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    Don't mind me

    Just checking around to go through some memories.

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    In Canada for vacation

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    I liked this episode. Why?


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    Rarity's and Twilight's singing voice.

    Saw excited Lyra.

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Discussion: How much do you think a pony weighs? · 8:39pm Jan 27th, 2013

Their height can and already has been established to 4ft, Celestia being at least 6. I would consider a foal to be at least 2ft.

I would consider a pony based on their stature to be about... 180 to 350 pounds, of course varying with wings/ gender/ height whatever.

But that's just guesstimating.

Report KillJoy · 1,100 views ·
Comments ( 20 )

I think you also have to account for pony type, earth ponies are likely heavier with a reinforced structure of bone and hide. Pegasi, likely lighter to a lesser degree, but not nearly as much given that muscle weights oftentimes a good bit, but its tricky to say if its heavy muscle, or lean muscle for parts. unicorns are likely the best average standard though. But that number seems reasonable you provided. I'd say earth run the 1.25-2.5x the unicorn base, pegasi run the 0.75 to 1.25 unicorn base weight.

That's way to much. A dog about that size only weighs about 50-75 lbs. I guesstimate that they weigh 75-100 lbs. for normal ponies. Luna would be closer to normal pony size, and Celestia most likely weighs about the same as an average human, maybe a bit more. So, 100-200 lbs. for Celestia. Discord looks to be about the same as Celestia, maybe a bit more. Sombra, with the extra muscle mass, is most likely to be around the 250-300 lbs. range.

FYI: lbs. = pounds

758514 I would consider a foal to be that many pounds...

758528 I didn't include foals, my bad. They would start at 10 lbs. for an infant. For a filly Sweetie Belle size, somewhere between 20-25 lbs.

This is all speculation, BTW. Nothing we say can be dead accurate. Its why I'm guessing .

I think they are about 80 to 110 lbs or so. The average sized, non-alicorn ponies and the princesses would be around 120 to 150 pounds, depending on their size and stuff.

Also personal muscle mass, lifestyle and other crap can be taken into account. But since they are "Little" ponies, I'd guess they'd be pretty light weight no matter what. Shit I'd be able to pick up at least two of the main six with little problem, anymore and I'd probably risk a hernia or busting a nut trying to do so. :eeyup:

As many great english professors and mathemations once said, "Google it."
Concidently an Earth horse can way between 950-1000 lbs and a foal is between 35-80. Variation is based on type and obviously hereditary traits from their parents. Obviously they are ponies, so they probably wouldn't end up weighing a ton.
My best guess would be (from lowest to highest weight): Pegasi < Unicorns < or = Earth Ponies < Luna/Cadence/Sombra < Celestia (based on height to mass ratios) < or = Mr. Charge (BECAUSE HE'S A TANK! :rainbowdetermined2:)

758578 Were not talking about horses you twat. Were talking about little ponies, pay attention.

758667 Wow, wow, wow, no need to go calling names and stuff here, or disrespecting a stranger. You don't think that was uncalled for? He was just stating something.

758667 *Ahem*

Obviously they are ponies, so they probably wouldn't end up weighing a ton.

I mearly provided a referance frame to help make the guesstimations more accurate than just speculation. Both factors of geographic variation and genetics play into determining a pony's weight and height (such as the differeance between a unicorn and pegasi. Or better yet, a variation within that variation, Rainbow and Roid rage).
However despite this, we can only go on fictional referances and 'judge' what their weights may actually be. So more opinions will generate more data, therefore accurary can be obtained from an overall concensus.

This was never about horses, but about ponies. Just to show good faith I'm glad you pointed that out in a charming demenor (it's been a while since I'v been called a twat) and in the future I recommend you plan ahead more throughly in your arguments so that they are resolute and bulletproof and that they don't end up being countered so easily.

Hence, what I can summerize above can be said from a quote from your comment:

pay attention

758690>>758792 Must... resist... Trolling!

That aside... I was just giving you grief. My humor doesn't translate well into text.

i feel I should be offended that you would call a friend of mine that but I'm also giggling slightly at someone using the word twat here

758872 HAHAHA! Well no harm then! :trollestia: It was actually a bit fun to write all of that, I happen to get analytical from time to time. The only thing that truely gives me grief is my lack of paperwork and writing being completed, which is like every day.
At least now we can rule in that indeed, pony weight guesstimation is a wonderful time waster. Now I need to solve a problem involving how much a flying elephant weighs...

758930 You're welcome then.

758951 Well, are talking about while he is in the air, or just how much he weighs in general?

If the elephant is in the air, then he wouldn't weigh a lot, because gravity is not acting upon him as much. Or if your question is how much mass he has, then google it.

I'm not sure if this has been spoken, but it would be my guess that Discord can change how gravity affects him/other objects and thus, can change his weight and others at will.
EDIT: So I looked down and saw someone saying practically the same thing... damn

I would say 50, but thats just my headcanon

Ah! As for canon goes, I'm taller than Celestia but smaller than Discord, which, although expected, is making me a bit angry because I'm used to being the biggest thing around.

Annabel's glad she's at least taller than Luna.

760176 Weight. Not height :raritywink:

300 lbs of muscle and bone...

I think I might have a gland problem because that's just ridiculous...

See, I'm weird about this because I don't consider them normal ponies. I would say maybe 75-150 lbs, but that isn't what a normal irl pony would weigh. Pegasi would weigh less, because in order to fly their bone structure would have to be way different (or, idk, magic). And I would say Earth ponies would probably weigh more (they are tougher, or so we are led to believe).
I don't know about Discord because he's a freaking god of chaos.

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