• Published 14th Jul 2018
  • 12,921 Views, 5,912 Comments

Prey and a Lamb - Lambs Prey

This is a story about a sheep. A little sheep, locked deep in prison, put there by ponies. He doesn't want to be there, but then he's had to do a lot of things he doesn't want to. It's a shame he deserves to be in there.

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Comments ( 369 )

So it's over...

I am seeing it.

Now I have to read it...

And then... Reread it...

The end of an era.

It's finally over, so I can emit a sound judgement.
This is the best story I've ever read, fanfiction or not.
Thank you, all of you who worked so hard to make this story the quality it is today.
Thank you Lambs Prey.

Well that was... I'm very mixed at the ending all good things must come to a end but this was not one I wanted to end so soon this story was one of the few keeping me coming back too the site I'd dare say it's one of my top 3 in the entire time I've been here and maybe someday with the open ending you can come back with a sequel but I'm not holding my breath overall 10/10 my good sir

So after that train wreck of a last mission, the team dropping one by one, and that ending, I'd say Prey managed to eak out a win.

While he has been reduced to spirit stuff and fluff, he's managed to tumble into a sorta freedom with Crimson.

Though I do wish the residents and Celestia in particular got some kind of shake up, a signal from Harmony or whatever force that they will not breeze through everything with hardship, and I mean more then the scares she got.

And Luna, while you did try to fix your Griffon kidnapping stunt, your saddled with the most ignorant and entitled subject on the planet, so all I can say is a quote from Jeff Smith's Bone graphic novel

May we be equal to the burden

thanks for the great story hope you keep writing in this world cause I'm ready to what new sledge hammer might hit the mane six/ royal sisters

the highest complement i can give you is that i downloaded your story as a pdf and will keep it even if it disappears from this site that how much i enjoined it.

for my head canon prey died but in the long run he took the sun wolf down with him, and that what leads to G5 and the fall of equestria

If you do ever decide to make one shots on this, could you do a non canon one with the worm destroying canterlot?

I don't think I'm the only one that wants to see that hive of scum and villainy to get flattened.

(Also, thank you for making this awesome story, it's stories like these that got me into writing myself!)

I... I can't believe it's over. The ending may not be what I wanted, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fitting (I'll admit, the ambiguous happy ending improved my assessment). I'm sure I'll come back and write an essay about how much I love this story, but I think I'll take my time with a reread before I do that. Just know that I love this story so, so much. Keep us posted on where you go from here, because I am eager to see what you write next. Until next time, you magnificent son of a gun.

Ah, parting is such sweet sorrow...

P.S. You have motivated me to accelerate the production of my story/stories, may I one day come close to your skill.

P.P.S. How would you feel about me (or you, or someone else) making a group on here dedicated to this story? I'm toying with the possibility of making a spin-off sometime in the future, and perhaps there are others who would be interested in doing the same.

This story was very worth it.

And to everyone in the comment section, I'm gonna miss theorizing with you guys. It's been fun.

It happily ended, but at what cost?

Besides the thought of future side stories with the rest of the characters, will you have any plans on making another story? Or perhaps a sequel? Or was this a one and done situation?

Honestly, didn’t actually think we’d get here.

Well, I think I need to do a full re-read of the story now. I think I missed a lot of subtle clues along the way!

But it was a very good story and I enjoyed reading it. Will definitely keep an eye out for anything else you write. :moustache:

It is isn't it? I wonder if I'll even stick around fimfiction for much longer now that this magnum opus has finally concluded. There are other stories I'm waiting to see end (primarily Changeling of the Guard), but Prey and a Lamb was like an anchor store, and I don't know how often I'll come back to the mall that's this website with it closed.

All I really want now is a physical copy of this story. So that it may finally occupy the place in my bookshelf it has repeatedly earned. So that it may for years serve as a memento for the time I have spent reading and enjoying the wondrous words this site holds.

