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Derpy Day 2024 · 3:30am March 2nd

Source: https://www.deviantart.com/spicysushidog/art/the-field-826050387

Are you wondering where the plane flies to? Are you also thinking of someone who is far away?

Happy Derpy Day, Derpy. :heart: May the muffins be forever in your favour.

Comments ( 4 )

Its wonderful day!

Derpy Day ?
I didn't know that was a thing !

How fun :twilightsmile::ajsmug:


It is, it's a celebration day for Derpy that exists, as I've heard, since the early days of the fandom. I'm surprised you never heard of it. I was going to say that your comment makes me wonder how many newer bronies might not know about Derpy Day anymore and that something should be organized to teach these newcomers about it (and pony history in general), but then I saw that you are here since 2012. I was always under the impression that Derpy Day is very well-known to everyone who joined the fandom early.

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