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Gremlin Grenade

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A bunch of ideas I've been tossing around · 3:46am Jan 13th, 2013

Man I'm bored. I didn't really get much of a response on my last blog post (well, I got one; thanks, Chrusric! :pinkiehappy:) but I decided it can't really hurt to throw some of the ideas I've been thinking about your guys' way and see what y'all think. I wanted to keep these under wraps, but there's not so many of you that it'll completely spoil the surprise, and there's so damn many of these I can't write them all anyways. In fact, if any of you want to make one or two of these into a story of your own, be my guest :twilightsmile: (just let me know, please)! Without further ado, the fic ideas (warning: there's a fuck ton):

I am Responsible: This idea came to my mind as sort of a stress relief fic. During the last semester, I was very overwhelmed with the number of responsibilities I had, and the idea came to me to write a fic about Shining Armor's thoughts shortly before his wedding as he balanced family, his duties as a guard, preparing for the wedding and keeping Cadence happy. If it did well enough to satisfy me (or it worked in relieving my stress), I was thinking about making subsequent chapters about different kinds of stress following different characters, including Twilight and Applebloom.

Invisible: This last summer I was almost suicidally depressed at times; I wasn't getting anywhere in life and I felt myself drowning under the shadow of more successful friends. At that time Invisible was to be a story about a stallion deeply in love with Twilight Sparkle. However, his best attempts to get her attention aren't enough, and he eventually feels almost nonexistent. The story itself is his thoughts as he lies on a hill staring into the stars, contemplating suicide at his failed life, with plans for a fairly ambiguous ending to keep the story from being too depressing and to engage the readers a bit more.

Pinkie Pie Buys a Mocha Frappechino: This one was in the works almost a full year ago now, but I dropped it when "Pinkie Pie Discovers Coffee" hit the featured box a few months after I started on it. :twilightangry2:. The idea came to me when I ordered a frappeechino at starbucks, and realized that the combination of sweetness and caffeine would be heaven for a pony like Pinkie (and hell for everypony else). I only got a few paragraphs in, but it started with Twilight and Rarity explaining the point of a cafe to Applejack, which was amusing enough to write.

Welcome to the Wonderbolts (NSFW): This one was inspired by a humanized (nsfw) picture by John Joseco. Though I think the picture was made with harmless enough intentions, it seemed kind of off to me, especially Soren's expression, which spawned an idea that kind of sickened me. Welcome to the Wonderbolts is a story in which Rainbow Dash finally achieves her dream of getting into the Wonderbolts after answering an oddly specific flyer asking for female members, which is just a ruse for the male members of the team to score some cheap groupie action. What actually drove me to want to write this was the ideas I had for the sex scene towards the end: it was interesting in my mind because I imagined Dashie convincing herself that this is what she wanted, even though she is clearly unhappy with it, a thought that disturbed me and intrigued me in equal measure.

What Ails a Goddess: While I said anyone can grab these ideas if they like them, this one is only on the backburner and I want to write it myself, because I like it a lot. Another one inspired by a drawing (I think it was JJ again, too), I realized that while there is a decent amount of art like this it would be illogical for Celestia to ever really get sick. When human beings age, the prime reason they wither away is because their cells are more vulnerable to erosion by bacteria and the like, so for Celestia to be beautiful forever she would have to be immune to disease. With that logic, if she ever did get sick, the whole country would be in a panic, especially because whatever virus infected her would have to be DAMN powerful. So I thought I'd play with that idea :twilightsmile:.

Songs in the Meadow: Yet another art inspired fic, this one was hard to make occur in the present timeline and still make sense (I guess I could always throw an AU tag on it, though). After a day of crusading with her friends, Applebloom hears a mysterious and haunting tune passing a meadow on her way home. When she goes to investigate, she finds Fluttershy singing songs about her "little angel" in front of a small grave marker on a hill. Through a series of flashbacks, the reader discovers that this "Angel" isn't her pet, as they are led to believe, but her child who died shortly after being born. The trouble was I wasn't sure how she could go through pregnancy without anypony knowing, and who the father would be without favoring any particular pairing (because it's not about the shipping :ajsleepy:).

The "Endless Story" (name WIP): So, more than one friend of mine has done the math, and calculated that in the episode "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" the Flim Flam brothers' offer would have turned a profit if the Apple family had chosen to take it. I've heard some solid arguments for and against this theory, but I thought it'd make an interesting story if they took the offer regardless, if played right. In a conversation with a friend of mine, I envisioned a story where the Apples fight to overturn Filthy Rich's major claim over their farm, compete with Fancypants as a rising industrial company, and rise to the top of the chain of the Equestrian economy. Except, right before reaching the "top", they find that somehow Pinkie somehow inexplicably beat both companies single-hoofedly by selling cakes. Except it turns out that it was not inexplicable, and the rest of the mane 6 find out about an international conglomerate of work-addicted Applejack clones secretly created by Pinkie after the "Too Many Pinkie Pies" incident. Which leads to an ethical inquiry of using the Applejack clones as slave labor, even though they don't care about it because all they want is more work (if Pinkie clones are addicted to fun, Applejack clones would be addicted to work, I think). Which leads to a social revolution by the mass army of clones, which not only fight for their own rights but stand for the rights and social abuses of earth ponies in general. Which leads to earth ponies starting a coup en masse, trying to overthrow the equestrian throne and plant themselves as the major race of the country. Basically, I'd continue with this pattern of adding a new and ridiculous layer until people were begging me to stop :rainbowlaugh:.