While this is the true end I wonder what would happen in alternative universe of choice where the prey have his revenge, there a multverse still if the author get bored or just continue a new arc with prey return there are possibilities later on to branch off. My P.O.V this true ending is the middle of the tree and tree have branches

Perfectly Insane

It is sad to see the story end, but also happy. I wanted there to be some kind of final confrontation with Luna, but I understand why there wasn't. This was a fantastic story, and my favorite oc focused one. So well written, so well described, just 10/10. I could go on and on about why I love this fic so much, but no words will properly convey how much I truly do just love it.

The only question I have is do you plan on doing anything with Lilly? Will she live a normal life span because she's a unicorn? Will she ever be able to go back working to the guards? She was kind of just left trying to get better, but it wasn't clear if that would actually work out or not. I hope she gets some kind of conclusion.

Please, consider making it a printed book. I know I'd love to have one.


its not often i register to make a comment, and i've been coming to this site for near 10 years. decided nows good time as any. i love a good story, i love one that is well written, and update regularly like a good old fashion radio show. however it isn't often that the stories i do follow actually get completed. some of the great ones i treasure that did get a great end are to me, quite few. Starlight over Detrot was one of those stories that i absolutely treasured and would routinely check the site to see an update. Anything by Estee is, recently for me, another author whose works have me hooked, and long ago, Fallout Equestria, the core story was another one. Prey and a lamb over time became another work to have me hooked. its sad to see it end, but a good story needs an end to make it worth while. if you got something that just goes on and on and on, it will stagnate and slowly lose the big picture it started out to have. see that too often in television, where a show starts out great but gets dragged on for far too long. this, anyways im glad to have found this story and look forward to any other works you may start on.

Oh man I'd love a physical copy with maybe some nice chapter illustrations.

The ending was great. Sad to see the story end, but I have little complaints in how it ended. Would love to read any side stories you might have planned.

This was beautiful, Lambs.

But I have a small problem.

Now that this, basically the sole reason I keep returning to this site, has concluded, what the hell am I supposed to do now?!

In all seriousness, if you're planning on working on another fanfiction, either on this site or another (which, uh, upon review it looks like you are), I think it will be universally appreciated.

I don't comment on stories very often but this one deserves it. I've been hooked ever since I found this story. You're writing is amazing and I can't wait to see if you start anything else. Amazing work :pinkiesad2::heart:

It's over. Isn't it :')

Ill miss this story. It became such a prominent part of my life, it's funny how difficult it had become to imagine a world without it.

I am very happy with the ending, far from what I have imagined, but I can't think of any ending more fitting.

I have so many thoughts left. I'll probably have to sleep on it. I've grown used to having two weeks to process new chapters, but this was so much in so little time. It will take me a while to truly process it all.

I do have a question left. What exactly happened in rush weed. What made selenia do what she did. Why was she a good mother? Why did she die? What about her husband? Is fleese a doll as well? Or was it only Prey? And why? It's not very important, but I would like to know. If only for closure.

If you are still so against us giving you money, then please at least sell a physical copy if the story, I would very much like that.

I'll probably give more of my thoughts later, in a day, or maybe more, if ever really, after I finish processing everything. After that I'll probably do a complete re read.

I'll miss the story. And I'll also miss theorizing with my fellow fans. It was great, I'll miss you all dearly.

I have one last thing to request of you lambPrey, it's a selfish request.

please continue writing! I want to read more of the things you write. It doesn't have to relate to "a Prey and the Lamb", or even be the same style or gener, or even a FIMfiction at all.

I really love how you write, and I would love more. If you ever decide to write anything again, I only wish for you to tell us, so we will be with you there as well.

I'll miss it, I'll miss you, I'll miss all of this. :')

I, uh, sorry. 😌 It probably won't happen, because of the expense and sheer logistics involved. I wrote this story here, because I could, and I wanted to, easily. (Uh, how would one even go about self-publish/printing a book anyways?)

You should try and contact The ministry of image they make and publish books for FIMfiction writers. Very reputable.

Good luck with writing, no matter what it is! I'd wish the same to anyone else too.

