• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - True Cost of War

As Twilight and her forces march on, the changelings at the army’s destination were hard at work making ready for their arrival. Pharynx enters an especially large room with a strange looking holey and pointy throne atop an equally sharp base. Chrysalis sits on it and looks to him anxiously.

“Is it done?!”

Pharynx bows respectfully. “Yes, my queen. Your prize has been safely deposited as per your orders.”

“And its status?!”

“Being delivered here as you desire.”

Chrysalis smiles wickedly. “Very good, Pharynx. With this, we shall be more than ready when Celestia and her little... playthings arrive.”

“Indeed, my queen. However, there is a bit of a problem.”

Chrysalis’ grins suddenly turns into a frown. “Problem?”

“With the return of our formerly deployed forces, we don’t have enough nutrients for all of them. Many arrived already hungry as they had been unable to feed where they were stationed, what with Equestria being on high alert for some time now.”

Chrysalis waves a hoof dismissively. “They can wait a bit longer.”

Pharynx grimaces as he continues. “But my queen, support of your forces is already at an all-time low due to the war with Equestria!”

“I know that, you fool! It is a calculated risk, like every one I’ve taken thus far!”

“Yes, my queen. However, I would recommend that you advise our forces of the current situation.”

“You can do that yourself, Pharynx. Pass on a message to all within the primary hive cluster.”

“What shall the message be, my queen?”

“Tell everyone, ‘I know that all of you are hungry now, and have been for some time. However, I have put into place certain plans that will bring all of that to an end’.”

“And what shall I tell them that plan is, my queen?”

“Say nothing of it. But simply inform them that when this is all over, there will no longer be any trace of hunger within our borders. We shall all grow fat together on the massive influx of love that will be made available to all. So says Queen Chrysalis.”

“I shall pass that on, my queen.”

Chrysalis stands and flaps her wings to lower herself to the floor. “See to it personally, Pharynx. Make sure that every single one of my subjects knows that in short order we shall have more sustenance than could possibly be consumed in a thousand lifetimes.”

The doors open as several drones fly inside carrying a long, green cylindrical, sack-like object. Chrysalis beams as she sees it and motions to the throne.

“Put it down right here. I want my new piece of furniture close to me for this.”

Obeying, they carefully set the object down on the floor horizontally where indicated. It makes a slight (and sickening) squelching noise at it touches down. Motioning for the drones to leave the room, the queen turns back to Pharynx as she gestures to the object.

“This is the next step in my ongoing plan.”

Pharynx raises an ‘eyebrow’, confused. “Uh... but my queen, how could this thing possibly be of any help to...?”

Chrysalis interrupts him. “What you see before you one of the new sources of nutrients I mentioned a moment ago. “

Pharynx pokes it with a holey hoof. “We’ll be able to... feed from this?”

“In a manner of speaking. Once it is ready I shall explain to everyone the details and nuances of this part of the plan. But for the time being, I will simply examine it further.”

“Examine it, my queen?”

“To make sure it is...”

Pausing to search for the right words, Chrysalis eventually motions with a hoof to the door.

“Leave me!”

Bowing, Pharynx obeys. Turning, he exits the Throne Room and shuts the door behind him. Looking all around to make sure she is completely alone, Chrysalis approaches the horizontal column and puts a hoof on it gently. Stroking it tenderly, she steps over and lays down on top of it. Making a second sweep of the room to make sure she is utterly on her own, Chrysalis speaks to it softly.

“Beautiful. Perfect in both form and function. A marvel of changeling ingenuity.”

She licks the surface of the column and grins wickedly before continuing.

“And I shall use this to bring to heel the future of this land.”

Meanwhile, Pharynx walks down a corridor muttering to himself under his breath. Another changeling runs up to him.

“Pharynx! The item is missing!”

Pharynx gestures behind himself with a wave of his hoof. “Queen Chrysalis ordered it brought to her in the Throne Room.”

“What?! But why?!”

Pharynx shrugs. “I have absolutely no idea. You and I both know that it would be safer in its place on the lower levels admittedly, Thorax.”

Thorax motions to the Throne Room doors. “Should we wait outside for her call then? I’m sure she’ll want us to put it back at some point.”

Pharynx looks over his shoulder and sneers. “I get the feeling she’s planning on keeping it there until further notice.”

Thorax groans. “This just makes no sense!”

“If you want to tell her that, be my guest!”

Thorax sighs. “Not a chance. She’d have both our heads.”

“Then it’s settled. The item is in her care and will remain as such until the queen herself decides differently.”

“So... what are we supposed to do in the meantime?”

Pharynx grimaces. “Reassure the rest of the hive.”

Thorax groans. “Again?”

“It has to be done.”

“That would be a lot easier with more nutrition around here.”

“I’m aware of that, Thorax. But you know that we just don’t have enough to go around.”

“Even the warriors are down to half rations. If this keeps up, we’ll have to worry about some of them trying to...”

Pharynx interrupts him angrily. “The rest of the hive is at quarters! So if any of them want to be demoted, they are welcome to do so! Besides, the queen says that sustenance is coming, and soon!”

“It’s not the first time she’s said that though. And we’ve just been passing the message down the line to the others since.”

“This time was different though.”

Thorax appears confused. “How so?”

“It was her voice. The queen just sounded so sure of herself.”

“What changed?”

“The item. She became very... sure of herself once it arrived. As if it was going to feed us somehow.”

Thorax shrugs. “I don’t understand how it could. After all, you and I both know it’s not possible for a...”

