• Member Since 14th Jul, 2020
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Angel Midnight

maybe in a world of odd people and odd things, I'm not so odd after all. But who knows. (they/them)

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The *nerve* of some people on this site · 6:44pm Mar 8th, 2024

I don't pretend to know everything about other countries' cultures. The reality is, I'm a dumb teenager who knows nothing about the world's mysteries and who is constantly learning every day of their life. But my god. The nerve OP must have to assume that they are so superior to people in another country that they've probably never even been to in their life...


You know what? I'm going to screenshot this, and next time I hear someone near me being racist I'm going to read it to them, to see how they like being on the receiving end of this kind of racial or cultural stereotyping nonsense. The reactions are going to be priceless... :rainbowlaugh:

~ Angel

Report Angel Midnight · 257 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

What in the everloving heck did I just read?

I would very much like to assume this to be just simple ragebait, but for some reason, my gut tells me it's not. Maybe I'm wrong; who knows. But posts of this kind are disgusting either way, because they create anger and conflct, not to mention reinforcing these weird stereotypes.

And I'm not even British! :trixieshiftleft:

I have no idea what that post is, other than confusing and infuriating to look at lol

LOL. Having left Twitter over a year ago, I sometimes forget that those kinds of people exist. :rainbowlaugh:

so many actual criticisms of british culture exist but this fool is crying about 'old' buildings and cars

i hope they change and grow as a person

If only these people *stayed* on Twitter where they belong-

They could cry about the crime rates or something and I'd be okay with that, but I'm not letting people insult my entire country and talk about us like we're still in the stone age lol

If that's his opinion on Britain I don't want to know what he thinks on the rest of Europe, especially the eastern part of it

Yeaahh, my thoughts exactly.

Funny enough, I heard similar things from my relatives who moved to the UK in the 60s. Back then, the standard of living for a middle-class American (except the South) was noticeably higher than the average Englishman. I highly doubt that poster is referencing real history and real personal experiences, but it's funny that this isn't the first time I heard about how "backward" England is compared to the US when it comes to standard of living.

What the UK has done in the past 60 years for the average citizen is amazing, so you should definitely feel proud. You guys basically closed the gap between the US and UK. The problem is we're both going backwards now :rainbowlaugh:

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