• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 4th, 2020


Holy shit I keep forgetting this place is even a thing. I should probably do some stuff on here...

More Blog Posts87

  • 563 weeks
    $5 says none of you remember me. XD

    Hey there all you various people and other things that have followed me over the insanely long time I've been on here. My life has been an absolute roller coaster over the past... 6? 10 months? I don't even know the last time I made one of these bloody things. It is a really long story, but suffice it to say I've done an awful lot of soul searching and just living of life in general.

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    10 comments · 800 views
  • 619 weeks
    Sneak Peek of some HUGE News (EQD Level Stuff)

    I cannot even begin to express how excited I am right now. I now have the opportunity to work with some MAJOR names in the Brony fandom. Names such as AcousticBrony, ArtAttack, Forest Rain, Cyril the Wolf, SocraticBrony, and perhaps even The Living Tombstone (still waiting on feedback from him). Some time in this coming week, y'all are going to be seeing an announcement on EQD and the Everfree

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  • 619 weeks
    For those of you with Tumblrs + Real updates on Life!

    I'm running a little contest!

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    5 comments · 551 views
  • 620 weeks
    A Challenge Issued.

    I have started a little bet with Tumblr. I would oh so love to be impressed. If you guys want to take part in this, you'd better head over here. Comments on fimfiction don't count afterall.

    3 comments · 544 views
  • 621 weeks
    Please take the time to read this.

    In a way, this is my reaction on the finale, but this is also something a bit more important than that. During the episode, there came a point when Celestia sang a song. At the time I thought it was cool and pretty well written. Just a few minutes ago, I listened to the song again. Here is the song:

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    7 comments · 560 views

For those of you with Tumblrs + Real updates on Life! · 5:24pm Feb 28th, 2013

I'm running a little contest!

In other news (that you probably care more about) I am going to be putting the next chapter of The Peaceful Morning Breaks here soon. The whole Unity Games thing has taken up a lot of my creative drive, as well as time. Though I freakin' love how epic it has become. Anywho, I've got the whole chapter, as well as future chapters, in my head, I just need to take the time to write them. Believe me when I say y'all are going to love this next bit. Lots of feels.

In other news, I've started working with a team to help produce a totally fan-made animated movie. I'm working as a storyboard artist, though I seem to have accidentally become one of the editors as well. :twilightsheepish: This has been taking up a lot of my time, but once we get under way, it should become more reasonable. My lips are sealed on the details, so y'all are just going to have to wait till we either publish a trailer or we get a Cease and Desist from Hasbro. I certainly hope for the first option.

Well, I'll be seeing y'all soon. Thanks for your continued support!

Report inoeitall · 551 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Ooh~ I'll be looking forward to hearing about that. :raritystarry:


I really wish I could say more, but I'm not allowed! :twilightsheepish:

Is it possible to get written permission by Hasbro just like Double Rainboom? That way you wouldn't have to worry about the C&D. Also, out of curiosity, what is the best way to get a team for this kind of thing like animators, sound artists, voice actors, etc.? I've been wanting to do this kind of thing for a while but all I know how to do is storyboard and I lack resources like flash, money to go to school, or friends that would be interested in this kind of thing.


Well, we're waiting on a reply from Hasbro. As for getting a team, I'm not entirely sure. The guy who I joined up with seemed to be pretty plugged into a lot of different animation and voice acting groups. Wish I could tell ya more, but I don't really know.

874153 No worries. I have patience.

.... some.:trollestia:

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