• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts2494

  • Thursday
    "Hey, you think we can get away with this headline?"

    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

    3 comments · 77 views
  • Thursday
    Tell Your Tale: Tiny Trot

    This week, we're back at the magical theme park... Again... The ponies turn themselves into foals... Again... And we've got a cutie mark poem... Again.

    My inner ageplayer should be squeeing, but we've got another week of meaningless fluff where the overall story goes nowhere.

    But at least it's a little cute, I guess.

    18 comments · 117 views
  • Tuesday
    That's the look I would have, too...

    18 comments · 237 views
  • Sunday
    Happy 10th, Avalice!

    Happy 10th anniversary to one of the best damn indie platformers ever. Of all time.

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    3 comments · 126 views
  • 1 week
    No Man's Sky 5.0

    So, Hello Games, in their typical fashion, stealth-dropped the 5.0 update to No Man's Sky today, and apparently this is just part 1, with more coming later this summer.

    All planets have dynamic wind now, with plants and grass being affected.
    Water is now volumetric, with waves that intensify during storms.
    Asteroid density has increased substantially.
    Clouds look amazing now.

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    2 comments · 152 views

Tell Your Tale: Where The Rainbows Are Made · 2:27pm May 16th

This week, the Mane Six discover the Rainbow Factory.


Comments ( 11 )

Eh, cute enough for 5 minutes.

What do you mean by the "/sorrynotsorry"?

The episode was fine I guess, pretty boring (I mean, what else do you expect of 5 minutes?).

It's not too surprising there was a rainbow factory there but I wonder who's controlling it

Phazon #4 · May 16th · · ·

I'll take things that could've been/could be expanded on for G4/G5 worldbuilding for 800, Alex! Oh right, Ken...

I'm not even going to bother with the pegasus cloudwalking thing. If that's still relevant, the Brighthouse probably just slapped a cloudwalking spell on the non-pegasi on their way through the Prisbeam. Never mind the fact that the machine is still functional after all this time.

Vjjbvf #5 · May 16th · · ·

The pun.

They seem to be showing Misty and Hitch hanging out a lot.

They're trying to make us ship them, I suspect.

I have no problem with this.

The poly of Zipp Pipp and Hitch is better honestly.

Phazon #8 · May 17th · · ·


Every episode of G5, the writers spin a wheel to determine which of the mares in the G5 Six they'll ship-tease Hitch with. That's probably not true, but it'd be funny if it is.

Is there a wedge that says "All of Them"?


Lol, there an episode like that yet?

It's the flying snail again. 🐌🕊

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