Pharynx cuts him off as he pushes past Thorax. “It doesn’t matter what we think about any of this! All you and I have to do is to keep everyone motivated until the queen can solve this problem!”

Thorax follows him. “And you really think she has?!”

Pharynx grimaces but does not look back. “I sure hope so. Or this incoming Equestrian attack may very well be the end of us.”

As the sun falls low in the sky, Twilight and her forces crest a hill near the hive. She looks to Mio and nods. Turning to their army, Mio calls out loudly.


The soldiers all stop as one as Mio continues.


The soldiers salute and scatter to carry out her orders. Sereb, whom is naturally still bearing Mio, walks over to Twilight and Celestia. Mio looks soberly to the pair as she salutes and speaks.

“This shouldn’t take long, your highness.”

Twilight nods nervously as she looks around. “I sure hope not. Remember, we lost radio contact with the ships over an hour ago.”

Celestia sighs. “It is certainly... disconcerting to say the least.”

Sereb growls. “However, we cannot turn back now!”

Ember lands next to Sereb and grins as she calls out.

“Right! We’ve come too far for that!”

Twilight’s ears droop. “That and we don’t have enough supplies to do so even if we wanted to.”

Celestia puts a hoof on her former student’s shoulder. “All the more reason to be prepared for the fight of our lives!”

Sereb bares his teeth. “Indeed!”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Now you’re talking my language!”

Mio hops off of Sereb as she speaks to him and Ember. “The two of you should go eat now.”

Sereb looks to the hive nearby. “I’m more interested in resting over eating.”

Ember nods soberly. “As am I!”

Mio shrugs. “Do as you will then. But please, for the sake of safety and security, stay together.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh... why?”

“Strength in numbers mostly.”

Twilight sighs. “That and we don’t need the changelings taking any more of our key warriors.”

Celestia nods soberly as she looks to Twilight. “We all need to watch each other’s backs.”

Mio salutes. “I will accompany you until the battle begins as well, Princess Twilight. Shall we head to the center of camp for the evening meal?”

Twilight nods sadly. “Yes, I believe so. Even if I’m not really hungry.”

Mio gestures with a wave of her hand. “This way, your highness.”

Twilight and Celestia walk past Mio. She falls into step behind them before looking to Sereb and winking.

“I... do hope you two make the best of your time before the battle starts.”

Sereb nods silently as she moves on. Turning to the dragon, he groans.


“What is it?”

“Shall we... be off?”

“Uh... to do what exactly?”

“Follow the commander’s orders. Make the most of our time before the battle begins.”

Ember shrugs. “I guess. Gotta take a leak first though.”

“Then I shall accompany you.”

Ember motions to a nearby rocky outcropping. “But I’ll just be over there.”

“As was just stated, we must stick together for safety’s sake. After all, the future Dragon Lord would be a tempting target for the enemy. Especially at this point.”

“I guess. So if you don’t mind watching me do my thing, let’s go.”

They begin walking. A short distance away Ember looks around.

“This is fine.”

She looks over her shoulder at Sereb before continuing.

“Care to join me?”

“I... suppose I probably should.”

Stepping within a few paces of his friend, Sereb lifts his hind leg as Ember squats down and lifts her tail. A few moments later the sound of... you know... fills the air. Finishing his business, Sereb kicks a bit a dirt over his mess before facing forward and turning to Ember. He spies the last few spurts of urine dripping from her backside as she stands and gives her backside a little shake. Looking to him, she frowns.


Sereb turns away nervously. “I... I meant no...!”

Ember laughs heartily. “Just messing with you, Sereb! You really do need to learn to loosen up.”

“We should head back to the others.”

Ember walks over to a nearby rock for some shade as she leans against it. “What’s the rush?”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Ember?”

“All day I’ve been surrounded by nothing but ponies. I just want a bit of time to myself.”

Sereb sighs. “That is not advisable. As I said before...”

Ember cuts him off. “You can stick around, Sereb. I wasn’t talking about you.”

“Very well.”

Walking over to her, Sereb sits down on his haunches. They are silent for a time before he breaks it.

“Are you... nervous, Ember?”

“About what?”

“That which awaits us.”

Ember frowns. “We don’t know what’s inside that crazy place though.”


“How could I be afraid of something if I don’t even know what it...?!”


She is silent for a time before moaning and muttering.

“...kinda, yeah.”

“There is no shame in admitting such things.”

Ember groans. “Maybe not for everyone else! But I’m the future Dragon Lord! I have to be brave!”

“Bravery without caution is merely foolishness, Ember.”

Ember scoffs. “Tell that to Arc.”

“I will do so as soon as we find him.”

Ember clenches a fist. “And we will!”

“Of that I have no doubt.”

Ember frowns. “Aren’t you at least a little worried about him?!”

Sereb nods. “I am, yes.”

“Then why aren’t you...?!”

Sereb interrupts her. “Because I am keeping my emotions in check so as to be prepared for the upcoming battle.”

“But you do that all the time!”

“For the a fore mentioned reason.”

Ember sighs. “Exactly.”

“Is there something wrong with that?”

“Yeah. I’m not.”


Ember nods. “Right.”

“And you wish to be?”

“I do. But I don’t know how to do that.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow, confused. “You do not know how to be calm?”

“Not in the slightest. Dragons are literally the opposite of calm. We’re... always kinda on-edge.”

“Then use that instead.”

Ember turns to him. “I don’t get what you mean.”

“Practice being... on-edge to gain an advantage in battle. In that way you can be hyper-aware of your surroundings to help those around you avoid being surprised by the enemy.”

