• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

Volume 54 - Epilogue

Later that day, as the sun begins to set, Arc paces back and forth on The Equinox’s bridge. Lemon Hearts calls out to him from her station.

“Sir, you really should sit down.”

Thunderlane nods soberly. “Yeah, you’ve been at that for hours now.”

Arc does not slow down. “Just… don’t like feeling useless.”

Lemon Hearts puts a hoof to her headphones. “Sir, I’m picking up a transmission from Equestria.”

Arc looks over as he turns. “Whom from?”

“Princess Cadance. She says that her airships from the Crystal Empire should arrive within the hour.”

“Good! Good…”

He goes back to pacing as the door to the bridge opens. Auriel and Maria enter wearing respirators. Removing them, they approach Arc. Auriel is the first to speak.

“We’ve completed our assessment, Arc.”


Maria sets her respirator on a nearby table. “That there is no radioactive fallout from the blasts anywhere in the country nor any other lingering chemicals from the explosions in the air.”

Auriel quickly chimes in. “At least not from the bombs themselves, that is.”

Maria nods as she gestures to the table. “Right. Our rescue parties should still continue to use their respirators especially when entering confined spaces to protect them from dust and other airborne contaminants that are still floating around in the air.”

Arc looks to Lemon Hearts. “Be sure to pass that information on to those overseeing our rescue crews.”

“Yes sir.”

As she does so, Arc looks at his pocket watch. Seeing what time it is he returns his gaze to the pair before him.

“It’s about time for the progress meeting.”

Auriel heads for the door. “My mother and I will head back out and see about verifying…”

Arc cuts her off. “I’d actually like it if you and Doctor Knowles would attend this one.”

Maria raises an eyebrow, confused. “Isn’t this whole matter supposed to be a big state secret though?”

Arc sighs as he looks out the window. “There’s no keeping something this big under wraps. Nor any real reason to do so anyways.”

Auriel nods soberly. “I’ll come them, Arc.”

Maria steps forward. “As will I.”

“Thank you. Both of you.”

Leaving the bridge, the trio head for Arc’s quarters. Opening the door, they find Twilight, Luna, Celestia, Cadance, King Felix, and Queen Fiona sitting around the table waiting for them. All appear to be emotionally drained from the day’s activities. Arc looks around the room as he speaks soberly.

“Thank you all for coming.”

Twilight nods sadly. “We hope there’s some kind of light at the end of this tunnel.”

Luna frowns. “Indeed.”

Celestia bows her head. “That may not be the case though.”

Cadance looks to Auriel and her mother. “Hopefully you can tell us something about what happened.”

Felix gestures toward the window with a paw. “Yes, this is just… atrocious!”

Fiona takes her husband’s other paw in hers. “Agreed, dear.”

Arc takes a deep breath. “First, I should start us off by telling everyone what we know of the situation thus far.”

Motioning for Auriel and Maria to take two empty chairs, Arc walks over to the window and looks out of it as he begins.

“All of you have already heard the recording my communication’s officer made of the rebel leader’s speech from earlier today. How he confessed to the nation about killing King Guto and that he was going to avenge his fallen comrades.”

Twilight shakes her head. “It’s just such a terrible loss.”

Cadance points a hoof toward the window. “The worst part is that we don’t really know what did all of that.”

Arc sighs. “I do.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “You… what?”

“A new kind of bomb.”

Luna tilts her head to one side, confused. “Bomb?”

Twilight waves a hoof dismissively. “There isn’t anything in all the world capable of making explosions like that though.”

Arc looks to Luna. “The one King Guto told us was taken from the warehouse apparently was.”

Luna frowns. “How would you know that though, Arc?”

Arc turns and walks toward the table. “This is why.”

Reaching for his ring, he pulls out the box of parts. Setting them in the center of the table, Arc continues.

“This is the disassembled remains of the a fore mentioned stolen device.”

Celestia appears confused. “You mean… you were the one whom took it?”

Cadance gasps as her hooves fly to her mouth. “Arc! But why?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I didn’t steal it from the warehouse, no. It was delivered here to the ship via courier.”

Felix frowns. “By whom though, Lord Arc?”

“Presumably by someone whom was connected to the rebels.”

Fiona puts a paw to her chin thoughtfully. “But that still doesn’t make any sense. Why would the rebels go through all the trouble of stealing this thing just to turn it over to you?”

“I don’t have a definitive answer to that, Queen Fiona. Just theories.”

Luna eyes the remains curiously. “First off, is it really safe to have this thing just lying in the middle of the table?”

Arc nods. “Yes, it is. I had Auriel and Doctor Knowles professionally disassemble it and remove the payload.”

Auriel points at the box with a claw. “As it stands, that’s nothing but scrap right now.”

Maria gestures out a window to the west. “And the payload that was contained within it is safely stored away back in Canterlot Castle.”

Celestia frowns. “How did it get there though?”

Arc sits down at the table with them. “After I talked over this mysterious… acquisition with Ambassador Ashe, I decided it needed to be looked over by professionals in greatest secret. That’s where Auriel and her mother came into the picture.”

Maria nods. “My daughter and I were able to safely deconstruct it as well as make a schematic of the design for future study.”

Auriel sighs. “Before we came over here today, my mother and I were working on Arc’s latest orders.”

Arc chimes in. “Which were to find a way to safely dispose of the payload.”

Luna shakes her head. “Why didn’t you say something to us, Arc?”

Celestia taps the table with a hoof. “Yes, we could have helped.”

Arc sighs. “In truth, I was trying to keep it a secret for nation security’s sake, as well as give all four princesses plausible deniability.”

Twilight nods. “When we said we didn’t know anything about it, such was the truth.”

Cadance looks at the parts and sighs. “I still can’t believe that King Guto was working on something so incredibly powerful though.”

Luna sighs. “That’s why he wanted my hoof in marriage as repayment for its loss.”

Celestia nods soberly. “An Alicorn is probably the only thing in the entire world more powerful than this bomb.”

Arc removes some papers from his ring. “In the transmission from the rebel leader earlier this morning he told me that something was left in my desk by him. When I went to check I found these papers.”

Turning to Auriel, he hands them over before continuing.

“I’m guessing they’re more information on the device.”

Auriel nods as she looks down at them. “Just at a glance, this does appear to be a complete chemical makeup of the payload, yes.”

Maria looks over her daughter’s shoulder. “I imagine that we will have no trouble disposing of the payload after reading these over.”

Luna looks to them soberly. “Good. Do so at once upon returning to Canterlot.”

Auriel bows respectfully. “Yes, Princess Luna.”

Twilight raises a hoof. “If possible, I’d like to help with that.”

Felix sighs. “Please don’t overwork yourself, Princess Twilight.”

Fiona nods. “Yes, the role of leader is a strenuous one, after all.”

Twilight shakes her head “Thank you for your concern. But I have to be a part of the disposal process. It’s the only way I’ll ever be able to sleep peacefully again.”

Celestia turns to her former student. “Do what you feel is right in this matter, Twilight.”

Twilight smiles at Celestia. “Thank you for understanding.”

Arc clears his throat. “Now that we have that matter settled, let’s move on to the next major issue at hand. Survivors. Lieutenant Hammer, Captain Soarin, and Security Officer Wrangler all reported their findings to me prior to this meeting.”

He bows his head and sighs before continuing.

“So far, no one has been found withing Griffonstone.”

Felix gestures toward the window with a paw. “My own forces have been dispatched to the outlying towns and villages nearest our border.”

Fiona sighs. “They also report finding no one.”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “No one alive, you mean?”

Fiona shakes her head. “No, Princess Cadance. I meant that they’ve located literally no one.”

Luna appears confused. “You mean there were no bodies?”

Felix nods grimly. “Yes, Princess Luna. The villages were empty when our forces arrived.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Perhaps they merely fled at the sight of your troops advancing.”

Fiona looks to Twilight. “That thought had crossed our minds as well. So, my husband ordered our forces to approach the next town covertly in an attempt to keep from being discovered.”

Celestia appears hopeful. “And what did they find?”

Felix sighs. “More of the same. Completely abandoned.”

Luna groans. “This just doesn’t make any sense. Every town’s inhabitants can’t all have fled.”

Arc frowns. “If it was just a town or two, I would have thought it was like the Stableton incident.”

Cadance gazes out the window. “As would I. But that still doesn’t explain the fact that the entire capital of Griffonstone is empty just like the outlying towns.”

Auriel shrugs. “Right. Everyone had to go somewhere.”

Maria looks to Celestia. “Perhaps this is the result of some kind of mass teleportation spell?”

Celestia shakes her head. “Such a powerful thing would have been felt by me and any other powerful magic users here aboard The Equinox.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her head. “And taken more magical energy than all the magic users of Equus combined, I would imagine.”

Luna nods. “Several times over, in fact.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “That still doesn’t really explain why the inhabitants were singled out while their…”

There is a knock at the door. Arc looks to it and calls out.


The door opens and Moon Dancer walks inside. She appears very upset as she approaches Arc and shakily salutes.

“Sir, I… uh…”

Arc gestures to a clipboard in her hoof. “Did you find something?”

“Y-yes sir.”

Luna’s ears prick up. “Then let’s hear it.”

Moon Dancer looks to the group. “It’s… I just…!”

Putting a hoof to her belly, she drops the clipboard and runs out of the room. Auriel reaches down and picks it up as Arc closes the door to his quarters with a Telekinesis Spell. Looking it over for a moment, the young demon begins to speak.

“Let’s see here. It looks like she cross referenced the data that the ship’s sensors took with those that Arc told her to gather from the capital.”

Maria looks at the clipboard too. “It should only take us a few minutes to piece together an analysis.”

Arc nods. “Good. Get started you two.”

Touching his earring, Arc continues.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Lemon Hearts here. Go ahead, sir.”

