• Member Since 18th May, 2017
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A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)

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Monthly Update: Ko-fi and Story Sneak Peak · 8:36am Mar 23rd, 2023

Hello everypony,
I hope you are all doing well. I am doing good, though I swear it feels like time is just flying by right now (and I really wish it would slow down so I could enjoy it more), but not much I can do about that. As many of you probably saw, the latest chapter of How to Meet Your Daughter is now up, and I hope that it lives up to the anticipation. I wanted to make sure I got Star, Argyle, and Scout just right, so I hope you give it a read if you haven't already and that you enjoy the journey.

In other news, between my stories and the content I have begun to create over on Twitch and Youtube, I decided that I would make a Ko-fi account! This way, if anyone wants to support me, you now have an option to do so. I'll be honest, I don't know if anyone will use it, but I wanted to create it just in case anyone wants to leave me a pleasant surprise. To be clear, all of my final work will always be posted here for everyone to see, and none of the final stories will ever be locked behind some sort of paywall. If there is enough interest, I may consider adding tiers that allow people to look at all the old drafts to my stories (complete with Angel's comments) so that people can see what changed across the revision process and how my stories have evolved from inception to publishing, but so far that is the only thing I am considering at the moment. The website is here of you are at all interested ko-fi.com/piemaster128official

Other than that, thank you all for continuing to read my stories, and here is a little sneak pear at another one of my works that is currently being edited.

Sneak Peak - Heroic Derpy

And then, there was Derpy.
Sweet, innocent, heroic Derpy. With Twilight trying to stop Luna’s now stone form from smashing into a thousand pieces on the ground and Flash trying to protect her from four different Strom Beast at once, neither of them had been able to get clear of Tempest’s stone bomb range. Flash saw the orb flying at Twilight before she did and had barely any time to try and jump in front of it.
And then Derpy had appeared. She was panicked, Flash could see it in her expression, but she also wore a grim determination he had seen on plenty of his comrades in arms. Without hesitation, she flew directly in front of Flash, taking the direct hit from the stone bomb. It wasn’t enough to save him from getting hit by the spell, but it gave him the split second he needed to shove Twilight out of the danger zone and directly into the dashing hooves of Rainbow Dash.
Flash had been turned to stone, as had Derpy, but thanks to the latter and the party hat she was still wearing, Tempest had been distracted long enough that Twilight had been able to escape. Flash had heard so from the Strom Beast, and he had never felt so relieved.
When this was all over, Flash was going to make sure Derpy got some sort of medal. Flash didn’t care what anypony said, she deserved to be recognized for making sure Equestria’s last Princess could escape the city. If nothing else, Twilight’s escape had delayed any plans of the Storm Army to attack the rest of Equestria, Tempest leaving to give chase and having apparently been gone for three days. That in and of itself was enough reason to give Derpy a medal for making sure Twilight could create that distraction in the first place.

If you want to say hi and learn when I am streaming or releasing new chapters, please feel free to join my Discord and place a message in the main chat https://discord.gg/Wt3HqMRrk4

If you want to see some of the other content I have been creating, please feel free to check out my Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/piemaster128_official

Comments ( 3 )
Comment posted by EverythingGuy deleted Mar 25th, 2023

After 'How to meet the parents' is finished, the next two stories will focus on the MLP Movie and the aftermath of the Storm King's invasion. Flash and Tempest will both play a major role in both stories, but other than that I won't spoil what happens.

If I know Flash, he’s probably going to have some choice words for Tempest when they meet properly. And Shining Armor probably will too.

P.S. I would love to see Sunset make an appearance in this series. Not saying she has to show up, but it would be great nonetheless if she did.

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