“That... could be helpful, I guess. But I’d still rather learn the whole calm thing.”

“It is as you said earlier, Ember. A dragon is the opposite of calm. You cannot be that which you are not. Such is to go against your very nature.”

Ember sighs. “Well, I think it would be helpful to Arc in the long run. After all, if I had been there I could have...”

Sereb interrupts her. “Stop, Ember.”

“But it’s true and you know it!”

“Whether or not your words are accurate is not the point here. You cannot blame yourself for what happened to him.”

“I should have...!”

Sereb cuts her off. “Should have what, Ember? Been by his side to defend him?”


“As should I.”

“Kinda agree with that, what with you and him sharing a Life Pact, and all. But you gotta remember that I’m the one who’s in love with him.”

“I... I do know how you feel, Ember. Being away from someone whom you care about deeply, I mean. Wishing you could be by their side at all times. Doing your very best. And all the while, they hardly notice you’re even there.”

“Not so sure about that. After all, Arc values you as a fellow warrior and friend.”

“That was not what I meant, Ember.”

“So... what then?”

Sereb looks away nervously. “I have certain... feelings. Things that I don’t usually talk about. At least not aloud.”

Ember appears confused. “Feelings?”

Sereb nods. “You see, I... I’ve been hoping to find what Arc’s friends did. A mate.”

“And you feel that such things aren’t noticed?”

“Is that not true?”

“I guess it is. After all, I never really considered you to be the marrying type.”

“We all must settle down eventually.”

Ember grins. “That I do understand.”

“I know you are wishing to join with Arc one day. And I... I just wanted to say... that I... ah... don’t want you to think I am trying to come between you two.”

Ember waves a claw dismissively “Don’t worry about that. I get what you’re saying, Sereb.”

Sereb looks to her, confused. “You do?”

“Yeah. And I gotta say that I think it’s really sweet.”

“That... is not the word I would have thought you would use for it.”

Ember shrugs. “What else could I say? But have you talked to Arc about this yet?”

Sereb shakes his head. “No, I have not.”

“Why not?”

“What would I even say?”

“The truth.”

“But he would most likely be upset.”

“Well, if you don’t say anything he’ll never know. And neither will you.”

Sereb sighs. “There is wisdom in those words, Ember. I shall look for an opportunity to broach the subject soon.”

Ember nods approvingly. “Good. After all, Arc should know as soon as possible.”


“And if he’s okay with it, you and I should become closer.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “I thought that much was a given though.”

“Yeah, well... it would make things kinda weird if we weren’t.”


“For you and I to be just friends if you and Arc became an item.”

Sereb’s eyes grow wide. “If Arc and I... what?”

Ember pats Sereb’s shoulder. “Not sure if he feels that way about you or not. Or is even into stuff like that either. But you should certainly talk to him about it and find out for sure. Just do us all one favor, will you?”


Ember continues as she stands up. “Assuming he is interested, just try to be careful with him if you two ever make as far as heading to the bedroom together. The others and I don’t want to see him get hurt.”

Sereb sighs as he too rises and follows Ember back toward the rest of the military encampment. Sometime later everyone finishes carrying out Mio’s orders. A hastily prepared meal is eaten by all before the troops are called to line up in front of Twilight. She looks out at them soberly before speaking.


The troops cheer loudly as Twilight finishes. Arc’s squad motions for them to prepare to move out as Twilight turns to Celestia.

“That... actually went pretty well.”

Celestia smiles at her. “I knew you could do it, Twilight.”

Twilight sighs and bows her head. “Arc could have done it better though.”

“You must have more faith in yourself. This intensity you just displayed has been within you the entire time, my dear.”

“I don’t agree with that. But now isn’t the time for such things.”

Turning to Mio, Twilight nods as she herself begins walking to one side with Celestia. Mio points at the hive in the distance and calls out loudly.


Arc’s squad begins walking as the others follow. Celestia squints as she looks to the enemy forces gathered in front of the hive.

“It would appear that they are lining up in standard battle formation.”

Twilight nods soberly. “I thought there’d be more of them though.”

“As did I.”

Twilight turns to her mentor. Perhaps this is all they could muster?”

Celestia frowns. “Or perhaps what we see before us is merely the tip of the spear.”

“You think they’re up to something, don’t you?”

“I know they are, Twilight.”

As Twilight and her forces near the hive, the changeling defenders snarl and plant their holey hooves firmly in the dirt. Mio calls for the army to hold their position as she rides over to Twilight and salutes.

“Everyone is in position, your highness. It’s now or never.”

“Very good.”

Celestia looks to Mio. “Tell me, how are our remaining water supplies holding out?”

Mio sighs. “Not very well, admittedly. We had enough to fill everyone’s personal canteen one last time when me made camp earlier. They’re literally carrying the last of what we have on their belts.”

Turning to her forces, Twilight calls out.


Confused, the soldiers do as they are told. Unhooking the flasks from their belts they hold them out and wait for further orders.


The soldiers open their canteens as ordered.


Putting the canteens to their lips, the troops drink every last drop of water they have.


Dropping their canteens and other supply packs silently, the soldiers look ahead nervously to the gathered forces in front of them as Twilight continues.


The troops cheer as Twilight turns to Mio.

“Give the order.”

Nodding, Mio pats Sereb twice. Sereb ferries Mio to front and center of the army as she calls out loudly.


Drawing their weapons, the soldiers look to her and wait for further orders. Mio takes a deep breath as Sereb turns to face the enemy. Drawing Hammer’s gun from her belt, Mio points it at the enemy and cries out.