“Moon Dancer just left my quarters looking very ill. Have Redheart find her and give her a full examination.”

“Yes sir. I’ll notify the Chief Medical Officer at once. Will there be anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at this time, no. Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection and turns back to Auriel as she gasps.

“No… no, this can’t be right!”

Maria frowns. “It does appear to be so though.”

Arc appears hopeful. “What is…?”

Celestia interrupts him. “Perhaps we should have a private meeting regarding…”

Arc cuts her off. “Everyone in this room can be trusted with the truth.”

He turns to Auriel before continuing.

“Go ahead. Tell us what you found there.”

“Well… when the bombs went off, it did a lot of damage to the more remote areas. Near total destruction at the point of detonation.”

Maria nods to the window. “Since then, there has been a thick cloud of dust over the city which doesn’t easily settle.”

Twilight shrugs. “That’s to be expected though, considering what happened here.”

Auriel sighs. “I thought so as well, Twilight. That’s why we recommended respirators for all of the rescue crews.”

Maria taps the clipboard. “And this new data shows that we were right to do so. But for a different reason than you might think.”

Auriel continues. “According to this combined data, when the bombs exploded the payload underwent some kind of chemical change in concert with the machinery inside the device.

Maria nods. “It made a totally new chemical compound that vaporized on the air.”

Celestia grimaces. “The true nature of the bomb.”

Luna gasps. “Chemical warfare?!”

Auriel shudders. “Yes. But much more dangerous.”

Cadance quickly stands. “Are the rescue crews outside going to be alright?!”

Maria looks to Cadance. “Yes, your highness. This new chemical breaks down completely into inert elements over a span of just an hour.”

Felix appears relieved. “That’s good news.”

Fiona turns to her husband. “We should still have our troops keep their respirators on though. Just to be sure.”

Maria nods. “Agreed. But the original compound appears to be very nasty indeed.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Nasty in what way?”

Auriel points a finger to the page. “If I’m reading this correctly, it appears to break down any and all organic material.”

There is a stunned silence for several moments. Eventually Celestia speaks.

“Just to be clear, miss. You did say ALL organic material?”

Auriel nods soberly. “Yes, Princess Celestia.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide. “So… the dust out there right now is probably…!”

Luna looks outside. “The citizens of Griffonstone, yes.”

Arc groans. “That’s why we didn’t find any bodies.”

Maria nods sadly. “Yes, Arc. They were completely dissolved by the compound.”

Felix grimaces. “Sounds absolutely terrible!”

Fiona turns to Auriel with a hopeful look on her face. “Was it at least quick?!”

“I would imagine so, judging by the lack of any signs of struggle outside.”

Maria bows her head. “However, for a couple seconds at most, they would have been in absolute agony.”

Arc grimaces. “What about those inside of more sturdy buildings? Like the manors and the Aviary itself.”

Twilight turns to look out the window. “Yes, the manors appear to be relatively untouched from the outside.”

Auriel shakes her head. “It’s not likely that such a thing would have helped them. The amount of the chemical that would need to make it into a domicile to be effective on its victim is measured in nanograms.”

Celestia sighs. “A chimney, vent, or even cracks in the foundation would have been enough to allow the substance inside to do its job.”

Luna frowns. “So there is a chance then, albeit slim?”

Arc groans. “Mathematically, yes. However, I ordered a number of our unicorns to Blink inside and inspect the estates. So far every one they’ve come to has been empty. Other than…”

His voice trails off as Twilight looks to him.

“Other than what, Arc?”

Arc sighs. “They reported finding a number of piles of what they presumed to be dust throughout the manors.”

Felix’s eyes grow wide. “The servants!”

Fiona shakes her head. “And the nobles too!”

Arc nods soberly. “So it would seem.”

Felix puts both paws on the table. “Our own operatives reported dust everywhere in what houses were still standing. But at the time they just attributed it to the blasts.”

Celestia taps a hoof on the table. “That doesn’t me we can just give up though. We need to fully go over this entire country before jumping to conclusions that there really were no survivors.

Arc sighs. “Right.”

Turning to Twilight, he continues.

“How long do you suppose such a thing will take?”

Twilight looks over a stack of papers lying on the table in front of her. “With the additional aid from Canterlot, Abyssinia, and the incoming troops from the Crystal Empire arriving soon, I estimate they we should complete the initial survey of all known griffon cities and towns by dawn tomorrow.”

Luna nods soberly. “After that we’ll start scouring the land for unmarked villages or settlements.”

Celestia bows her head. “Such will almost certainly be a waste of time though, as the Griffon Kingdom doesn’t allow unauthorized settlements under any circumstances. But we shall still do our best to look for them nonetheless.”

Arc leans back in his chair. “Right. Now it’s just a matter of time.”

Cadance sighs. “So it would seem.”

Felix looks to Twilight. “Is there anything else we can do to help speed that process along?”

Fiona nods fervently. “Yes! More supplies perhaps?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Nothing really, I’m afraid. We already have everything needed to complete the task at hoof.”

Maria stands. “As such, I believe that Auriel and I’s expertise is no longer…”

She is cut off as a dark portal opens nearby. Instinctively stepping away from it, everyone watches as a figure in a dark robe steps through. Arc calls forth his armor as Celestia takes up a battle-ready stance alongside of him. As they stare down the figure, she looks coldly to the one before here.


“I do have a name, you know.”

Arc nods as he steps forward. “Yes… yes, I suppose that you do. But what are you doing here, Dark One?”

“Think of this as a… a social call of sorts.”

Arc frowns. “If this is going to be about the topic of our previous meeting, you can forget it!”

The Dark One shakes his head. “Nothing of the sort, Arc. I merely came to talk. And present you with a gift.”

Celestia seethes. “Then talk!”

“Very well.”

Turning, he walks over to the window and looks out over what’s left of Griffonstone. Sighing, the Dark One shakes his head as he continues.

“Such a waste.”

Luna frowns. “What are you talking about?!”

“I’m afraid to admit this, but the Council of Shadows was more or less… indirectly responsible for this mess.”

Cadance’s eyes grow wide. “You were?!”

Arc frowns. “How? Tempest?”

The Dark One shakes his head. “No. The fool whom calls himself the ‘Storm King’.”

Arc gasps. “He’s still alive?!”


Felix grits his teeth. “Not for long he isn’t!”

Fiona slams a paw down on the table. “Right! That monster caused so much harm to our citizens!”

The Dark One nods. “Then perhaps you shall be pacified with my little… gift.”

Felix shakes his head vehemently. “I don’t see how anything you could offer us would make up for the pain and suffering of our…!”

The king stops talking as The Dark One opens a satchel and tosses something from within onto the floor. They all gasp as the Storm King’s severed head rolls toward the king and queen. It stops mere inches from their furry feet. Turning to Auriel, the newcomer continues.

“You appear to be one of the smart ones in this room.”

Auriel stammers. “Y-yes, I am.”

Maria steps in front of Auriel. “But I am more so than she is.”

The Dark One turns to Maria. “Then take this.”

Pulling a large folder from the satchel, he gives it to her before continuing.

“I do hope you’ll pardon the bloodstains.”

Maria takes it. “What is…?”

“Every paper I found in the so-called Storm King’s quarters at our base. The information on what did this must be in there somewhere.”

He looks outside before turning to Arc again.

“Now you should have everything you need to assure that something like this doesn’t ever happen again.”

Arc gazes down at the Storm King’s head. “Yes, it does appear you’ve seen to that.”

“My apologies for you having to clean up yet another mess of his.”

Celestia frowns. “But… but why?! Why would you be helping us?!”

“He caused the death of an entire country, Princess Celestia. And as such, I saw to it that he paid the ultimate price for his transgressions.”

Maria holds up the folder. “I will see to it that this never again sees the light of day.”

“See to it that you do. For if that day does come, then the blood of those victims shall be on your own heads.”

Opening a portal, The Dark One walks through and is gone. Auriel looks to her mother.

“It appears as though we have yet another project in this matter.”


Cadance gasps. “You’re going to study it?!”

Maria nods. “Yes, your highness.”

Felix frowns. “But why?!”

Fiona points a paw at the papers in Maria’s hands. “Just burn the lot of those and be done with it!”

Auriel shakes her head. “It’s best if we’re thorough in this matter. After all, we don’t know if the papers mentioned are even in there. Studying this new information will verify if key knowledge is still out there to be found.”

Twilight walks back to the table and puts her front hooves on it as she looks to the device parts. “If it is, then we’ll scour the land to find it!”

Luna puts a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “I’ll lead the way personally!”

Celestia looks to Auriel and Maria. “We’re counting on you two to do what is right not just for Equestria, Abyssinia, and the Great Demon Kingdom. But for all of Equus as a whole.”

Auriel nods. “We won’t let you down, your highness.”

Maria holds up the papers. “Right. The stakes are far too high to think of just one nation.”

Arc frowns. “Let’s not risk another event such as this one happening ever again.”

Twilight walks over to Auriel. “Then let’s head back to Canterlot right now. I want to get started on the contents of that folder along with all the one’s from the rebel leader right away.”

Cadance joins them. “Perhaps you should let them do that, Twilight. After all, it is getting quite late and you have audiences in the …”

Twilight interrupts her. “Audiences are cancelled until further notice.”

Celestia gasps. “Twilight?”

The young mare holds out a hoof to Auriel. She gives Twilight the folder as she turns arounds and looks to the others.

“This is of greater importance. And we shall not rest until we are sure that Equestria will not fall to a similar fate.”

Luna bows her head. “Very well, Twilight. Do what you feel that you must.”

Arc looks to her. “Shall I give you a portal back to the castle?”

Twilight nods as she gives the folder back to Auriel. “Please do.”

