, you can dig so deep that you reach hell) then I would recommend it. Your fortress can grow into basically it's own small nation with an independent economy, advanced military, and complex political system. Other civilizations like the hypocritical hippies, who try to hack you to death with wooden swords because they think that you cut down too many trees Elves will send caravans to trade with your dwarves, or, if you anger them, soldiers to kill your dwarves.

A word of warning, the game's learning curve is a fucking 90° cliff. It is God awful, and might frustrate you to point of quitting it forever, but don't lose hope. There are plenty of tutorials out there that were made to help people overcome it. Oh, and it's also free.


Just saying, started playing it, so far it is easily in my top 10, maybe even top 3.
Just saying honey

Yeah I've heard of Dwarf Fortress before but I never really looked into it... well by now I have and it's seriously intimidating on how difficult it sounds, I know you said it's a good one but I don't think I'll ever be able to get into it, I really don't think I'll be able to get through such a steep learning curve.

Oh you got Bioshock Infinite? Awesome from what I've seen so far, it looks pretty damn fun, the first two never really interested me but this city is way different from what the underwater city Rapture was. Quite creative I must say.

I don't blame you. It's definitely not for everyone. Every time someone sees me playing it, they say it looks like "the matrix". Maybe you would like Minecraft more. Also, I just got Metal Gear Rising a few hours ago and have played a few chapters. I'm not regretting it, but I still there are still a few things that I have a beef with. So far....

1) Stealth is nonexistent, except for a few select parts.
2) The only weapons, other than melee ones, seem to be explosives.
3) You can't go into any sort of first-person mode.
4) You can't crouch or go prone.
5) Blocking can be very awkward.

It's probably wrong that I bitch about the game just because it's different than what I'm used to from a Metal Gear game, but I still do it anyways. Thankfully there are so many positive aspects, that it makes up for it's few negative ones. So far...

1) In general, the action is absolutely amazing.
2) Doktor has a cool accent.
3) I sort of like the upgrade system.
4) The boss battles are PHENOMENAL.
5) You never get lost, and you usually always know what you're doing.
6) I like being more maneuverable. In the older Metal Gear games, the most maneuverable thing that you could do was a somersault, so this is a nice change of pace.

You know that I actually do have Minecraft? I had it since Beta 1.3 so yeah it's been awhile.

Yeah MGR is pretty awesome and the beef you have? Well look at it this way the original Metal Gear was a 2-D overhead game same with Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake so when the first Metal Gear Solid came out it was quite different from the original. Same here with Metal Gear Rising it's different from what Metal Gear Solid was and you know? That's a good thing.

Sure the die hard fans would enjoy another MGS but I think MGS4 ended Snakes story very well and like I said before MGR continues Raidens story and Kojima and Platinum Games did a great job with that.

Thanks, that argument really makes me look at the game in a different light, but the Metal Gear Solid series isn't over yet. A new installment to the MGS series has already been announced, and has been in development for a while now. Here's the official trailer that goes into around five minutes of game play in the end:

So that you're not confused, this game will be following the story of Big Boss (the original Snake if you didn't already know). I'm guessing that it will be set in the 80's or 90's, so it will be before MGS 2 and 4. The trailer might be a bit confusing if you haven't played any of the MGS games, but don't feel bad because I don't exactly understand it too well either. I'm really excited about it, none the less. IT WILL BE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT PIECE OF SHIT GAME, METAL GEAR RISING. METAL GEAR SOLID MASTER RACE!!!

Also, on the subject of Minecraft, I'm pretty into it myself, and I've even run a few servers in my days, but I never play vanilla. I only play it with mod packs like "Feed the Beast", which has like 95 mods on it.

Wow the trailers sure looks boss (pun intended). I looked it up and found out that it'll be the first Metal Gear to have an open world game play structure. The story will be taking place after MGS: Peace Walker.

