• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 14 - Liberating the Skies

Arc awakens to the sound of his earring chirping. Sitting up, he touches it.

“Arc here.”

“Lemon Hearts here, sir. The capital is now in visual range.”

“How much longer until we arrive?”

Moon Dancer calls out. “One hour, sir.”

“Good. Bring the ship up to red alert, notify the crew to be ready by then, and make sure everyone has something to eat before we start.”

Soarin nods. “I’ve already made sure of that, sir.”

Wrangler grins. “The Cafeteria has been very busy with everypony getting a bite in before or after they rest.”

Thunderlane sighs. “You might want to have a word with everypony before we get there though, sir.”

Lemon Hearts grimaces. “Right. Everypony’s kind of… on edge.”

“Yeah. I’ll do that. Anything else I should know?”

Soarin looks through his binoculars. “Just that the capital is still defended by the Griffon Kingdom’s airships.”

Wrangler rubs her hooves together happily. “We’ll be in range of their cannons in about forty-five minutes, sir.”

“I’ll hurry then. Arc out.”

He severs the connection and turns to Ember as she stares at him, smiling.

“Love lying here with you like this!”

“Um… we’ve done this a million times, Ember.”

Ember grins as she sits up. “Yeah. But never after making out in the shower.”

Arc groans. “It sounds bad when you say it like that.”

“Everyone was okay with me doing it. Yourself included.”

“Well, right now we have bigger problems.”

“Right. The pompous Lord Regent Decimus sitting on the throne!”

Arc nods soberly. “We need to get him off of there if Equestria is going to have a future.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Yeah! And I want to kill him myself… AGAIN!”

“No, Ember. I should be the one to do that.”


“Well, for starters, you doing it could spark and international incident.”

“But I did it before!”

Arc sighs. “Yes. And I told Trixie to put in the report that she did the deed.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You did?”

“The Dragon Lord killing someone like him is bad for diplomacy. Trust me, that was the right choice.”

Ember grins seductively. “Oh, I do. With my body and soul.”

“Yes, well… let’s get going.”

Arc stands and pulls his shirt over his head as Ember removes her clothes. Turning to her, Arc rolls his eyes.



“What are you doing?”

“Getting ready. Why?”

“I’m afraid to ask this, but what exactly…”

Ember: Watch.

She opens the door a crack and calls out.


A few moments later footfalls echoes down the corridor. The sound of muffled knocking can be heard. Ember pulls the door open and allows the wolf inside. He turns to Ember.

“Can I assume you are ready?”

“Not really. But like Arc just said, we have work to do.”

Sereb’s horn glows as the counter spell is cast. A few moments later Ember returns to her dragon form. She turns to Arc and smiles sheepishly.

“Um… do you still think I look… um…?”


Ember nods as Arc chuckles.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because I’m covered in scales, have horns, claws, and sharp teeth.”

“True. But I’m more interested in what’s in here.”

He puts a hand on his chest before continuing.

“It’s what’s on the inside that counts, after all.”

Sereb clears his throat loudly. “While I hate to interrupt, this conversation will have to wait.”

Arc grimaces. “Agreed. You two head to the Cafeteria and eat. I need to make a few calls.”

Ember nods. “Meet you there?”


Nodding, Ember walks over to Arc and kisses his cheek as she whispers in his ear.

“Don’t be long.”

She and Sereb leave the room together. Sereb turns to her and grins toothily.

“Did you… enjoy yourself?”

Ember giggles. “More than words can say!”

“I am glad.”

A few moments later they hear Lemon Heart’s voice over the ship-wide intercom.

“By order of the Hero of Light, all troops are to report to the Cafeteria for a mission briefing. Repeat… all troops are to report of the Cafeteria at once. Thank you.”

Sereb looks to Ember. “It sounds like Arc has a plan.”

“That he does.”

“Is it a good one?”

Ember sighs. “I’m still on the fence on that decision.”

Arriving at the Cafeteria, they find the room filled with soldiers. As they wait the rest of the troops arrive. Hammer joins the pair along with Rarity.