Arc focuses the power into his crystals as he opens a portal. Twilight, Auriel, and Maria step through and vanish. As it closes, he turns back to the others.

“I suppose that means this meeting is adjourned.”

Felix sighs. “Yes, Lord Arc.”

Fiona takes her husband’s paw. “Shall we reconvene in the morning?”

Arc nods and recalls his armor as he heads for the door. “Yes, that would be for the best. Now if all of you will excuse me, I’ll be leaving the ship for a while.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “You will?”

Cadance gasps. “But where are you going?”

Arc sighs as he reaches down to pick up the Storm King’s severed head. Tossing it into a nearby garbage bin, he pulls the bag and stuffs it in his ring before answering Cadance’s question.

“I need to go check on a very dear friend of mine.”

Leaving the room, Arc heads down the corridor to another door. Knocking lightly, he waits there patiently. A few moments later Gallus opens the door. Stepping aside wordlessly, he allows Arc to enter. Gabby sits in Natalya’s lap crying as her older sister does her best to console her. Arc kneels down and sits on the bed next to them as he speaks.

“Sorry for taking so long to come see you, Natalya.”

“It’s okay, Arc.”

Gallus nods soberly. “Yeah. We know you’re probably really busy right now.”

Gabby looks to Arc through her tears. “What… what happened out there?!”

“Some very nasty bombs went off.”

Gallus peeks through the curtains at the wasteland before them. “Must’ve been some blast.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “But there must be survivors out there, right?”

Arc bows his head. “I don’t think so.”

Gabby gasps. “You mean… we’re all that’s left?!”

Natalya clenches a talon angrily. “We have to figure out who did this and see to it they don’t do it again though!”

Gallus looks to Arc. “They could do this to Equestria next!”

Arc shakes his head. “That problem has already been solved.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “How’s that?”

“The one responsible for creating the devices that did this has already been caught.”

Natalya appears relieved. “That’s good.”

Gallus frowns. “Not really. They could still make another one.”

Gabby gasps. “WHAT?!”

Natalya glares at her brother. “Gallus! Think of Gabby’s feelings before you talk!”

“But it’s a serious problem, sis!”

Arc puts a hand on Gallus’ shoulder. “Don’t worry about that. We have all of his papers and notes on the subject.”

Gallus looks up at him. “What about them making it again from memory?!”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t think that’s going to be an option for him. We’ve got his head too.”

“He could still escape!”

Arc pats his ring. “Again, don’t worry. We literally have his head.”

Gabby turns around, confused. “What about the rest of him?”

Arc shrugs. “I’m not really sure where the body is. Someone just turned in his head along with the research notes.”

Gabby grins. “Cool!”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Um… what, Gabby?”

“Can I see?!”

Arc shakes his head. “You’re probably better off not doing so. To tell you the truth, it was all I could do to keep my own stomach from heaving when I took care of that mess on my floor back there. I just wanted to stop by and check in on you three to make sure you were doing okay.”

Gallus shudders as he looks toward the covered window again. “That’s debatable.”

“If you’d like, I can give you three a portal back to Light’s Hope. You could be back at the orphanage in time for supper.”

Natalya shakes her head. “Thank you, Arc. But we’ll go back when you do.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Natalya?”

Gallus forces a smile. “I think what my sister is trying to say is that our place is here right now.”

Natalya looks toward the window. “I may not have liked this country very much. Especially toward the end. But it was still where I grew up. Where I spent my formative years.”

Gabby sighs. “It’s not going to be the same when we go back to Equestria though. Before I always made myself feel better knowing that the Griffon Kingdom was still here waiting for me.”

Arc kneels down to her level. “If you think about it, it still is.”

Gabby appears confused. “Huh?”

“You have to understand that the Griffon Kingdom will always be here. Even if no one lives there anymore.”

“I… guess that’s true.”

Turning, Gabby looks to Arc as she continues.

“Do you think… that I could move back here when I grow up?”

Arc smiles. “If you really want to, then yes.”

“I’d like that.”

Gallus shakes his head. “There won’t be any shops or manors though. Remember, they’re pretty much destroyed.”

Gabby looks to Gallus matter-of-factly. “Then I’ll rebuild them!”

Natalya appears surprised. “You will?”


Gallus scoffs. “Why though?”

“So that other younglings can come and visit too!”

Arc nods approvingly. “That’s… actually a really interesting idea.”

“I’ll clean up everything and make it just as pretty… no, prettier than it was before!”

Natalya giggles. “Okay, Gabby. But for now, how about we get you something to eat in the cafeteria?”

“Can I have pancakes?!”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “I don’t think they have that on the menu for supper.”

Natalya stands. “Then we’ll make some.”

Arc walks out to the corridor with them. “Have fun.”

As the three griffon siblings head for the stairs, Arc turns and looks out the window at the setting sun. Sighing, he heads for the main hatch. After grabbing a respirator from a nearby box, he heads outside onto the deck. Arc takes a deep breath and calls out loudly.


A few moments later the thud of four massive paws running toward him rings out. Running up the gangplank, Sereb makes his way over to Arc. He sounds a bit strange through his respirator, but does his best to address his friend.

“Yes, Arc?”

“I need a ride.”

Sereb gestures to his saddle. “Let us be off then.”

Getting up into the saddle, Arc gestures to the city.

“Let’s go.”

Sereb runs down the gangplank and to the edge of the Skyport (or what’s left of it). As they enter the city, the pair spy innumerable teams of both ponies and Abyssinians combing the buildings and houses all around them. Sighing, Arc looks down to Sereb.

“Can I assume you found nothing today?”

Sereb shakes his head. “That is correct, my friend.”

Arc sighs as he looks around at the devastation. “This place.”


“I remember riding down this very road in the open-air chariot with Twilight numerous times. So many griffons would line the streets just hoping to catch a glimpse of her.”

“Twilight was a living hero to them, my friend. A living reminder that hope still existed for the common folk.”

“Not anymore though, as every last one of them is dead and gone.”

“They may no longer be with us in body. But their spirits still inhabit this place.”

“How so?”

Sereb gestures to the buildings around them as he slows down. “The records and signs of their civilization will still endure for many years to come. And while they may not be as grand as before, this place is now and always will be the homeland of the griffons.”

Arc smiles sadly. “What’s left of it you mean.”

“Perhaps we should visit somewhere familiar on our patrol for signs of life.”

Arc nods soberly. “Yeah. And I know just where to go.”

Sometime later they arrive at the now familiar property. Sereb walks up the steps and looks toward the building. Sniffing the air, he turns to Arc as the young man dismounts him.

“There is someone here.”

Arc appears hopeful. “Oh?”

“Just one though.”

Arc groans. “Great. Can you take me to them?”

Sereb nods. “Right this way.”

Walking up the steps together, the pair push the doors open and enter the building. Walking down a number of corridors, they eventually come to a slightly ajar door with a light shining weakly under it. Sereb turns to Arc and points with a paw.

“Here we are. Shall I wait for you out here?”

Arc nods as he removes his respirator. “Please do.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc puts a hand on the door. Slowly pushing it open, he hears the sounds of sobbing from within. Entering, he looks toward a large desk with a single candle burning atop of it. Stepping toward the sobs, he walks around the desk to see Ashe lying on the floor next to a pile of dust. She pats it gently as Arc kneels down to her level.


“Lord Arc… I found my father.”

Arc nods sadly. “I’m sorry, Ashe.”

“Did… did anyone else…?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not that we’ve found so far, no.”

Ashe digs her talons into the wood flooring as she speaks. “It just isn’t fair!”

“I agree.”

“The Griffon Kingdom wasn’t a nice or fair place to live for most, granted! But for that IDIOT to just up and kill EVERYONE was just plain crazy!”

“Victory at any cost.”

“When they caught the others, he saw this as his only chance to bring about change. A final resolution. I should have stopped him.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “You didn’t have any idea he would go this far though.”

“The blood of every last dead griffon in the kingdom is on my talons! It’s all my fault!”

“This isn’t the end of things, Ashe.”

“Yes, it is! This event marks the end of the Griffon Kingdom! Everyone… everyone is DEAD!”

“Not all of them, Ashe.”

Ashe turns to him, clearly confused. “But I thought you said that no one was found alive.”

“That is true, yes. However, you have to remember that there are a number of griffons whom call Equestria home. And the younglings at the orphanage too.”

Ashe sits up. “Wait! You… you’re right!”

“They’re still safe.”

“No, no! I get it now. What my former commander was trying to do.”

“Avenge his fallen rebels?”

Ashe shakes her head. “More than that. He wanted to bring equality to the commoners! Make this land free for all.”


“It can be now.”


“The younglings at the orphanage. He would refer to them as our nation’s future. And now they literally will be.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I think I see what you’re saying now, Ashe. They’ll grow up, a good number will become curious about their heritage, and some of them will return to this land.”

“Right. They’ll recolonize it.”

“And in time the Griffon Kingdom will be reborn.”


She looks down at her father’s remains sadly before continuing.

“While the cost was very high, I’m sure that I’ll find a way to make my father proud of me.”

Arc smiles at her. “I’m sure Lord Gestal was already.”

“That he was. But now that the Griffon Kingdom doesn’t need an ambassador, I can devote all of my time to making preparations for the future of this land.”

“Sounds like you have things sorta figured out now.”

Ashe sighs. “Before we go, there is one thing I’d like to do. But I’ll need your help.”

“Sure. What is it?”

A short time later, as the last rays of sunshine recede from the land, Arc steps back from Ashe with a shovel in one hand and a lantern in the other. Ashe pushes the dirt over the hole he dug as she speaks.

“There you go, father. You’re finally resting next to mother… just like you would have wanted.”

Standing, she continues.

