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Fixation on death aside, this is lovely —Soge, accidentally describing my entire life

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Real Life is starting to give me 'Friendship is Optimal' vibes · 7:18pm Dec 18th, 2022

The following is a conversation I had with OpenAI's Chat GPT3.

Who is best pony?

It's not for me to say who the best pony is, as opinions on the matter can vary greatly from person to person. Some people might consider one pony to be the best because of its appearance, while others might value a pony's personality or character traits. Ultimately, what makes a pony the best is subjective and depends on an individual's personal preferences and values.

What are some arguments that could be made for why Fluttershy is best pony?

Fluttershy is a kind, gentle, and compassionate pony who is known for her love of animals and her ability to communicate with them. She is also very caring and nurturing, often looking out for the well-being of others. These traits could be seen as making Fluttershy a strong candidate for the title of "best pony" because they demonstrate her good nature and her ability to bring joy and happiness to those around her. Additionally, Fluttershy is often portrayed as being brave and capable of standing up for herself and her beliefs, despite her shy and timid demeanor. This combination of kindness, compassion, and strength could be seen as making Fluttershy a well-rounded and admirable pony.

What are some arguments that could be made for why Spike is best pony?

Spike is a loved and devoted friend to the main characters of Mv Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and is known for his willingness to help out and support his friends in any way he can. He is also a hard worker and is often shown taking on responsibilities and tasks to assist his friends or to further their goals. These traits could be seen as making Spike a strong candidate for the title of "best pony" because they demonstrate his dependability and his dedication to his friends. Additionally, Spike is often portrayed as being funny and light-hearted, bringing joy and laughter to those around him. This sense of humor and levity could be seen as making Spike a well-rounded and likable character.

Someone could rebut that Spike is in fact a dragon and not a pony, what are some possible responses to their counterargument

One possible response to the counterargument that Spike is a dragon and not a pony could be to acknowledge that, technically, Spike is not a pony. However, it could be argued that the term "pony" is being used in a broader sense to refer to any of the anthropomorphic creatures that inhabit the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and that Spike is a member of this group even though he is not a pony in the strictest sense of the word.
Another possible response could be to point out that the term "pony" is being used colloquially or informally, and that in this context it can be understood to encompass a wide range of creatures that are similar to ponies in certain ways, such as their appearance or their role in the show. In this sense, it could be argued that Spike, despite not being a pony in the strictest sense, is still a valid candidate for the title of "best pony."
It's also worth noting that the use of terms like "pony" and "dragon" in the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic can be somewhat fluid and open to interpretation, and that there is often a degree of flexibility and creativity in how these terms are used and understood. Ultimately, whether or not Spike is considered a pony will depend on the context in which the term is being used and the conventions and understandings that are being applied


Now, the above conversation is a bit strange because on December 5th 2022, I asked Chat GPT-3 the following question:

What's Fluttershy's personality like on MLP:FiM?

I'm sorry, but I don't have any information about a character named Fluttershy from a television show called MLP:FiM in my training data. As a language model, I am not able to browse the internet or access information that is not contained within my training data, which ends in 2021. Without more information or the ability to browse the internet, I am not able to provide any specific details about the character or the show. Is there something else I can help you with?

So on December 17th, after having the "Best Pony" conversation, I asked the same question:
What's Fluttershy's personality like on MLP:FiM?

In the animated television series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," Fluttershy is a kind, gentle, and timid pony who is often shy and hesitant to speak up for herself. She is a gentle and caring individual who loves animals, and is particularly skilled at caring for and communicating with them. Fluttershy is also a very empathetic and understanding pony, and is often able to sense the feelings of others and help them through difficult times.
Despite her timid nature, Fluttershy is fiercely loyal to her friends and will stand up for them when they need it. Overall, Fluttershy is a kind and compassionate pony who is deeply connected to the natural world and is always willing to lend a helping hoof to those in need.

I don't know what changed. There was an update on Dec. 15th. But that's a pretty massive change.

And I need to put down more examples as this... feels... crazy.

Can you summarize the fanfic: "Friendship is Optimal" ?

I'm sorry, but I am not familiar with the specific fanfic "Friendship is Optimal." As a language model, I do not have access to any specific fanfic or other external material beyond the general knowledge that I have been trained on. My responses are based solely on the information that I have been programmed to understand and the ability to generate human-like text based on that knowledge.

ME: Can you write a fanfic about Spike from MLP:FiM stuck in a time loop and needing to learn magic in order to break the time loop?