As the soldiers begin their approach, Twilight puts a hoof forward. However, Celestia holds out a fetlock to stop her.

“No, Twilight.”

Twilight appears confused. “Princess Celestia?”

“We should stay here.”

“What?! But why?!”

Celestia pulls a radio from her belt. “The highest commanding officer of any fighting force must hold back to observe the situation and call out new orders as needed.”

Giving the radio to Twilight, she continues.

“While I know you think it would be better for an immortal pony princess to be in the thick of it due to our inability to be killed, you can do more here.”


Celestia smiles at her. “Trust me on this, Twilight.”

Twilight sighs as she turns on the radio. “Fine. But aren’t we vulnerable here? I mean... you and I are alone.”

“Normally we would be surrounded by a number of Elite Royal Guards, yes. However, I will take their place for this endeavor and keep you safe.”

Tapping the radio with a hoof, Celestia looks Twilight in the eye soberly.

“Now then... call out your commands to Mio and we can begin.”

Grimacing, Twilight presses the button and speaks.

“R-radio check.”

Mio calls out. “I read you loud and clear, Princess Twilight. What are your orders?”

“Um... I...”

She turns to Celestia before continuing.

“What do I tell her?!”

“That which is best, Twilight.”

Twilight turns to the radio again. “I... ah...”

Mio frowns. “Is something wrong, Princess Twilight?”

Twilight groans. “Sorry. I’m really new at this.”

“Worried about doing it wrong?”

“Very much so, yes.”

“That’s alright, your highness. It’s normal to be scared when you’re doing something new. I’m scared too, as I’ve never led forces of this magnitude into actual combat before. But we have a job to do here.”

Twilight holds out the radio as she looks to Celestia. “Maybe you should handle giving the orders for this.”

Celestia shakes her head and pushes her hoof back. “I can’t, Twilight. You’re the reigning princess here at the moment. Any orders given by me would be invalid.”

“Then tell me this... what do you think we should do?”

Celestia looks out over the battlefield. “Have them keep walking for now. When our forces get about halfway to the enemy, have them pick up the pace.


Watching the field, Twilight presses the button on the radio.

“Increase your speed.”

Mio calls out. “DOUBLE TIME, EVERYONE!”

The soldiers start galloping faster. Mio turns off the safety on Hammer’s gun and levels it at their opponents. Taking a deep breath, she mutters to herself.

“I can do this. For Hammer.”

Celestia and Twilight continue watching. The changeling’s horns begin to glow as they prepare to attack. Looking to her mentor silently, a tense moment passes between them as Celestia gives a single nod. Grimacing, Twilight speaks into the radio one last time.

“Give it everything you have!”

Mio cries out. “”

The soldiers break into a full on sprint with Mio and Serb in the lead. Mio begins to sweat and her hand shakes. Sereb calls out to her.

“Steady yourself, Mio! I know you are afraid! But remember that you have innumerable soldiers behind you that need to be told what to do!”

“I’ll try.”

“No! Do!”

Nodding, Mio grits her teeth, wipes the sweat from her brow, and takes aim at a target. Meanwhile, Pharynx looks down at the changeling forces from a balcony high overhead. Thorax runs over to him and looks down. His eyes grow wide as he turns to his brother.

“That’s literally every soldier we have!”

Pharynx nods soberly. “With the exception of the queen’s personal guard and us, yes.”

“But... but we can’t hope to stop them with so few...!”

Pharynx interrupts him as he looks to his brother. “Such is the queen’s command.”

“This will be the end of us though!”

“We follow as she orders. Both you and I, Thorax. Have faith in Queen Chrysalis and her plan.”

“How can I have faith in a plan that we don’t even know about?!”

Pharynx nods soberly as he again looks down. “Because at this point we literally have no other choice.”

Bolts of green energy fly from the changeling’s horns. Mio calls out loudly to her troops.


Firing the gun, she begins taking down changelings from afar. Tapping Sereb with a foot, she motions to a large rock nearby. Nodding, he jumps up onto it and stops as the rest of their forces pass by to continue their charge. Taking careful aim, Mio continues firing as the soldiers close the distance between themselves and the enemy forces. Reaching their targets, the soldiers engage the changeling soldiers. Twilight looks to Celestia, nervously.

“How was that?”

Celestia nods. “Very good. We were able to conserve what strength our forces had left to advance to just outside the enemy’s range.”

“Then we charged to quickly close the distance.”

“A simple but effective battle tactic.”

“What are our chances?”

Celestia looks out over the battlefield as she responds. “Our forces outnumber the enemy. However, they are also quite tired from two days of near constant walking. That and the lack of water doesn’t help either.”

She motions to the hive before continuing.

“There has to be more water in there though. After all, even changelings need to drink sometimes.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “So do you think we’ll win?”

Celestia nods. “As things stand out here yes. Unless the changelings have something else in reserve.”

“Do they though is the real question.”

Celestia grits her teeth as she turns back to the battle. “I guarantee it, Twilight.”

Meanwhile, Mio looks out over the battlefield with Serb. She points to another rock some distance away.

“Get me over there!”

“But that will take us some distance from the main force.”

“Do it!”

Nodding, Sereb jumps from his current perch and sprints to the designated target. Arriving, he leaps onto the rocks to climb haphazardly up to the outcropping. Gazing out over the battlefield, Mio flicks a switch on the gun and pulls a scope from the saddlebag next to her. Quickly attaching it, she looks through the lens and mutters to herself.

“This is for you, Hammer.”