So, that's the gist of 'em! Quite a bit...yep. I'm not even throwing in a picture this time because this blog is long enough. I know there's a lot there, but I'd really appreciate some thoughts and opinions from the lot of you! Thanks! :twilightsmile:

Report Gremlin Grenade · 506 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Of I Am Responsible: I can't but get the feeling that this idea should also overlap with Cadance being the succubus changeling. Just note that extreme stress is one of the worst things one can undergo. Hell, it killed my homosexual sociopathic, lustful, God of War German Emperor during my game of "Crusaders Kings 2: Lux Invicta" (and this was a guy who ate armies 10x the size of his own for breakfast).

Regarding Invisible: Why does all love have to be unrequited? Would it really kill anypony to just spit it out? And for some reason, I can't help but think that the first words of this story would be: "The reason I was standing way up on Thompson Hill, instead of down at the game, was because I'd just gotten back from Manehatten with the fencing team". If you don't know why, that's an almost word-for-word quote from The Catcher in the Rye, just with Manehatten exchanged for New York. Despite that being a horrible sentence using the passive voice, it exists because it distances the narrator from the reader; he uses it a coping mechanism. I get the feeling that this story'd be like The Catcher in the Eye, therefore.

With notes upon Pinkie and a certain caffeinated beverage: Really, you yourself said most all that can be said here.

Welcome to the Wonderbolts: *Sigh* Where do I begin with this little one? Okay, here's one – there's no real way to accomplish this without character assassination, and that of Soren. Being that no matter if Dashie convinces herself to do it, it's still a form of rape, and one of the most despicable kinds of it. When an eployers does this, this is usually only just to give the writer (or whomsoever) permission to brutally kill this person. Or, in DS9's case, to surgically gender swap the attempted-rapist, force them to impersonate their mother, and make them almost get raped themselves by alien diplomats. That episode, for the record, was both unfunny and extremely horrible. It was called Profit and Lace, and this SF Debris video on that episode explains the perfect reason why your idea would basically require Soren having a playdate with Jason from Friday the 13th (and the review itself is damn funny).

What Ails a Goddess: And in the confusion, Luna has to take the throne as steward, and everyone flips out like that becasue they thing it's a lunar conspiracy to gain the throne of Gondor Equestria, then the Zebras nuke Equestria, and then Fallout Equestria is had. Oh, and then the Mongols show up for no adequately explained reason. All because of the Common Cold Hot.

Of Songs in the Meadow: I wouldn't know what to say here, really. Sorry, but this is sort of out of my area of expertise.

Regarding The Endless Story: Well, this is basically corporate warfare, set to the tune of Warrior March from "Rome: Total War". Don't suppose the SPQR is gonna show up too, eh? Then a giant asteroid comes by to destroy all life on the planet, see's the sorry state the world is in, and is like "Oh, fuck this", and flies away. Meanwhile, Mars it laughing at them, the Moon and Luna are having a gay old time, and the nukes are fired, causing the world to settle to burn in atomic fire. Except Australia, who'll be under a nuclear winter from everywhere. So they're alive. But they're be dead soon, *yay*ing kangaroos.

Well, that's my stream-of-consciousness rant for the day.

In regards to your comment on Welcome to the Wonderbolts: Yeah, which is a big part of why I haven't written it: I don't want people to hate Soren because of my fic (or hate my fic because of a character I almost randomly picked). As for the content being despicable, well, it's supposed to be. I was completely disgusted at the thought alone. I will assure you I couldn't write something like that without at least making a happy ending (or at least cut it off before it gets too depressing), but the reason I even seriously contemplated it was because I was so disgusted at how real it felt. Also, it would focus on Rainbow Dash and be more a character study of her own insecurities than about anypony being a douchebag. The main reason I held back with this one was because when a story is tagged mature for sex people go in assuming they'll get some romance (or at least something steamy) and I didn't want to trick those people into feeling miserable.

I'd like to imagine The endless story (or whatever the fuck I'm calling it) would get featured, but considering my luck and the fact that it's appeal is based off the subsequent chapters rather than the initial one, I'm not sure how well that would work. The main reason this one's on hold is because I don't have the stamina to write a deep and convincing version of each of those synopses I just presented.
Oh also I expect that picture to be of our ponified selves, of course. :pinkiehappy:

You should do The Endless Story. I really, really want to read it. Krushnazag is right, you'd get featured.

706365 My phone won't take that manynumbers!:raritycry:

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