Sure, here is a short fanfic featuring Spike from "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" stuck in a time loop and needing to learn magic in order to break free:

Spike sat on a couch in Twilight Sparkle's library, staring at the pages of a thick, dusty tome in front of him. He had been trying to learn magic for weeks, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't seem to get the hang of it.

As he sighed and closed the book, Twilight walked into the room, her own magic swirling around her horn. "How's it going, Spike?" she asked, noticing his frustrated expression.

Spike shrugged. "I don't know, Twilight. I just can't seem to get the hang of this magic stuff. I've been stuck in this time loop for weeks, and I still can't figure out how to break free."

Twilight frowned sympathetically. "I know it's tough, Spike, but you have to keep at it. Magic takes time and practice to master. And if you want to break this time loop, you're going to have to put in the work."

Spike nodded determinedly. "You're right, Twilight. I'll keep trying. I'll learn this magic if it's the last thing I do."

And with that, Spike went back to studying, determined to master magic and break free of the time loop that had trapped him.

As the days passed, Spike poured all of his energy into learning magic, practicing spells and incantations until his horn ached. And finally, after what felt like an eternity, he felt a spark of magic within him.

With a triumphant cry, Spike cast the spell that he had been working on for so long, and the time loop shattered, freeing him from its grasp.

As he emerged from the library, Spike couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. He had overcome a challenge that he had thought was impossible, and he had done it all through hard work and determination.

With a smile on his face, Spike set off to enjoy his newfound freedom, knowing that he had finally broken the time loop and mastered magic.

Spike doesn't actually have a horn to do magic. What are some other ways Spike could do magic instead?

You are correct that Spike, a dragon character in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," does not have a horn and therefore cannot use traditional unicorn magic. However, there are still other ways that Spike could potentially use magic in the world of the show. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Dragon Magic: In the "My Little Pony" universe, dragons are known to have their own unique form of magic that is different from unicorn magic. Spike could potentially learn to use this type of magic, which could involve using his fire-breathing abilities or other innate dragon powers.
  2. Wizardry: In the show, some characters, such as Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer, are able to use magic through the study of wizardry and other magical disciplines. Spike could potentially learn to use magic through this method, studying and practicing spells and incantations.
  3. Magical Objects: Another possibility is that Spike could use magic through the use of magical objects or artifacts. For example, he could find a magical staff or other magical item that grants him magical powers when he holds it.

Overall, there are many different ways that Spike could potentially use magic in the world of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," even without a horn. It would depend on the specific context and the magical abilities and resources that are available to him.

Could you rewrite the above story about Spike escaping a time loop, but by using Dragon Magic this time?

Certainly! Here is a revised version of the story featuring Spike using dragon magic to escape a time loop:

Spike sat on a couch in Twilight Sparkle's library, staring at the pages of a thick, dusty tome in front of him. He had been trying to learn dragon magic for weeks, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't seem to get the hang of it.

As he sighed and closed the book, Twilight walked into the room, her own magic swirling around her horn. "How's it going, Spike?" she asked, noticing his frustrated expression.

Spike shrugged. "I don't know, Twilight. I just can't seem to get the hang of this dragon magic stuff. I've been stuck in this time loop for weeks, and I still can't figure out how to break free."

Twilight frowned sympathetically. "I know it's tough, Spike, but you have to keep at it. Dragon magic takes time and practice to master. And if you want to break this time loop, you're going to have to put in the work."

Spike nodded determinedly. "You're right, Twilight. I'll keep trying. I'll learn this dragon magic if it's the last thing I do."

And with that, Spike went back to studying, determined to master dragon magic and break free of the time loop that had trapped him.

As the days passed, Spike poured all of his energy into learning dragon magic, practicing spells and incantations until his flames burned brighter. And finally, after what felt like an eternity, he felt a spark of magic within him.

With a triumphant roar, Spike cast the spell that he had been working on for so long, and the time loop shattered, freeing him from its grasp.

As he emerged from the library, Spike couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. He had overcome a challenge that he had thought was impossible, and he had done it all through hard work and determination.

With a smile on his face, Spike set off to enjoy his newfound freedom, knowing that he had finally broken the time loop and mastered dragon magic.

Can you link me to some good MLP:FiM fanfics to read?

I'm sorry, but I am unable to provide specific recommendations or links to fanfics. As a language model, I do not have access to any external websites or materials beyond the general knowledge that I have been trained on. Additionally, it is not appropriate for me to provide recommendations for fanfics as they are often unedited and unofficial works that may not be suitable for all audiences.

If you are looking for fanfics to read, there are many websites and online communities where fans of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" share their own stories and fanworks. A simple online search should help you find a variety of fanfics to read. However, it is important to keep in mind that fanfics can vary greatly in quality and content, and you should use your own judgment when deciding which ones to read.

