• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - A Royal Meeting

The next morning Arc awakens to Ember licking his cheek. “Good morning sleepyhead! How late are you planning to sleep?”

Arc rolls over. “The train doesn't come until later this morning.”

“So we have time?”

Arc nods sleepily. “Plenty.”


Ember leans in close to Arc's ear and whispers something into it. Arc immediately jumps out of bed! “Will you look at the time! Lots to do! Better get to it!”

He quickly leaves the room as Ember smiles to herself. “That was easy enough.”

Meanwhile, Arc walks quickly down the hall toward the Cafeteria muttering to himself. “Darn crazy adolescent dragon...”

He enters the Cafeteria to see his squad sitting at a table with Derpy and Dinky eating a late breakfast. “Sorry everyone! I hope you haven't been waiting long.”

Derpy giggles. “And here I thought WE were going to be the late ones, Dinky!”

Dinky stops eating long enough to smile up at her father before going back to stuffing her face. Arc looks at his squad. “Sorry boys! We had a late-night study session preparing for our next mission. Everyone meet me in the Meeting Room in half an hour.”

They nod and he turns to leave the table. “As you were… enjoy your muffins.”

As he passes the buffet, Arc hesitates, takes a few muffins then leaves the cafeteria. He then walks to the Training Room where Flash Sentry is watching his troops spar. He salutes as Arc approaches.

“Commander! Welcome back!”

“Thank you. I’d like to speak with you in my office, sergeant.”


The pair walk to the office and sit down.

“Sit down Sergeant. Do you have anything to report during my absence?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “No sir! Things were quite calm while you were out.”

“I’ll be leaving again later today for an indefinite amount of time. You will be in charge again. How did it feel to be the one at the helm?”

“A bit... overwhelming at first. Not sure if I am ready to command an entire base like this!”

“Well, I don't foresee any trouble in our immediate future. Although we should run some war games when I return. I'll call in reinforcements from Canterlot and you and I can fight it out, commander to commander!”

Flash Sentry looks at Arc, nervously. “But sir… you’ll cream us!”

Arc leans forward. “I'll let you in on a little secret then.”


“You probably have more experience leading troops than I do.”

“Are you serious?! How... what about your escape from Tartarus? Leading the Vile Tribe to safety? The Ursa Major?”

Arc leans back in his chair and sighs. “During those times the ponies around me were scared out of their minds! They needed a hero, and I just happened to fit the bill. When trouble arises, someone needs to take command! With me gone, that somepony is YOU! Protect this facility! But above that, protect those within it! Have I made myself clear?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Crystal clear, sir!”

Arc stands up. “Glad to hear it! We’ll talk more when I return from Vanhoover.”

“Vanhoover sir? But there isn't much there. If I may ask, what will you be doing?”

“My squad, Derpy, our daughter Dinky and I will be investigating the New Beginnings Orphanage. I’m trying to keep it at stealth and subterfuge, but I have the feeling things could get... messy.”

“Please sir! The New Beginnings Orphanage is sacred ground to many of our forces!”

Arc nods. “I understand, and hope to keep it intact. However, the personal safety of the innocents who reside there must come first.”

“Yes sir! I understand.”

“Good... I will require the aid of one of your guards as well. Send them to the Meeting Room at once! You are dismissed.”

Flash Sentry salutes and leaves the office. Arc turns and looks out his window absentmindedly for a few minutes. “Don't worry little ones. Help is on the way...”

A short time later Arc makes his way to the meeting room. The others have already assembled along with a single Royal Guard and Flash Sentry himself. Arc closes the door behind him and walks to his place at the head of the table.

“Alright. Let me tell you the plan. I will use my sigil magic to teleport us to my room in Canterlot Castle, where we will all spend the night. I will use this opportunity to greet the princesses and see if they have any other information that may help us on our mission. The next morning we will take the train to Vanhoover. That's when things may get... dangerous.

Derpy looks at Dinky and gulps. Arc pulls a scroll out of his satchel. Raven has acquired the proper legal papers here, fresh from Mayor Mare's desk, recognizing Dinky as an orphan. Father unknown, mother deceased.”