To answer your query, I think I mentioned it before, but this is a fanfiction site. And I don't actually own anything but this story and ideas. I can't really prevent anyone doing whatever they want. But, for what good it does, I would say, *Eherm* 'I hope that if anyone does use anything "Prey and a Lamb" related, it is in the spirit of trying to write something they love. Not filth. Just please don't.'

In the future, perhaps. For now though, I will be taking a rest for a while.
Good luck to you in your own artistic creations of literature!

I don't feel like I can truly explain my thoughts on this story so I'll try and keep it simple and short. This was one of the best stories I've ever read. Period. The entire cast of characters were great, even the ones that were hated. And though the ending might've been bittersweet, it honestly makes sense that it ended where it did. The story of Prey was a great one, and it ended with him. But even with his end, the threads he truly touched still exist despite the mass memory erasure. And despite how Celestia may wish nobody will ever remember him, Crimson and Lemon Pink still remember. Crimson has made sure that even if he goes unnamed, that those who may not have been his friends but were people he would have missed had they died, will remember what he did for them. And Lemon Pink ensuring his touch is still felt whilst still becoming her own pony is great. And I loved how they ended up becoming friends, or at least Lemon considers Crimson a friend.
And just how badly he ended up impacting an immortal, Celestia... A very deserved fate for her in the end.
And yeah that's about it. all I can say now is I can't wait for whatever else you may end up writing. And I hope you have a good day.

Alright, if I do, or write somewhere else, I suppose I can add it to a Blog post on FiMfiction or the like. 😅

Thank you.
And yes, I have a treasured few fictions saved on my own bookshelves that are now only gathering dust, incomplete. Like all the great ones, they died too soon. :pinkiesad2:

If you want a personal recommendation. You should give a read to Blueblood hero of equestria a read. While it does have its similarities in some areas, it's a different story in most regards. It's an ongoing, vastly underrated gem.

It does share the themes of pointless wars. The unfair horrors of the battlefield, the idiocy of the guard. Of manipulations and lies and the masks people wear.

If you likes paal, you'll probably at least enjoy this.


I'm happyn't, deprelighted, but most of all, satisfied.

OMG, Yes!!! It’s not a tragedy!! 😄 This is the ending I’ve always hoped for, Prey finally free. Yes, there are some bitter parts, but this is as happy as a happy ending the story could have and stay consistent.
Later, when I calm down, I’ll write a comment on the overall story, but I'm just so happy right now.

Thanks for the quick uploads of the last chapters, I don't know if I could have lived with the wait. These last 48 hours were hell haha😅. Sorry for even doubting you, this was an amazing journey and an amazing end. Thanks a lot, amazing work! :heart:

Like all good stories, this one makes my imagination spin it wheels for hours after ever chapter. I may try something, about the hunger
Mostly just how I view it and and even greater thing it could represent, unreality
It’s been spinning I my head these last few days and I kinda am feeling like writing it down, idk if I will or if I will keep it to myself yet.

I found this story when it was... oh, I believe only 600k words long? And I've been following along ever since. Well, until now at any rate.

I know you're going to get comments like this in the dozens, but I find comments that honestly praise or just gush over something I've written to be something definitely worth treasuring. So, I won't mince words when I say this:
What you have written is, without a doubt in my mind, one of the best stories I have read. That I have looked forward to the posting of every chapter, and that the emotions and ideas you have managed to transform onto page are something to definitely be proud of. You have caught lightning in a way, weaving together a darker tone and world in a way that still fits the saccharine world of My Little Pony.

My Little Pony has some unreasonably good fanfiction, but you? You have written one of its best.

An awesome ending my friend. And I thank you again for making such an awesome story and inspiring me! :heart:

Well. That's it, huh.

I don't like the ending. It would be a very nice and fitting ending for a Tragedy story that's a fifth of the length, but 1.3m words? We saw so many problems from Prey's PoV. We suffered alongside Prey. We felt his loss, his frustration, his hope to simply keep on living.

