For the sake of a blog~ · 6:12am Feb 11th, 2013
Why hello there, 77 followers! It is I, your friendly neighborhood That One Guy, here to bring good tidings!
Okay I've got nothing. I really just wanted to make an interesting blog post to fill up the gaping void of FIMfiction *nothingness* that seems to have consumed the last month - for me, at least. My notifications tab has been filled up with nothing but ramblings from various famous authors (no offense D and Ascension :v), very few new stories (a parody, two alicorns, and an author's endeavor :x), minimal updates on all fronts (except you two, Golden and Umbral :D), almost no new changelings (T_T), and the occasional favorite(<3)-slash-comment (I love you forever if you do this :O).
All in all, its been pretty dull, and I was hoping I'd be able to liven it up a bit with an uncalled-for blog! But it seems not :/
So, instead of rising up and being interesting, I shall now sink back down to the bottom of the pond and lurk, eagerly awaiting shiny new stories/updates/comments (preferably from you guys, because you're the best!)
Goodbye, followers! I hope to hear from you soon :D
.... Oh and there's a small chance I'll actually finish the chapter I've been working nonstop on for A Mote of Dust (truly my best story :x) for Hearts n' Hooves day.
That could end up being swell :D
I really need to get started on a new changeling story, don't I?
As long as its for you...
And A Mote of Dust is good so far! I love it!
I really should pour more effort into writing about them too, but...
... But procrastination...
I'm just staring blankly at the empty text box that is Chapter 17 of BITC.... just can't seem to summon the inclination to write as of late.