He turns to the Royal Guard.

“Your part of the mission is as follows. Upon arriving in Vanhoover, you are to escort Dinky to the Orphanage and present her to the Matron. When she asks you for your papers, give her this scroll. You are then to immediately leave Vanhoover and return to Light's Hope.”

The guard salutes. “Yes sir!”

“Don't worry Dinky. I'll be behind your ear the whole time. Just do what I tell you to and everything will be fine.”


Arc turns to his squad. “You four will silently observe the building from the outside. Do not intervene unless absolutely necessary or unless ordered to do so.”

Arc removes a flare gun from his satchel and lays it on the table.

“In the event Dinky and I need help, I will fire this. The whole town will hear it, but that can't be helped. Think of it as a sign that the stealth portion of this mission is over.”

He turns to Derpy.

“Derpy, you will be in command of my squad during the stealth portion of this mission. Stay hidden unless you hear the flare gun. I will leave my spear with you until that time.”


Arc walks over to a large map of Vanhoover and the surrounding area. “Just to the west of the Orphanage is a forest. You will make a base camp and light a small fire. If we need to contact you, we will do so late at night. Your campfire will help me find you, so keep it going all night if possible.”

He looks around the room.

“Are there any questions?”

Max raises a hoof. “Commander, if I may. Hugh, Viktor, Xenos and I could simply investigate and report our findings to you. It really isn't necessary for you to handle this personally.”

Xenos joins Max. “Not that we don't appreciate it sir, but we know you are a very busy individual.”

“Ember said roughly the same thing when she learned of my plans. I have my own reasons for partaking in this mission, most of which could be viewed as entirely selfish.”

Derpy shakes her head. “Arc, I don't think it's possible for YOU to be selfish!”

Arc turns to her. “Derpy... we all have things in our past that we regret. I am no exception. All right! Everyone to the Main Hall for transport. Let's move out!”

Everyone leaves the meeting room except Flash Sentry and Arc.

“You certainly inspire everypony to do their best, sir!”

“Folks need heroes to inspire them. Remember what we talked about earlier. I'll be back before you know it.”

Flash Sentry salutes as Arc leaves the room.

“Arc sir!”

Arc makes his way to the Main Hall and steps on the sigil with the others. He calls forth his gauntlet and activates the sigil. A moment later they are teleported to his room in Canterlot Castle.

Dinky looks around. “Where are we?”

“My personal quarters in Canterlot Castle.”

Derpy walks over to the window and looks out at Canterlot. “Nice!”

Arc heads for the doors. “Everyone make yourselves at home. I'm going to speak to the princesses while we’re here.”

Derpy looks over from the window. “Be careful Arc!”

“Don't worry mom! If the Hero of Light himself isn't safe inside the castle, who is?”

Arc calls forth his armor and quietly leaves his room. As he heads for the Audience Chamber. Ponies wordlessly part at his advance! As he approaches the doors, they open to allow the previous audience to leave. The guards motion for him to enter, which he does. The doors are closed behind him as Arc approaches the princess’ thrones.

Luna looks up at his advance. “Arc! This is quite a surprise! What brings you here today?”

Arc removes his helmet. “Several reasons actually! First, I wanted to thank the two of you for my new Command Center in Ponyville. We've named it Light's Hope!”

Cadance nods approvingly. “Well put!”

“Second, I wanted to ask if either of you have ever come across a strange glowing creature of immeasurable power named Kronos.”

Luna narrows her eyes. “How do you know that name?”

“Kronos was the one who gave Twilight the strange crystal they used to lower the barrier around Tartarus. It also revealed itself to us at Light's Hope more recently when we were trying to solve a rather perplexing problem regarding a strange power emanating from Derpy's little filly. Do you know more about this "Kronos" than I?”

Luna sighs and begins to pace in front of Arc. “Kronos... now that's a name I have not heard in a long time... a long time. While I don't know much about its... identity, other than the name, I can say this much... Kronos is a being of unimaginable power! We have spoken a few times over the centuries.”

Arc looks to Princess Luna. “What exactly IS Kronos?

