My Respect For This Fandom Is Now Dead + Channel Updates · 2:57am May 19th, 2023
Yes, I know what you’re thinking. ANOTHER post ranting about the G5 hate. Well, trust me, this just might be my last post on this topic as I do not want to give these clowns any more time of day. Let me explain. So for the past few days, I have been quite active on YouTube in anticipation for the new Make Your Mark special “Bridlewoodstock.” I even ran into my old pal The Ohvist while debating other users and trying to convince them to give this special a chance. Oh joy. Well, we don’t need to talk about that as something just occurred to me. It’s a depressing realization that really frames everything in a whole new light for me and a realization that makes me curse this community with every fiber of my being.
The G5 hate was all premeditated.
Yes. You heard that right. Honestly, I…I don’t know what to say, so let me try and explain how I got to this realization. So while debating multiple commenters, I was editing my video, specifically the section on A New Generation, and suddenly it all clicked. Combing back through the heaps of evidence I displayed, it occurred to me that people were expecting to hate G5 from the very beginning. They never wanted it so succeed. From the moment G5 was announced to be in the same universe as G4, people were gunning for its downfall. It didn’t matter what G5 gave them. They were always going to hate it. You want to know how I found that out?
Well, we’re going to need to go into some spoilers for my video here. Brace yourselves, we’re getting into some heavy stuff here. So, a part of my research for the defense video took me back to the early days of G5 announcements. This YouTube channel of alt-right grifters known as Clownfish TV started posting videos claiming that A New Generation was Hasbro’s way of capitalizing on the woke trend. Honestly, I think you guys remember. So many people were claiming “MLP is going woke!” Or “Hasbro ruined My Little Pony!” Or “G5 was ruined by SJW politics!” Well, it didn’t hit me before, but it suddenly did yesterday. Regardless of what G5 gave them, the Brony fandom was always going to hate it. If not woke politics, then they would find something else to hate it for. Even after the movie came out, there were still those who tried to frame it in a political context like Firebrand.
Now, you guys know me. I’m very passionate about G5, specifically Make Your Mark, and I’ve said a ton of things in defense of it, all of which are 100% true and easily provable just by watching the show itself. Guys, do you think these Bronies ever went into G5 with the intention of giving it a fair chance? Do you think they ever went in with an open mind, expecting to be fair and balanced with their critiques?!! Absolutely not!! No matter what they may tell you on YouTube, they wanted G5 to fail so they can use it to prop up G4. The Brony fandom never wanted G5 to succeed. They had already convinced themselves that no matter what G5 gave them on a story, character, or entertainment level, it would always be bad because it’s “attempting to be a sequel to FIM.”Nevermind the ton of things this generation does right. Nope! Suddenly all the great slice of life stuff that FIM was known for in the first half of all of their seasons is a problem for G5 because “the plot is not moving forward.” Yeah, I never saw anyone complain about that when it came to FIM. Suddenly Opaline is a generic baddie because we’re not given the rich, in-depth backstory of where she came from. Yeah, like how Discord, King Sombra, Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, etc just existed to be villains for the Mane 6 to defeat. Suddenly Sunny and the Mane 5 one day defeating Opaline is ridiculous because she’s a novice despite the fact that Twilight and the Mane Six LITERALLY DEFEATED ALL THEIR VILLAINS WITH THEIR FRIENDSHIP!!!!!!!
Look, you guys already know the Brony fandom are full of a bunch of hypocrites, that much I’ve explained. But man…gunning for G5’s downfall from the very beginning is a new low. If G5 wasn’t like this, they would still hate it. The fact that it’s still trying to teach great lessons like in FIM with slice of life stories is suddenly a bad thing and the fact that Opaline is a simple villain like all of FIM’s villains is suddenly a bad thing. Like, what the heck?!! Where is all this negativity towards MLP coming from?! Remember when it was fun to be a Brony and when these YouTubers gave balanced critiques of episodes? Heck, in terms of mainstream pony content creators, Dr. Wolf was the only sane and balanced reviewer and nowadays he doesn’t do commentary anymore or talk about the news, instead focusing more on his TF2 Analysis skits. So when you remove the only sane person from the equation, what do you get?! A bunch of lunatics parading around the once-positive fandom competing for the most hate clicks from fellow ill-informed fans while blatantly getting away with downright lies!!!!