“The two of you will be alone in this dead land for a while. But I’m planning to revitalize and resettle it along with our nation’s orphans one day. We’ll come back and start over again. This I swear.”

Arc nods. “Ashe won’t be alone in this matter. I’ll lend a hand as well.”

Ashe turns to him. “Thank you, Lord Arc. I’m sure my parents would appreciate that.”

Arc looks at his pocket watch. “Hopefully, yes. But as you know I have somewhere to be right now.”

Ashe nods soberly. “Right. This has to be taken care of. And I’m sure my father would approve of that someone being you.”

“Would you like to come with me back to the ship?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, I’d… like to spend the night here in my father’s house one more time.”

Arc nods. “Alright. I don’t know how long I’ll personally stay in the country after this. But I’ll notify our forces that you’re here and tell them not to leave without you.”

“Thank you.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “I can ferry Lady Ashe back to the Skyport tomorrow morning, my friend.”

Arc looks to Ashe. “Is that alright with you?”

“Yes. And thank you for understanding.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and sighs. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Ashe nods as Arc opens a portal. Heading through, he reappears in his quarters back aboard The Equinox. Leaving his room, Arc spies Luna standing in the corridor raising the moon. Standing back respectfully while she finishes, he waits for her to turn to him.

“Good evening, Arc.”

“Raising the moon, huh?”

Luna nods soberly as she turns to look out at her moon. “Somepony needs to do it, after all. But it doesn’t really matter whom just as long as it’s done and done right.”

“Makes sense.”

“The captain stuck his head out here a few minutes ago and told me that the preparations are nearly complete.”

Arc sighs. “Good.”

“Are you sure that you don’t want Cadance or myself to do this though? We’d be willing to, of course.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. Equestria’s involvement with the Griffon Kingdom was my idea from the start. I’ll do it.”

Chuckling, he continues.

“And it’s like you said before. It doesn’t really matter who does it as long as it gets done right.”

Smiling, Luna silently nods and gestures to the bridge door. Entering, Arc sees a small table with a number of devices set up on it. The bridge crew salutes as he approaches them. Soarin is the first to speak.

“We’re all ready for you on this end, sir.”

Lemon Hearts points a hoof. “I just need to press a few buttons to start things.”

Wrangler looks to the door. “Moon Dancer, Soarin, Thunderlane, and I will wait out in the corridor and make sure nopony comes in here to disturb you, sir.”

“Good. I just need a few minutes to figure a few things out in my head.”

Lemon Hearts nods as she sits down at her console. “Just let me know when you’re ready to get started, sir.”

Thunderlane heads for the door. “We’ll give you some space then, sir.”

Wrangler nods as she and the others join him. “Good luck, sir.”

They leave the room together. Arc looks to Lemon Hearts.

“What exactly do I have to do to start this?”

Lemon Hearts points a hoof. “Just pick up the microphone on the captain’s chair and nod to me. I’ll do my part and motion to you when it’s your turn.”

“Alright. Just let me get myself in the mood first.”

Walking over to the window, Arc looks out over the ruins of the city stretching out before him. Even in the moonlight, the signs of the great loss were easily visible. He stands there for a long moment before sighing and turning back to Soarin’s command chair. Picking up the microphone, he holds it in his hand before looking to Lemon Hearts and nodding. She presses a button and speaks into her headset.

“We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you a special news bulletin. As announced earlier this evening, Hero of Light Arc will be addressing the nation on a matter of utmost urgency. It is heavily encouraged for all citizens to listen to his speech together with their families as a whole if at all possible. And now I present to you Hero of Light Arc.”

Lemon Hearts points a hoof to Arc as she presses a few buttons with the other. Arc clears his throat and begins to speak.

“Good evening. I’ve been told that this broadcast will be transmitted all over Equus. Earth Ponies, unicorns, pegasi, griffons, Abyssinians, and probably even a few humans will hear what I have to say here tonight. But I must take this opportunity to ask for everyone’s forgiveness ahead of time as I’m going scriptless for this.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc continues.

“Today… in the very early hours of the morning… a transmission was sent out on the Griffon Kingdom’s nationwide band. It’s normally used by the king to address the nation in times of need. However, the broadcaster was not King Guto, but instead the leader of a rebel faction within his country. We shall now play his speech for all to hear.”

Nodding again to Lemon Hearts silently, Arc watches as she presses a few buttons. A few moments later an edited version (all mention of the papers left in Arc’s desk being removed, of course) of the recording of the rebel leader’s earlier speech is broadcast over the air. As it finishes, Lemon Hearts switches the primary feed back to Arc and points to him with a hoof. Soberly, Arc continues with his speech.

“After he finished delivering that message, the rebel leader proceeded to detonate a number of devices strategically placed all around the Griffon Kingdom. Their purpose… was to eliminate all organic life within the entire country. My personal forces as well as reinforcements from Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, and Abyssinia rushed to the Griffon Kingdom to render aide and see if we could help the survivors.”

Sighing, Arc bows his head.

“However… even though everyone searched all day and into the evening… no traces of life were found. The devices destroyed every animal, plant, and griffin within their borders. We shall, of course, continue our search for survivors. However, I’ve been advised that the chances of finding anyone alive at this point are very slim.”

Looking out the window at the ruined city, Arc continues.

“We were able to seek out the plans for the devices that did such a thing and took them into our custody. In this way, such a thing can never again be unleashed upon anyone. Griffon, Abyssinian, or pony alike. To all the little ones listening with their parents or other family members, I’d like to take this opportunity to reassure all of you of my personal promise to defend those whom I represent back in Equestria. I know it may sometimes be hard to understand what goes on in this world of ours. While it may not be easy to see to come to terms with, sometimes painful things like this happen. Not because of anything you or your loved ones did, of course. But because certain individuals took it upon themselves to make a decision that trumped all opinions and feelings but their own. To stand up and, by their selfish actions, say that their wants and desires were greater than those of the everyone else whom called the Griffon Kingdom their home. And this was the result of that choice.”

Standing and looking outside, Arc sighs.

“But today is a day of mourning. Mourning for those innocents whom were taken so quickly from the face of our world. The princesses and I are pained to the core by this unspeakable tragedy. And I know that we share this pain with all of the citizens of our country, and beyond. This… is truly a monumental catastrophe for the world. The loss of an entire kingdom and its inhabitants in but an instant. It is my hope that one day griffons living abroad in Equestria, or elsewhere in the world, will return to their homeland in order to rebuild it. But nothing will bring back those whom were lost today. Hopefully future generations of leaders will look to this day in the history books and remember it for the dark time that it was. And to do all in their power to see to it that such an atrocity is never again repeated. Princess Twilight and Princess Luna will be addressing the nation in a day or so to share the results of our search and to keep all of you informed of any new developments.”

Looking to Lemon Hearts, he nods. Cutting the feed, she stands and walks over to Arc as he rises from the captain’s chair.


“Yes, Lemon Hearts?”

“I… um… don’t really understand what happened here.”

Arc sighs. “Then that makes two of us.”

Lemon Hearts looks out the main window at the devastation. “I mean… how could somepony do something like this?!”

“They all just wanted to be free. And at the time thought that destroying the nation was the only way to achieve that.”

“But how does something as terrible as this accomplish anything?!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “It doesn’t. And nothing will change what was done here today. As I said during my speech, all we can do is try to prevent it from happening again to another country.”

Nodding, Lemon Hearts looks outside again as she speaks.

“I know that you’re right, sir. But at the same time, it doesn’t really help me understand the mindset of the perpetrators.”

Arc calls out as she turns to leave. “And that is something that will be a topic of debate for many years to come.”

Arc leaves the bridge to rejoin the rest of the crew waiting outside. Looking to the captain, Arc sighs.

“Does the Lunar Destiny have enough additional crew and supplies to continue with the search?”

Soarin nods. “Yes sir.”

“Good. Then I’d like to take off.”

Wrangler raises an eyebrow. “Come again, sir?”

“The Equinox will be returning to Equestria.”

Thunderlane frowns. “When, sir?”

“Just as soon as you’ve set our course.”

Sighing, Arc turns to walk away. He calls out as he does so though.

“After all that’s happened here today… I don’t ever want to come back to the Griffon Kingdom again.”

Walking back to his quarters, Arc shuts the door behind him. Sitting down heavily on the couch, he looks outside for a few moments before quickly standing and turning around. Grunting, he reaches out and closes the curtains before him, plunging the room into darkness. Storming over to the bathroom, Arc slams the door behind him. Turning on the water, the young man quickly disrobes and steps into the warm stream of water. Leaning against the cold wall, he allows himself to slide down it to rest on the tile floor. Burying his face in his hands, Arc groans as he tries his best to make some sense of the matter at hand. So deeply in thought is he that he doesn’t hear the bathroom door open and footsteps approaching the shower. Feeling something touch his shoulder, Arc turns to see Ember standing there. Looking him in the eye soberly she speaks.

“Hey, um… Princess Luna said you’d probably…”

She is cut off as Arc grabs her wrist and pulls her down to his level. Throwing his arms around her, Arc pulls his friend close as Ember recovers from her surprise. Slowly putting her arms around him, Ember returns the hug silently for a few moments. Eventually she leans in close and whispers in his ear.

“I’m right here if you need to talk.”

“Ember, I… this is all my fault!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… how?”

“For interfering in things I shouldn’t have!”

“Like what?”

“Not turning in the rebels when I had the chance, for starters!”

Ember frowns. “You’re not making any sense, Arc.”

Arc groans as he turns away. “I met with them multiple times in the past. And each time we all just kinda walked away.”

“But isn’t that what you should have done though? I mean… you can’t be taking down their citizens. No matter who they are or what they’ve done.”

“Then I should have told someone about it! Maybe then they could have been stopped!”

Ember shakes her head. “Probably not. I hear their leader is… was a real whack job.”