“The Keeper of Time.”

Arc looks at Luna confused. “Come again?”

“Kronos' job is to keep the world in balance from the shadows. It never interferes directly in our affairs... until now it seems.”

Arc nods. “The crystal?”

Luna nods. “Right! And what of your second meeting with Kronos?”

“Well, newborn Dinky was emanating some kind of power I had felt only one time previously from another filly named Apple Bloom. She’s the younger sister of Twilight's friend Applejack. When the pair were together at the park, Ember and I could sense the power swelling in them! Presumably from being in close proximity to each other. While Derpy, Ember, Rarity and I were discussing this problem Apple Boom approached me to say that another filly was giving off the same energy!”

Cadance appears anxious. “Oh my! Should we take action?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Princess Cadance. The matter was, more or less, solved recently.”

She looks relieved. “Good! Please continue.”

“The third filly turned out to be Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle! No one other than myself, Ember, Derpy, Apple Bloom, Dinky and Sweetie Belle can sense this power.”

Cadance appears surprised. “Not even Twilight?”

Arc shakes his head. “She felt nothing at all. Apple Bloom did her best to describe the feeling she was getting. Twilight said it sounded a lot like the Elements of Harmony! She then revealed to me the Elements themselves! I could feel in my core that the power from the Elements was quite similar to the power in the fillies, but, at the same time very unique! I spent all day with these three little ones. Other than sensing their power, there was nothing else out of the ordinary about them.”

Luna considers this for a time. “Is there anything else you can tell us about this power?”

“I took Dinky and Apple Bloom to Ponyville Hospital to have them checked out. The doctor took blood samples from both and sent them to the lab. He examined both fillies extensively, but found nothing out of the ordinary. That is, until the lab reports came back. Dinky's was normal, but Apple Bloom's blood sample contained magiplasts. And she’s an earth pony! He could offer no advice on how such an event could come to pass. I took all three home with me to observe them more closely. Again, I learned nothing helpful. The next morning they accompanied me to the tour of my new Command Center. After the tour, Twilight and her friends, my squad, the three fillies and Ember spoke more on this in the Meeting Room. We put on the table everything we had learned so far, which wasn't much. We were completely out of ideas on where to go from there. Then... it happened!”

“What happened?!”

“The light from the sun dimmed, as did the inside lights. Before long it was pitch black inside and out. Somehow we could still see each other clear as day though!”

Luna muses to herself. “Just like back then…”

Arc turns to her. “Beg your pardon?”

“I am sorry Arc. Please continue.”

“A moment later a bright figure was present in the room! It identified itself as Kronos and told us not to worry about the power within these three fillies. They were chosen by destiny, and Equestria would soon have need of them and their power. Then it told us the news... about Dinky. It referred to her as "an anomaly" and that it needed Derpy to give Dinky to it to ‘restore the balance’.”

Cadance appears horrified! “He asked her to... sacrifice her own foal for this land?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. It was not an easy choice for her. In the end, she held Dinky up to it and... let her go...”

He is silent for a time as he relives that time in his mind.

“will never forget that moment... the sadness... anguish... of watching as a light surrounded little Dinky's body. The last we saw of her was a small hoof waving goodbye, and her words to us... "bye bye mamma... daddy”. Believe me, facing a demon army was MUCH easier than watching that while holding a sobbing mother in my arms. The light intensified to the point we could no longer look at it! After a few moments it subsided, but we cared little by that point. Dinky was... gone... or so we thought. Kronos called to me to "retrieve what was lost".

“What did it mean?”

“I admit, I wasn't sure. All I could think to do was to approach the light that had up until a moment ago, been Dinky. Reaching inside, I felt a warm body. Pulling it out I saw Dinky lying asleep in my arms! But now she was much older! Almost school age from what I could gather! The last thing he said was the balance had been restored, and that I should take care of them, as Equestria's fate hung in the balance!”

Cadance looks over to Luna. “Such power over time! How are such things possible?!”

“I admit, even I don't know the upper reaches of Kronos' power. Thankfully, it has always acted in the best interest of Equestria. Did it say anything else?”

