• Member Since 18th May, 2017
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A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)

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A very late christmas update and sneak peak · 10:08am Dec 25th, 2022

Happy Holidays, Everypony!

Sorry for the late update. I finally moved into my new apartment, so I've been a bit distracted these last few weeks. But I have still been writing, so here are a few updates.

1: Over the course of November, I ended up writing a total of 48,482 words as part of the November Writing Challenge! This included two full stories, including 'How to be in a Movie' and 'How to Make Amends,' both of which take place in my primary Flashlight Universe. It was a bit challenge to write so much so quickly, but I think that I did really well overall, and hopefully those stories will be out once I am able to polish them up. If anyone is interested in me releasing a the rough drafts, please let me know.

2: The next chapter of 'How to meet the Parent' and 'How to Climb a mountain' are now being edited. After they are done, I play to have 'Freedom Shall Ring' be edited, followed by 'How to Meet your Daughter.'

3: Sneak peak time! A small peek from both How to Make Amends and How to Climb A Mountain.

Tempest is NOT a sandwich (How to Make Amends)

“DON’T YOU TALK BACK TO ME, MISTER! YOU’RE THE ONE WHO TRIED TO EAT ME! I don’t know what is WRONG with you giant monsters, but I AM NOT A SANDWITCH! I AM NOT ON THE MENU! So you are going to take your lumps like a giant bird monster that you are and then you are going to go and tell them all that TEMPEST FIZZLEPOP IS NOT ON THE MENU! YOU GOT THAT YOU—"
If not for the sheer number of things that had already happened today, Flash might have been a little bit more worried about the furious form of Tempest Fizzlepop (the name change conformation had just come in yesterday) angrily chasing around what was basically a bald eagle that was twenty times her size (at LEAST!) and attacking it with lightning. Especially as not five minutes ago the still-very-singed bird had tried to eat Spike again, only to miss and scoop up Tempest in its beak.

Fun with boxes (How to Climb a Mountain)

“Looks like I don’t have a choice. If you explode or send me flying in a random direction, I’m going to be upset,” Twilight muttered, glaring at the box, trying to ignore how a perfectly times snowflake landing on her nose ruined it. The box didn’t respond, so upon taking a deep breath and bracing herself, Twilight jumped onto the box.
“EEEEEKKKKK!” Twilight screamed as the light turned green and the entire box went shooting along the track! On instinct, she activated the boots, allowing her to hang on for dear life as the box came to a jarring stop right at the end of the conveyer belt, only a hoof or two away from the spikes.
I knew it! I knew this wasn’t just some random box! Twilight practically screamed to herself as she tried not to collapse in shock, her heart pounding hard against her ribs and her legs trembling from the burst of adrenaline.

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