Hearth's Warming Granny Smith Friendship Advice · 12:31am Dec 27th, 2023
Hearth's Warming Eve has come and gone. It was lonely, but less horrible than I expected. Decorating the tree felt rather pointless this year and I just rushed through it. Listening to "A Pony Kind of Christmas" while I decorated it was painful and, in hindsight, I wish I'd rather not done it. I left out "Days Gone By" this year, because it would have been too much.
I was baking cookies and dipped them into chocolate-orange sauce and had my traditional pasta lunch on Hearth's Warming Eve, before I decorated the tree. It happened in a rush and on time constraints, but that was okay, and I somehow managed to still get it all done. Then I sat down with dinner and was about to watch the Hearth's Warming Eve episodes while eating it and that's when it got downhill for the rest of the day..... I wanted to watch it all while sitting in a house on a GMod map my friend has made for us, when I discovered that she has suddenly blocked me from entering it somehow..... I have no idea how, I was visiting the map on December 5th after she had already blocked me on Steam and it worked just fine, I was still subscribed to it and I could enter it without problems. Now I'm still subscribed to the map, but GMod suddenly tried to redownload it for some reason and then I couldn't enter it anymore. That was the low moment on Hearth's Warming Eve. I retreated into a house we once built together on another GMod map and I somehow managed to finish my dinner, but then I went to sleep after "Hearthbreakers" because I just couldn't go on anymore.
Yesterday was a little better. I got up, had breakfast and watched the rest of the episodes and "Best Gift Ever" while eating it. Then I cooked a special recipe my friend taught me for lunch. I was doing more thinking before and during cooking and it made me much more hopeful and see more ways to fix this current crisis and my mistakes and to bring her back again, this time in a better and honest way. Yesterday got much better there. I tried to call her on my phone in that hopeful moment, to discover that she has routed my number to a voice mail box without the option to leave a message for her, but I also learned that she hasn't blocked my number completely. I texted her a message to wish her a Happy Hearth's Warming. Then I missed dinner, because I was still sleep-deprived after being awake for way too long on Hearth's Warming Eve and fell asleep early. But I will catch this up today.
Today, still before breakfast, something went wrong with the electricity and the lightbulb in the bathroom burst when I turned on the light. Me and my roommate spent a lot of time fixing it and putting in another bulb and I pricked myself with a tiny shard when I tried to pick it up and then later stepped onto a bigger shard that I missed while wearing only socks. But I had a dream about me and my friend last night, I was showing her a TV show I used to watch a long time ago during my teenage years and introduced her to it and we were together and everything was okay. That dream gave me a hopeful feeling to wake up with today, so the day still began in a good way. Right now I'm listening to Hearth's Warming Eve music. It feels serene, but also wrong, being alone just adds a tinge of sadness to it..... I will eat more of her recipe for lunch soon and then probably head straight to dinner, because it's getting late here again already. I slept for 13 hours and then the lightbulb incident happened.
Overall, I am much more hopeful now. I know I can fix what went wrong and convince her of returning and to give me and our friendship another chance. It's like Granny Smith said after Applejack decorated the rock farm and made Holder's Boulder crash:
In time, we will be friends again.
Only one thing needs to be changed from that sentence, because we are still friends, me and her. I have resolve and I know I will fix this.