“Just one last thing... Kronos spoke of a fourth filly with this power, but told us not to look for them. Our paths would cross when the time was right.”

Luna nods. “Very well. And where is Dinky now?”

“In my quarters here in the castle.”

“I would be very interested in meeting this filly for myself.”

“As would I!”

Arc nods and puts his helmet back on as he opens a portal back to his room in the castle. “Very well. There is much more I need to tell you, but let's take care of this first.”

Luna walks toward the portal. “Very well. Come, Cadance.”

“Right behind you.”

Arc enters the portal last. A moment later the three are in Arc’s personal quarters. All the ponies bow upon seeing the princesses enter. Luna and Cadance walk toward Dinky as she bows next to her mother. Luna turns to look at Arc.

“Is she the one you spoke of?”

He nods. “Yes. Princess Luna... Princess Cadance... meet Dinky Hooves.”

Cadance nods and looks all around them. “Please rise, all of you!”

Luna looks into Dinky’s eyes. “Hello there, little one! It is good to meet you.”

“Th-thank you, princess.”

“Arc has told us of a power dwelling within you and two other fillies.”

Dinky nods. “Yes. My friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They're back in Ponyville.”

Cadance looks over at Dinky, concerned. “Are you in any pain, dear?”

Dinky shakes her head. “No ma'am. To tell you the truth, it's more of a warm fuzzy feeling. Princess Cadance... can I tell you something?”

“Of course, dear! What is it?”

“I just wanted to say... thank you... for saving my daddy from Tartarus.”

Cadance looks at her, confused. “Who is you daddy, little one?”

Dinky points a hoof at Arc. “He is!”

Luna looks to Arc. “I’m a bit confused.”

“As am I... Dinky, how can Arc be your father?”

Derpy steps forward. “If I may, Princess. Arc was always there for me before, during, and after little Dinky's birth. He was so good to her that she quickly started calling him ‘daddy’.”

“Dinky deserved a real father, so I signed my name on her birth certificate and took her as my daughter.”

Cadance smiles. “I'm... just so... I guess impressed would be the word!”

Luna nods in agreement. “You have made us proud yet again Arc. And have reassured us that we made the right choice in making you Equestria's Hero of Light.”

“Thank you, but as long as we are on the subject of Tartarus, my troops and I recently returned from a mission there that I would like to speak with you about.”

Luna furrows her brow. “So, you willingly returned to Tartarus? For what purpose?”

“I made a promise to a friend there, and had to keep it.”

“A friend? I thought the entirety of the Vile Tribe was evacuated when we liberated you Arc. Who was left behind?”

“Princess Cadance, do you remember when you and Twilight led the rescue party to liberate me from Tartarus? The large creature that came to my aid?”

Cadance nods. “Yes, I meant to ask you about that, but never got around to it. What was that thing anyways?”

“A hydra.”

Luna shakes her head. “That is not possible. They have been extinct for centuries!”

“He was sent there for the crime of defending the other hydras from ponies.”

Luna hangs her head in shame. “I admit, that part of our history is rather dark.”

“During my stay in Tartarus, I went to him to ask for hydra humor to save my friend Ember's life! Needless to say, he was less than receptive. His hatred of ponies still ran deep. Ember was one of the Vile Tribe's defenders. To help her was to help them! At the same time, he was good friends with Dragon Lord Torch and wished to repay a debt to his old friend.”

Luna looks anxious! “So, what happened?!”

“He challenged me to a duel. If I won, he would give me the humor to save Ember! If I lost... well, I guess I would be dead right now. As you can see, I was able to defeat him. I refused to take his life though, so in addition to giving me the humor, he also gave me the scales that were used to craft the armor I now wear!”

Luna looks Arc up and down! “Wait! That armor is Hydra Scale Armor?!”

“Yes. A token of our new friendship.”

“Very generous of him, but what does this have to do with your promise?”

“Before I was rescued from Tartarus, he asked me if I would help him rejoin the other hydra. Apparently there is a secret village of hydra in the Dragon Lands. When I met with Dragon Lord Torch some time ago, he gave me permission to bring The Marquis to the Dragon Lands.”

