• Member Since 16th Feb, 2019
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Amateur adult fanfiction writer. I love Fantasy, Drama, Adventure, GrimDark and Eroticism. I sometimes do requests.

More Blog Posts24

  • 39 weeks
    Live Update for 2024! 8/21/24

    I'll be keeping it simple because anyone who's been following along for my main story has heard this all before. Below is my release summary for how the chapters are coming and when I expect to publish them. Gone are the days of me posting on a regular schedule... because I just can't anymore. My health is too poor and my life is too difficult. But one by one the chapters continue to come, and

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    2 comments · 223 views
  • 44 weeks
    So its been a year... (2024 update!)

    Hello everyone and a heartfelt thanks to any of you who are still around to read this. It has been a full 12 months almost to the day since I last posted a chapter of my story. For that you have my apologies, but it was something that could not have been helped.

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    4 comments · 294 views
  • 94 weeks
    2/2/23 Redactions for 'The Heart of Pleasure'

    Hello to all of my readers. So it has been a long journey of some three going on four years for this story now. And in all that time, my content has never been a problem for any of the viewers who spent the time to invest in my story... Although I suppose it was inevitable for the axe to fall eventually, and to be honest it was a mistake on my part and I only have myself to blame.

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    0 comments · 296 views
  • 97 weeks
    Live Update for 2023 - 5/31/23

    Hello everyone, it's a new year so it's time for a new update blog to keep things fresh and to keep you informed. Work on the story is still on going and we've come a long way. Our MC Rayne has settled into Equestria nicely. He's still works in a day spa, he's a rockstar, he has some unknown business down in Klugetown, he's a business partner with Filthy Rich who owns the property rights in

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    0 comments · 410 views
  • 99 weeks
    I'm Not Doing Well... 1/8/23

    Hello to all of you who may still be around and following my account. Nothing has changed for my drive and my love for my main story 'The Heart of Pleasure'. Although I'm sure my lack of progress this last year speaks for itself.

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    6 comments · 500 views

I'm Not Doing Well... 1/8/23 · 8:34am Jan 9th, 2023

Hello to all of you who may still be around and following my account. Nothing has changed for my drive and my love for my main story 'The Heart of Pleasure'. Although I'm sure my lack of progress this last year speaks for itself.

My issues is at home continue to worsen as my health continues to fade and I'm not getting the emotional or mental support that I need to get me through these struggles. But at the same time, that doesn't change the fact that I'm still here and that I'm still around. I am still dealing with physical health issues, I am also dealing with emotional health issues, and right on time on the morning of the 1st I came down with the flu and have had it ever since.

2023 does not show good promise for this to be my year... But I still love this story, and I will still strive for progress on new chapters for it... somehow.

Report Haunter_Rayne · 500 views · Story: The Heart of Pleasure · #Update #2023
Comments ( 6 )

Health comes first. If you need to take a time to heal your physical and emotional wounds, take it. We, your readers, aren't going anywhere.

Your words are heard an appreciated, thank you.

Actually to that effect I want to say that with all the troubles that I face... My story is more cathartic to me than it is a burden of love. I've had another reader comment to me privately about this before so I want to explain... I'm not sacrificing my health for the sake of getting my story done, or anything like that. It's quite the opposite. When I have the energy to work on it, writing this story has helped me to get through a lot of the troubles I face. It makes me feel better to write... when I can of course.

But knowing that you find my words still worth waiting for, makes me feel so much better about it having been so long since my last release. I truly appreciate it. Thank you. Little by little, this story is still being worked on... And thank you for reading!

Oh, it's comforting to hear that! Then, just be sure to write at your own pace; there's no need to rush:twilightsmile:. We all hope things get better for you soon. I'm seeing that 2022 was, God knows why, an awful year for a lot of people; even worse than 2021 and 2020! Keeping in mind that it's darkest before sunrise, brighter times are probably ahead.

PS: Thanks to you too for sharing your writing with us. It also makes our lives better.

2023 will certainly be what you make of it Rayne, though mayhaps by putting more of yourself into your story, you'll get what you seek out of it, you coined it the 'Heart of Pleasure' and it's rather fitting in this case, seek that pleasure and let it better your heart AND your health!

Be well dear Rayne!


^ I love that, haha.

Thank you

Take care of yourself. Don't worry too much, being sick is just a part of life.

My mom got the flu at the end of 2022, I caught it from her. Still not fully recovered. Innability to workout or go 100% at anything is annoying. But hey, gotta roll with the pucnhes.

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