• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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"The Sky is Gone: Repentance" has begun on Patreon! · 7:40am Nov 24th, 2023

"The Sky is Gone" is moving forward. Yesterday, Part 4 of it, "The Sky is Gone: Repentance", has released on my Patreon!
Like before, this is an early access release and everyone who pledges to the 1$ reward tier "Faster through the Eternal Darkness" gets to see it first and ten days earlier.
The release of "The Sky is Gone: Repentance" here on FIMFiction.net will happen on December 2nd. If you are hyped for this date, this is when you can listen to more of Silverstream's messages and find out what happened after her verdict. And if you are even more hyped, you can go onto my Patreon account, pledge only 1$ and witness the beginning of "The Sky is Gone: Repentance" right now without waiting!
But whatever you decide for, Silverstream is here to stay and more messages by her will await you! Mark the date, December 2nd is your day!

Stay not where it lurks, lock the door, turn off the light.

~ Flutterscare

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