This is what the Brony fandom has become and I am disgusted and disappointed. This makes me lack resolve if anything. My video is almost complete, but I now feel the need to go back and revise certain sections because despite everything, I was still nice on this fandom. I didn’t tear it to shreds. Well, that’s about to change. There have been several instances where I spent several days being depressed because the fandom I knew is gone! I haven’t been motivated to finish Redeemed or anything because I’ve just been so angry. Not at you guys, you guys are awesome. But at the community at large. When I joined back in Season 5, the fandom was bright, lively, cheerful, and a general hub for positivity. Now look what happened to it. We are going down the path of the Star Wars fandom and I will not have it. These people deserve none of my good graces in the slightest. I’m going back and revising certain sections with the evidence I have collected. I’m not going to hold back. I’m going to give these hacks what for for taking a community that always saw the best in MLP no matter what and turning it into a shell of its former self. While I still consider myself a Brony, I do not consider myself affiliated with the community as it is now. I am a member of what the Brony fandom used to be, the real MLP fandom. At this point, I almost resent FIM and its legacy in spite of how much I love the show because it made these talentless pricks think they can just say anything about it and parade it around like it’s 100% perfect. G5 is not a masterpiece, but at least acknowledge that Hasbro put EFFORT into it. In spite of their higher ups’ ridiculous demands, the writing team still cares and it shows!! There’s fantastic character work here, and I’m going to prove it no matter what. I don’t care how much hate I get in the process.
In the meantime, I’ll be stepping away from debates for the foreseeable future. These have clearly taken a severe toll on my mental health, more so than Math, and I’ll be focusing on my video in order to make it the best it can be. I’ve decided that my video will also cover Make Your Mark Chapter 4 (the special and the 6 additional episodes) because let’s be honest, there’s no way people are going to all of a sudden be positive on this show without my video to guide them in the right direction. The narrative of G5 ruining MLP is far too juicy and these content creators have been content to keep lying to their fans, so why should they ever stop? That’s where my channel comes into play. I plan to dedicate ‘The New Lunar Republic of Equestria’ channel to rebuilding the Brony fandom to what it once was; speak out against the majority opinion, and remind people of what this fandom used to be, what it used to mean to us. I want a return to the times where different opinions were welcome, back when we could have a civil discussion about G5 being good without being attacked for it. And if I’m the only one willing to take the first step, then so be it. I want this channel to be a return to the glory days of the fandom. I want my content to feel like the fandom of old, back when theories and headcanons were abundant. Back when people made their own MLP stories and shared it with the site. Back when discussing MLP was fun and exciting! When memes were everywhere and there was a genuine vibe of positivity in the air. I’m standing up for what the Brony fandom is supposed to be in my eyes. My channel will be a hub for free expression and discussion, not hampered down by the community outside. You could say that I’m starting a new Brony fandom. And you’d be right. Change will start with my channel, and I hope it inspires others others to do the same and we can build towards a future when the hate videos will be a ghost in the wind and everyone is excited to discuss ponies again.
The Brony fandom may be dead. But it’s going to be reborn soon enough, better than it ever was before. And to that end, this will most likely be my last time bringing attention to the hatedom unless something else on substance pops up, though I think it’s unlikely to get worse than this. It’s time to let these guys rot in their echo channel as we rebuild anew.
Link to the channel (also available in the bio above):
With that being said, I will see you all very soon. Bye!
There's literally a guy in twitter who's whole purpose of existence is to just make everyone hate on G5 and remake Season 9 of FIM (No, I'm not making this up).
Thankfully, even G5 Haters seem to ignore this dude, because even if they hate G5, they are rational enough to understand that it is what we have now, and Hasbro is not stepping it down anytime soon.
Now, why did I mentioned this? Because there's still a light at the end of the dark tunnel. If G5 haters agree that the guy wanting to just magically erase FIM Season 9 is stupid, then what stops them from actually liking G5 at all? Maybe they just need to be pushed a bit forward, find something in this new generation that makes them go "Oh shit, this is actually good!".
Of course, G5 will never stop having hate (in fact, everything has hate, no matter if a sector of the fandom likes it). The best we can do, besides ignoring haters than won't listen, is to tell them to give it a chance. There's no guarantee that they would like it fully, but there's no guarantee they would still dislike it, either.
Yeah, I think everyone knows who that guy is at this point. Mixmaster. Also, you’re right about there being light at the end of the tunnel. That’s always true. But I fear that the fandom as it is now is just too far gone, which is why I think it’s time to smash and rebuild. These creators have gotten away with lying to fellow fans (I’m not even convinced that disliking G5 is their own subjective opinion anymore as much as it is a cheap way to gain hate clicks, seeing as how they repeat the same sentiment over and over to a nauseating degree in every video they make). Whenever I ask them to look at G5 from a different perspective, I always get grilled for it. This is not the fandom I love anymore and I’ve realized that, which is why it’s so heartbreaking to me. We’re seeing the downfall of this community in real time and I feel like only I can rescue it at this point by starting anew.
