Fixation on death aside, this is lovely —Soge, accidentally describing my entire life
Some creative nonfiction because I got my first dose of vaccine today, and it feels… kinda… historic… y’know?
I feel super ashamed even writing this post because it has been a horrific year in general for most people. And writing about my own personal good fortune in such an awful year feels like an exercise in extreme narcissism. And it sounds like bragging? I feel like I shouldn't talk about good fortune in such an unfortunately bad year.
TL;DR: Here's a shareable spreadsheet of Online Pony conventions for May/June:
EDIT: Equestria Daily made a page for online pony cons, probably based on this list I sent them, yay!
I recently finished Malcom Gladwell's latest book: Talking to Strangers. It's a good read, if bleak and unsettling. One chapter of the book that really got my brain going was on the ability of humanity to "read" the emotions of others. (I cannot find online anywhere the work cited for Chapter 6: "The Friends Fallacy"—my library audiobook version didn't have it—so I'm talking about this from my untrustworthy memory)
Guys. Gals. Nonbinary pals. I’m going to be dramatic for a bit here because I’m writing this and I’m so sleep deprived and my anxiety is driving me nuts. And honestly, just skip this whole blog—it's just crazed Spike fan angst.
And and… okay.
I mentioned in my last blog post that there were a few interviews at Bronycon with my friend James from NPR. Unfortunately it looks like nothing actually got to air. And most of the interviews didn't get used. However James was able to get an article posted on NPR'S website.
Against all odds, I actually went to Bronycon this year.
Though it's a little strange. Being able to attend Bronycon feels like an absurd luxury I didn't expect to ever afford. I guess I'm just so used to being the one that says: Well I'm glad those other people had such a nice time that it feels incredibly strange to get to participate. And it feels wrong for me to go to something that so many others can't go at all.
I managed to make it to Everfree Northwest this year and it was an absolute blast!
This was my first brony con (besides Crystal Mountain Pony Con) I’d ever been to and it was surprisingly worth the trip!
Main highlights:
Cathy Weseluck—give this woman a TED talk
TL;DR: People have different difficulty levels on—sometimes you ought to give help and sometimes you ought to seek it out.
I just finished my once-every-couple-of-years replay of the entire Mass Effect trilogy. This playthrough really got me thinking about difficulty levels.