• Member Since 26th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I like Kaiju, Ponies, and Anime. If you're interested, you can find my illustrations for my stories here: http://johng117.deviantart.com/

More Blog Posts113

  • 65 weeks

    Hello. First, I'd like to apologize for my lack of activity and slow updates. I've been in a depression funk for quite awhile. I've been busy with work and have rotated to work with another team in my department. I also have been sleeping terribly. Im hoping that will change once I move into a new home. Hopefully that will be soon.

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  • 96 weeks
    Preview for TAOM

    Hey! I know I've been MIA for quite a while. I've been busy IRL with work. But in my down time, I've been seeking out some artists who I can commission to help me put out illustrations for the story. Got a couple in the works for upcoming chapters, so i thought I'd share some roughs and a couple things I've been working on!

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    2 comments · 1,200 views
  • 108 weeks
    Update for the new year!

    OK, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still working on The Arrogance of Man: Remastered. I wanted to wait until I could get illustrations ready for any new chapter or anthology prequel chapter before posting anymore. In the mean time, I've been writing out rough drafts for the story ahead of time and I've pretty much caught up to near where the original version of the story left off. Only

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  • 111 weeks
    Ignore that update

    Please ignore that update. That was just an accidental publish on the scrapped version of The Arrogance of Man. I was going through it for references but accidentally hit publish.
    So sorry about that.

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Update for the new year! · 6:22am Jan 6th, 2023

OK, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still working on The Arrogance of Man: Remastered. I wanted to wait until I could get illustrations ready for any new chapter or anthology prequel chapter before posting anymore. In the mean time, I've been writing out rough drafts for the story ahead of time and I've pretty much caught up to near where the original version of the story left off. Only this time, it took less chapters to get there thanks to my trusty friend ThePMB-Brony helping me trim out the fat that the original suffered from.

Currently, I have up to chapter 41 roughed out and getting to work on chapter 42. This is significantly less chapters than what the original had and I hope it stays that way, while packing a good kick for the story. I think you guys are gonna love what I have in store if you've read the original. As for you newcomers who never read the original, buckle up! It's gonna be one hell of a ride!

In the meantime, enjoy this late Christmas drawing that I did! Careful, it's lewd :twilightblush:

Thanks for following and I hope to be able to post more soon!

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