• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2019

The Princess Rarity

Quirky teenage girl who writes about cartoons & has an obsession with sparkly things & cute dorks. Goes through life following by Dr. Seuss's wise words; "You have to be odd to be number one."

More Blog Posts263

  • 421 weeks

    PSA to whatever amount of followers actually read this bullshit anymore - I'm quitting FIMFiction. This blog post will be my last. I will no longer post on this account. I say those specific words because maybe I will come back but I do not wish to constantly have the name and standards of TPR on it. This is a personal issue of my own, influenced by many things (anxiety, depression, life in

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  • 432 weeks
    I'm not dead. I guess?

    Hi, everyone. Reagan / Toni / The Princess Rarity here. I assume most of you thought I was dead, quit the site, et cetera. Obviously, this is not the case. I have no good excuses for my hiatus - I mean, sure, there's school and work and anxiety and other fandoms, along with life in general - but oh, well. Sorry I've been gone so long.

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  • 454 weeks
    New year, and somewhat new me!

    Hey, guys. Long time, no see, right? I mean, aside from the occasional blog post or very rare story, you don’t see me as often as you’d like. I guess that’s expected, seeing how 2015 has been quite the rollercoaster for me; and I’m assuming the same for some of you guys as well. Which is why I’d like to take but a few minutes of time to explain some stuff to you guys.

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  • 459 weeks
    Don't ask me what this is, because I don't even know.

    I honestly just sat down and wrote this in one sitting because feelings. It's not much, really, it should be classified as a drabble but it's whatever, I guess. I'm only posting it here because it follows the word guideline limits.

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  • 461 weeks
    *throws words at you lovely people*


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Random facts about me: Edition Two · 12:53pm Jan 4th, 2013

The other day I posted an edition of pony-related facts about me, but now it's time for other random stuff that y'all may or may not wanna know about me :P

1. My first fandom ever was "Alvin and The Chipmunks" (I regret nothing; Alvin/Brittany forever, you haters.)
2. I actually hate of all the shit that they air on TV nowadays.
3. My favorite TV shows are, obviously, "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" and "Glee"
4. I curse like a sailor. (Mainly on the Internet, but sometimes IRL too.)
5. The first couple I ever shipped was Kuki/Numbuh 3 and Wally/Numbuh 4 from "Codename: Kids Next Door" (Doesn't anypony remember that show? It was the best thing ever!)
6. My favorite food is Nutella, and my favorite drink is iced tea; preferably green.
7. One Direction is my favorite band. (Although, Lady Antebellum are a very close second, with Sugarland right behind 'em.)
8. ^I'm a twelve year old girl, what do you expect? (And yeah, I'm quite perverted for my age. Mature too, though.)
9. ^I hate Justine Bieber though. However, it's nice that she found a pretty girlfriend.
10. Speaking of girls, I prefer femslash pairings over anything else. But, y'know, if it makes sense and looks cute, I'll ship boy/girl. It's the mslash I don't really care for that much.
11. I grew up on Country music, but now I'll pretty much listen to anything that isn't rap or classical. (I can tolerate some dubstep.)
12. Ever since I was little, my favorite song and basically my life has been "Something More" by Sugarland
13. Despite my love to dance and rock out to music, I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket if my life depended on it.
14. My favorite color is black.
15. My lucky number is six. (I don't know why; it just is.)
16. I'm not Goth or anything, but the color pink makes me gag.
17. I'm a neat freak and a perfectionist.
18. My favorite animals are ferrets.
19. I have a Skype (Unless you've known me for a while, you're not getting my username.)
20. My real name is Antonia, but if you call me that, I'll choke you to death, chop your body up in tiny bits and leave pieces of it in different regions of the world.
21. I live in the USA, but I wish I was British.
22. I don't wanna grow up.
23. I'm not that kid who has (or wants) every new electronic they have. (Y'know, like the iPhone 6 and the iPad 3.5?)
24. "Monster High" is one of tha coolest thangs evaaaa :P
25. I'm bisexual.
26. I can get extremely random at times. (Who wants a flaming potato? Oh, wait, hold up. I gotta find my pants. I think I left them in the microwave.)
27. ^Surprisingly, I don't own a microwave. (No lie.)
28. I like to throw random Southern words in my typing ("y'all", "git", etc.) but I live nowhere near the region, nor do I know anyone from the area.
29. I speak English, (a little) French, (a little) Spanish and (a little) Italian.
30. I will do anything to get my hands on the "Music is my life" Octavia t-shirt.

Mmmkay, that's enough for now. Y'all gotta get to know me better before I reveal anything else 'bout myself.

Report The Princess Rarity · 726 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

I'm British. I hate tea.

