• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,622 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 22 - The Festival

The pair leave the tent and continue on their way. Arc frowns.

“What a waste of bits.”

Rose giggles. “Well, I for one enjoyed that.”

Arc smiles at her. “I suppose if you had fun…”

He looks around.

“You want to play some more games, my dear?”

Rose nods happily. “I would!”

Meanwhile, Luna converses with dignitaries at the Aviary with Flash Sentry by her side. Gestal approaches with the rest of the Council of Lords and Lady Ashe.

“Princess Luna. We are happy you could make it.”

Luna nods as she extends a hoof to him. “I can’t let a little thing like an assassination attempt keep me away.”

Adalbert nods approvingly. “Well said, princess.”

Goldstone looks over at General Blackbeak across the room. “I’m sure the general will find those responsible… eventually.”

Flash Sentry frowns. Weller nods in agreement as he turns to Luna.

“Yes. But how is your Hero of Light, Princess Luna? Is he going to be alright?”

Gestal nods soberly. “Yes. That wound looked rather… painful.”

“Our Chief Medical Officer has determined he will be fine after a bit of rest back in Equestria.”

Adalbert appears surprised. “Really?!”

Goldstone gasps. “That is… most impressive! Considering the severity of the injury to his talon, that is!”

Gestal sighs. “Is there anything we can do, your highness?”

“No. He’s doing well aboard my ship. But what of our earlier assailants? Has there been any luck finding them?”

Gestal shakes his head. “None thus far.”

Weller looks around warily. “It’s as if they just disappeared!”

Adalbert furrows his brow. “Bah! Cowards the lot of them!”

Goldstone nods. “Yes, well Lord Adalbert, that may be. But their methods are quite effective in disrupting our affairs.”

Gestal waves a talon dismissively. “That much is true. But on to other matters.”

He gestures to his daughter.

“Princess Luna, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Lady Ashe.”

“A pleasure, your highness.”

Luna nods curtly. “Likewise.”

“She is here to observe how these matters are handled.”

“I see. Your eventual successor?”

Gestal sighs. “Perhaps one day.”

Ashe frowns. “Sooner than any of us would like if the rebels get to my father.”

Adalbert frowns. “They wouldn’t dare!”

Weller nods. “Yes. Thus far they’ve only attacked Princess Luna.”

Goldstone shrugs. “While it’s not much of a comfort, I am glad to see that your champion was able to thwart them.”

Flash Sentry replies dryly. “Twice, sir.”

Luna shoots him a disapproving glance before turning back to the group.

“Forgive my Honor Guard’s interruption.”

Ashe sighs. “Well… what he said is true. Your Hero of Light is quite impressive.”

Luna appears surprised. “You’ve met him?”

Gestal nods. “After a dinner party Lord Arc escorted her home. It was a relief to know Ashe was in such capable talons.”

Weller sighs. “Indeed. Especially after that attack on Lord Gestal’s estate.”

Ashe turns to Luna. “They were trying to kidnap me.”

Adalbert growls. “For nefarious reasons, no doubt!”

Goldstone looks at a nearby clock impatiently. “Yes… Lord Arc was able to diffuse the situation though.”

Luna smiles. “I will have to congratulate him on that later.”

A waiter walks over with several drinks on a try. They each take one as Gestal raises his glass.

“I propose a toast. To peace.”

Everyone raises their glasses.


They drink and put the glasses back on the tray. Luna turns to their host.

“Begging your pardon, Lord Gestal, but what is to stop the rebels from trying again?”

“I wouldn’t worry about security tonight, Princess Luna. A legion of our best troops has been called in to patrol the grounds.”

Adalbert grins. “I’ve also asked Arbiter Ghaleon to come. He’ll personally take command of the troops outside as soon as he arrives from inspecting one of our eastern bases.”

Weller turns to Luna. “He’s quite the accomplished warrior. Truthfully, I’d feel just as safe if he was out there alone.”

“Is he truly that powerful?”

Goldstone chuckles. “Let’s just say you should be happy with this treaty.”

Gestal shoots Goldstone a disapproving look. “Both our nations should.”

Weller nods. “Indeed. Conflict is… costly.”

Adalbert frowns. “Some things are worth the risk!”

Gestal steps between the two. “Most are not.”

“Father? Isn’t it almost time for the performance?”

Gestal pulls a watch out of his pocket. “Yes, it appears you are right my dear.”