Cadance holds up a hoof to her forehead. “Hold on a moment! You MET with the Dragon Lord?! And he didn’t eat you?!”

Arc shrugs. “What can I say? I'm a likable kind of guy!”

Cadance looks to Arc and smiles. “Okay, as soon as you finish telling us about the Marquis, I have GOT to hear this story!”

Dinky jumps up and down happily. “Me too!”

Derpy nods. “I was there, and I still don't believe we pulled it off!”

Luna looks to Arc with a less than pleased look on her face. “Aye! Although I believe I see where this story is going. So are you saying you intentionally RELEASED a prisoner from Tartarus?!”

Arc nods. “In a nutshell, yes! Although it sounds bad the way you say it.”

The princess’ mood appears to be worsening. “And you felt this was the best course of action... why now?!”

“Several reasons... one... I made a promise to a friend. Promises have to be kept! Two... he came to my rescue during the Battle of Tartarus. Had I not gone back for him, he would have most certainly have been killed! Three... doing so would help to mend the relationship between the hydra and the ponies. Four... doing so also granted me even more favor with the Dragon Lord. More on that later. As Equestria's Hero of Light, that also brings Equestria that much closer to a more friendly relationship with the dragons.”

Luna facehoofs. “I'm not sure if I should be angry with you, or give you a medal.”

“I suppose I deserve the former, but will leave the decision up to you.”

“So, how many times have you seen the Dragon Lord now?”, Cadance inquires.


Luna walks over and inspects him closely as Cadance looks on confused.

“Luna? What are you doing?”

“Looking for teeth marks.”

Arc laughs! “There aren't any. Hey, I'm just as surprised of that as you are!”

Luna looks up from her inspection. “So why were you in the Dragon Lands in the first place?”

“Well, while I was in Tartarus with Ember, she was so grateful to me for getting the humor that saved her that she challenged me to a duel to prove my worthiness.”

Cadance looks to Arc wide eyed!” She tried to kill you?!”

“Yup. Needless to say, I defeated her, but at great personal cost! Doing so made me worthy of becoming her mate.”

“Are you saying that you are going to be the next Dragon Lord?!”, Luna exclaims!

Derpy claps her hooves together happily! “Arc! You didn't tell me you and Ember were getting married!”

“That was Ember's intention. However, she was conflicted when I informed her that human lives are quite short compared to a dragon. I’ll be dead centuries before she is old enough to officially take a mate! The two of us went to the Dragon Lands to hear the determination of the Dragon Lord on this matter. He said things like "flea" and "lesser creature". Then he insisted that Ember chose another for her mate. Putting forth the call, three of the biggest, meanest looking dragons stepped forward.”

“Were they big and scary?!”, Dinky asks.

“Yup! And strong looking too!”

“What happened next? Did Ember choose one of them?!”, Derpy inquires.

“Well, truth be told, I could see Ember didn't really like any of them. So, I decided to goad the Dragon Lord a bit.”

Luna facehoofs again. “Oh no… did you cause an international incident?!”

“All I did was suggest to the Dragon Lord that his daughter should have the very best the Dragon Lands had to offer, and these three should duke it out to see who the best really was.”

Cadance thinks for a moment. “That doesn’t sound too bad.”

“Then I requested to join the fight!”

Luna facehoofs again. “Why... on Equestria... would you do that?!”

“I quickly learned that in the Dragon Lands, power equaled respect! If I could trounce them the Dragon Lord would think higher of Equestria's "lesser creatures". He just laughed and asked why, as I had already been disqualified from becoming Ember's mate. I told him I simply wanted my friend Ember to have the best mate possible, and I didn't think those three were worthy.”

“You… you didn’t! What did the Dragon Lord have to say about that?!”, Luna askes as she sits down.

“He just laughed and asked what a lesser creature like me knew about worthiness.”

Luna sighs in relief.

“To which I responded, and I quote... ‘I agree humans are nothing special, but I wonder if dragons are truly as great as they think they are’.”