Ember cuts him off. “Arc, stop!”

Sighing, she looks him in the eye before continuing.

“Look, I need you to listen to me. Did you have any idea that the rebels would have done such a thing to their own citizens?”

“I knew it was a possibility.”

“Then were you aware that such a weapon existed?”

“Kinda did, yeah.”

Ember groans. “You know… you’re making it really hard to console you here!”

Arc frowns. “Not that I deserve it, mind you.”

“No way!”

“Look outside before you tell me that again, Ember.”

“Okay, look. The human I fell in love with wouldn’t have done anything even remotely like what I saw out your window. Not on purpose.”

“Indirectly, you mean.”

“Was the story on the radio true?”

Arc nods. “All of it was, yes.”

“So let me see if I get this then. King Guto ordered the weapon developed and built, right?”


“And the rebels stole it?”


“And then they decided to use it to beat their government?”

“That and to avenge their executed brothers and sisters.”

“So what part of that mess were you responsible for?!”

“I said nothing to anyone in power of what I knew.”

“Alright then, so answer me this then. Had you told someone, would it have changed anything?”



“They could have stopped the rebels before they could set all those bombs.”

“But you said that you didn’t know they were going to do that though.”

“Then the governing authority could have stepped up their efforts to stop them.”

“Which apparently they did. And it let to this mess.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well… I could have killed them when I had the chance at our latest meeting.”

“And that would have killed the leader?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, he can regenerate. Or could, as the chances of him surviving all that aren’t too high.”

“Then slaughtering those with him would have stopped them?”

“Doubtful. I mean, there were only a handful at the meeting back then. Nothing like the number of rebels I saw facing the king at the trial yesterday.”

“So what you’re saying is that even if you had done something different in the past that it wouldn’t have for sure stopped this from happening?”

Arc sighs as he pulls his knees up to his chest and buries his face in them. A long moment passes before he speaks.

“I still feel as though I could have done something. Maybe capturing their leader and imprisoning them in Equestria.”

“As resourceful as they were, I don’t think you could have kept them locked up for long. To say nothing for the fact that they could have turned their wrath on Equestria as a result.”

“Then maybe I could have talked them out of it.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “From what I heard of that lunatic’s speech, it sounded like the time for talking was long over.”

“Maybe our forces could have worked with the griffon government to find and disarm the bombs then.”

“First off, we’ve already established that you didn’t know they were going to do that. Second, you’d probably have been killed too.”

“That would have been a price I’d have been willing to pay to save an entire country’s inhabitants though.”

Ember wraps her arms around Arc from behind him. “I know how you feel about such a thing, Arc. Were there such a threat to the Dragon Lands, I too would be willing to lay down my life to save it along with the dragons whom call it home. But at the same time, I couldn’t have stopped something I didn’t even know was happening until it was too late. No one could.”

Arc sighs as he leans forward and turns off the water. “I… suppose not. But that won’t bring back all of those dead griffons out there.”

Stepping out of the shower, Arc grabs a towel and dries himself off. Tossing it aside, he leaves the bathroom and sits down on the bed. A few minutes later Ember finishes drying herself and joins him. Sitting down next to Arc, she takes his hand and speaks.

“I need you to do something, Arc.”

Arc shakes his head. “I can’t.”

Ember takes his hand and places it on her leg. “Move your hand slowly down toward my knee.”


“Just trust me.”

Putting a claw on the back on his hand, Ember slowly pushes Arc’s hand down her leg. Picking it back up, she repeats the process a few times before continuing.

“How does my leg feel?”

“Very… smooth.”

“Even with our scales, dragons secrete an oil that helps them stay properly in place and moisten them.”

Stopping at her knee, she looks to Arc before continuing.

“Now then, I’d like for you to slowly and carefully move your hand from my knee back up to my thigh.”

Shrugging, Arc does as he is told. However, this time his hand is met with resistance. Ember speaks as he does so.

“As I’m sure you can feel, the scales themselves aren’t allowing you to do such a thing. At least not easily.”

“Why is that?”

“Because a dragon’s scales are meant to overlap one another in order to provide maximum protection, Arc. It forces blows or slashes to bounce away harmlessly.”

She runs a claw up her leg to pull up a scale slightly.

“However, if you were to go the other direction, you can literally get under our scales.”

“Which could lead to injury.”

“Sometimes, yeah. But our bodies have another defense.”


“When you stroked the wrong way, my scales poked you. It was my body’s way of defending itself. Just in a slightly different form.”

“What are you getting at though, Ember?”

“Problems need to be handled, of course. But in the right way. Moving with the flow, one can get things done while also protecting themselves. However, if you go about it the wrong way you’re more prone to hurt others, and yourself, in the process.”

“And accomplish very little too I would imagine.”

Ember nods. “Right.”

She pulls his hand up her leg slowly again as she speaks.

“Now then, you might be able to get from my knee to my hip. But in all likelihood either one of us would probably stop you before you got anywhere near there due to discomfort or downright pain.”

“So you’re saying that if I had tried to stop the rebels by alternative means they would have turned on me?”

“And by proxy, Equestria too.”

“Maybe. But there had to have been a better way. A path that would have led to them being stopped or, at the very least, learning to coexist with their nation’s leadership.”

“It’s not wrong to try and think of other ways you could have done something in the past, Arc. However, when you start beating yourself up over the path not taken, that’s when you start having problems.”

“So I should do what then?! Accept the loss of an entire country?!”

Ember shakes her head. “No, Arc. But you do need to come to terms with the fact that you did your best.”

“Which failed, I might add!”

“Sometimes your best just isn’t going to be good enough though, Arc. Try your hardest, you can’t save everyone every time.”

“So what are you suggesting that I do then?!”

Ember puts her arms around Arc’s neck and looks him in the eye. “Accept what happened here, learn from it, and become a better person because of it. But first… mourn the loss of those innocent whom were lost.”

Pulling Arc into an embrace, Ember allows him to lay his head on her chest as they fall backwards onto the bed together. She does her best to console him as his tears roll across her scales. Petting his head, Ember whispers words of encouragement to Arc as she holds him in her arms. The pair doze fitfully throughout the evening as Arc remains restless. Eventually he rolls off of Ember to stare up at the ceiling. Ember follows him and lays upon his body to look down at him as she speaks.

“You can’t bring them back, Arc. No matter how much you want to do so, the Griffon Kingdom is gone.”

Arc sighs as he looks away. “I… I do know that. It’s just… that could have been Equestria instead. And it may yet be one day if someone figures out how to recreate that device.”

“But you won’t let such a thing come to pass, Arc.”

Arc sits up and speaks soberly. “Right.”

Ember looks to him, confused at his tone. “Arc?”

“That’s all I can do at this point, Ember. Make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

“And how do you plan to do that?”

“By making sure that it’s never again found.”

“What’s never found?”

“The device.”

Turning to her, Arc continues.

“Ember, I need you to do something for me.”


“Go back to Canterlot Castle and ask Twilight how she’s doing in her current project.”

Ember frowns. “Um… how would that help?”

“You said anything.”

“Guess I did. Not sure what this has to do with what we were talking about though.”

“It’s really important. Just see how she’s doing on it and send word back to me.”

Ember shrugs. “Fine.”

Arc stands and calls forth his gauntlet. “Thanks.”

Opening a portal, he motions for Ember to step through. Turning to him, she smiles.

“Just don’t do anything too crazy over this, Arc. Remember how much we all love you.”

“And I feel the same about you and the others, Ember.”

Giving his face a quick lick, Ember turns and hurries through the portal. As it closes, Arc quickly dresses and heads for the door. Coming to the bridge he spies Thunderlane at the helm. Walking over to him, he speaks.

“How are things going up here, Thunderlane?”

“Just fine, sir. We’ll make it back to Light’s Hope by dawn.”

“Good. But, uh…”

Thunderlane turns to him. “Somewhere else you want to go first, sir?”

“Kinda. Tell me, can the ship still land in the water?”

Thunderlane raises an eyebrow, confused. “Um… yes sir. But why?”

“Because I want you to do so.”

“Just to make sure that I understand you correctly, sir… you want the ship to land in the water and float?”

Arc nods. “Exactly. I need to do something.”

“Yes sir. I’ll begin the landing procedure.”

“Good. Feel free to shut the engines down and let the ship drift. I’ll let you know when I’m ready to take off again.”

Without another word, Arc turns and leaves the bridge. Making his way to the main hatch, he watches through a window as the mammoth ship lands gently on the waves and comes to a gentle stop. Listening for the engines to shut down, he waits until all is silent before opening the hatch and stepping out onto the deck. Walking to the bow, Arc puts his hands on the railing before sighing and looking out over the water. A full moon reflects off the smalls waves as they ripple against the hull. Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls out a bottle and takes a long drink. Sitting down on the metal deck, he pulls out a large white box and sets it down before him.

“Been saving all this for a long time. Might as well use it now.”

A short time later the main hatch opens. Luna and Twilight walk out onto the deck. Spotting Arc at the bow, they walk over to him. Twilight is the first to speak.

“Um… Arc?”

Arc sighs. “Yes, Twilight?”

Twilight points with a hoof. “What is all of this?”

Arc looks down to the spread before him. “Just a little something I’ve been saving for a while now.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “I see cupcakes, cookies, milkshakes, brownies, and what appears to be a triple layer chocolate cake.”

Arc nods as he looks away. “When I was a little boy and my mother was upset, she’d drown her sorrows with alcohol. This is my way of coping without falling down drunk.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Can we… join you?”

“Please do.”

Sitting down, Arc hands them both plates from his ring. After serving them each a slice of cake he pulls bottles out of his ring and hands them over.

“You can wash it down with this.”

Luna eyes the strange colored liquid within the bottles. “What… is it?”