He turns to Luna as they head for the Ballroom.

“A bit of a diversion to help take our minds off the events from earlier, your highness.”

Weller smiles happily. “Our finest musicians will perform for us tonight.”

Goldstone nods. “I think you’ll be most impressed, your highness.”

Adalbert frowns. “Well I for one believe this is a waste of time. We should just get on with the ceremony.”

Gestal frowns. “This is an auspicious occasion, Adalbert. It’s not every day something like this happens.”

Gunter walks over. His boisterous voice drowning out all others.

“Yes! That and dinner is still being prepared!”

He turns to Luna.

“I am Chief Advisor Gunter, your highness.”

Luna nods at the positive griffon before her. “Charmed. Tell me, will King Guto be joining us soon?”

Gunter shakes his head. “No, your highness. The king does not make many public appearances these days. What with the rebels on the loose.”

“I understand the need for security. But does he not tire of staying cooped up in the Aviary all the time?”

Ashe shakes her head and smiles. “Our king is a very secure griffon.”

Adalbert frowns. “He’s just paranoid.”

Weller looks to Adalbert. “With two assassination attempt today, I believe he has good reason to be.”

Goldstone chuckles. “Indeed.”

They enter the Ballroom to the sounds of classical music being played. Waiters step forward to offer them snacks and drinks. Ashe holds up a talon to a servant dismissively.

“No thank you. If I keep eating I’ll be too full for the main course.”

Gunter takes something from each platter. “I don’t worry about such things, Lady Ashe! One must stay healthy after all!”

Luna shakes her head at the platters of meat delicacies before her. None for me, thank you.”

Gestal turns to the servant, angrily. “Princess Luna does not eat meat, you fool! Bring her something else!”

The servant fearfully nods and scurries away. Luna turns to Gestal.

“It’s alright. I’m not very hungry right now.”

Gunter smiles at Luna. We must show proper hospitality to our new friends across the sea!”

Cheers and applause can be heard from outside. Luna turns to the window.

“What was that?”

Gunter chuckles. “Sounds like the crowds of commoners are having quite a good time as well!”

The servant from earlier rushes over with a platter of carrots. Gestal nods approvingly.

“That’s better.”

Luna takes a carrot from the tray with her magic and turns back to the others.

“I appreciate the… effort your nation is putting into this.”

Weller smiles warmly. “It’s our pleasure.”

A female servant approaches Goldstone.

“Sir, there is a call for you from your secretary.”

Ashe frowns. “Can’t it wait?! We’re in the middle of a celebration!”

The servant turns to Ashe. “Forgive me, but she insisted it was urgent.”

Goldstone nods and turns to the others. “Begging your pardon, everyone. Please go on without me.”

Gestal nods. “Do make it quick, Lord Goldstone.”

Goldstone nods and turns. “Oh I will, sir.”

He follows the servant to a small office nearby. The servant holds the door open for him. Goldstone turns to her, a wide smile on his face.

“So what did she want?”

“I’m not sure, sir. She didn’t say.”

“Ask her for me, would you kindly?”

The servant nods and picks up the receiver as Goldstone chuckles. He quietly closes and locks the door.

“Hello again. Lord Goldstone wishes to know what it is you need.”

On the other end of the line Galena sniffles. Her voice cracks. “Miss, I… I’m sorry.”

The servant appears confused. “I beg your pardon?”

Tears begin to flow down Galena’s face. “Please forgive me! I… this is my fault!”

The connection is severed as Galena shakily hangs up the receiver.

“Hello? Miss? Are you there?”

Lord Goldstone takes the receiver from the servant and hangs it up as he turns to her.

“What did she have to say?”

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t understand. She just apologized and hung up, sir.”

Goldstone looks her over with a wicked grin on his face. “Give it time, my dear. You’re new, aren’t you? “

“Yes sir. It’s my first week.”

“Then how about I show you how things work around here?”

With a wave of his talon, Goldstone knocks the contents of the desk onto the floor. The servant steps back clearly frightened.


Goldstone speaks to her sternly. “Come here!”

She shakily obeys.

“Put your talons on the front of this desk!”

The servant complies as Goldstone steps behind her. He roughly pushes her face onto the desk as he grabs her hindquarters.

“SIR! What are you…?!”

Goldstone interrupts her as he positions himself. “Giving you the greatest honor of your worthless life! Now stay quiet!”

