• Member Since 28th Apr, 2022
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Breathtaking Carnality

[Muggonny's Alt] Yeah, and?

More Blog Posts45

  • 20 weeks
    It's International Women's Day

    Would be perfect if I had something to post.

    I've been in the mood to write something new, I just need some ideas. I wrote something behind the scenes, but it needs cover art before it's ready to publish.

    Also, hi, I'm still alive.

    1 comments · 68 views
  • 38 weeks
    New story on my main account

    TPink Scorch
    In the city of Maretropolis, superheros and supervillians aren't that uncommon. In fact, it's expected of the average resident to encounter some super-powered maniac at least once per month. Many of these villains have their reasons, but some...
    Muggonny · 21k words  ·  55  2 · 887 views

    Go read it. It's good shit. Or upvoot it and help it garner traction. Or read it and upvoot it if you like it. Idk do whatever.

    0 comments · 60 views
  • 38 weeks
    Fic won second place

    The story didn't perform super well, but it was still good enough to win second place in the Spooky, Cloppy contest. There were only about six entries in the contest, but still really cool for a story that I wrote at the last possible minute and submitted pass the deadline.

    0 comments · 68 views
  • 38 weeks

    This is my lowest-performing story so far. I expected the premise to garner more traction, but I can't complain. It's still in the popular box, and apparently, it was featured for a brief period of time. It's whateves tho, I completely rushed it out, so I shouldn't expect it to perform well.

    Read More

    1 comments · 86 views
  • 38 weeks
    I wrote a thing

    [Adult story embed hidden]

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    0 comments · 70 views

It's International Women's Day · 3:29am March 9th

Would be perfect if I had something to post.

I've been in the mood to write something new, I just need some ideas. I wrote something behind the scenes, but it needs cover art before it's ready to publish.

Also, hi, I'm still alive.

Comments ( 1 )

"It would be so awesome....
It would be so cool...."
-Koopa :trollestia:

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