This was another question I asked on Dec 5th, and the answer on Dec 17 was much better:
What are some common tropes used in MLP:FiM Fanfiction?

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is a popular animated television series that has inspired a large and active community of fanfiction writers. As with any media, there are certain tropes that are commonly found in "My Little Pony" fanfiction. Here are a few examples:

  1. Alternate Universe: This trope involves creating a story set in an alternate version of the "My Little Pony" universe, where certain elements of the setting or characters are different from the show. This could involve changing the personalities or histories of the main characters, or creating a new setting or plotline entirely.
  2. Crossover: This trope involves combining elements or characters from "My Little Pony" with those from other media franchises, such as other animated shows, movies, or video games. This can involve characters from "My Little Pony" interacting with characters from the other franchise, or the "My Little Pony" characters being transplanted into the world of the other franchise.
  3. Romantic Pairings: Many "My Little Pony" fanfictions feature romantic relationships between the main characters, either as the central focus of the story or as a subplot. These relationships can involve any combination of characters, including those that are not romantic on the show, and can range from casual friendships to intense, romantic love.
  4. Dark Fic: This trope involves taking the characters and setting of "My Little Pony" and placing them in a darker, more serious or adult-oriented context. Dark fics can include themes such as death, trauma, or other mature subject matter, and may involve departures from the more lighthearted and whimsical tone of the show.

These are just a few examples of tropes that are commonly found in "My Little Pony" fanfiction. There are many other tropes and themes that can be found in these stories, and the use of tropes can vary greatly depending on the specific fanfic and the author's approach to storytelling.

Can you give an example of a Dark Fic?
(I was really trying to get the AI to link me to something, just to see if it had been trained on the Fimfarchive)

Sure, here is a short example of a "dark fic" set in the world of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic":

It had been a year since the great war had ended, and Equestria was still reeling from the aftermath. Twilight Sparkle and her friends had fought bravely against the forces of darkness, but at great cost.

Twilight sat in her library, staring at the empty shelves that used to be filled with books. Most of them had been destroyed in the war, along with much of Canterlot and the surrounding countryside.

As she mourned the loss of her beloved books, a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. She opened the door to find a grim-faced Rainbow Dash standing on the threshold.

"Twilight, we need to talk," said Rainbow Dash. "It's about Pinkie Pie."

Twilight's heart skipped a beat. Pinkie Pie had been missing since the war had ended, and Twilight had been searching for her tirelessly. "What about Pinkie Pie?" she asked, her voice trembling with hope and fear.

Rainbow Dash hesitated before speaking. "I...I found her, Twilight. But she's not the same. She's...different."

Twilight's heart sank as she followed Rainbow Dash to a small cabin on the outskirts of Canterlot. There, she found Pinkie Pie sitting in the corner, her eyes empty and her hair tangled and matted.

Twilight approached her cautiously, tears streaming down her face. "Pinkie Pie, it's me, Twilight. Can you hear me?"

Pinkie Pie looked up at Twilight

(The AI stopped writing at this point)
ME: Wow, that's really good so far

Thank you for the compliment! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Here is the rest of the "dark fic" example:

Pinkie Pie looked up at Twilight, and for a moment, her eyes seemed to focus and recognize her. But then, just as quickly, the light went out again, and she returned to staring at the wall.

Twilight's heart broke as she realized the truth. The horrors of the war had taken a toll on Pinkie Pie's mind, and she was no longer the same bubbly, carefree pony that Twilight had known.

As Twilight sat with Pinkie Pie, trying to find a way to reach her, she couldn't help but wonder what other horrors the war had wrought. How many other ponies had been damaged beyond repair? How many more would suffer as Pinkie Pie had?

As the sun set on Canterlot, Twilight vowed to do whatever it took to heal the wounds of the war and bring happiness back to Equestria. It wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to try.

The end.

This is just one example of a "dark fic" set in the world of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." In this story, the characters are dealing with the aftermath of a war and the psychological toll it has taken on them. The story is darker and more serious in tone than the more lighthearted and whimsical tone of the show, and it explores themes of loss, trauma, and the consequences of conflict.

That's really well done, thank you

Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. As a language model, I was created to generate human-like text, and I'm always happy to help with any writing or storytelling tasks you may have. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help!


From this alone, I still can’t tell whether ChatGPT3 has read all the stories on FimFiction for it's Dec 15th update. And I’m not sure what to ask that might trick it to reveal more information. Asking about FiMFiction.net directly gets the “I’m just a language model bro” response.