Makes me glad, once again, that I've never considered myself a brony. On a scale of one to ten, keeping myself at a six seems to be the way to go for keeping myself focused on what's important: judging the show on its own merits instead of letting myself be swayed entirely on other people's opinions and skullduggery. >^_^<
That’s good. This community needs more objective people like you.
I've been keeping track of these blogs as I've slowly started coming back to this site and wooo boy are you passionate about this (which isn't a bad thing, we all are passionate about something). Just don't let all the negatives get to you. That's never good. Now, I think you should get your points across for your G5 video as respectably as possible (dismantling their points with tough kindness if you will). Imo, fighting fire with fire on the internet has never really worked from what I've seen (though some instances you could argue it does work). I understand how you feel though; I've been in a similar situation with a friend about certain franchises that have either fallen off or people generally just hate it. I was successful though in getting them to still enjoy the things they love despite that negativity. As BronySonicFan said, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. May take a while, but at some point it'll all be worth it. All in all, don't let this get under your skin too much. Let's try and be as civil as possible with our discussions, even if others aren't. Love what you love, take care of yourself Admiral, and I'm looking forward to that video of yours. Keep on keeping on.
Thank you so much for the support. It’s been extremely hard on me because the fandom wasn’t always like this. And to now know that all this hate was premeditated is just heartbreaking. But rest be assured, I’m done talking about the hatedom after this post. This was the worst thing I could’ve discovered about them, but they’re not worth my time anymore. I’m going to let the video speak for itself. This entire situation has shown me plain and simple that if we want the Brony fandom to get back to the positive community it used to be, someone has to take the first step. And I’m more than willing to try as MLP means so much to me. It always has. And I have never stopped appreciating the support you and all too the others have given me in that journey. No matter what has happened, you guys prove that there may still be hope yet. Stay tuned as I’m going back to writing and growing my brand as the release date for my video nears.
I was not aware that this hate was premeditated. This is very sad that the fandom's gone like this and I really wish it didn't and just give G5 an actual chance, from what I've seen from the series from the first movie to chapter 3, it seems quite enjoyable to watch.
It definitely is enjoyable to watch. Literally nobody would be complaining about this if G5 wasn’t a sequel to G4. It’s like that one announcement is the thing that caused Bronies to close their minds off from the very beginning. It’s hypocritical because the very things they complain about G5 happen in FIM, but all of a sudden it’s a bad thing. This is what the fandom has become and it’s really sad, especially for me. I’ve been a part of this fandom since 2015 and I’ve seen the best we’ve had to offer. Now all that is gone.
That’s why I’m dedicating my channel to restarting the fandom from scratch. The old community is dead now, let’s be real. So I have big plans for 2023 onwards starting with this video.
Well, now that you'd mentioned that, I've actually been working on 3d models on Maya, but with the eyes and mouth being 2d textures (because I've not fully mastered those yet,) and I'm planning to put them on my animation reel. If you ever want me to do animation, let me know!
I’ll certainly let you know! I’ve been wanting to do introduce fan-made animated content on the channel for a while and there have been a few projects I’ve been trying to get off the ground for years now to no success, so if I decide to launch any of them, I’ll be sure to let you know immediately. :)
Cool! I have a YouTube channel as well, but I've yet to make any videos.
Well, I’m quite excited to see what you have to offer. Mind linking me your channel so that I may sub? Here’s mine:
Sure, here you go!
And done! I look forward to seeing what you’ve made. :)
I know how you feel. I've very much lost respect for the brony community over these last few months. It makes me sick that there are people like this who claim be big fans of MLP, but then openly behave in such a way that they end up going against everything it stands for! Honestly, if there's ever a show that wins me over as much as MLP did, then I think I'd rather just enjoy it on my own instead of getting involved with the fanbase.
As I said in my latest blog, I'm highly considering leaving the MLP community once G5 is over. And that's largely because of the fanbase. I mean, it was easy to go into G5 when the fandom was still very much united after the success of G4. But now, unless things miraculously turn around, I can't continue to be involved with it when there's such a clear division among us. It's just not fun anymore.