A guard walking by hears a muffled screams. He looks through the keyhole and sees the position the innocent servant is in. Without another thought, he straightens up and continues on his way. Meanwhile Arc and Rose walk down the street carrying numerous prizes.

Rose giggles. “This is fun, Arc!”

“That is it, Cherry.”

“I do feel kinds bad for those around us though.”

Arc turns to her. “Oh? Why’s that?”

“I think we’re the only one to win anything around here.”

He looks around at the other passersby.

“I think you’re right.”

Rose looks down at the prizes in her hands. “Arc? Would you mind if I… um…”

“Go ahead and do what makes you happy.”

Rose walks over to a group of sad younglings. They look at her quizzically as she approaches and hand them each a prize.

“Here you go!”

One of them hold the item back up to her.

“But… we don’t have any money.”

Rose shakes her head. “Take them! They’re free!”

The younglings smile and each looks over their gift. Rose returns to Arc’s side. He hands her his own prizes, which she quickly turns over to another group of younglings as the stall griffons glare at them.

“Arc? Do you think we could win them something to eat too?”

Arc looks at the malnourished younglings. “I suppose we could.”

He and Rose walk toward a stand with savory prizes. Arc spots a cake on the highest prize stand. He turns to the griffon behind the counter and points.

“How do I win that?”

The griffon smiles as he points at a pyramid made up of different sized pipes stacked on top of one another.

“It’s simple! All you have to do is toss a ball though the hole at the top of this pyramid.”

Arc looks at the small hole across the way. “I see. Let me try.”

He gives the griffon a couple bits and is handed a tiny metal ball. Rose looks at it, confused.

“What is that, Arc?”

“A steel BB.”

Rose looks at the pyramid. “It’s only slightly smaller than the hole!”

The griffon nods. “You don’t have to try for the grand prize. There’s always the larger holes down low.”

He points to a series of much larger holes at the base of the pyramid. Rose turns to the griffon.

“What’s the prize for that?”

“A rock.”

Arc looks confused. “You mean rock candy?”

The griffon shakes his head as he holds up a stone. “No, I literally mean a rock.”

Arc looks at the small hole on top. “Nah! I’m going for the big prize!”

He smiles and shakes his head. “It’s your choice. Go for it!”

Arc takes careful aim and tosses the BB. It sails through the air and deftly lands in the smallest hole. He holds out his hand.

“My prize, please.”

The griffon frowns. “Oh no! You have to get a dozen in for THAT prize!”

Rose glares at him. “WHAT?! You never said anything about…!”

Arc holds up a hand for silence. “I’ll handle this, Cherry.”

He looks the griffon in the eye.

“Fine. Give them to me.”

The griffon hands over a dozen BBs. Arc tosses the first one. It lands nimbly into the hole. Rose smiles wickedly at the stall keeper.

“That’s one!”

Arc nods. “Okay! I think I got this!”

He tosses another. Again gain it lands neatly in the hole. The younglings cheer as a crowd forms around them to watch. The griffon nods slyly.

“Very impressive! But you have to sink ten more in a row to claim your prize.”

Arc turns to the spectators as he sets a single BB on the counter while tossing the other nine neatly in his hand.

“This game’s too easy. How about I give myself a challenge?

The spectators look confused as Arc covers his left eye. Rose frowns.

“Arc? What are you…?”

“You’ll see.”

He holds the BBs in his right hand and, with nine flicks of his thumb, launches them into the hole before turning back to the crowd.

“Piece of cake!”

They applaud as Arc picks up the last BB. The griffon behind the counter begins to sweat as he takes careful aim. Suddenly he stops and turns to the crowd again as he tosses the BB to himself.

“You know, I was just thinking. This is still a bit too easy! You folks want to see a REAL challenge?!”

The crowd nods and applauds. Arc looks down at a nearby youngling whom he gave a small mirror to earlier.

“Could I borrow your gift there for a moment, little one?”

She nods and gives it to Arc. Rose looks confused.

“What are you going to do with that, Arc?”

“Put on a show these folks will remember.”

He turns back to the spectators.

“What do all of you think? Can I do this… with my back turned?!”

The crowd looks at one another as Arc holds up the small mirror.

“Using only a mirror to guide me shot?!”

Looking around at one another, the spectators grin and applaud approvingly.

“Okay! Let’s do it!”

He hands the mirror to Rose.

“Cherry, would you like to be my lovely assistant?”