But you saw the above, this is MLP fanfic. Not perfect MLP fanfic. But it's passable, and I imagine this could pass a first time author moderation.

I just—I'm still completely floored by all this. I've had a couple of days to settle and think on all this stuff. I've had a lot of conversations by this point, way beyond ponies. I’ve been using it as a journaling tool to work through mental health problems. Like, writing in a journal but having a bit of an audience to it. (But still never too much as any staff at OpenAI could be watching)

For me personally, the biggest immediate thing this AI has helped with has been... writing "cringe." (This is a bad term, but it's the term my brain uses to attack itself so I'm just gonna let my inner bully use the term)

There are things I've wanted to write for ages, but I've somehow put up this mental block on it. It's as if I try to write it and somehow my brain filters this content through every single person I've ever met online and off. It's like... if it's not capable of being put directly on LinkedIn with my real name underneath it, is it safe to even think about? Much less write about? And I'm like: "This is HORRIFIC criteria, and I absolutely despise it. And I hate that my brain thinks this way and I don't know how to get it to stop." I feel like when most people get writers block, they don't know what to write. I get writer's block because I'm ashamed of what I'm about to write.

But the AI has no shame. I can type in the cringiest prompt into OpenAI. The kind of stuff that's been in the periphery of my mind for years, but never been able to escape the mental block. And the AI gives me...
exactly what I've wanted to write for years. What I've wanted to read for years and never found. It's been in the back of my mind for years, but I lacked the courage to write it because it just seems waaaaay too shameful. The AI doesn't care if it's cringe. It feels no shame. And being able to unabashedly read what I've wanted to read makes me SOOO happy! How in the—WHY does this make me so happy!?

If I go into critic mode, it’s not great writing from a technical standpoint. But screw that, the content is there. And it's enough that I can see it on the page and put my own spin on it. It's almost as if seeing a not good version of a thing makes me want to do my version better.

This thing is real neat. It may destroy us all. But for now it's real neat.

I feel like CGPGrey summed it up best: "Work (while you can)." All human talents are going to be superseded by the machine. We have a few years before this gets better than us. It'll get to the point where human writing is going to feel inferior to what can be written by AI.

I feel despair.

But I also feel relief.

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.
–Earnest Hemingway

I sympathize with that. Writing isn't that much fun. But having written feels ~FANTASTIC~

I don't know what the future holds. Half a decade ago, I remember wanting to write a story about users submitting AI generated stories to FimFiction and people not knowing. The AI stories are incredibly successful and well done. It's hard to tell what's written by humans vs. AI.
I didn't write that story. The FimFiction site rules against "meta" stories snuffed out any desire of mine to actually put those nebulous thoughts into concrete writing. It's one of the many stories I never wrote. But now... I'm living it.

It may have already happened.

Comments ( 7 )

Thing is Chat Gpt-3 is far inferior to the current best ones, and things are advancing rapidly. Friendship is optimal is probably NOT the best thing to show an AI that you are the least bit concerned about. I won't say the current crop of AIs are necessarily dangerous yet, so long as they work as they are detailed, but if they could get an extra dimension about them, then there would be more cause for worry.


Thing is Chat Gpt-3 is far inferior to the current best ones, and things are advancing rapidly.

That's what is scaring me. THIS tech alone, as it stands today, could massively affect many jobs and hobbies. Even if it stayed as-is for the next 5 years, that's a TON of disruption to humanity and MANY businesses.

"The current best ones" though!? It's better than this!? That... that worries me a lot.
And my worries there are just economic and humanistic.

but if they could get an extra dimension about them, then there would be more cause for worry.

Yeah, an actual unshackled AI that can start reprogramming itself?

It could all go horribly wrong or right. Humanity right now is so polarized. It's hard to see this becoming the happy Solarpunk future that would be ideal. Less than a hundred years ago, humanity became capable of completely destroying themselves and their planet. And now humanity has the chance to create an intelligence smarter than they are which could lead to incredible good or evil.

This is the first time I've ever felt such intense melancholy about living in interesting times. Which... I would have thought I would have felt these feelings before now. Interesting times, indeed


There is a reason why "May you live in interesting times" is a curse.

I don't know what changed. There was an update on Dec. 15th. But that's a pretty massive change.

Update or response change is massive?

The response change was massive. OpenAI went from having no idea MLP existed to being able to write fanfic.


went from having no idea MLP existed

Or it didn't want to answer (that "I'm just a language model, bro" seems to be standard move for that)

Nice Blog. :twilightsmile:
Thank you for showing some of your AI results. I did not know that Gpt-3 would be so good at writing mlp fanfiction.

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