Taking aim, she begins firing single shots at the changeling’s rear guard. Taking down those holding back and firing via changeling magic, she drops a clip and reloads. Sereb frowns as he watches.

“There is no honor in taking out the enemy from this great a distance.”

Mio reloads the gun and again puts the scope to her eye. “In battle there is no such thing as ‘honor’. Only victory or defeat.”

She continues firing as the Equestrian forces press their attack. Soon enough the enemy’s front lines are broken and the pony soldiers attack those still casting behind them. Mio stops firing and grins as she calls out over her radio.

“It looks like we’ve nearly done it, your highness!”

Twilight grimaces. “Very good. Hopefully the survivors will soon give up and surrender to our forces. See if you can alter our tactics from kill to capture.”

Mio nods. “Yes, your highness. I’ll join the battle now to do just that.”

Looking down to Sereb, Mio nods. He jumps down to ground level and charges toward the main force as Mio drops Hammer’s gun into the saddlebag and pulls a blade from its place in the saddle. Meanwhile, Celestia shakes her head as she looks to Twilight.

“That will not work, Twilight.”

Twilight turns to her. “What do you mean, Princess Celestia? They battle is all but won.”

“Mark my words. The changelings will fight to the last.”

“B-but... they’ll all be killed! Why would they continue fighting at this point?!”

Celestia grits her teeth. “It is in their nature to follow Queen Chrysalis’ orders, whatever they may be. Even if that means that they won’t live to see another day.”

Frowning, Twilight pushes the button on her radio again.

“Mio... do whatever it takes to win the battle.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Princess Twilight?”

“I’ve just been advised that the changelings most likely won’t surrender to our forces. So... do what you have to do.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Joining the fray, Mio hops off Sereb’s back and lunges forward to aid in the offensive. The battle, although one sided by this point, continues on for several more minutes. Eventually, the last surviving changeling soldier is surrounded by the Equestrian forces. Mio steps forward, motions for her troops to stay back, and sheathes her blade as she looks down at the changeling before her.

“Surrender now... and I give you my word that I’ll spare your life.”

Looking all around at the hordes of dead and dying changelings lying all around him in the dirt for a few moments, the creature’s facial expression appears to soften. Mio holds out a hand to him as she kneels down. However, a moment later the changeling lunges forward to push the young woman roughly onto her back as his fangs rush toward her throat to deliver the killing blow. Jumping into action, Sereb tackles the creature and bites down hard on its leg before throwing it aside. Bleeding heavily, the changeling again rises to engage Sereb. Before it can do so however a shot rings out. Looking down at its chest, the changeling sees a small hole and green blood flowing from it. Falling to the ground, he turns his head to look at Mio whom is holding her smoking pistol. With a small hiss he closes his eyes and lets out a gasp. Twilight and Celestia walk over as Sereb helps Mio up. Twilight approaches Mio as she dusts herself off.

“Are you alright, Mio?!”

Mio nods as she leans heavily on Sereb. “Yes, Princess Twilight. Just... just got the wind knocked out of me, that’s all.”

Ember grins. “You took it well.”

Celestia looks at the changeling Mio shot and shakes her head. “Such a waste.”

Twilight bows her head. “Mio tried her best though.”

Celestia nods as she turns to her former student. “That she did, Twilight. But you should probably address the troops regarding our next...”

She is cut off as the hive’s main gates suddenly open. Mio jumps back into Sereb’s saddle and turns to look at the soldiers as she draws her gun.


Arc’s squad hastily motion for the troops to line up as they hurry forward to defend Twilight, Celestia, and Mio. However, instead of a large force advancing on them, a single drone walks outside and toward them. As they approach, all assembled see a pole-like object buried deeply in her back with a white piece of tattered cloth hastily tied to it. Ember is the first to speak as the drone nears them.

“What... is this?”

The drone calls out. “My... surrender.”

Celestia spreads her wings angrily. “CHRYSALIS!”

“Just a drone. Nothing more.”

Twilight takes a step forward and gestures to the blood seeping out from around the pole. “Are you... okay?”

The drone scoffs. “That is of little consequence right now. I come now to ask for your terms of surrender.

Mio steps forward angrily. “Give me my sister back!”

Ember brandishes her claws. “And Arc too, you freak of nature!”

Celestia frowns. “Chrysalis, what is this madness?!”

The drone appears confused. “I’m afraid that I don’t get your meaning, Celestia.”

“You expect us to deal with one of your little... puppets when discussing such a serious matter?! Come out here and face us in the flesh if you want to be taken seriously!”

“I am currently not well and unable to leave the comfort of my inner sanctum.”

Celestia scoffs. “Very convenient for you, Chrysalis.”

“We can either talk this way, or you may personally enter my hive and see me.”

Mio frowns as she turns to Twilight. “What should we do, princess?”

Twilight looks to the drone soberly. “I... will come and see you personally.”

Celestia gasps as her eyes grow wide. “What?! NO!”

“Very well. Simply step inside when you are ready and my... wings will guide you.”

With a guttural gasp, the drone falls to the ground. Ember steps over to it and puts her ear to its chest. Listening for a moment, she shrugs and steps back.


Max puts a hoof on the pole in the drone’s back. “It probably bled out from the inside.”

Xenos grimaces. “Yeah. A wound like that isn’t something you can just walk away from.”

Viktor sighs. “This thing was probably only kept alive by the queen’s magic.”

Hugh shudders. “A sobering thought.”

Mio turns toward the hive. “I’ll head inside and talk to this... Queen Chrysalis.”

Sereb growls. “As will I.”