Rose nods nervously. “Um… okay. What do you want me to do?”

“Just hold the mirror up so I can concentrate.”


Rose holds the mirror for Arc as he tosses the BB to himself a few times. A hush falls over the crowd. He looks over to the younglings who are watching intently. The BB flies through the air as Arc tosses it over his shoulder as if in slow motion. Everyone gasps as the small steel ball finds its mark in the hole. The crowd erupts into deafening cheers. Rose cheers the loudest.


Arc nods as he takes the mirror from her. “Was there ever any doubt?”

“Not at all, Arc!”

He hands the mirror back to the youngling.

“Thanks kid.”

“You’re amazing! Just who are you?!”

Arc laughs. “I’m Lord Arc of Equestria!”

“You’re the Hero of Light too, right?!”

“That I am!”

The youngling grins as everyone around her continues cheering. “I’m gonna tell everyone about you, sir!”

Arc accepts the massive cake from the griffin. He holds it up high.

“Who’s hungry?!”

The crowd cheers as Arc passes the cake off to a griffon. He turns back to the stall owner with some bits in his hand and grins.

“Can I play again for another cake?”

The stall owner hands him a second cake. “I’ll give this to you if you don’t!”


He accepts the cake and passes it off as he looks around.

“Let’s see who else has food to win.”

Rose nods as she takes Arc’s hand. “Yes! Lets!”

Arc and Rose play games for another hour. They pass out food and trinkets as they win them. Eventually the stalls close for lack of prizes.

“I think we cleaned them out.”

Rose nods. “It does look that way.”

They continue on their way down the street.

“Sorry, Cherry.”

“Whatever for?”

“This isn’t exactly the date I was planning on. It’s… more like my regular job.”

Rose takes his hand. “But this is part of who you are, my love!”

Arc sighs. “I know I need to learn how to separate my work from the rest of my life, but…”

“Try to think of it more like one and the same.”


“Your work. It’s not something you need to distance yourself from. But rather just accept it as a large and very necessary aspect of your life.”

She leans against him as they walk.

“That and… it’s very sweet! I…”

The pair are interrupted by a sudden disturbance behind them. Turning around they see a multitude of robed griffons flying overhead. The citizens below flee in terror as they pass. Arc looks up.

“What the…?”

“Who do you suppose they are, Arc?”

Arc shrugs. “Beats me. They don’t look like the military though.”

He spots the youngling from earlier and hurries over to her hiding in one of the empty stalls. She looks up to him, still clutching the mirror from earlier.

“Y-yes sir?!”

Arc points at the sky. “Is that your nation’s military overhead?”

She shakes her head. “No sir! It’s the Griffon Liberation Army!”

Rose’s eyes grow wide. “The rebels!”

“What’s in that direction?!”

The youngling peeks out and looks up at the sky before turning back to Arc. “The Aviary at the center of the city.”

“They’re going to attempt a coup, Arc!”

Arc shrugs. “So? Maybe they’ll make this country a bit better.

Rose shakes her head. “I doubt it!”

The youngling huddles in a corner under a table. “Are they gone?!”

Rose shakes her head. “No, stay hidden.”

Arc kneels down. “You’re scared of them, huh?”



“Because they start trouble wherever they go!”

Arc looks confused. “Trouble?”

“They want to get rid of the king and Council of Lords! That’s okay, but… wherever they go, the military shows up and locks everything down! Then the rebels run away!”

Rose frowns. “I thought they wanted to help!”

“No one helps! Other then you, Lord Arc! Sir, can you do something for me?!”

“What is it?”

“Make them go away!”

Arc looks toward the Aviary. “I can try. Can you stay here with her, Cherry?”

Rose shakes her head as she stands. “No. I’m your Honor Guard, remember?”

“This is going to be dangerous.”

“You can’t take them ALL on by yourself!”

“Cherry, I…”

“I’m coming with you and that’s final! I can fight too!”

Arc sighs. “You’re going to follow me even if I tell you not to.”

Rose giggles. “Pretty much!”

“Against my better judgment, follow me Cherry.”


They stand up and run down the street toward the Aviary. Arc turns to her.

“Maybe a bit late to be asking this, but… do you actually know anything about fighting?!”

Rose nods happily. “Let’s just say I’m above average.”

Arc and Rose hurry down the now empty streets toward the Aviary. The youngling peeks out and watches them depart.

“Please be careful, sir.”

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