“Busy place.”

Rarity nods as she turns to Hammer. “What’s going on?”

“Arc’s going to be explaining the strategy in a bit.”

Sereb nods. “It would be wise to tell everyone of what is to come, lest confusion and chaos break out.”

A few minutes later Arc enters the room along with Twilight. Gasping, the soldiers quickly line up, remove their helmets, and bow respectfully. Twilight looks around nervously and takes a step back. Extending a hand to her, Twilight puts her hoof in it and allows Arc to lead her down the row to the front of the room. Turning, Arc addresses the group.

“Everyone, listen up! Decimus and Celestia have made a grave mistake and the time for our attack has come. In less than an hour we’ll be assaulting the city of Canterlot… and the castle itself!”

The troops murmur to one another nervously as Arc continues.

“Celestia has apparently left the city in the clutches of Decimus, whom is ruling as the sitting Lord Regent! We need to bypass the airships guarding the perimeter, infiltrate the city, and ultimately storm the castle to depose him!”

He gestures to Twilight standing next to him.

“As everyone knows, the title of Lord Regent is only to be bestowed in times of extraordinary crisis as per the Order of Succession! However none of that matters as long as there is a princess ready, willing, and able to take the throne! With Celestia’s withdrawal to Light’s Hope, Luna’s departure from the capital, and Cadance ruling over the Crystal Empire, Princess Twilight is legally the next monarch to rule! Even if Celestia appointed him to that position temporarily, it would be a moot point as soon as Twilight enters the city!”

Arc turns to her.

Princess… are you ready and willing to take your position on the throne?”

Twilight nods nervously. “Y-yes. I will do my duty.”

“Very well, your highness. As Equestria’s Hero of Light, I will do my very best to see you safely escorted and seated on the throne.”

“Thank you, Hero of Light Arc.”

“Is there anything you’d like to say to the troops before we get started?”

Twilight nods. “Yes.”

She turns to those assembled and clears her throat.

“As you all know, I was only recently appointed as Equestria’s Princess of Friendship. I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to be a good and loyal friend since studying under my mentor and friend, Princess Celestia. She taught me so many things and saw to it I was sent to a place where I could learn more from an entire town of ponies. However… since that time, she’s… grown distant from the citizens and has shut herself away from the public. This is certainly not proper behavior for a princess. Though, when she turned the land over to Decimus, Princess Celestia crossed a line. While I don’t know what caused this change in her, as the Princess of Friendship it is my duty to help my oldest and wisest friend in her time of need. But before I can do that, the land and its inhabitants must be freed from the false Hero of Light whom even now sits on the throne of Equestria. Now I must ask… will all of you help me? Will you defend this land and its citizens from those whom would seek to subjugate the masses? Will you follow me, as you are sworn to do? Or will you continue to bow and live under a ruler whom is no longer herself? Whom breaks the law to prop up their own agenda? Whom drove her own sister and niece from the land? While I cannot force anypony to follow, please help us… please fight for a better and kinder tomorrow.”

Arc calls forth the Spear of Righteousness and taps it firmly on the floor as he salutes. “You have the approval and aid of the Hero of Light, Princess Twilight!”

Ember calls forth her armor. “And that of the Dragon Lord!”

Sereb growls. “And the Warchief of the Forsaken!”

Hammer draws her gun. “And this sergeant!”

Rose steps forward soberly. “And your daughter, mother!”

The soldiers stand at attention, put on their helmets, and salute formally. Arc nods and smiles.

“It would appear that you have yourself a small but loyal army now, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight smiles as she looks over those assembled. “Thank you, everypony. I’ll do my best not to let you down.”

Lemon Hearts’ voice rings out over the intercom.

“We are approaching Canterlot now! Enemy fleet moving to attack position! All crews to their action stations!”

Arc points with his spear. “Everyone get moving! We have a city to liberate!”

The soldiers cheer as they run out of the Cafeteria. Arc grins as he motions for Twilight and his friends to follow. They run down the corridor together as he turns to her.

“Great job, Twilight!”

