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Aegis Shield is a Douche. · 4:25pm Feb 20th, 2013

I would call this guy a douche bag, but he's already blocked me for dissing his shitty pony puns.

That is all really.

Edit: I hate how he endlessly references his own stories as if they're the greatest thing ever.

Report WrathOfGod519 · 1,161 views ·
Comments ( 43 )

How do I even

I don't understand what's wrong with his blog post. Am I missing context?

I don't know, I just hold irrational hatred for the guy... There's something about his mannerisms that rubs me the wrong way.

Meh, I don't really know anything about him. I read one of his stories, (which I happened to like,) but never bothered following him or looking into anything else he has written/done.

zel #6 · Feb 20th, 2013 · · 1 ·

849380 Yeah, he is pretty much a faggot.
Think of sad japanese neets with virtual waifus living in their own world, but brony edition.

849388 You are not the only one.

I dont get it:rainbowhuh:

I don't like his smug air of superiority, his bad puns he thinks are funny, and the way he gets ravenously circlejerked by his rabid fan-base. He just comes off as extremely egotistical.

His stories are also oddly condescending.... I don't even know how it's possible but it is.

This is why I pay no attention to anything outside the Cockroach Club. It's just a bunch of mantoddlers grasping for shreds of self-worth in the autistic sea. Aspire not to be one of them, and pay them no heed.

I hated him before it was cool.

Brace yourselves, FIMfiction drama is coming

Bitch it's already here. :pinkiecrazy:

849897 dear god

That faggot blocked me for an unspecified reason :moustache:

851257>>849413 Ease up on the homophobic language, please. If you want to call someone a faggot, call me one, because at least I'm actually gay.

I found this and I have to agree, he's a total tool. He made fun of me for no reason and I had to block him. He gets mad when his stories don't get enough views to make the featured box and deletes them even if it still has dedicated fans. Speaking of which, like all stupid 'idols' with their huge fanbases, his fans are assholes. Like seriously, it's almost as bad as Omnipony's fans (who is as bad, if not worse than, Aegis Shield.) They can't accept any criticism because they think he's fucking Jesus.

Anyway, that's my two cents. I'm glad to see that someone on here has a similar opinion to mine.


1135548 I am gay.

Also, I never knew Omnipony was bad. Did not seem like it.

1135548 I am half faggot because bisexual :moustache:

This blog is 15 weeks old, where did you guys even come from?

And how did zel know you commented. Mysterious. Edit: oh it was because he was replied to, disregard everything I say, I suck cocks.


1135748 Yes, you do indeed suck cocks.


1135762 B- I thought you enjoyed it! :twilightoops:

1135579 Well, it's just my opinion. Omnipony was really rude when I asked him for a critique of my music (which can be found here, but only if you're interested). He said things like 'pathetic amateur' and that that my music was 'sub-par.' It was very unprofessional and it made me like him even less than I already did (because I hate his music, it's all just shitty dubstep.)

1135762 I was just cruising when I found this. It seems that we have a mutual distaste for Aegis Shield. I can say the same of a lot of authors, like Amit and Vimbert the Unimpressive. Those two I have a personal dislike for overall because both have done really bad things to me (Vimbert even broke the law). Others like Pen Stroke, Cloudy Skies, and Wanderer D, I don't necessarily like their writing but they are good people so I follow them anyway. It's amazing how many assholes there are on this site, and how many are so widely looked up to. Mind-boggling.

849670 I have autism. Autism is not funny. Try not to make autism jokes in the future. I know you didn't mean any offense, but it hurts nonetheless.


1135789 This... this is actually some really quality stuff.

1135801 Aw, thanks! I try my best. :pinkiehappy:

Hey I actually like amit, he's a cool guy.

Everything is worth joking about, the more tragic the more hilarious. But it will happen regardless, if I were you I'd just grow a thicker skin. Tis the only way bro.

1135814 He treated me like total shit when he reviewed one of my stories, then went on this huge ant-America rant that got so out of hand that Wanderer D had to come in and basically punish him for cyberbullying. Plus I think he (or she, I've heard rumors it's a girl) is a horrible, horrible writer, using big words he just got out of a dictionary in order to sound smart, inflated dialogue that doesn't make any sense and doesn't befit any of the characters, and poor exposition that leads the story into the middle of nowhere. Overall, I think he's a pretentious douche who can't write worth shit. But again, that's just my opinion, but it stems from him bullying me.

Those are all pretty legit reasons. My opinion remains unchanged in any case.

Out of curiosity could you link me to his review?

