• Member Since 14th Jul, 2020
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Angel Midnight

maybe in a world of odd people and odd things, I'm not so odd after all. But who knows. (they/them)

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I have a very random question · 4:29pm Mar 31st, 2024

Okay, okay, I know, I need to actually get back to writing instead of getting busy with normal boring life stuff, but I have a question.

Context: my mum has always been into collecting and selling antiques, weird bits of jewellery and stuff like that. She and I have come across a cool necklace but as a former antique dealer, she always likes to check whether things are good value, where and when they are from etc. The seller of this necklace doesn't know much about it, but in the description of the item it mentions "Author's Work."

We did some digging and found a link to this jeweller person called Vistmonski, who's apparently based in Jerusalem. For some reason, though, there's barely any traces of Author's Work or Vistmonski actually existing. (Maybe some websites have been taken down or blocked because of the Israel-Palestine conflict? Who knows.) Since people from all over the planet use this website, I just wanted to ask if anyone knew anything about this stuff, or if they knew who to ask?

Thanks, and sorry for bothering you, and happy Easter (or whatever else you celebrate. All celebrations are welcome here.)!

~ Angel

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Yeah, it seems like the only mentions of their existence on the entire internet are someone seeling a necklace and another person putting up an offer for silver cross pendant.

The ending of the surname might suggest a Slavic origin though; if I had to guess, it may be someone from an Eastern Jewish family which migrated to Israel right after its establishment. Keeping that in mind, I tried googling many variations of what might've somehow ended up beeing bastardised into "Vistmonski", but to no luck.

So, I went to forebears.io, and checked if "Vistmonski" is a surname that exists at all. Lo and behold, at least according to their databases, it does not.

I... honestly don't know what's going on here, but my best guess would be that any records are either hard to access due to the ongoing war in the region, or that some weird bastardisation of the surname took place, for whatever reason. Or both, really. :applejackunsure:

Okay, thanks for telling me what you were able to find. :twilightsmile: My mum and I will sit down and figure out whether we think this thing is genuine based on what you've been able to find, and we'll go from there. Once again, thank you

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