Ember grins. “Yeah! You really motivated those guys!”

Hammer laughs throatily. “Rallying the troops without threats or a show of violence?! I loved it!”

Sereb growls. “We must now focus on the task before us!”

Twilight grimaces. “Right. The Griffon Kingdom fleet.”

Arc chuckles. “Not to worry. I have a plan.”

Ember appears skeptical. “Is it well thought out?”


Hammer groans. “Now I’m worried.”

“Trust me on this one.”

Sereb smiles toothily. “We do, Arc. We do.”

Arriving at their destination Arc turns to Thunderlane.

“Full stop.”

Thunderlane grimaces. “Stopping now, sir.”


“Weapons and O.R.B. systems are on standby.”

“Moon Dancer?”

“All ships have their weapons trained on us, sir.”

“Fine. Lemon Hearts, hail them.”

“Whom, sir?”

“The commander of the fleet. Someone is in charge over there.”

“Very well sir.”

She presses a button and begins to speak.

“Griffon fleet, this is The Equinox. We request to speak with whomever is in charge of your forces.”

A few moments later a familiar voice rings out.

“Hello again, everypony.”

Soarin gasps. “Captain Tight Ship?!”

Tight Ship nods soberly. “Admiral of the Canterlot Defense Force at the moment. Princess Celestia has tasked me with the safekeeping of the capital until her return.”

Wrangler frowns. “But, sir… the princess is right here.”


Moon Dancer sighs. “Not Princess Celestia, sir. But a princess nonetheless.”

Arc chuckles. “That’s right. Why don’t you say hello?”

Twilight clears her throat. “Hello, sir. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and as you know I’m the Princess of Friendship.”

“What can I do for you, your highness?”

“I’ve heard that Decimus is acting as Lord Regent at the moment. Is that correct?”

“Yes, your highness. He’s recently returned to the castle and is taking care of the day to day affairs of the nation.”

“Very good. You shall escort my forces and I to him at once.”

Tight Ship sounds confused. “Ma’am?”

“As per the Order of Secession, I’m taking the throne.”

“But Princess Celestia gave strict orders not to…!”

Arc clenches a fist. “Princess Celestia is over the Princess of Friendship?”

“Yes sir. Her word supersedes Princess Twilight’s.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Even when she’s gone?!”

Hammer scoffs. “Right! She appointed a stand-in and then left!”

Sereb growls. “I do believe a princess is supposed to sit on the throne whenever possible, admiral. Is that not so?”

“Normally, yes. However, I’ve been told of the supposed Hero of Light’s brainwashing techniques. He will not pass!”

Arc gasps. “Brainwashing?!”

Twilight shakes her head vehemently. “Admiral, I assure you that I am acting on my own free will!”

“Princess Celestia told me you’d say that, your highness! You don’t even realize you’re being used to further the human’s goals?!”

Arc slams his fist against a wall. “And YOU don’t realize that Celestia turned her back on Equestria!”

Tight Ship frowns. “That is ludicrous! Even now she’s seen to it that the land is safeguarded from you and your assassination attempts!”

Arc points out the window. “With foreign military support garnered by another treaty?!”

“Desperate times, sir! Now then, as the one tasked with defending this city I hereby order you and your forces to stand down!”

Twilight frowns. “And as a Princess of Equestria I’m ordering YOU to stand down, Admiral!”

Rose clenches a fist. “We will not be dissuaded! Follow my mother’s orders of feel our wrath!”

Hammer nods smugly. “Darn right!”

Arc grits his teeth. “What would the Griffon Kingdom say about their forces being used as pawns in a civil war, Tight Ship?! Would you care to reconsider your…!”

“Hold on just a moment.”

Sereb grins toothily. “You wish to surrender?”

“I’m receiving word from the Lord Regent.”

Rose rolls her eyes. “Are you now?”

“Yes. His exact words are… ‘turn back now and we won’t give chase’.”

Arc shakes his head. “We can’t do that.”

Tight Ship sighs. “Very well then. You give me no choice but to show the land and everypony in it your true intentions, sir.”

