• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Meeting the Family

Several days later Arc, Dinky, and the others sit around a campfire on the beach. They silently watch the sun go down. Max is the first to speak.

“You know, it really is peaceful out here.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. Even more so than Ponyville.”

Hugh chuckles. “Not sure how that’s possible. But I still agree.”

Dinky turns to her father. “Did you go camping a lot when you were a kid, dad?”

“You mean before my dad left?”

“Y-yeah. Sorry.”

Arc tousles her hair. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Truthfully, yes. My dad was in the military, so I think he kinda saw stuff like this as some kind of survival training.”

Auriel smiles. “Did you live off the land?”

“In a manner of speaking. We’d fish, of course. But he did bring snacks for me to munch on if we didn’t catch anything.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “It was… enjoyable?”

“Yup. But I’m liking our camping trip a lot more.”

Max looks to him, genuinely curious. “Why’s that, sir?”

“Well for starters, all of you are with me. Second… well… showers.”

Xenos laughs. “It is nice to portal back to your house to clean up, sir.”

Hugh grins. “To say nothing for laundry.”

Dinky wrinkles her nose. “Yeah. Humans can be kinda stinky sometimes.”

Sereb frowns. “That was not very polite, Dinky.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, she IS right. But you should probably know that ponies smell very similar when they don’t bathe regularly.”

Dinky looks surprised. “We do?”


“How do you know, dad?”

“I learned that during a training camp-out I took my squad on quite some time back.”

Max looks to him sheepishly. “Our apologies, sir.”

Xenos grimaces. “Yeah. We do try to stay clean.”

“I do appreciate that.”

Hugh nods soberly. “Doing otherwise would bring shame to your station, sir.”

Auriel blushes slightly. “Demons have the same hygiene issues. I… hope that’s okay.”

Arc shrugs. “We can’t really blame anyone for a natural bodily function, Auriel.”

“What about as a human?”

Sereb looks to Auriel. “Eh?”

“I mean… do I smell funny?”

Max shakes his head. “Not as far as I can tell.”

Dinky giggles. “What about me?”

Arc rolls his eyes and groans. “Everyone smells fine. Can we please change the subject?”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Arc speaks.

“Sorry about that. I’m just a bit nervous about tonight.”

Xenos sighs. “I’d be too if I were in your shoes, sir.”

Hugh shudders. “Meeting a mare’s parents would be scary enough. But Hammer wants to introduce you to her sisters now!”

Sereb frowns. “She is perhaps taking this relationship a bit too far.”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe. But like I said, she’s our best source of information right now.”

“Dad? I… I need to tell you something.”

“Sure. Do you want to go back to camp to do it?”

Dinky shakes her head. “No, I can just say it here.”

She takes a deep breath before continuing. Her face sober.

“It’s just… I don’t like what you’re doing.”

“You think it’s too dangerous?”

“Not just that. You’re being kinda mean to Miss Hammer.”

Hugh appears confused. “I thought he was pretty polite.”

Dinky frowns. “No, no. I mean… you’re going out with her and she really likes you. But you’re just doing that to get information.”

Max groans. “Dinky, your father’s trying to rescue Princess Celestia. He needs every advantage available to him.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to him, right?”

“No. But I…”

Arc sighs. “You’re right, Dinky.”

“I am?”

“Yes. Now, normally I’d be completely against manipulating someone like this. But like the guys said, it really does need to be done to help assure success of the mission at hand.”

“But Miss Hammer will be so sad when we leave!”

“Probably. But what can I do?”

“I… I don’t know, dad.”

Auriel smiles at Arc. “We’ll try to think of something while you’re gone.”


Arc stands up and sighs.

“In any case, I should get back to the house and get cleaned up for tonight.”

Max nods. “Have a nice time, sir.”

“Thanks. But I’m still going to have Viktor and Ember listen in and record everything just in case.”

Sereb growls. “That would be wise.”

“Be good while I’m gone, Dinky.”

“Okay dad. Say ‘hi’ to Miss Hammer for me.”

Arc nods and walks back toward the bushes. Rose frowns as he passes her.

“Are you certain this course of action is wise?”

“No. But I don’t have much choice.”

Rose sighs. “Be careful.”

“I will. Anyone on your scanners?”

“Just our friends.”


Calling forth his gauntlet Arc opens a portal. Stepping through he reappears in his basement. Ember approaches him.

“This is a bad idea!”

