• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Classic Being a Better Writer: Digging Deeper With Characters · 6:45pm January 29th

Posted via Mobile.

Good news, folks! I’m almost back!

Almost. In transit, either physically, mentally, or both, but that’s still almost. Which means the return of new Being a Better Writer posts at last!

But soon. Not today. No, today we’ll be revisiting a classic post once again, this time from 2017! Titled Digging Deeper With Characters, which is pretty self explanatory.

So hit that jump, and dive in! See you soon!

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Comments ( 1 )

Good characters give you indications of how they should react while you're writing.
Great characters get out in the middle of the night and type their own paragraphs.

Writer: Ok, the character opens the door--
Character: No way. There are noises outside.
Writer: But you want to know what the noises are.
Character: No, I don't. I'll look tomorrow when the sun is out.
Writer: But it could be--
Character: Then you go out there.

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