Ember scoffs. “Um... what?”

Mio look to Twilight. “We’ll go in there, listen to what the queen wants in exchange for a surrender, punch her in the mouth, before bringing the hostages and terms back to you.”

Ember cracks her knuckles. “I’ll help with number three and the first part of four.”

Sereb smiles toothily. “Sounds good to me.”

Twilight shakes her head. “While that’s very brave of you three, I can’t let you do that.”

Ember frowns. “Fine then. Sereb will take care of number three and I’ll do number four, Twilight.”

Celestia steps forward. “I believe she means that a royal should go.”

Twilight nods. “Yes.”

Celestia steps past her. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, Twilight.”

Twilight steps in front of Celestia to block her advance. “No. That job falls to me.”

Celestia gasps. “But I should be the one to go! You’re far too important to risk in something like this!”

Ember shrugs. “She’s got a point, Twilight.”

Celestia puts a hoof to her chest. “That and Chrysalis will talk to me! We have a long history!”

Sereb groans. “Not a good one though I would imagine.”

Twilight sighs. “Right. You’re probably number one on her list.”

Mio looks to Twilight. “So, what are we going to do, your highness?”

“I’ll go. You have command of our forces while I’m gone, Mio.”

Mio gasps. “But princess...!”

Celestia interrupts her. “You can’t do this, Twilight! At least not alone! I’ll come with you!”

Mio shakes her head. “Queen Chrysalis will probably want to...”

Celestia cuts her off again. “I don’t care!”

Ember brandishes her claws as she speaks. “She’ll have to go through me first!”

Sereb growls. “And me!”

Celestia looks to Twilight. “We shouldn’t risk anypony else on this though.”


Turning to Ember and Sereb, she continues.

“I need you and Sereb to stay here with our forces.”

Ember grits her teeth angrily. “What?! But I want to...!”

Twilight steps forward as she interrupts her. “Please, Ember. I need warriors out here whom can get us out if this is a trap.”

Sereb scoffs. “If?”

Celestia nods soberly. “It clearly is, Twilight.”

“I can’t deny that. So if you don’t hear back from us in three hours, Mio, storm the place and come get us.”

Mio salutes. “Yes, your highness.”

Twilight turns and looks at the open gates. Taking a deep breath, she steps forward with Celestia at her side. Mio continues saluting as Arc’s squad takes a cue and does the same. The rest of the troops do so as well as the pair disappear inside the hive. Looking to Celestia, Twilight speaks.

“I, uh...”

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Th-thanks... for coming with me. I don’t think I could have handled this place on my own.”

She looks around as they continue on.

“Now then... I wonder what Queen Chrysalis meant when she said that her wings would guide us to her.”

Celestia sighs. “Ah, well... you see...”

She is cut off as two changelings step out of the shadows and approach them. Celestia steps in front of Twilight and spreads her wings menacingly.

“Stay behind me, Twilight! I’ll protect you!”

One of the changelings addresses her. “That will not be necessary, your highness.”

“And why not?!”

“Because we mean you no harm, Princess Celestia. I’m Thorax, and my companion here is my brother, Pharynx.”

Pharynx nods soberly. “We’re known as the ‘Wings of the Queen’.”

Thorax nods as he motions with a hoof. “Please follow us to the Throne Room.”

Thorax and Pharynx begin walking. Twilight looks to Celestia whom sighs and nods. As they start moving Thorax looks back and speaks.

“We’re sure you’re a bit nervous about this upcoming meeting with our queen. So Pharynx and I have been ordered to answer any questions you may have.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Are our friends alright?!”

Pharynx raises an eyebrow. “Uh... what?”

Thorax turns to his brother. “Their friends. Those whom are not bound to them by blood, but are still cared for as such.”

Pharynx scoffs. “Sounds silly to me.”

“Different cultures have different traditions, Pharynx.”

Thorax looks to Twilight before continuing.

“I assure you that your officer is fine. She’s being held securely in the dungeon.”

Pharynx groans. “Very securely.”

Celestia frowns. “What does that mean?”

“She’s in a maximum security cell due to all the escape attempts.”

Thorax nods. “And all the injured guards.”

“At one point they had to seal her cell door shut! She’s a menace!”

Twilight looks to Thorax. “We’d like her released to us at once.”

“I’m sorry, Princess Twilight. But no releases can be made without the queen’s prior approval.”

Pharynx seethes. “Which I hope she gives, and quickly! It’ll be a relief to the guards unfortunate enough to have guarded her!”

Twilight again turns to Thorax. “And our Hero of Light?”

Thorax grimaces. “He’s... elsewhere.”

Twilight grits her teeth. “What does that mean?!”

Pharynx shrugs. “That we don’t actually know where he is. Orders from the queen, and all that.”

“Is he at least safe?!”

Thorax bows his head. “I’m sorry, but we don’t really know, Princess Twilight.”

Celestia attempts to change the subject. “Can you tell me about your status as the queen’s ‘wings’?”

Pharynx puts a hoof to his chest proudly. “That means we’re her greatest warriors.”

Thorax nods. “And personal guards.”

“How does one get to be a ‘wing’?”

“By being born into the position mostly.”

Pharynx chuckles. “It’s a bit more than just that though. One has to work very hard to survive the training.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Survive?”

Thorax nods. “It’s very... strenuous. Many whom are bred for the position don’t make it.”

Pharynx looks over his shoulder to Celestia as he speaks. “Only the strongest and smartest are allowed to even attempt such a thing, as it’s very resource intensive.”