The color drains from Luna’s face and she suddenly appears light headed. “I think I need to lie down for a bit! Should we be expecting an imminent invasion?”

“Nah. Although the Dragon Lord was furious, and ordered the three dragons to tear me apart.”

Dinky looks to her father proudly. “No dragon can beat my daddy! You showed them, didn't you?!”

“I did! Those three never had a chance! However, by defeating the strongest of the dragons, unarmed no less, had made him even angrier than before!”

Cadance looks over as she fans a woozy Luna sitting on a large cushion. “I'm almost afraid to ask, but... what did he do?”

“He got down off his throne and challenged me personally! I grabbed my spear and shouted to him something to the effect of ‘Bring it on! You're not THAT much bigger than the Marquis’. Upon hearing that name, he screeched to a stop. My news that his old friend was alive and well was enough to make him forget the whole thing. That and the fact I had defeated, but spared, the Marquis earned me the Dragon Lord's respect.”

Derpy shudders at the thought. “Weren’t you scared, Arc?”

“I was! But I had your Spear of Hope with me which helped quite a bit! In any case, the Dragon Lord decided to reward me with three items of my choice from his personal horde!”

Cadance appears surprised! “You were given treasures?! This is unprecedented! What did you choose?!”

Luna holds a hoof to her chest. “Please tell me it wasn't anything dangerous... I don't know how much more of this my heart can take!”

“I chose an ancient looking magic tome and a strange ring. As I returned to Ember with the two items, there was a sort of humming sound. Neither of them heard it though. Ember and I walked to the back of the cave where we found the source. A crystal with a spear inside it. Taking it back to the Dragon Lord, he told us it contained the Spear of Righteousness, and that only the worthy could pierce the crystal and claim such a prize. Ember tried, but couldn't even scratch the surface! I too tried. As soon as my hand pushed the crystal, it gave way slightly. I pushed through and grabbed the spear! Pulling it out and raising if overhead I felt a great power enter me and rest on my... back, for some odd reason.”

Arc holds out his spear for the princesses to inspect. “This is the Spear of Righteousness.”

Derpy smiles. “You deserved it Arc! I've never met anypony more Righteous than you!”

“I'm glad you think so Derpy, but I am far from perfect.”

Arc turns back to the princesses.

“The ring I had enchanted to hold my armor and spear.”

He recalls his armor and spear to the ring. Luna regains her composure.

“Amazing! And what of the tome?”

“I left it with a friend. When I return home though I think I will put it in the Light's Hope Vault for safekeeping.”

Cadance turns from fanning Luna. “About the power you received from the spear. Have you learned how to harness it?”

Arc shakes his head. “Sadly, no. I can feel it pulsating deep inside me. However, I can't seem to figure out how to bring it to the surface.”

Luna stands back up. “So... about your second trip to the Dragon Lands. Can I assume this one went better than the last?”

“Much! We brought the Marquis before the Dragon Lord, who welcomed his old friend with open claws! He must have been in a particularly benevolent mood that day, as he asked me what I would like as a reward!”

Cadance nods, clearly impressed! “Another reward from the Dragon Lord?! Impressive! Dragons are generally loathe to part with their belongings! What did you ask for?”

Arc shrugs. “I didn't need anything more, so I simply answered that all I wanted was his friendship. That must have been some kind of dragon code or something. He reached out a claw and told me to step forward to accept the Friendship of the Dragon Lord. Stepping into his claw, he lifted me up to look him in the eye. He looked at me for a few moments before breathing a strange smoke at me which surrounded and eventually absorbed into my body. He then told me it was a gift from him to me as a sign of our friendship... Dragon Magic!”

Both princesses gasp!

“He gave you… MAGIC?!”

Arc casts a flame spell in one hand and a light spell in the other. “That he did!”

Cadance looks at Arc in awe of such an accomplishment! “I wasn't aware such a thing was even possible?! Arc, you are certainly full of surprises! Was there anything else you wanted to tell us about your trip to the Dragon Lands?”

“The Dragon Lord has given me permission to come and go as I please in his domain.”

“And the Marquis? Is he still there?”