“Gatorade. Fruit Punch flavor.”

Twilight smiles. “Rainbow Dash told us about this from her date with you.”

Arc gestures to the rest of the goodies before him. “Help yourselves to anything else you want. As you can see, I have plenty to share.”

They eat for a few moments before Twilight looks to Arc and speaks.

“Ember told me that you wanted an update on our progress.”

“That I do. But I’m surprised that she didn’t return with you.”

Luna gestures to the ship. “She did, yes.”

Twilight nods. “Right. Ember’s waiting for you back in your quarters. According to her, she said all that she could and wanted us to give it a try.”

Arc smiles sadly. “She tried her best. But let’s get back to the task at hand.”

Twilight sighs. “Auriel and Doctor Knowles were able to use the papers you sent them back with, Arc.”

“And the result?”

Luna takes a bite of her cake. “A method to safely dispose of the device’s payload has been developed.”

Twilight chimes in. “I personally did the deed though. It’s now completely inert and separated into base substances which were then broken down into their respective elements.”

“So just so I make sure that I’m understanding you, there’s absolutely no way of recombining them into the payload again?

Twilight shakes her head. “Not at this point, no.”


Luna frowns. “Twilight brought me up to speed on everything that’s been going on behind the scenes.”

Twilight looks to Arc nervously. “After Auriel told me what she knew, I relayed it to Luna. I hope that was alright.”

“It’s fine, Twilight. She needed to know eventually, after all.”

Luna sighs. “While I’m not usually pleased about being kept in the dark, I do understand your reasoning for it this time, Arc.”

Arc nods as he pulls a small box out of his ring. “Then you’ll know what has to be done next.”

Luna looks at the box. “What is that?”

Twilight’s ears droop. “The pieces of the device I would imagine.”

Arc sighs as he picks up a bolt and stares at it. “So much trouble was caused by such a small collection of parts.”

Standing, Arc turns and looks out over the water before them. Turning his gaze to look at the bolt in his hand, he winds up and throws it as far as he is able. They all watch as it sails through the air to land in the water with an audible ‘plop’. Luna gasps as it disappears from sight under the waves.

“Arc, what are you…?!”

Arc cuts her off as he picks up a nut. “This thing can’t ever be found and reconstructed, Luna. Ever.”

Twilight nods as she picks up a few wires. “Right. They have to go.”

Throwing the components into the ocean, Twilight and Arc take turns heaving pieces in all directions. In a few moments they come to the last one. Picking up the housing, Arc holds it in his hands before frowning and speaking.

“Here we are. The end of the line.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes. Go ahead, Arc.”

Luna steps toward him. “Um…”

Arc turns to her. “Yes, Luna?”

“May I?”

Arc holds out the housing to her. “Sure. Have at it.”

Taking it in her hooves, she looks at it for a long moment. Shaking her head, she speaks.

“This is what Guto wanted me to replace. A hunk of needlessly dangerous metal.”

Twilight puts a hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “And it cost his country everything.”

Luna turns and looks toward the moon for a moment before holding her hooves out over the side of the guardrail. As she drops the housing, a large sploosh rings out as it breaks the surface of the water and quickly sinks beneath the waves. Turning to Arc and Twilight, she nods soberly before crushing the now empty box with her hoof.

“It is done.”

Arc nods. “That it is.”

Luna looks to Arc. “I need to ask you something.”

“What is it, Luna?”

“Guto could have theoretically conquered the world with this and proclaimed himself emperor of all Equus.”

“I suppose so, yes. What about it?”

“How… how did you overcome the desire to keep it for yourself, Arc?”

Twilight appears confused. “What would he have even done with it?!”

Arc sighs. “The same Guto wanted to, I’m assuming.”

Luna continues. “Our world in its entirety could have been yours, Arc. With you as the world’s singular ruler, I am certain you would have brought about peace and prosperity.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Luna. Weapons can’t do something like that.”


Arc looks out over the water as he speaks. “Such a thing can only be accomplished by allowing the citizens as a whole to remain free. Giving them the choices necessary to live their lives as they see fit.”

Twilight smiles up at him. “And that’s one of the reasons I’ve come to trust you so deeply, Arc. I feel as though I could easily allow you to take the throne for a finite amount of time. And yet, when the proper time came, you’d still be willing to give it back when asked.”

Arc chuckles. “I already have a time or two if you recall.”

Luna steps forward. “That Arc has. As the Lord Regent he ruled our nation with a noble and just hand.”

Arc looks to the west. “Equestria is a nice place. I didn’t want to change it.”

Luna nods soberly. “Yes, I can see that.”

Thinking for a few moments, she again speaks.

“Arc, would you please order the ship to continue onward with its journey?”

Arc sighs. “Yes, I suppose I should.”

“But as they carry out your order, I would like the two of you to accompany me somewhere… very special.”

“Sure, Luna.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “But where would we be going?”

Luna sighs as her ears droop. “A place which is very… dear to my heart.”

“Just give me a few moments to call Thunderlane.”

Touching his earring, Arc speaks.

“Arc to Thunderlane.”

“I’m here, sir.”

“The business here has concluded and I’m ready to continue our journey back to Light’s Hope. How soon before the ship can take off?”

“I just need about ten minutes to go over a few things and restart the engines.”

“Good. Get started and take off when you are ready. I’ll be heading out via portal.”

Thunderlane sound confused. “Sir?”

Twilight flaps her wings to get some air. Leaning toward Arc’s earring, she speaks.

“Arc along with Princess Luna and I will be going on a very secret mission. Please don’t tell anypony that we’re gone.”

“Yes, Princess Twilight.”

Arc nods. “I’ll do my best to meet you at the base at some point tomorrow. Arc out.”

Severing the connection, he turns back to Luna before continuing.

“We should get moving before Thunderlane starts those engines again.”

Luna takes a deep breath. “Alright.”

Her horn aglow, Luna opens a portal and motions for Arc and Twilight to step through. As they do so the pair find themselves in the middle of a dark, foreboding, and very dense forest. Arc turns to Luna as the alicorn steps through her own portal to join them.

“Luna… where are we?”

Luna sighs. “A place Celestia and I spent quite a bit of time over a thousand years ago.”

Twilight gasps as her eyes grow wide. “You mean…?!”

Luna nods as she steps forward and gestures with a hoof to the ruined structure before them.

“Yes, Twilight. This… is the Castle of the Two Sisters.”

Arc looks it over as he and Twilight follow Luna. “I remember hearing about this at one point. But don’t recall how it came to be in such a state.”

Luna bows her head. “I… I did this.”

Twilight chimes in. “During your battle with Princess Celestia as Nightmare Moon?”


Twilight turns her head to take in their surroundings as the trio enters the castle ruins. “Even in this state it’s still a sight to behold though. But why was it abandoned?”

Arc frowns. “The damage to it, while extensive, would probably have been much simpler and cheaper to repair than to build a whole new castle in Canterlot.”

Luna shrugs. “I imagine it would have been, yes. That and the capital was moved as well.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Did nopony want to live here anymore after the battle?”

“Not after Canterlot Castle was completed, no. Celestia told me that, while the city here was going to be rebuilt, when the nobles heard about the plans to move the capital to the north, they too followed.”

Arc gestures to the forest behind them. “And no one wanted to buy broken down manors.”

Luna nods. “Exactly.”

Twilight looks in awe at their surroundings. “This place is an architectural gold mine though! Why has nopony been here in so long?!”

“Most likely because only Celestia and myself even remember that it’s out here.”

Arc nods. “Everyone else whom called this city home has been dead for centuries. With no one ever coming out here I’m assuming eventually they stopped even putting it on maps.”

“That is correct, Arc. Only the most ancient of maps in the vault show the location of the nation’s former capital.”

Twilight turns to her friend. “The city… what was it called?”

Luna stops walking and looks all around. A few moments later she answers.

“The city of old was called… ‘Starborough’.”

Arc chuckles. “Not quite what I was expecting admittedly.”

Twilight frowns. “I’m confused as well, Luna.”

“When we took the seat of power, Celestia and I renamed the city that sprang up around the castle in memory of our mentor and friend.”

Arc looks to Luna. “Star-swirl the Bearded?”

“Correct. Even though he was gone, we wanted his name to be permanently attached to the land.”

Coming to a large set of double doors, Luna pushes them open with her magic. Entering what appears to be a massive library, Twilight gasps.

“This is… incredible!”

Luna gestures to it with a hoof. “Our friend’s former study. While not many of his books survived the battle between Celestia and I, an important few are still kept in the Canterlot achieves and the vault.”

She looks around the room for a few moments before looking to the pair and continuing.

“I myself haven’t been here since Celestia banished me oh so many centuries ago.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Painful memories?”


Walking over to a bookshelf, Luna sighs and runs a hoof along the rotting wood and empty shelves. Reaching into the darkness of a particular shelf she begins feeling around for a few moments. Wrapping her hoof around something, Luna gives a mighty pull. A slight click is heard as Luna sighs and steps to one side. Putting her front hooves on the side of the bookshelf she begins pushing. A few moments later the wood gives way to reveal a secret passageway hidden behind it. Motioning for Arc and Twilight to follow her, Luna casts a Light Spell and enters the darkness. Walking down a number of sets of stairs, the trio eventually comes to a large open room. Arc and Twilight join Luna in casting their own Light Spells as Luna gestures with a hoof and speaks.

“Here we are. The reason I brought you two here tonight.”

Twilight looks around confused. “Where are we though?”

Arc sighs “Where it all began, I assume.”

Luna nods soberly. “Correct, Arc. This is where Celestia and I started our journey as alicorns.”

Twilight gasps as her eyes grow wide. “This is where you ascended?!”

“Yes, Twilight.”

