• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 4th, 2020


Holy shit I keep forgetting this place is even a thing. I should probably do some stuff on here...

More Blog Posts87

  • 565 weeks
    $5 says none of you remember me. XD

    Hey there all you various people and other things that have followed me over the insanely long time I've been on here. My life has been an absolute roller coaster over the past... 6? 10 months? I don't even know the last time I made one of these bloody things. It is a really long story, but suffice it to say I've done an awful lot of soul searching and just living of life in general.

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  • 620 weeks
    Sneak Peek of some HUGE News (EQD Level Stuff)

    I cannot even begin to express how excited I am right now. I now have the opportunity to work with some MAJOR names in the Brony fandom. Names such as AcousticBrony, ArtAttack, Forest Rain, Cyril the Wolf, SocraticBrony, and perhaps even The Living Tombstone (still waiting on feedback from him). Some time in this coming week, y'all are going to be seeing an announcement on EQD and the Everfree

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  • 621 weeks
    For those of you with Tumblrs + Real updates on Life!

    I'm running a little contest!

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  • 622 weeks
    A Challenge Issued.

    I have started a little bet with Tumblr. I would oh so love to be impressed. If you guys want to take part in this, you'd better head over here. Comments on fimfiction don't count afterall.

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  • 622 weeks
    Please take the time to read this.

    In a way, this is my reaction on the finale, but this is also something a bit more important than that. During the episode, there came a point when Celestia sang a song. At the time I thought it was cool and pretty well written. Just a few minutes ago, I listened to the song again. Here is the song:

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    7 comments · 562 views

Please take the time to read this. · 7:42am Feb 17th, 2013

In a way, this is my reaction on the finale, but this is also something a bit more important than that. During the episode, there came a point when Celestia sang a song. At the time I thought it was cool and pretty well written. Just a few minutes ago, I listened to the song again. Here is the song:

While it is obviously Celestia singing to Twilight, upon further reflection, I realized it could mean something more. In a way this is the song the fandom sings about the show. We've watched it grow into the amazing work of art it is today, and we are looking forward to seeing it continue to grow. However, I feel that this is the song that the creators of MLP are singing to US! They've watched us grow and become more than anyone could have ever predicted. I know that ever since I let the lessons of the show into my heart, I started changing. I've grown so much over that time. Not just because of the show, but because of all the people who I have met because of it.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for being so amazing. Because of you, we are all coming closer to realizing our destinies. Please take a moment to thank someone who has helped you to grow. It'll make you smile. :twilightsmile:

Report inoeitall · 562 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Then i thank you sir.


That's deep...I like it:twilightsmile:

Now this song makes me cry. Thanks.:raritydespair:

Ah, I'm just kidding.:twilightsmile: Though the song does make me cry now.

That's a really interesting way to interpret it!

That was deep man. Good on ya.

.......Now my eyes are full of feels. :fluttercry:

I'm 16, and I'm getting the whole "Your child is old enough that they don't need your help" feel.


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