Then you killed him. Celestia will never really answer for her entirely one-sided trial that quite literally went against Luna's whole speech about not interpreting Harmony. Point in case, if Celestia's logic was applied fairly, she would execute Luna, too, for what Nightmare Moon did.

If you build up sooooooo much on the issues of this story, and then deliver a Kafkaesque ending, it just feels like we wasted our time. Every part of a story matters, especially length.

Prey had suffered his entire life, and only one single person remembers him. Why? Why did it have to end that why? Why did you chose that ending? I ask these questions, but if I'm being honest, I don't care enough to hear the answers. That's how sour I find this ending to be.

I love PaaL. I really do. But for me, I can never consider this to be the way that Prey's story ends.

I look forward to whatever side content, or even new work you ever decide to make. It's really hard for me to find a story that makes me feel and/or engages me anymore, maybe it's the amount of them or maybe how many times they are retold. Thank you for this, truly.

P.S. I just noticed your hunger-description of lamprey and now I can't unsee the pun with your name. You cheeky goon.

Just to point out, I don't know how many people agree, but I'd pay almost any price for a printed copy when it's ready to reach that stage. I feel many people would be willing to spend quite a bit, epsecially given the length required. Being able to point at my horse-word double-bible and see it there is priceless imo.

Crimsons deserve a little happiness. As a treat :twilightsmile:

bravo friend thanks for the cool story.
here is a meme to celebrate the end


It's hard to describe how this story made me feel; I first remember seeing it on the recommended section about three years ago and thinking, 'seems interesting but not my kind of fanfic' though eventually caving in, in a combination of boredom and the fact it kept appearing whenever i was searching for something interesting.

I was wrong, it wasn't just interesting, it was beyond anything I'd ever seen. The shear dedication to detail in each chapter, the interwoven plot, the characters, the cynicism, the beautifully described environments, yet soul crushing grim twists, Prey, in the 'bright world of the ponies' was something I craved like nothing ever before on this site, it was everything I wanted. The shear unfairness of the advantage the ponies had above every other being (especially lambs) was something I had always wanted to see described in a story before, yet hadn't till I read this.

I came for Prey, yet stayed for the world the author described (also for Prey), of the world everyone saw differently. Especially the ISND.

I honestly both didn't want it to end and yet also wanted it to end, not because it was getting dry or something, because each and every arc was so good its hard to describe in words (though the wolfing wood arc was so exciting I thought I'd get a heart attack from how my heartbeat was going through the roof). However. it felt like ISND's time would come to an end with each adventure more dangerous than the last.

The realism clashing with the idealistic point of view of the ponies, the end basically saying that the world is unfair but as long as you find peace and meaning in something even if for just a second or a moment it'll be alright, was something I think I needed, even if there were many messages I didn't perceive or understand, the ending was absolutely superb and I don't think it could've been better.

The story told the story it was meant to tell, and every thing good or bad, must come to an end (though in this case very, very good).

Thank you Lambs Prey, thank you everyone, this is the best book (I'll call it book because its a shame to call this fanfic because it's truly something different) I've ever read, and will ever probably have the fortune of reading. The shear enjoyment and memories I got from reading this will last.

I'm just sad because I'm not sure anything like this will be written for a very long time if at all, or if I will even find it. Though that's not to say there's 0 chance, but I do think that this is probably the most unique experience I will have reading an MLP fanfic, because I'm not sure if its possible to even recreate a master piece like this. This fic was everything I wanted it to be and yet so much much more.

So yeah its good, hell yeah. I'll miss this, well done.

You soon find that four years of constant writing has instilled a habit of writing that you cannot be rid of. Or at least, that's what I'm hoping. Enjoy your break.

My heart yearns for more... It hurts, a slow pain at the coming of a long journey's end, one that I fear will never end.

I don't usually read side stories... Usually, because I don't like short stories, and they're never completed.

I'm sad that's it's over but but I loved the journey.

Now I won't know what to do every other weekend. Maybe I should try and write something.

This story will forever leave me with a feeling of yearning and nostalgia when i reflect upon it, words cant describe how grateful i am to have been able to experience this

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