• Member Since 20th Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen Dec 12th, 2024


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We have a major problem · 1:35am Apr 12th, 2023

I know I've been gone for a long time, but recently, this has been brought to my attention:

For those who want the short version of it:

Apparently someone has gotten ahold of Scribbler's personal info via false copyright claiming, and is now using it to copyright strike other channels, leaving her to take the blame for it.

Because of this person, Scribbler is now in danger of losing her channel and everything that's on it. We are currently unsure of who's behind all of this, but what they're doing here is clearly unforgivable.

I have messaged YouTube about this, as this isn't okay.

Feel free to share this with whomever. Or contact YouTube directly with the email/Twitter linked in the video description. Even a simple like on the video will help it be seen and bring this situation to light.

The Brony community shall not back down at a time like this.

Comments ( 3 )

The brony's must unite to save Scribbler!

Dont know how or why... but my friend AF FireFly's channel is already gone from copyright infringement... don't know if it's related or not...
Edit: can't be related, his was taken down back in December of 2022.
Sorry, ignore me.

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