“Hello to you too, Ember.”

“I’m serious, Arc! This is more reckless than usual! And THAT’S saying something!”

“Agreed. But you know I have to do this.”

Ember glares at him. “Can’t I come with you?!”

Viktor sighs. “That would endanger the commander more than you know.”

Arc nods. “And you as well.”

“Well, you should at least have some backup for meeting Hammer’s sisters! Those women are CRAZY!”

“That isn’t a bad idea, sir.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Especially if that… that THING actually works!”

Arc turns to Viktor.

“Did you get it?”

Viktor nods soberly as he holds out his hand. “Right here, sir. Straight from Sunburst.”

In his palm Viktor holds a ring. Arc takes it and looks the reflective surface over.

“Was it hard to make?”

Viktor nods. “According to him it was. Crafting small anti-magic items THIS powerful is apparently quite the feat. But you should probably test it out.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Yes. We wouldn’t want it to fail.”

Arc looks around. Spotting a pencil on the table he pulls it toward himself with a Telekinesis Spell. Grabbing the writing utensil, he drops it on the ground before putting on the ring and taking a deep breath.

“Here goes nothing.”

Looking down at the pencil Arc reaches out to it. He visibly strains himself, but it does not move.

“Okay. My magic is officially turned off.”

Ember glowers. “I still don’t see why you need to do that.”

Viktor sighs. “Mio will be there. It’s possible that she can sense magic in someone. Sealing the commander’s powers temporarily is the best way to protect his true identity.”

“Agreed. I don’t want Mio to take one look at me and know exactly whom she’s dealing with.”

“And if the ring fails?”

Viktor grins. “Then the commander can take it off and knock her into the next county.”

Arc sighs. “Uh… I think I’d just Blink as far away as possible.”

Ember groans. “Come on! You could take Mio!”

“That doesn’t mean I want to.”


Arc adjusts his ring and frowns. “Like Hammer, Mio doesn’t strike me as being inherently bad.”

Ember grimaces. “What about Stingray?”

“I’m trying to withhold judgement on her for the moment.”

“Really, sir?”

“Admittedly, I lean more toward her being a sadist like Diva. But I need to grab a shower and get something a little nicer on.”

Ember scoffs. “Don’t tell me you’re going full tux on us now!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. Just the suit I wore last time.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “To meet our enemies?”

“More like to keep up appearances with Hammer.”

Ember sighs. “You’re really going all out to make this so-called relationship work, aren’t you?”

“If she can give us information to make our final mission easier or safer I say it’s worth this initial risk.”

Ember shudders. “Can you not call it your ‘final mission’ please?!”

“Agreed, sir. It is a bit disconcerting.”

“You guys know my plans. When this is over and the three princesses are together again, I’m done.”

Ember grins. “Truthfully, that’s a relief.”

Arc nods as he heads for the stairs. “We can talk about it later. I’m hitting the shower.”

Viktor turns to Ember as the basement door closes.

“You’re really okay with this?”

“Which part?”

“The commander going out with one of our most dangerous enemies.”

Ember shrugs. “He’d do that even if I told him not to.”

“I suppose so. But you’re always the most concerned for his well-being.”

Ember heads for the stairs as she talks. “True. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have something to do.”

A short time later Arc steps out of the shower and towels off. Cherry calls out to him.

“I understand your reasoning. But I have to admit, I’m with Ember on this one.”

“So am I.”

“You are?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. This really is dangerous. But at the very least if something does happen, I’ll be the only one who gets hurt.”

“That’s not reassuring.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Grabbing his suit coat he heads downstairs and looks around.


Hearing no response he touches his earring.

“Radio check.”

Viktor speaks into his headset. “Read you loud and clear, sir.”

“Is Ember down there with you?”

“No, sir. She went upstairs shortly after you did. I… kinda thought she had joined you.”

“But I was in the shower.”

“Yes, sir. I know.”

Arc sighs. “Okay. Just listen in and record everything.”

“Good luck, sir.”

“Thanks. I think I’ll need it.”

Heading out the back door Arc heads for his Jeep. Getting in, he starts the engine but does not move. Cherry calls out to him.

“Arc? Is something wrong?”

“I wonder…”

Turning around he looks at the back seat and the floorboard. Seeing nothing he reaches out a hand to feel around. Cherry sighs.

“Looking for Ember?”

“Yup. But it looks like she honestly isn’t here this time.”

