Preview for TAOM · 5:18am Apr 2nd, 2023
Hey! I know I've been MIA for quite a while. I've been busy IRL with work. But in my down time, I've been seeking out some artists who I can commission to help me put out illustrations for the story. Got a couple in the works for upcoming chapters, so i thought I'd share some roughs and a couple things I've been working on!
A rough sketch for Megaguirus's design (Some stuff are subject to change)
A very rough concept sketch for a scene to be illustrated:
Another rough sketch for a scene:
A YCH commission that I got from an artist. I'm thinking of commissioning them for illustrating some scenes too:
Some Rodan X RD that I did for the fun of it:
And Jr and Sci Twi:
And that's all I have to share. I'm excited to get these illustrations done and I've got some ideas for a couple more for the upcoming chapters as well. One of the biggest hassles aside from sparing the cash is the lack of character references for these scenes. Off to the drawing board I go!
Cool. Glad to see you are doing fine. I hope you are in a good situation now.
Oh yeah I'm fine. It's just that I've been spending a lot of time learning the ropes for my new position at work. Still am but I think. I'll be fine