Don’t leave. We can rebuild. It’s true that the community as we know it now has fallen into chaos with hate videos dominating the mainstream, but that’s why I’m proposing we start over. And my channel will reflect that. I hope to start a new pocket Brony fandom that will eventually grow and help get the original back on track. If we get numerous enough, people will start to take notice. That’s why it’s extremely important that the video does well. And I want you to help with that. It’s not to late to bring back the fandom we knew and love, but it’s up to us. You can help me and hopefully many others rebuild this fandom back to what it once was, so it would be a shame if you ended up leaving. It’s hard to deal with, I know, and I’ve suffered from depression because of it. Especially after learning that the fandom had rigged their opinions against G5 from the very beginning. But not everything is lost yet. People just have to take the first step and I think if we all work together, we can make it work.
No need to worry. I may withdraw from the brony community for the most part, but I'm definitely not giving up on you. I really admire what you're doing and will continue to support you and your channel in any way I can. And maybe in time I'll grow to love this fandom again. It just may require me to start from scratch like you said.
This is why I stay away from G5 haters. I don’t want to constantly be putting down G4, but I keep doing that as some weird defense mechanism.
Thank you so much. Don’t worry. With my attempt to start the fandom anew with the channel, I hope I can recreate a community that you can be proud of.
You’re not the only one who’s been doing this. In every debate I’ve been in, I’ve felt the need to degrade certain aspects of G4 in order to point out how my opponents’ arguments are blinded by nostalgia. While doing this has opened my eyes to the fact that many aspects of FIM aren’t quite as flawless as I initially thought, I really hate doing it because I love FIM so much. I don’t know where I’d be in life without it. So to bash it in discussions really hurts my heart. Maybe it is a weird defensive mechanism as you said, but I have no other choice as the only way to destroy their arguments is to take down G4 as literally all their arguments are based on nothing but their rose-tinted nostalgia views.
Since this appears to be a safe place to openly express appreciation for G5, I might as well share my own opinion which may just be the single most unpopular opinion in the history of this fandom. Or at the very least, one of the most unpopular ones.
So here it is: I actually like G5 better than G4.
Why? Well, to put it in the most simple way possible, I find G5 to be considerably less … frustrating than G4. And I have three reasons for that.
First up, the Main Five are far more tolerable (to me anyway) than the Mane Six ever were and they’re way less childishly obnoxious too. To demonstrate this, let’s use the two most obvious examples for comparison: Zipp and Rainbow Dash, and Izzy and Pinkie Pie.
Any older fan of FIM will know how annoying Rainbow and Pinkie are a LOT of the time. Rainbow is constantly acting arrogant and showing off, even putting her own friends down sometimes. Pinkie is constantly acting childish over the stupidest things. There are so many examples to name here, Dragon Quest, Yakety Sax, 28 Pranks Later, etc. They’re certainly portrayed in a positive way and these moments are meant to make us laugh, but I was never laughing. Zipp and Izzy on the other hand (or hoof) are so much more likeable. Zipp does have her occasional selfish moments, like when she tricked Pipp to get out of portrait day, but she doesn’t act anywhere near as awful as Rainbow. And Izzy, while definitely silly and random, is far more considerate and respecting of others’ feelings, personal space, and preferences than Pinkie ever was.
The second reason is Sparky. If there’s one thing about FIM that rubs many fans the wrong way, it’s how the Mane Six (and several other characters for that matter) treated Spike. Go digging around on FimFiction long enough, you’ll find TONS of stories showing how many writers are unhappy with this. Sparky however has gotten more kindness love and attention in just 9 episodes of this new series than Spike did in over 200 episodes of the previous series. I’m pretty sure Spike would be jealous (Maybe someone should write a fanfiction about him being frozen and thawed out in G5).
Finally, and perhaps most importantly of all ….. NO MAGIC HUMAN GIRL SPIN-OFF! That series which I will not name should NEVER have been a thing. After all, the franchise is called My Little PONY for a reason. Not to mention it introduced a love story that was disrupted in the most infuriating way possible, and just to throw salt on the wound, it was never fully resolved after that.
All in all, this is why I consider G5 to be my “Terra Nova” of sorts to the fandom ripped apart wasteland of G4. Please don’t judge me too hard.