“Where do you suppose she went?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. But wherever it is has to be safer than where we’re going.”

Shifting into gear Arc drives the Jeep down the road. He pulls a scrap of paper out of his pocket and looks it over as Cherry groans.

“These directions make no sense. What’s a slight-left?”

Arc chuckles. “A road that goes off at an angle. You’ll see in a few minutes”

Spotting the road in question Cherry calls out to Arc again.

“That doesn’t make sense! Roads should be straight!”

“Tell me about it. Let’s hear it for urban planning.”

“This route though. It seems familiar.”

“You think so too? I thought I was just being paranoid.”

Cherry sighs. “Let’s see where Hammer’s leading us.”

Arc sighs. “Not much else we can do.”

A short time later they stop in front of a large building. Arc frowns as Cherry gasps.

“Isn’t that…?!”

Arc grimaces. “Yes. The same apartment building Minerva lives in.”

“We have to warn her!”

“Agreed. Viktor, can you call her?”

“Yes sir. I’ll make sure to use that little trick you taught me.”

“Good. Remember, it’s *67.”

“What should I tell her, sir?”

“I… um… that’s a very good question.”

Cherry groans. “Tell her to get out of there!”

Arc sighs. “If the three sisters are there they could see her leave and go after her though. She might actually be safer staying put.”

Viktor snaps his fingers. “You could use the sigil on the roof, sir. It’s worked in the past.”

“I suppose so. But we could have just been there when Mio was not.”

Cherry gasps. “And now we know for a fact she’s here!”

Viktor shakes his head. “This is hard.”

“Agreed. I hate to suggest it, but not telling her might be the best course of action here.”

“Then what should we do, Arc?!”

“I’ll go inside and see what we can learn about them. It is a pretty big building, after all. No reason to assume either side knows the other is there. Viktor, if you hear anything that leads you to believe Minerva’s in danger, call her.”

“Yes sir.”

Pulling up to the parking garage Arc looks at the paper again as he mutters to himself.

“That explains what this other number is for.”

“What is it?”

“A guest code.”

Typing in the number, the gate swings up allowing them to enter. Following the signs Arc finds the spots assigned to their owners. Cherry gasps.

“There’s the motorcycle Hammer was on when she attacked us at The Rider’s base!”

Arc frowns. “Sure looks like it.”

“Any other vehicles, sir?”

“None. I can only assume the other two use some kind of teleporter technology to come and go.”

Cherry shudders. “They could go anywhere in the blink of an eye!”

Arc shrugs. “Or at least wherever there’s a connected pad.”

Viktor puts a hand to his chin. “I wonder why Hammer drives then.”

“Let’s find out.”

Parking, he gets out of the Jeep. Cherry sighs.

“Don’t forget the flowers, Arc.”

“Whoops! Thanks.”

Picking up the bouquet he looks himself over in the side mirror before heading for the elevator. Stepping inside he looks at the paper and presses a button. Cherry gasps.

“That’s the same floor as Minerva’s apartment!”

Arc frowns. “Yeah.”

“Should I call now, sir?”

“Not yet.”

The elevator doors open. Looking at the signs on the wall Arc heads down the corridor. Cherry breathes a sigh of relief as they come to a door.

“Minerva’s on the other side of the building.”

“That’s a stroke of luck.”

As Arc’s knuckle touches the apartment door, it flies open. Hammer stands in the doorway in an olive green ankle length dress. She grins at him.

“You’re right on time!”

She steps aside as Arc walks in. Looking around he sees elegant furniture and modern art. The apartment appears completely in order, as there isn’t a thing out of place. Hammer takes Arc’s arm and leans into him.

“I’m really excited! This is the first time I’ve been able to bring someone home to meet my sisters!”


“Yup. Usually I’m too nervous.”

Viktor shakes his head as he mutters to himself. “Nervous, indeed…”

Hammer leads him into the Living Room and over to the couch.

“My sisters will be out in a moment. They’re getting changed out of their work clothes.”

“You mean their uniforms?”

“Uh… yeah.”

“Anything I should know about them?”

Hammer sighs. “Don’t make my older sister Stingray mad, for starters.”

“I’ll try not to.”

“And Mio likes anything… smart.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you should use a lot of fourteen letter words if you want to impress her.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Not sure I know anything that long.”

“Oh! And don’t be intimidated.”

“Um… okay.”

