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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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Daily Crusaders: Happy Cutie Mark Crusaders Day! · 3:43am Nov 21st, 2023

Today is Cutie Mark Crusaders Day! And I have prepared a little contribution for it:

A dedicated Cutie Mark Crusaders account on Twitter.

There used to be such an account before, one that only exists since June, but it recently derailed into off-topic tweets and abandoned the Cutie Mark Crusaders more and more. And because I couldn't see that, I went ahead and made my own Cutie Mark Crusaders account on Twitter to post about them daily. Introducing.....

Daily Crusaders*
*For maximum Crusader color enjoyment, best viewed in Night Mode.

This is your account if you are a huge fan of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and can't get enough of them. Multiple tweets will happen daily, of an undetermined number, but probably around 3 - 5 each day, with various screenshots from the show or photos/screenshots of the official comics that depict them.
Mostly, I will focus on tweets that show all three of them together, but tweets with only one or two of them will also happen here and there. Occasionally, if I come across something really good, I might also tweet an art piece for them.

Not enough Cutie Mark Crusaders in your life? Then I have the solution for you now. Follow Daily Crusaders and your Twitter feed will never be Crusader-less again!
And if you want, you can retweet them, too, to fill everyone's feed with the beauty and awesomeness of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Let's show the world together that the Cutie Mark Crusaders live forever! Happy Cutie Mark Crusaders Day!

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer

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