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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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    OOOHH!! This Project! (Haven't slept well)

    (Day 32)

    On May 3rd, after I posted the Finale of TT Idol Season 16...

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  • 3 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle TROPE (Friendship is Failure)

    The Determinator: She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her. She gets as far as saving someone from suicide, even if she gets shamed for it afterwards.

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  • 6 weeks
    What is YOUR Definition...

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    "Try better yourself"

    "Grow up"


    They say all that, but they don't provide actual definitions or explanations of what they mean by all that. It's like I'm supposed to guess what they want.

    The same thing follows with fiction, when people whine and complain.

    "This sucks"

    "Write them In character"

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  • 8 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle Improving Lives? (Friendship is Failure)

    People sure love to complain...

    She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her.

    She gets disrespected a lot because she wants to help people, even though she's a princess who's saved Equestria on multiple occasions.

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Twilight Sparkle TROPE (Friendship is Failure) · 11:41pm May 21st

The Determinator: She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her. She gets as far as saving someone from suicide, even if she gets shamed for it afterwards.

By "Helping them improve their lives" she's getting in their faces and demanding they change their ways to a style that better suits herself rather than the subject. She's basically just being a control freak who is dissatisfied with the way some don't live to her expectations or style, and wants them to be more like her... without understanding the complete situation, and being completely presumptuous, ignorant, and pushy as well. She intends to turn the subjects into the very kinds of people they DO NOT want to be like-- a lifestyle which they find unbearable, unwanted, and unnecessary.

As for the suicidal rescue shame... Who says the jumper has to show gratefulness? It doesn't matter how much they probably SHOULD, they don't want to because they are very angry that Twilight saved their lives.. which they DID NOT WANT. Now this doesn't mean Twilight should've let them continue to do themselves in. When seeing that happen, she should always stop them, but be prepared for a shaming or disrespect.

Bottom-line (Lesson): It's not that Twilight should NEVER try to help someone. It's just she needs to learn to calm down, and stop being paranoid. She doesn't have to get all jumpy and butt in to every single little thing that goes wrong in her view.

Sometimes she should step in, and sometimes she should lay off.

Dude, Where's My Respect?: She gets disrespected a lot because she wants to help people, even though she's a princess who's saved Equestria on multiple occasions.

Yeah, she saves Equestria... usually from disasters SHE and her friends CAUSED or ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. (They're cleaning up THEIR OWN MESSES)

Besides, her saving Equestria means NOTHING compared to her actions here. We're talking about her constant harassing, butting in where she's not wanted or needed, as well as breaking the laws herself by...

-Breaking and Entering
-Disrespecting Privacy
-Disturbing the Peace

And why? Because she's so incredibly paranoid that if even one creature does not enjoy friendship, it will lead to chaos and plunge Equestria into unspeakable horrors.

Yeah, Twilight saved Equestria indeed... just so SHE can MESS IT UP herself with this paranoia of hers and take away people's free will.

Again, it doesn't matter if she saved Equestria, that doesn't exonerate her for her continuing and BAFFLING behavior. (She doesn't get a "No Punishment for me" ticket)

Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: Whilst she's friendly towards every pony and tries to help even unpleasant ponies improve their lives, her interaction with Stone Heart in Twilight in Therapy shows she's lost all her patience for dealing with him and very much dislikes him for being a Jerkass that refuses to change his bad attitude and for writing self-help books that discourage friendship.

It's honorable that she wanted to try and help Stone, but her methods and suggestions were horrible, especially considering, she doesn't know the full situation, and the fact that once again, she is trying to make Stone become something he does not want.

Twilight needs to learn... There are some beings out there who just don't believe in Friendship the way she does. They don't LIKE it... WANT it... or even NEED it. Friendship may be nice, and it may be a great way to go about things, but it's not the ONLY way, and it doesn't make all other ways bad!

She needs to learn there are times when she is wrong.

Failure Heroine: Due to the nature of the series, all her efforts to help others end up failing and she's left feeling upset.

This was already covered. She needs to learn to lay off sometimes.

-Just because a pony is grumpy and cold, does not mean they are a danger, nor does it mean Equestria is going to fall into chaos.

-Her ideas of "Helping others" may not be wanted or enjoyed by those she's trying to help. Some ponies have different ideas than she does of what "HELPING" or "IMPROVMENT" means.

Forgot About Her Powers: Twilight frequently forgets she has the ability to use telekinesis, create shields, or teleport in most of these stories.

Perhaps she does have them, but... what difference does it make. Most of the enemies she faces are stronger than she is. Her magic wouldn't help even if she used it.

Even still, when it comes to the problem subjects, she usually has no reason to use her magic. What? You want her to freeze the pony so they don't walk away, or lift them up to prevent them from ignoring her? That only proves how relentless and harassing Twilight is, further incriminating her.

Hero Antagonist: She is still the nice, helpful mare that wants friendship to prevail, but she ends up opposing the protagonists of each story.

One of Twilight's canon flaws is that she suffers from OCD and she's a bit of a Control Freak: Everything has to be totally perfect and on schedule with her, and she goes off on a maniacal panic If even the slightest thing doesn't go according to her plans or views.

So it's no wonder she opposes the problem subjects, because they have found ways to get through their lives and chores WITHOUT friendship, and even regarding it as "Worthless" which she does not wish to tolerate and wants things only to go her way.

Twilight: You have to give Friendship a chance.

Subject: No I don't have to! You just WANT me to.

Twilight: I am trying to HELP you!

Subject: I don't think so... You're doing this more for yourself.

She needs to step back and learn that Friendship is not everything, and it's not always necessary.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Anything she does to try an help ponies improve their lives will inevitably backfire in someway, leading to her getting berated by the pony she was trying to help and sometimes by Princess Celestia too.

As was stated, Twilight can be very presumptuous when it comes to "Improving" lives due to her lack of understanding, which shows she is very naïve as well. This also leads her to commit illegal acts, and stepping way beyond her boundaries and the boundaries of the law.

"No" means "No"

"Go away" means "Leave now, and do not come back."

Twilight gets rightfully berated because of her naivety, her inability to listen, observe, and be aware of what's really happening, and especially that her crazy antics have only made things WORSE instead of BETTER.

Celestia is also rightfully scolding Twilight for being very disrespectful, stepping too far, and committing acts that even SHE should know better than to cross, especially when she was told to stand down!

Right for the Wrong Reasons: In Heart's Warming Carol, she arrests Miser, not for littering out of spite (which he did), but for the more serious crime of arson (which he didn't).

Even if Miser had been charged for littering, he would've only had to pay a small fine. I don't see how that makes Twilight "right for wrong reasons" she's 100% wrong. ALL wrong, and she has no one to really blame but herself for her Paranoia, her Control Freak Issues, Her Naivety, and above all her careless and reckless behavior.

She may have saved Equestria many times, but again...

-From messes and disasters SHE caused or allowed to happen.
-Just so she can mess Equestria up herself by trying to eliminate free-will, and allowing her paranoia and naivety to rule her.

Twilight: I am Princess of Friendship (Later: Equestria) and a hero to all of the land."

No. Right now, you are a self-absorbed, paranoid, maniac who causes more damage than help.

Feeling proud of himself, Stone then said, “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I’m going to continue to do my job and contribute to this community more than you do.”

"Hey!" snapped Twilight. "I've helped to save Equestria many times over!"

"Like that makes up for you constantly making a fool of yourself and pestering others?" teased Stone. "I think not."

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