Arc nods and points at the small scale on his left shoulder. “Yes. The Dragon Lord promised to escort him to the Hydra Village. But before he left, the Marquis gave me this. I haven't actually tried it yet, but he says I can use this to summon him to my side in times of need! Or, if I just want to talk... whichever.”

Cadance laughs! “Hero of Light, Savior of the Vile Tribe, Two-Time Conqueror of Tartarus, Ally of the Dragon Lord, and now Friend of a Hydra... is there nothing you can't do Arc?!”

“Just doing my job to keep this land peaceful...”

Arc walks towards Dinky and picks her up for a hug, which she returns.

“…and as long as those I care for are safe, little else matters.”

Luna looks at Arc and smiles. “I admit, I had my reservations about you at first Arc. However, you have proven to be quite a capable protector since taking up the mantle of Hero of Light. I have no doubt that you are capable of... doing whatever needs to be done to keep this land safe. After Celestia hears of your tireless efforts to protect us all, I'm sure even my sister will not be able to deny that not all humans are as bad as we believed.”

“About that! Any luck tracking her down?”

Cadance shakes her head. “None I'm afraid. She is not in Equestria, nor any of the surrounding countries. It's like she just disappeared! The audience before you came in was to report their failure.”

“Could she have perhaps been sucked into another world like I was?”

“Such a possibility certainly exists. But we have no way of knowing what dimension she may be in. Assuming there are others besides ours and yours, that is!”, Luna says as she rubs her chin with a hoof.

“Can you scan Earth? I know it's not much to go on but...”

Luna nods. “We shall try.”

“Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!”

Cadance nods. “We shall! Now, bringing us to the present... what brings you and your group to Canterlot?”

“I know this may be hard for you to believe, but... tomorrow we are heading to Vanhoover to investigate the New Beginnings Orphanage and Matron Tempest.”

Luna looks over to Arc, surprised. “Investigate? Special Agent Tempest is one of Equestria's most decorated Special Forces Agents! What could she possibly have done to warrant an investigation?!”

“I have information that says she is abusing the foals in her care. If these stories are indeed true, I must end it!”

Luna appears to be thinking. “Hmmm... and what do you believe Arc?”

“I believe... this warrants the Hero of Light's immediate, and personal, attention.”

Luna appears to agree. “Very well put! Conduct your investigation and report back to us your findings... whatever they may be.”

Cadance looks back to Arc. “I assume you have some kind of a plan?”

Arc quickly recalls his plan for the princesses.

Cadance nods. “That certainly is a bold plan! Quickly implemented and quickly executed.”

“Yes. We should have the truth in no time!”

Luna walks over to the door. “I leave this matter in your hooves... hands Arc! Now, Cadance and I must return to our duties. Do come by another time and let us know what you are up to! We know you won't let us down.”

Cadance looks everyone over as she heads for the door. “It was nice meeting you all! Keep up the good work Arc!”

As the door closes behind them, Derpy looks to Arc. “Wow! I never knew the princesses were so... regal!”

“And big!”, Dinky exclaims!

“Alright. We should probably take in an early supper and hit the hay early. Big day tomorrow for all of us. Derpy, you and Dinky can share the bed.”

“Thank you Arc!”

Dinky jumps up and down excitedly. “SLUMBER PARTY!”

The group sleeps soundly and leaves the castle in the early hours of the morning to catch the first train to Vanhoover. After a long, but thankfully uneventful ride, they near the Vanhoover Station. A train attendant walks through the car announcing their arrival.

“We will arrive at Vanhoover Station in 10 minutes. Please be sure to collect all your possessions before exiting the train!”

Arc turns to Dinky. “Time to get the mission started. Follow me, Dinky.”


Arc leads Dinky to the baggage car, calls forth his armor, leans his spear against the wall and puts on his cloak before kneeling down to Dinky’s level.

“Are you sure you're ready for this, sweetheart?”

Dinky looks Arc directly in the eye. Yes. I am.”

Arc nods lovingly at his daughter. “I know you are, Dinky. And I know you’ll make us all proud of you! Here goes nothing...”

He casts the spell and shrinks down. “Lie down, Dinky.”