1135970 Here you go. At first I could hardly make any sense of it. His writing is muddled, confusing, and full of unnecessarily complicated diction. A little backstory:

I wrote a pony story about 9/11. Before you say anything, I wasn't doing it to be a troll or to be offensive. Yes, I realized the subject matter was a bit touchy, but I wanted to pay my respects in a new way by simply writing a story about a firefighter who has lost everything in the collapse of the towers, only to find comfort and support from a pony that has come to our world. It's a vignette and it's supposed to be uplifting, and not necessarily satirical or even realistic. I wrote it around the anniversary because I wanted to pay my respects. You can argue that I was being offensive, and I wouldn't necessarily deny it. But I never wrote it with the intent of making fun of 9/11 or anything like that.

Amit, however, reacted very negatively toward it because according to this blog, he is very angry about how Americans go apeshit over bad things that happens to America, but not in places like Bangladesh, where I'm assuming he lives nearby. From what I can gather, he attacked me as an author by calling me an ignorant, arrogant and cynical man. I am only cynical, to be honest. He tore the story apart and made this huge and confusing anti-America rant. Again, I could hardly understand him because he pulls words and phrases out of his ass in order to make himself sound smart, except when he does it he just makes everything really goddamn complicated.

My apologies, I seem to be ranting now. I still can't get over what an arrogant prick he is. But I don't diss his followers, because it's your choice about who you follow, and unless you attack me because who you're following said so, then I have no problem if you're following a certain person. Go ahead and read it, and if you agree with Amit, that's okay. He sort of had a valid argument, if he hadn't gone off the edge against America and attacked me personally, making this a case of cyberbullying.

He's kind of right though, 9/11 is nothing compared to stuff going on elsewhere in the world.

1136146 Yeah, but does that make it any less of a tragedy? No. I nearly lost my dad on that day, and my family lost a few friends as well. I agree that far more tragic things have happened in the world, like the Holocaust, but I didn't experience the Holocaust like I did 9/11. He's going on about how 9/11 is insignificant. It's pretty damn significant to America because over 3000 people lost their lives in a single day. How the fuck is that insignificant? I wrote from the heart and poured my emotions from that day into it, and that was just a fucking fraction, no, not even a SPLINTER of what the character from the story must have felt, if he were real. A firefight who lost his father and brother? That's devastating in so many ways. I wrote a story that is supposed to inspire hope and comfort, and he took it and used it to front his anti-America hate speech. Whether or not you like the story, you can't possibly agree that that is okay.

Meh, you should have known better. It should have been obvious that the story would bring down apologist wrath (among other things). I agree with you about everyone being a douche and 9/11 being a horrific tragedy (although not that bad on a larger scale, it isn't big to me over here in britain for example)however, it was uncalled for.

1136297 Yeah, I understand. Thus Amit is not one of my favorite authors, but not for just that reason. I could go on and on about how I dislike him, but I'd rather not. It felt good to find this blog and realize that I am not alone in thinking that Aegis Shield is a complete tool. Will there be more blogs like this if I give you a follow? (not author-bashing blogs per se, but just good, intelligent, funny blogs)

1136423 Eh, whatever. Have a follow anyway. :pinkiehappy:

Congratulations, you now have 69 followers.

Brilliant. You have done me a great service.


This is a bit late, but I just wanted to say how much I love each and every one of you for seeing that egotistical, self-centered cuntbag for what he really is. The saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" comes into play here, and I respect each and every one of you for saying what you feel. He thinks he's such a badass because he wasted his time and money going to school for a major that nobody but elitist, snooty, douchebags go to school for. Heaven forbid he learn engineering or biochemistry or architecture (careers that actually get shit done in the world), but a literature major? I bet the asshole sits in an armchair, wearing an argyle sweater while listening to NPR (not saying argyle sweaters are bad: Bill Cosby wore them like a boss!).

And the one thing that really grinds my gears about the fuckbag, is what 849413 said. The guy presents himself as a pony in his blogs. What a fucking loser. He needs a hard punch in the face, and then a kick to his over-inflated head.

2341707 Dude, I'm working on my English major. Judge us not equally.

I sincerely apologize if my reply made you mad. I don’t have anything against English majors, as they actually teach something that people need. Literature is a necessary part of that major, but I find people who focus on just that to be absolutely boring, arrogant and stuffy. Case in point, Aegis Shield.

...Did you search through the site archives just to find someone else who hates that douche-bag? Nioce.

Obligatory rant: I kno zel, I kno.

He doesn't have any ability to self-criticize, his writing is somehow condescending even when it's not supposed to be and alot of his fanfiction is masturbatory over his love of nightmare moon.

His followers really don't help either, I remember when he got fired for refusing to serve old people because it was before the allotted time-slot and they all sucked his dick over it .Fucking jobsworth. Consider me rustled.

I should just unfollow him so I don't get ass ravaged periodically, but I guess I'm such a faggot that i kinda enjoy it.

2342797 Not mad, don't worry.

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