You know if they make (which they probably will) a sequel to MGR it could benefit from an open world structure, think about it. It could give more options for stealth sections, Revengeance has more of a narrow path, it doesn't really give options to have more than one way to complete the objective, for example if there's too many and too strong enemies you have to fight in a certain section to get to your objective they could give the option to find another way around, have a limited stealth function in the cyborg suit that's upgradable or if you've put enough into combat capability you can just try and slice 'em up. I know most would just go into more of a combat style but if the developers do it right and have the right amount of stealth sections that you can't beat with brute force it'd force gamers to do stealth function.

But with Ground Zeroes not much of a point for stealth in MGR, in the sequel they're probably just gonna put more variety on enemies, uniqe weapons and gameplay.

And about Minecraft, well with the amount of updates that came out, my old computer just couldn't handle it anymore and even before it couldn't have handled any mod so I always had to play vanilla, I enjoyed it quite a lot even if it was just vanilla but now I have a brand new awesome computer that can run it again without problem buuuuut I'm not sure if it could run the Feed the Beast mods.

The open world aspect of ground zeros is going to be very interesting, especially since they'll have a variety of pilot-able vehicles, including aircrafts. I've always been a sucker for the whole open world deal, and that's why I've always enjoyed series like Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

Those are some pretty nice ideas for the sequel to Rising, especially the stealth upgrade one. I can totally see a stealth camo upgrade that runs off of Raiden's energy. You're probably right about how the sequel's not going to add anything to the game stealth-wise in the sequel, though. But, hey, I played a little bit further, and was pleasantly surprised and impressed by the amazing stealth device that is the cardboard box. I think it's hilarious that, even with the absurd amount of cutting-edge improvements to Radien, a box is his best tool for sneaking. Ah, it brings back memories...

Also, how much RAM does your new computer have? The main thing you need, to run stuff like Feed the Beast, is RAM. If it has four or more gigs or RAM and a medium-low (in the 40-100$ range) grade graphics card and CPU, then Feed the Beast should run with ease.

It's actually quite the little beast, this beautiful piece of technology. It has 8 GB RAM, a AMD Radeon 6850 and an Intel Core i7-2600 CPU 3.40 GHz. So I guess the problem isn't that it won't run it but the fact that I have no damn clue on how to install any mods.

Well, your PC seems to be about equal to, if not better, than mine. Nice choice on the graphics card by the way. You will be able to run Feed the Beast with no problems at all, at least no hardware problems, anyways.

Installing mods that many mods can be confusing and time consuming, especially when you have to deal with various conflicts like block numbers, sprite IDs, conflicting class files, and various others. Trust me, it's frustrating to the max, I would know. However, for Feed the Beast, you don't actually have to download, install, and work out all the conflicts for it's ridiculous amount of mods. It's as hard as downloading an exe. file, running it, selecting a modpack, and clicking launch. It will do everything for you. Also, I would recommend allocating at least four gigs of RAM to your Feed the Beast because, by default, you'll only be allocating one gig to it, which will make your game laggy as hell. Just go to the options menu in the launcher and you should find a slider for it there.

It's that simple, huh? Well I guess I could give it a shot but let's just say I'm kinda paranoid when it comes to installing these kinds things, I'll give you an example I didn't trust myself in installing Windows 7 for this computer... so yeah I think you get my meaning.

Say do you have Steam? If it's possible I'd rather have someone help me with these mods and a live chat would make it easier to do that. My steam name is 66vio but recently changed it to Vio.

Well, getting Feed the Beast to work can actually be very hard for some people. four out of the seven friends that I have, who play it, have had some problems that I had to help them troubleshot. One hasn't ever gotten it to work at all.

I am a proud member of Steam and would be happy to add you. I don't have too much when it comes to multiplayer, but I do have some Total War games, Civ 5, Gmod, and TF2. I would be glad to help you out via voice chat if you need it as well, but I think Skype would be better for that if you have it.

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