Lemon Hearts appears confused. “What does that even…?!”

Moon Dancer gasps. “Sir, the prototype airship you sabotaged is launching from the castle’s hanger!”

Wrangler grits her teeth. “It’s headed right for us!”

Thunderlane turns to the captain. “Sir! Orders?!”

Soarin gasps. “I… we can’t fight Captain Tight Ship!”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Don’t you get it?! That’s what he wants!”

Arc turns to her. “Hammer?”

“If we turn tail and run now it’ll just show the land that their leaders are cowards! That when things get hard they’ll just retreat and leave them to their fate!”

Ember nods. “Agreed! We have to stand up to him here and now!”

Soarin turns to the Science Station. “Moon Dancer! Scan that ship!”

“The ship’s propulsion is at roughly half what it should be. No life signs detected aboard save for one on the Bridge. However I’m detecting a large amount of explosives in the Cargo Hold!”

Tight Ship calls out from the pilot’s seat. “Equinox, I am currently piloting the ship with zero assistance. No weapon systems, no tactical officer, and no engineers. As it stands I can only fly. And that’s what I intend to do.”

Soarin calls out. “Sir?! Your Cargo Hold is full of…!”

Tight Ship interrupts him. “…nothing! There was no reason to load supplies for this task, after all!”

Moon Dancer gasps. “But sir…!”

“Soarin… I’ve taught you and Thunderlane everything I know about flying and command. You know there is an order of priority at all times.”

Soarin bows his head. “Yes sir.”

Wrangler looks to the captain. “The princess’ safety trumps everything else. Even the crew and ship itself.”

Moon Dancer grimaces. “Sir, the new ship is on a collision course with The Equinox!”

Thunderlane turns his head. “If he hits us with all that ordinance aboard it’ll destroy us both!”

Wrangler grits her teeth. “Contact in two minutes!”

Tight Ship continues speaking. “As you’ve noticed, I’ve locked my ship onto yours. Now then, carry out your sworn duty. Protect Princess Twilight from any harm that might befall her and retreat to a safe distance now.”

Arc looks to Thunderlane. “Can we outmaneuver the new experimental ship?!”

“Most likely, yes.”

Moon Dancer goes over her instruments. “We need to hurry and get underway then! The ship will need time to get up to speed before…!”

Soarin stands. “No.”

Rose looks to him, confused. “What are you saying, captain?”

“Admiral Tight Ship. This ship will not run. This ship will not fly around you. This ship will not attempt to outsmart you. However, as we do have a duty to protect the princess, we will act as necessary to fulfil that duty.”

He turns to Wrangler.

“Target the ship’s engines.”


“It’ll force him down. Tight Ship is more than capable of making a safe crash landing.”

Moon Dancer shakes her head. “Normally, yes! However the explosives will make the ship a literal bomb!”

Lemon Hearts frowns. “But we can’t attack a friendly vessel!”

Tight Ship nods. “That is correct. Leave now and you may yet salvage your reputations. Stay and either be destroyed or shoot me down… and show the citizens what terrorists truly looks like.”

Arc looks to Soarin. “We can’t back down now. This mission MUST continue!”

Soarin nods and speaks into the radio. “Sir. Even if we’re branded as traitors and hated by the masses… we’ve all taken an oath to defend the land and its citizens from their enemies. And right now the capital is being held by a foreign power’s forces. I can do nothing else other than to fight for those whom have put their faith in me. For the crew… for the princesses… and for Equestria!”

He turns to Wrangler.


Wrangler nods soberly and presses a button. The Equinox’s cannons spring to life as they fire magical blasts at their target. The prototype’s engines explode as the ship noses downward. Tight Ship fights the controls as the doomed ship spirals out of control. Sighing and forcing a small smile, he speaks into the radio.

“Take care… of the princess, my friends.”

Everyone looks down as the vessel crashes. It smashes into the ground before exploding from the sheer force of the impact and cargo. Moon Dancer gasps.

“What… what have we done?!”

Soarin looks at the floor as he speaks. “Lemon Hearts, can you…?”