Oooh boy is that a bombshell opinion! Well, your opinions are safe to share with me and let me be the first to say that I strongly agree with 99.9% of it, if not nearly all. In a lot of areas, you can see a huge growth on the part of the writing when it comes to G5. The main one being that they actually show an abusive parental relationship multiple times on screen with Opaline and Misty, but they also have other real situations unfold and show them in a grounded and mature manner (e.g: Zipp and Pipp’s sister relationship, Sunny being taken advantage of because of her status, Izzy having homesickness and the way it was resolved, leadership and parental responsibility on the part of Hitch, etc). This is why I love G5. Where it doesn’t succeed in the expansive world, it more than makes up for it with absolutely everything else. It doesn’t go over the top like FIM did, but it also doesn’t undercook it. The lack of the fantasy setting allows for more mature and realistic storytelling, which I always appreciate. You also hit it right out of the park with your assessment of the Mane 5 and why they’re better leads.
The only thing I kinda disagree on is why you don’t like Equestria Girls. I actually really like it and while the whole concept is kinda dumb, I don’t blame Hasbro for trying to hop on the “magical girl doll” train that a lot of other companies were riding and still are riding today. It’s business and you either go big or go home. There actually is some strong writing in there, particularly with Friendship Games and especially Legend of Everfree. Plus the series that spawned out of it was actually pretty decent in a lot of areas. Forgotten Friendship actually has some of the best writing in EQG history in my opinion. And yeah, a lot of things weren’t resolved. But that’s more down to Hasbro prematurely pulling the plug before the banger finale that was announced could drop. If it was allowed to finish on its own terms, I’m sure we would’ve gotten satisfying ends to a lot of hanging plot threads that were meant to be expanded upon or concluded. Again, it’s your opinion and you don’t have to like it. I’m just explaining why I do.
But yeah, everything else I 100% agree on. Thanks for sharing!
You are entitled to your opinion too of course, and I won’t berate you for not sharing mine.
There are more reasons to my prefer of G5 over G4, but those are the three biggest ones.
To explain a bit more about why I don’t like Equestria Girls, it just feels to me like an unnecessary duplicate world of the main FIM series. Now we had TWO of each of the Mane Six to keep track of, plus one pony whose human counterpart is never even brought up or mentioned. Like you said, they pulled the plug too soon, but it’s still frustrating.
And I can’t even think about EQG without thinking about the unresolved issue of Flash Sentry and his attraction to either Twilight. He had potential to be a really good side character, but the Hasbro staff apparently decided they just didn’t want to put him to good use. It’s actually kind of tragic. Seriously, just the mention of Legend of Everfree will make any Flashlight shipper’s blood boil.
Yeah, that is a fair assessment. Hasbro really did drop the ball when it came to Flash Sentry and the romantic subplot. Heck, the only reason why so many Bronies just called him “Brad” was because he seemed like nothing but the generic male love interest at the beginning. I do wish his attraction to either Twilight was fully resolved as well (heck, we even got a hint of closure in Legend of Everfree and it went nowhere) and I think we could’ve gotten something like that in the scrapped finale, who knows? The world will never know at this point.
Here’s hoping Sunny doesn’t make the same mistake as her predecessor and leave some guy in another dimension (or even somepony in her own) behind with a broken heart and no questions answered.
Yeah, let’s hope she doesn’t. That would be terrible. There are Equestria Girls dolls based on the Mane 5 releasing sometime this year, but whether or not that turns into another series remains to be seen.
I sincerely hope those dolls just stay their own thing. Even if some other fans might want another magic human series, I really don’t.
Yeah, I don’t think I want another series either unless it’s really, really good. Considering Hasbro prematurely cancelled Equestria Girls before, it would actually be kind of sick on their part if they were to bring it back for a new generation after not properly ending the previous series. You don’t just introduce a whole new story in the same universe without ending the previous story. Believe me, I would know what that’s like. That would be like G5 happening without Season 9 or “The Last Problem.”
Well, Hasbro does kind of just do whatever they want with their stories and characters regardless of what the fans want.
After all, Lauren Faust left when FIM was only mid Season 2 because they were shooting down her ideas for the show SHE made.
I’m dreading what might happen, but let’s try to stay positive. After all, Chapter 4 of Make Your Mark is only a week away now!
It certainly is and I cannot wait for it. My hype levels must be way over the Moon by this point! I’m down for staying positive. It’s kinda been my thing for a quite some time now while defending G5 as the mainstream Brony fandom slowly crumbles under its constant negativity. So regardless of what happens, I have hope that the future is bright for MLP because G5 has demonstrated to me without a shadow of a doubt that MLP is willing to level up in quality with each generation of this franchise Hasbro embarks on. G4 is what gave the franchise the strong identity it needed and G5 has increased that tenfold.
For me, it can only get better from here. :)
I like the way you think, Admiral Producer. :)
See ya another time!
You too. Have an awesome day. :)