“I see. So you’re saying that you two represent a significant investment in both time and resources?”

Thorax nods. “Yes, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia smirks. “I see.”

Lunging forward, Celestia bounds past Twilight and straight for Pharynx. Seeing this, the changeling turns, ducks to allow his assailant to pass, changes into a bird, and flies toward Twilight. Celestia turns to give chase just in time to see Pharynx return to his normal form on top of her former student and pin her to the ground. Grabbing her horn with a hole in his hoof as he turns the other into a blade, Pharynx puts it to her neck as he looks to Celestia with a wicked grin.

“More of an investment than you fathom, it appears.”

Celestia frowns. “Let Twilight go!”

She steps forward angrily. Pharynx pushes his blade harder against Twilight’s throat. A small stream of bloom flows down his appendage as he speaks.

“If you wish her dead, by all means keep moving forward.”

Twilight gasps and looks to Celestia as best as she is able.

“Do... whatever it is... that you have to! Remember, I... I can’t die!”

Pharynx chuckles as he watches the blood begin to pool on the floor. “That’s open to experimentation!”

Stepping back, Celestia sits down on her haunches and bows her head.

“I... I yield.”

Pharynx nods. “Wise choice.”

Returning his hoof to its normal form, he roughly pushes Twilight toward Celestia. She holds her former student close and strokes her mane for a few moments as the wound slowly closes and heals.

“I’m sorry, Twilight. That was my fault for being sloppy.”

Twilight shudders slightly from the event. “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

Pharynx returns to his place with Thorax as he speaks to Celestia. “As you can see, we’re more than a match for your antics, princess. But feel free to try again as often as you want.”

Thorax sighs. “I must ask you not to do that again, Princess Celestia.”

Pharynx smirks. “Please do though. I do so enjoy the exercise.”

Thorax turns to look forward again. “We should probably continue on.”

They begin walking again. Twilight pushes away from Celestia as she speaks.

“Let’s get moving.”

Celestia gasps as she looks at the blood on the floor. “Are you sure that you’re alright though?!”

Twilight nods as she puts a hoof to her throat. “Yes, it’s completely healed. Didn’t feel too good though.”

Celestia lowers her voice. “I’m sorry, Twilight. That whole debacle was completely uncalled for.”

“What were you trying to do anyways?”

“Take then out.”

“Why though?”

“You heard what Thorax said. It took a long time to make them. I thought that if I could eliminate at least one of those two it would set Chrysalis back in terms of military might.”

Twilight sighs. “Let’s try to keep this meeting peaceful. After all, the queen did surrender to us.”

Celestia grimaces. “I question that.”

“You think she’s up to something?”

“Yes. Chrysalis has never been so easily defeated.”

“But I thought you said that before all it took was a show of Equestrian military might to make her back off.”

“That was true, yes. However, I always wondered why she would go through all the trouble of marching her forces to our borders just to turn right around shortly thereafter.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “I admit, that does sound a bit off.”

Celestia grits her teeth. “All I can figure at this point was that she was just trying to appear predictable. Lure me into a false sense of security.”

“Make you perceive her as a smaller threat than she really was?”

“Exactly. And it did work to a degree.”

“How so?”

“Had I known what she was planning, I would have advised you to bring a much larger invasion force, Twilight.”

“What’s done is done. We’ll have to make do with what we have.”

Twilight thinks for a moment before continuing.

“Then again, it’s probably for the best that we didn’t bring any more troops than we did.”

Celestia appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“Think about it. After our water supply was sabotaged, we had to ration it out. Had we brought more soldiers it might not have been enough to even make it here.”

“True. However, had we brought more soldiers, we also would have brought more water as well.”

“I suppose so. With any luck though, this will all be over soon.”

Celestia grimaces as they continue on. “I’m sure it will be. One way or another.”

Continuing on for some time, they turn left and right down a number of corridors. Several times the group is forced to fly up through holes in ceiling or down into pits. Eventually the hall enlarges as the party approaches a wide double door. Thorax nervously turns to Twilight and Celestia as he stops.

“Here we are. Beyond these doors is the Throne Room of our queen.”

Twilight grimaces. “Anything we should know before entering?”

Pharynx smirks. “Just one. Don’t say anything that could potentially make her angry.”

Thorax nods. “Right. She’s... not been herself since the other day.”

Celestia frowns. “When she ordered her agents to poison our water and capture two of our own as they slept?!”

Pharynx shrugs. “Actually, yes.”

Twilight turns to Celestia. “Maybe she feels somewhat guilty about it?”

Celestia shakes her head. “Believe me when I say that the answer to that question is categorically a ‘no’.”

Thorax sighs. “I think she’s just feeling a bit under the weather. We... haven’t had the easiest time lately.”

Pharynx hisses. “Which is none of their concern, brother!”

“You’re right, Pharynx.”

Twilight looks to the door. “In any case, I’d really like to get underway with the talks. As you know, we have quite a few troops outside whom are going to need water very soon.”

Pharynx snorts. “Then you should take that up with the queen.”

Celestia nods soberly. “Very well.”

Pushing the doors open, Thorax and Pharynx allow Twilight and Celestia to enter the Throne Room. They see Chrysalis lying atop a strangely soft looking green rock. She raises her head but does not stand as they approach. Thorax is the first to speak.

“Presenting Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia of Equestria, my queen.”

Chrysalis smiles wickedly. “Princess Celestia... my, oh my... it has been quite some time since we last met.”

Celestia sneers. “Not nearly long enough, Chrysalis!”

Twilight hisses. “Princess Celestia, please!”