2. /)
3. /) /)
4. Meh. My uncle was in the Navy. After I heard about a 'cuntafuckenous shitanator', I don't believe in swearing anymore :raritywink:
9. /) /) /)
16. Does that involve Pinkie Pie?
18. YES. Ferrets are best ponies. ...Oh, wait a minute.
20. Whatever you say, Antonia. :scootangel:

21. This... This... This makes me proud. Really. Like, drives me to tears. God bless the UK.

22. Nobody wants to. Being an adult sucks beyond measure.
25. Nah, I used to be bi (oh the pun!), but then my wife came and said, 'nope'. So, nope. :ajsleepy: (Psst: never get married to a British woman. Just... follow my advice)
27. How do you live?! Oh, do you use an oven?
30. Where. Can. I. Buy. It?!

2. (\
3. (\ (\
4. :rainbowderp: Well then. I thought the words my father said were bad, that's just... ok then.
9. (\ (\ (\
16. Deff not. She's too cute.
18. ... You el stupido.
20. :flutterrage: I'm coming for you, Josh.
21. Hey, your accents are totally epic and your country has a lot of cooler stuff than the US. We just have chocolate covered bacon and Jersey Shore. (Can you guess which one sucks ass?)
22. Except the fact that you can drive, drink and vote.
25. Oook then...? Guess I have to cancel out my crush on Cher Lloyd then. :pony shrug goes here:
27. Duh.
30. I KNOW. Hot Topic used to have it, but then *poof!* Magic took it away.

18. My no speak Italian. But my understand. My no stupido. My be clever.
20. I am protected by an ocean and the British law! Tehehehee! :pinkiehappy:
21. Mhmhm... Jersey Shore? (Dunno what it is but bacon is nice)
We've also got a bunch of stuck-up, posh people who abide by long extinct morals and subordination, and, like, half of the UK (if not more) consists of un-tolerant, narrow-minded people.
But yeah... the accent is funny. Although not all of us possess it. Really - go on my Youtube page and listen to one of my songs; no accent at all.
22. I drive my late father's Aston Martin (craaaap), drink whisky (bad for liver) and vote Conservative (which is kinda strange). But I have to work, earn for a living, make sure my wife is happy (that's the hardest task ever) and engage in weekly conversations about politics, gardening and cricket :derpytongue2:
30. My life now has purpose.

18. Actually, I was attempting Spanish. :twilightblush:
20. ... I SHALL RIDE DASHIE! Or Nyan Cat. Whatever's available first.
21. Jersey Shore is the worst excuse for a show that you could ever possibly imagine. It's a bunch of douches and ho's doing random shit. And the worst thing? People actually like it. (You sing? TO YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL!)

21. Oh I see now!
Wait! Don't go: my voice is raspy as hell and it's better to start with the instrumentals and... you're there already, aren't you. *sigh* :ajsleepy:

678143 Mwa-ha-ha; the page is loading... BEWARE OF MY CHILDHOOD POWER, BEWARE IT! :pinkiecrazy:

When I was a child, we didn't have those fancy-shmancy Youtube things! We would always go to the local to have a jelly good one and drink and talk till we were merry and chuffed :pinkiehappy:
You whippersnappers :ajbemused:

678148... Wat. :rainbowderp:
(Btw, the page froze! YOU GOT LUCKY THIS TIME! :pinkiecrazy:)

That's British speech for you! :moustache:
We love to use some chumpy grumpy words (mostly to make fun of our glorious past).
As for the page: yay! If it does load up, however, pick up Octavia's song and that's it.

In that case... En Garde! *Takes out a filly Pinkie Pie*

678170 En garde! *takes out a filly Octavia and filly Fluttershy*

Oh no... Are they... hugging each other?!
..All right, I lost. *sigh* Go to that Youtube page :ajsleepy:

21:wooo hooo for America.
oh crap i need to rhyme..Erica.
Don't ask me who's Erica.
that between me and america.
20:I always hated my name not sure why,
Devin Cadence Grant Didn't fit like pie.
27:i like pie but how do you live without a microwave!
thats like saying the ocean has no waves.

>4. I curse like a sailor. (Mainly on the Internet, but sometimes IRL too.)
Don't fucking swear. It's fucking rude, dammit!

>6. My favorite food is Nutella, and my favorite drink is iced tea; preferably green.
Relevant story

>8. ^I'm a twelve year old girl, what do you expect? (And yeah, I'm quite perverted for my age. Mature too, though.)
Perversion is besterversion :moustache:

>9. ^I hate Justine Bieber though. However, it's nice that she found a pretty girlfriend.

>11. I grew up on Country music, but now I'll pretty much listen to anything that isn't rap or classical. (I can tolerate some dubstep.)

>14. My favorite color is black.
Black is not a color. It is the absence of color.

>19. I have a Skype (Unless you've known me for a while, you're not getting my username.)

>22. I don't wanna grow up.
Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional :moustache:

>25. I'm bisexual.
Bisexual is best sexual :moustache:

26. I can get extremely random at times. (Who wants a flaming potato? Oh, wait, hold up. I gotta find my pants. I think I left them in the microwave.)
27. ^Surprisingly, I don't own a microwave. (No lie.)
It is a microwave oven, not a microwave. A microwave oven creates microwaves, but it is not a microwave.

>30. I will do anything to get my hands on the "Music is my life" Octavia t-shirt.
Be careful when you say that you will do anything :moustache:

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