Luna looks down at the floor and blows away centuries of dirt and dust to reveal a portion of an ancient sigil underneath. Tapping it with a hoof, she looks to Twilight.

“This is the original sigil that Star-swirl used to transform Celestia and I.”


Arc kneels down and pushes some dirt away with his hand. “Agreed. Other than a thick layer of dust down here, it appears the original sigil was preserved perfectly.”

Luna sighs. “Our mentor was a very cautious and secure stallion. While he took great pains to make sure that nopony would every accidently find this place, he also wanted to make is so that it would stand the test of time.”

Twilight looks to Luna. “Why though? I mean… both you and Princess Celestia are immortal.”

“I don’t really know, Twilight. Perhaps he thought that, should something befall either myself of Celestia, that the surviving royal sister could use this to create another alicorn to replace the one whom was lost.”

Arc nods soberly. “A backup plan.”

Luna sighs. “A secondary one actually. Remember, I was originally the backup for Celestia.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, Luna. He had faith that you too were needed to rule over Equestria.”

“His plan was originally for a single alicorn to be created though. Not two.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “He must’ve just changed his mind when he couldn’t choose one over the other.”

Luna shrugs. “Perhaps. But this place was something he worked on all by himself for many years assumedly. Digging it out and disposing of the dirt slowly over time so that nopony would have grown suspicious.”

Arc taps the floor with a foot. “All while doing the research needed to come up with the necessary sigils to make his dream a reality.”

Twilight grins widely. “He’s even more incredible when you put it like that!”

Luna nods. “That he was, Twilight.”

Arc turns to look Luna in the eye. “While I can’t disagree with that, I also don’t know why you’re sharing this with us now.”

Twilight gasps. “Yes, this is something that should be kept to just you and Princess Celestia!”

Luna steps to the center of the sigil. “We’ve done that for a long time, Twilight. Celestia and I have had our secrets for what many would consider forever. But the idea came to me when Arc told us of his reasoning behind destroying the griffon weapon.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Luna smiles at him. “You merely wanted what was best for the nation as a whole.”

“As does Twilight.”

Luna nods. “Right. Therefore, I felt that the two of you could be trusted with the greatest secret of the alicorns.”

She walks over to an ancient looking stone lectern. Putting her front hooves on it, she traces the top gently and looks to the pair.

“In here is the book that Star-swirl used to cast the spell to turn us into alicorns.”

Twilight gasps. “It’s still there?!”

Luna nods. “Yes, Twilight. Even now, I can feel it’s power ever so slightly.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How hasn’t it been taken by mold and time though?”

“There is a special enchantment cast on this cover. Something to preserve the pages and the information they contain.”

Sighing, she looks up at Arc before continuing.

“As I said, this is our greatest secret. But I know it will be safe with you and Twilight.”

“I’ll never tell anyone about this.”

“Nor will I.”

Luna bows her head. “Thank you. With Twilight and Cadance learning how to rule the land, the time will eventually come when Celestia and I will become redundant.”

Twilight gasps. “What?! But Equestria will always need you two!”

“No, Twilight. One day Celestia and I shall step back and turn the land over to you and Cadance to lead from that point on.”

Arc nods soberly. “No ruler leads forever, after all.”

Luna sighs. “You are correct, Arc. Should they try to do so, it would only lead to calamity for the nation. In this way we will preserve Equestria for future generations to grow up in and thrive.”

Twilight smiles. “I’ll do my best to make you and Princess Celestia proud, of course. But… I know I’m nowhere near ready for such a thing.”

“Not to worry, Twilight. Celestia and I will mentor you for many years before our departure. You won’t be made to flounder about needlessly as we did in our first few years as princesses.”

Twilight appears relieved. “Thank you! I’ll do my very best to learn all I can from you and Princess Celestia before that day comes!”

“I trust you will, Twilight. But for now, I believe that we should return to Equestria.”

Twilight frowns. “Now?”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Was there something else you wanted to do first, Twilight?”

Twilight smiles sheepishly. “Yes actually. Would it be asking too much for you to, uh… give me a tour of this place?”

Arc chuckles. “You want to see the castle?”

Twilight nods. “I would! After all, it’s not every day that I’m able to see such a historic site and be guided by someone whom actually lived there hundreds of years ago!”

Luna giggles slightly. “But aren’t you tired after such a long day?”

Twilight waves a hoof dismissively. “I can sleep anytime. And I can’t picture myself doing such a thing knowing this important part of Equestrian history is out here.”

Arc chuckles. “We could always head back via sigil if you or Twilight gets too tired.”

Luna smiles at Twilight as they head back toward the stairs. “Very well then. I shall show you the upstairs first.”

“Oh? Why there?”

“I just thought you’d like to see Celestia and I’s old room.”

Twilight grins happily. “Yes, I would!”

“Please follow me.”

The trio begin their tour. Hours later, as the first rays of the dawn’s light shine over the horizon, Arc, Twilight, and Luna emerge from a portal in front of Light’s Hope. Twilight turns to Luna as it closes behind them.

“Thank you for showing us that wonderful place!”

Arc nods as he lowers his voice. “Yes, but remember that we have to keep it to ourselves, Twilight.”

Twilight nods fervently. “I won’t tell a soul! Promise!”

Luna smiles. “Thank you, Twilight. Just be aware that there are innumerable secrets that we shall share with you before you are ready to take your proper place.”

“Where will you and Princess Celestia go when that time comes though?”

“We’ll probably travel for a time before settling down in some remote part of the world.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “But you’ll still be in Equestria, right?!”

Luna shrugs. “One never really knows what the future holds, Twilight. However, rest assured that should the land have need of us, both Celestia and I shall return to lend our aid.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Agreed.”

Twilight turns to him. “Arc?”

Arc steps toward Luna. “I need to say something.”

“What is it?”

“You and your sister ultimately just want to find peace. That and have a life outside of ruling over the nation at some point in the future.”

Twilight frowns. “I don’t see what’s wrong with that, Arc.”

“Nothing really. But you have to understand that I want that for myself as well as my future wives.”

Sighing, he looks to Luna soberly before continuing.

“Princess Celestia is safely back in Equestria with Twilight by her side. Things are stable and the world is pretty much at peace right now.”

Luna nods approvingly. “Thanks to you, Arc.”

“And now… now I just want to enjoy that peace.”

Kneeling down in front of Luna, he bows his head.

“Princess Luna. As Equestria’s Hero of Light, I hereby wish to declare my resignation.”

Luna gasps. “Resignation?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. I would like to go back to being just a normal Equestrian citizen.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide. “But why, Arc?!”

“Like I’ve made clear in the past, Twilight, I just want to settle down here in Ponyville with you and the others. Have a simple and normal life. Eat breakfast with everyone at Shelly’s Kitchen some mornings. Go on dates and eventually marry you and the others. As Luna said, should the land have need of her and Celestia, they will be here to help. And the same goes for me as well. If something big comes up I’ll do what is needed to protect the country. But as it stands, I think it’s time for ‘the torch to be passed’.”

Luna sighs. “Arc… the office of the Hero of Light isn’t something that is normally vacated other than through death. While I certainly can’t force you to stay in such a position, please understand that it would cause problems were you to simply announce your resignation publicly.”

Twilight frowns. “But that isn’t fair! You and Princess Celestia are planning to do the exact same thing at some point in the future, Luna!”

“Yes, we are. However, it will be a very long transition period requiring decades if not centuries of micro steps to completely remove us from power.”

Arc nods as he stands. “I do kinda understand what you’re saying. Were you and your sister to announce one day that you were leaving right away, everyone in the country would be on edge over it.”

Twilight groans. “So what are you supposed to do, Arc?!”

Arc turns back to Luna. “How about this idea then? I’ll stay on as the nation’s Hero of Light, but on paper only. The citizens can think that I’m still around and actively doing things to keep them safe. But in reality, I’ll just be enjoying my life in Ponyville with the others.”

Luna appears hopeful. “And we’ll still be able to count on your support should a domestic or international need arise, correct?”

Arc nods. “Of course. I can’t just let trouble run rampant, after all. Assuming there isn’t some other way for you and the other princesses to bring it to heel.”

Twilight puts a hoof on Arc’s leg. “Right. We shouldn’t be in the habit of calling on Arc for everything, after all. Others, myself included, will need to step forward to protect the land.”

Luna smiles. “Well said, Twilight. And I do agree with you. We shall do our best to allow Arc to enjoy his retirement.”

Twilight smirks. “Along with some sort of generous severance package, I would assume.”

Luna nods. “Agreed. No one can deny that he has worked hard for Equestria as well as gone well beyond what can be called his duty.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“Is there something you’d like of Equestria, Arc?”

“I would actually. You see…”

Sometime later The Equinox lands on its pad next to Light’s Hope. Arc, Twilight, and Luna stand nearby and watch along with the entire base’s personnel lined up. As the ship’s engines die down, Hammer leads Celestia, Ember, Natalya, Gallus, Gabby, and Heathcliff down the gangplank. They approach Arc together as the rest of the ship’s crew begins to disembark. Hammer is the first to speak.

“Came to welcome us, I see.”

Arc grins. “Yup.”

Gallus looks at the guards lined up with their packs. “Um… this supposed to be some kind of spring cleaning, sir?”

“In a matter of speaking, yes.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “That doesn’t make any sense though.”

Celestia looks to Luna. “What is going on here, sister?”

“Just a bit of a… a changing of the guard, Celestia.”

Natalya appears confused. “Is everything alright, Arc?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Natalya. All will be made clear in due time.”

Soarin and the bridge crew disembark the ship with their saddlebags along with Stellar Flare. They line up in front of Arc and salute as the captain approaches Arc and speaks.

“All present and accounted for, sir.”

“All the crew, Soarin?”

Lemon Hearts looks over a clipboard. “Everypony is accounted for, sir. With the exception of your steed Sereb and Ambassador Ashe, that is.”