A few minutes later the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs behind them can be heard. Arc and Hammer stand up as Stingray looks Arc up and down

“Hello there. You must be Hammer’s little plaything.”

“I guess so. I’m…”

Mio smiles. “Arc, yes. Hammer has told us who you are already.”

Hammer frowns. “Now I wish I hadn’t.”

Arc clears his throat. “So… you three are in the military together, huh?”

Stingray nods. “Yes, we are.”

Mio narrows her eyes. “Is that going to be a problem?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I actually think it’s great you three can work together like this.”

Stingray appears confused. “Like what?”

“Like a… a family.”

Mio sighs. “Yes, well… we all do what we’re good at. By the way, the vegetable stew should be ready in about ten minutes.”

Stingray looks toward the kitchen. “It does smell good.”

She turns to Arc.

“Mio keeps us fed around here.”

“It’s really quite simple. I’m an avid patron of the sciences, of which cooking is just another branch. But I can’t hold a candle to Stingray’s ability to decorate.”

Stingray shrugs. “Well, all it takes is a bit of rearranging. Finding art in the chaos.”

Arc looks around. “Yes, your home does look very nice.”

“Thank you.”

“In fact, I do believe this is the nicest building in town.”

Mio giggles. “Or at least the most expensive.”

“Have you three lived here long?”

Stingray shrugs. “Several years actually.”

Mio nods. “Yes indeed. It’s a nice place to spend one’s days off.”

“Any interesting neighbors?”

Stingray grunts. “We pretty much keep to ourselves.”

Mio eyes Hammer coolly. “Yes. When you’re as busy as we are, time is not something to be wasted on frivolous tasks such as being overly social.”

“I can just imagine how busy the military must keep you. So you three don’t go out much?”

Stingray shakes her head. “Just where we’re sent.”

Mio shrugs. “Indeed.”

Hammer turns to him. “We should be going, Arc.”

“Okay. Getting hungry?”

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

Arc turns to Stingray and Mio. “It was very nice meeting you two.”


“Please take good care of Hammer tonight.”

Hammer rolls her eyes as she grabs Arc’s hand and pulls him toward the door. “See you two later. Don’t wait up for me.”

The front door closes with a click. Stingray chuckles as she shakes her head.

“That poor fool.”

Mio sighs. “Yes. Hammer’s never gotten further than one date with anyone.”

“She told us this is their second date though.”

Mio smiles wickedly. “Which means she won’t know what to do. You know how she gets when something new comes up.”

Stingray chuckles. “Like a fish out of water.”

“Well, at the very least it will be a good learning experience for her.”

“That it will be.”

Mio looks toward the now closed front door. “I swear I know him from somewhere though.”

“You too? Could it be déjà vu?”

“No idea. But we can talk about it over supper.”

Meanwhile, Hammer leads Arc toward the elevator.

“Um… Hammer?”

Hammer groans, not turning around. “What?”

“Can I have my hand back?”

“Oh! Right!”

Letting go, she blushes slightly and forces a smile as they stop in front of the elevator. Arc raises an eyebrow.

“Something wrong?”

“N-no. What makes you think that?”

“Well, for starters, your sweating.”

“It’s just hot in there, that’s all.”

They take the elevator down to the underground parking lot. Arc escorts Hammer to the Jeep. He turns to her as they get inside.

“How about we get something to eat?”

Hammer nods nervously. “I, uh… that would be… nice.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Fine! Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, you seem a bit… distracted tonight.”

Hammer moans. “Look, can we just go please?!”

“Um… okay.”

Starting the Jeep he backs out of the parking space and heads for the street. As they turn Hammer turns to him.

“I’m sorry. Seeing my sisters always puts me a bit on edge.”

“You seemed to get along okay. Was that not the case?”

Hammer sighs. “Kinda. I mean, we’ve always been there for each other… usually, I guess. But I’m never really sure when they’re genuinely concerned for my well-being or just playing a prank on me.”

“Can you give me an example?”

“How about this dress? Stingray and Mio both assured me I’d look amazing in it. But admittedly I feel more like an olive than a woman going on a date.”


Hammer sighs. “Is it bad?”


“I can handle it.”


Hammer groans. “They had me in a dressing room all morning too.”

“The hue of the fabric is really out there. Not sure who their target audience was supposed to be.”

He turns to her.

“How hungry are you?”

“Not very.”

“How about a bit of a detour then?”

“Where to?”

Arc chuckles. “You’ll see.”

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