Signal boost for a blog that everyone needs to see, and RIP my notifications · 8:40pm Mar 5th, 2024
First of all, the blog that everyone needs to see:
Second, RIP my notifications. 💀 An old friend of mine has got back in touch and with all the new messages appearing it's almost like I'm popular again lol.
~ Angel
Thanks for signal-boosting this. I wouldn't have come across that blog otherwise, and it's quite an important one.
Annndddd there's already a small war in the comments there. 🙃
Hopefully, Brady stays banned.
Oh, I hope so too. It's been a long time coming
I still maintain that keeping him on the site and bullying him until he chooses to leave was the better/more fun option
Then we would've been at this forever or until one of us dies XD
i wish people learned to be more kind
today i will start
Lol sadly true (or happily true for me, since I didn't mind shitting on him forever).