“The signal is… gone, sir.”

Arc speaks softly. “Open it anyways.”

Lemon Hearts does so.

“Admiral Tight Ship… can you hear us?”

Nothing but static rings out over the speakers. The crew stands and salutes as one. Thunderlane is the first to speak.

“Goodbye… Captain Tight Ship.”

Wrangler sighs. “I’m sorry, sir. You gave us no choice.”

Soarin removes his cap. “Rest in peace, sir. We promise to keep this land safe along with Princess Twilight and Hero of Light Arc.”

Moon Dancer nods sadly. “That we will. You can count on it.”

Lemon Heart smiles with tears in the corners of her eyes. “Thank you… for being the shining star that we could all look up to, sir. Now… literally. Please watch over us as we continue this fight.”

Twilight puts a hoof on her shoulder as she sniffles.

“I’m sure he would have wanted that, miss. Now then… close the channel and we’ll honor his memory by freeing this land.”

Lemon Hearts nods and presses a button. Arc turns to Soarin.

“We need to enter the city now.”

Soarin looks to Moon Dancer. “Any movement from the griffon fleet?”

“None, sir. But their weapons are powering down for some reason.”

Sereb nods. “We should do the same then.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… why?”

Rose folds her arms over her chest. “As an act of good faith.”

Thunderlane grimaces. “Maybe we should…”

Lemon Hearts gasps. “Captain, we’re being hailed!”

“By whom?!”


Arc appears hopeful. “Patch them through.”

Lemon Hearts does so. Arc clears his throat before speaking.

“This is Hero of Light Arc. With whom am I speaking?”

A familiar voice rings out from the speaker. “Fleet Commander Blackbeak, sir.”

Arc nods. “It’s been a long time, general.?

“Yes sir. Forgive our earlier actions, but we had our orders.”

“And what do those orders say now?”

“I was contacted a short time ago by Lord Adalbert of the Council of Lords. His orders were to observe your actions and react accordingly.”

“So… are we going to fight now?”

Blackbeak scoffs. “Hardly. Is Princess Twilight still there?”

“Yes, I’m here.”

“My fleet will now return to the Griffon Kingdom. We no longer have any interest in continuing our involvement in what has certainly devolved into nothing more than a civil war.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Not that I’m complaining, but what about our nation’s treaty?”

“It states that we will come to the aid of the other in the event of an attack by a hostile outside power. At the time we were told that was you, Lord Arc. However it is clear to me that Princess Celestia and Hero of Light Decimus are fighting against another domestic governing body. One that is just as legitimate as yours is.”

Twilight breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you, sir. Um… what does that mean for our two nations?”

Blackbeak sighs. “I don’t know, your highness. That’s up to my superiors to decide. However with your permission, Princess Twilight, we shall excuse ourselves.”

“Y-yes, of course. Um… have a… safe trip home.”

“Farewell, your highness.”

Arc nods to Lemon Hearts. She closes the channel as Arc walks over to Thunderlane and watches as the griffon ships turn and fly east. Rose is the first to speak.

“What now, Arc?”

“Now we have a clear path.”

Ember grins wickedly. “So we attack?!”

“In a manner of speaking. Thunderlane?”


“Land the ship just outside the city.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

Hammer frowns. “Ain’t we hitting the castle?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I want to take the castle, not destroy it. The building itself must remain intact if at all possible.”

Wrangler frowns. “Begging your pardon, sir. But in the end, it’s just a building.”

Lemon Heart nods. “Yes. Something that can be rebuilt stronger and better than before should then need arise.”

Twilight gasps. “But everypony looks to Canterlot Castle as a beacon of hope!”

Ember scoffs. “Yeah. One that’s gone out.”

Hammer grins. “Then we’ll have to relight it!”

Sereb nods. “Agreed.”

Rose smiles as she looks to Twilight. “Someone has to. And I believe mother will be able to do just that.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Arc puts his hand on her shoulder. “That’s all we can ask.”

He turns and points the Spear of Righteousness toward the city walls outside.

“Now then… let’s get this over with.”

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