Dinky lies on her belly and Arc climbs her mane to perch behind her ear.

“Okay. Now pick up my spear and head back to the others now.”

Dinky nods and does so. She sits down next to her mother and levitates the spear over to Derpy's waiting hooves.

“Is everything going as planned, dear?”

Dinky nods her head as Derpy smiles at her. “Do your best now, dear.”

“Thanks mom! I will!”

The group disembarks the train. Derpy turns to Arc’s squad. “All of you know what to do. Let's make this happen!”

The squad salutes and flies away. Derpy turns to the Royal Guard. “That goes for you too! Take care of your part and head back to the base!”

He salutes. “Yes, ma’am!”

Derpy gives Dinky a parting hug and whispers to her. “Be careful… both of you!”

Derpy flies off to join Arc’s squad. The Royal Guard turns to Dinky. “Are you ready miss?”

“As ready as I'll ever be. Let's go.”

Dinky and the Royal Guard walk toward through the town and toward the Orphanage. It is a rather dreary looking building on the outskirts of Vanhoover. The Royal Guard knocks. A minute later a rather haggard looking, middle-aged earth pony answers the door meekly. She is wearing a simple black and white robe similar to that of a nun.


The Royal Guard nods to Dinky. “I have an orphan from Ponyville here, ma'am.”

She opens the door and Dinky walks inside slowly. “Thank you. Do you have some papers for me?”

The Royal Guard give her the scroll. “Here you are ma'am!”

“I’ll take her from here. Thank you.”

The guard nods and walks away. The mare closes the front door and turns to Dinky. “This way, little one.”

She and Dinky walk slowly down the corridor together. The mare smiles weakly at her. “My name is Coco Pommel. What’s yours, little one?”

“I’m Dinky.”

“Well Dinky, I hope you’ll fit in here. If you need anypony to talk to, I'm here for you. Now the rules state that all new arrivals must first meet with Matron Tempest. She may be a bit scary, but it will be over before you know it! This way please.”

Coco Pommel leads Dinky upstairs to an office. She knocks lightly on the door. Someone very angry responds.


Coco Pommel appears terrified! “N-new arrival from Ponyville, Matron Tempest.”

“…send them in.”

She looks over to Dinky and forces a smile. “Go ahead. I’ll wait for you here.”

Dinky enters the office. A very angry looking mare sits behind a desk as neat as the office! There isn’t a thing out of place.

The Matron looks at her sternly! “Sit down!”

Dinky silently obeys. The matron looks her over for a moment before standing up and turning to look out the window. Without looking she tosses her coffee cup over her shoulder at Dinky. Arc grabs the cup with his magic and places it in Dinky’s hooves.

She looks back at Dinky, assuming she had caught the cup herself. “Good reflexes. LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!!!”

Dinky stares at the matron.

“Brave too. I admit, you show promise! I am Matron Tempest. Do what you are told and you will do well in the future! Fail and... well... let's just say Equestria always needs garbage collectors. Dismissed!”

Dinky leaves the office to a waiting Coco Pommel. “Follow me and I'll show you where you’ll be sleeping.”

Coco Pommel leads Dinky to a large room with many beds all lined up. Considering dozens of foals call it home, the room is as neat as Matron Tempest’s office. She points a hoof at a perfectly made bed.

“This will be your bed. Would you like a short rest? Most new arrivals do after meeting the Matron.”

“Well, I…”

Arc whispers in her ear. “Say yes.”

Dinky nods. “Yes, I would. Thank you.”

Coco Pommel smiles and nods at Dinky. “Very well. I'll come back for you later, dear.”

As she leaves the room, Coco Pommel can’t help but shake her head sadly. “Such a sweet little filly…”

“You’re doing great Dinky! Keep up the good work!”

Dinky looks around to make sure she’s alone before replying. “Are you going to be okay back there dad?”

“Don't you worry about me. I kept my armor on for a reason! Now lie down and rest. Who knows what’s to come!”

Dinky nods and lies down. Closing her eyes, she does her best to make herself comfortable on the lumpy mattress. A short time later she drifts off to sleep.

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