Moon Dancer quickly chimes in. “Whom will be returning at a later date on the Lunar Destiny, sir.”

Arc turns to Thunderlane. “Perfect. And the ship has been completely shut down?”

“Yes sir. All engines are cooling normally.”

Wrangler steps forward. “Sir, might I ask what the hay this is all about?”

Luna gestures to the ship. “The Equinox is being transferred.”

Stellar Flare raises an eyebrow. “You mean that we’re being transferred right, your highness?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. Luna meant what she said.”

Nodding to Arc, Twilight motions to the ship with a wave of her hoof. Stepping toward it, he looks the vessel over for a few moments before raising his hands and casting a spell. All present watch in awe as the ship quickly begins to shrink until it is roughly the size of a football. Picking it up Arc places it dutifully in his ring before turning and walking toward Light’s Hope. Doing the same to it, he puts Light’s Hope in the magic ring as well. Looking to those present, Arc speaks.

“All of you have performed your duties well and brought honor to both my command and our country! However, until the time comes when the land is again in need of them, I shall be decommissioning both The Equinox as well as Light’s Hope! Everyone here will be granted a two-week shore leave before reporting back to Canterlot Castle for new duties!”

He smiles widely as he looks to everyone present and continuing.

“Thank you all for your service and for making this land a safe place for everyone. Dismissed.”

They salute him respectfully and turn to leave. Hammer frowns and looks to Arc.

“Uh… what are you doing, Arc?”

“In a word… retiring.”

Natalya gasps. “Right now?!”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes, Natalya.”

Ember grins. “About darn time!”

Lemon Hearts frowns. “But who will…!”

Twilight interrupts her. “Arc will still be our nation’s Hero of Light. However, he won’t be gallivanting all over the world on a regular basis anymore.”

Thunderlane chuckles. “I guess things are probably going to be pretty calm for a while now.”

Moon Dancer nods. “Logically, yes.”

Wrangler sighs. “Trouble’s always around the corner though, sir.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “And if it rears its ugly head then I’ll come deal with it. However, for the moment, I just want to be able to have some semblance of a normal life.”

Stellar Flare raises a hoof. “Sir, might I be allowed to return to my duties in Canterlot Castle?”

Arc smiles at her. “With Sunburst?”

“It has been a long time since we were together, yes.”

“That’s up to the princesses.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I suppose we could find you something to do over there, miss.”

Stellar Flare bows respectfully. “Thank you, Princess Luna.”

Soarin steps forward. “Sir?”

“Yes, captain?”

“I… just wanted to say that I’m honored to have served under you. Captain Tight Ship would be happy knowing that this warship was no longer needed.”

“As am I. Now then, all of you enjoy yourselves doing whatever it is that you like. And thank you all… for everything.”

The bridge crew salutes as one and walks away together. Arc watches them disappear around a curve in the path before he notices those behind him. Ember, Hammer, Natalya, and Twilight are all resting their hand, claw, talon, and hoof on his shoulders. Turning to them, he smiles.

“And that goes for me too.”

Ember smirks. “So what now?”

“I’m going to be spending significantly more quality time with my little family, going on dates, and getting to know everyone better.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “And me?”

Ember nods approvingly. “You too.”

Hammer grins. “Right! You’re family now, Nat!”

Twilight looks in the direction of town. “We’ll have a tea time later today so that you can tell the rest of the herd about your feelings.”

Luna smiles. “And I’ll return to Canterlot with Celestia so that you can have some time with your friends, Twilight.”

Celestia quickly chimes in. “But do return when you have the time, Twilight. After all, Equestria won’t rule itself.”

“I will, Princess Celestia. But right now I have things to do here in town.”

Luna nods. “Then we shall leave you to it, Twilight.”

Looking to Arc, she smiles before continuing.

“Take care of her for us, Arc.”

“I will, Luna.”

Opening a portal, Luna motions to Celestia. They enter together and are gone. Arc looks to Natalya and chuckles.

“I’ll run your bits over to the bank later when it opens.”

“No rush, Arc. After all, I’m sure you have more than a few things to do.”

Gallus chuckles. “Now that you’re retired you can live the good life.”

Gabby frowns. “Hey! What about Heathcliff and I?!”

Hammer looks to Arc. “They can’t really live in Light’s Hope with it in your ring, after all.”

Arc shrugs. “We’ll get them a room at the inn for a day or two.”

Natalya giggles. “That’s about how long it will take to close on the little house I had picked out.”

Gallus grins. “There room for all of us though, right?”

Natalya nods. “Yes, indeed.”

She looks to Heathcliff before continuing.

“As well as a guest room too.”

Heathcliff bows respectfully. “I shall serve you dutifully, Mistress Natalya.”

“That isn’t necessary, Heathcliff.”

Gallus grins. “After all, a small place is a lot less work for everyone.”

Gabby gasps. “Work?!”

Natalya looks to her sister. “Yes, Gabby. We’re all going to be doing chores.”

“What are ‘chores’?!”

Gallus shakes his head. “I’ll explain it on the way into town, Gabby.”

“Good idea! We need to show Heathcliff around!”

She grabs his talon and begins pulling as she speaks.

“We can start with Sugarcube Corner! I want a snack!”

Natalya looks to Arc apologetically. “Can I catch up with you and the others later?”

“Sure. No rush.”

Ember grins. “Yeah! Just have a nice time with your family.”

Hammer winks and gives her a ‘thumbs up’. “We’ll find you later.”

Twilight giggles. “I’ll stop by the Town Hall when it opens and see about expediting your deed paperwork, Natalya.”

“You really don’t have to do that, Twilight.”

Ember shrugs. “She kinda does.”

Arc nods. “Right. Heathcliff and your siblings need a place to stay.”

Hammer grins widely. “That and it’ll go smooth as butter with a princess calling the shots.”

Twilight nods. “With luck we can get this done today.”

Natalya bows her head respectfully. “Thank you, Twilight. But I should probably catch up to Gallus and Gabby now.”

Twilight steps forward. “I’ll come with you. There are a few things I need to do in town as well.”

Arc waves after them. “Have fun! I’ll call you later, Natalya!”

Natalya appears confused. “Call?”

“Sorry! Human reference!”

They head for Ponyville as Arc turns back to Ember and Hammer.

“So… I guess that just leaves the three of us.”

Ember grins wickedly. “That it does.”

Hammer smirks. “Yup!”

“Um… anything special you two want to do to celebrate this?”

Ember nods. “I can think of something, yes.”

Hammer licks her lips. “Yeah!”

“What is it?”

Ember latches onto Arc’s arm. “How about we head on over to that inn and get a room of our own together?”

Hammer grabs Arc’s other arm. “Thinking the same thing.”

Arc chuckles. “And what about Derpy, Rarity, and Applejack?”

Ember presses her body against his. “I didn’t think you’d be into making this into a group thing though, Arc.”

Hammer leans her head on his shoulder. “The more the merrier though! Let’s do it!”

Arc rolls his eyes and sighs as the three of them slowly make their way down the path toward town. “You two… one track minds.”

Author's Note:

I hope you've enjoyed reading the story thus far. While I am working on the next volume, it's not likely I'll be able to read it with my wife and start translating the text before May. As of now, I'm about six hundred pages into the next volume. But it's probably only about halfway done.

If you haven't done so already, please go back and re-read the first two volumes. I remastered them some time ago and added another major story arc during the time Arc and Ember were imprisoned in Tartarus. During their adventure they met a demon whom will be making another appearance in the upcoming volume. Hopefully my wife will enjoy it as much as I am thus far.

Stay tuned for the aftermath of Arc's retirement.

Comments ( 14 )

Oh crud.

They used THAT variation.

When I first saw such a method, device mentioned back in the 90s, between Arthur C Clarke and a certain Rescue Ranger fanfuction, Ihad a bit of a poke at the problem using old notes. Its like the old Daedalus designs fro Scientific American. Just coherent enough to look plausible, but with certain critical fail points.

They didnt include generalised multiversal varients.

The even theoretical possibility of such research existing freaked me out so much, I destroyed the few notes Id done, so that at least I wasnt constantly remindd of the shere ego, idiocy and psychotic behaviour of so many insane persons.:pinkiesick:

In Quantum Mechanics, what isnt forbidden, is mandatory.

Whats really weird, is that this story doesnt exist. I tried downloading text and it gives a zero size file. I didnt even think the site could handle a Null at position zero?:twilightoops:

So most of them are gone with those in Equestria and abroad I don’t want to say it but what’s left is pretty much an endangered species it would take years maybe centuries for the Griffon....Republic to grow now there is no need for an empire

So the weapon was sort of like the oxygen destroyer from Godzilla?

My guess is that the file size is too big for .txt. You have to either use .html or .epub.

Yes, it will take many, MANY generations before the griffins will be populous enough to regain their ability to form a nation.

I'm actually not familiar with Godzilla movies. :scootangel:

It more or less turned them into small piles of dust. :fluttershysad:

it's from the very first movie back in 1954. It functioned in a similar way.

hmm I guess they could form a city-state first

“Lord Arc… I found my father.”

Oh no.... I was hoping that he lived.

I did at one point consider keeping a few of them around. But in the end they're just part of the problem, so I went full scorched earth. :rainbowderp:

When are you gonna start posting new chapters ?

Quite some time sadly. I'm about five hundred pages into the next volume at this point. However, as I said to the wife a couple weeks ago, this is going to be a LONG volume. It's likely that the upcoming volume will end at around a thousand pages. That and we've only been able to read a couple hundred pages of it to date.

I thought about translating and releasing the first chapter a few days ago, as it sets the stage for the rest of the volume. But decided against it due to how my wife reacted to the way it ended when we read the chapter together.

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