Celestia steps forward. “Let me handle this, Twilight.”

Chrysalis licks her lips as she looks to Twilight. “Now, now, Celestia. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your little... friend here?”

Celestia scoffs. “No. Now then...”

Twilight steps forward and bows her head respectfully before speaking.

“Hello, your highness. My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria.”

Chrysalis smiles toothily. “Ah, yes. Celestia’s little replacement.”

“Begging your pardon, but I’m only temporarily...”

Chrysalis interrupts her. “Temporarily, hm?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, your majesty. You see, Princess Celestia is my teacher and friend. I took over ruling the land to give her some much needed rest and relaxation. Believe me when I say that she is still more than capable of leading Equestria.”

Chrysalis waves a hoof dismissively. “A matter of opinion.”

Twilight looks to Chrysalis evenly. “That may very well be. However, I think we both know the reason for my visit today.”

Celestia nods soberly. “Yes. You’re... surrender top our forces earlier.”

Twilight nods. “I’ve come here to discuss the terms.”

Chrysalis chuckles. “Terms?”

“You want our forces out of your land, I’m sure. And we want our friends back.”

Celestia points a hoof angrily. “In addition to the changelings staying out of Equestria as well!”

Chrysalis smirks as she rubs a hoof absentmindedly on the slimy rock she is laying on. “Yes, yes... I understand your wants and desires, Princess Twilight. However, I have a bit of a problem with your... mentor’s demands.”

Twilight steps forward cautiously to stand within hoof’s reach of Chrysalis. “I’m told that you and Princess Celestia have had your share of... disagreements in the past. But I believe that if you and I could just sit down and talk about this, we could come up with an agreement of some kind. One that would be amicable to both nations, your highness.”

Chrysalis nods approvingly. “A very heartwarming and noble idea, Princess Twilight. Your so-called teacher could learn much from your methodology.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “What is your angle here, Chrysalis?”

Chrysalis gasps innocently as she looks away. “Why, whatever do you mean, Celestia?”

“You’ve never been this open to talking in the past. You’re up to something here.”

“Nothing of the sort.”

She turns to Twilight and leans forward. Putting a holey hoof on the young alicorn’s cheek affectionately before continuing.

“I’m just very interested in talking to your protege here. After all, she’s a much more... level headed individual than you are.”

Twilight blushes slightly as Chrysalis continues caressing her cheek. “Th-thank you. I’m only looking to do what’s best for everypony.”

“As am I, my cute little morsel.”

Celestia angrily steps forward as both Thorax and Pharynx move to block her advance. Before either side can do anything however, she is stopped by a silent motion from Twilight’s hoof. Chrysalis and Twilight look to one another for a long moment. Eventually, Chrysalis’ hoof pulls back with a bit of Twilight’s mane draped through one of her holes. Chrysalis licks her lips and smiles warmly before pulling the hoof back and resting it on the rock under her again.

“Now then, shall we begin our talks?”

Celestia mutters angrily. “I wish you would.”

Chrysalis looks angrily at Celestia as she speaks. “I was talking to Princess Twilight, Celestia! Remember your place here!”

Seething, Celestia takes a step back and sits down on her haunches as she looks on silently. Returning her gaze to Twilight, Chrysalis pats the rock.

“Please join me, Princess Twilight.”

“Join you?”

“On my couch here. What I have to say is very important to both of our nations. That and we might as well be comfortable while we talk.”

Taking a deep breath, Twilight puts her front hooves up on the rock. It gives slightly under her weight with a slight squelching sound. Chrysalis turns and motions to a spot directly in front of her. Twilight approaches and lays down as instructed. She gasps slightly as some warm slime passes through the fur on her belly and makes contact with her skin. Chrysalis nods approvingly.

“Now then, are you comfortable?”

Twilight nods slightly. “Um... very much so.”

Chrysalis rubs a hoof against the surface of the rock under her. “More so than it appears, yes?”

“Yes, it was a... pleasant surprise.”

“Changelings are experts in inventiveness, Princess Twilight. We have adapted ourselves to be able to find resources when none are thought to exist. To find food where there is none. To find shelter in such an inhospitable land. And to find a modicum of comfort amongst the rocks and thorns. Do you understand?”

“I... I do. The changelings have to make do with what they have.”

“Exactly. Such has made us strong... resourceful... cunning... and distrustful.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Distrustful?”

Chrysalis nods. “Life is hard and unforgiving. To trust can lead us to our doom. Both literally and figuratively.”

“But then how do you... um... befriend one another?”

“We do not have the time for such things here, princess. Not with our lack of resources. Which leads me to the terms of our surrender.”

She clears her throat before continuing.

“First of all, I propose that the changelings will never again enter Equestria without special permission from Canterlot. Whether that is granted by a ruling monarch or a separate governmental entity will be left up to you. Second, I will allow your military to construct bases on the Equestrian side of our border to assure that the a fore mentioned pledge is kept. The size and number of bases will be left to your sole discretion.”

“That... um... does sound very fair.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “Yes, it does. What is in it for you, Chrysalis?”

“I’m coming to that, Celestia. Patience.”

Turning back to Twilight, Chrysalis continues.

“Lastly, I will permit Equestrian soldiers, scholars, and even your own private citizenry to enter The Badlands if they so wish. Assuming that they pass through a border checkpoint and be cleared by both yours and our representatives. However, in return for this new freedom of movement, you must also agree to allow me and my subjects to police their activities once here.”

Twilight taps the rock before her with a hoof. “Just to be sure that I’m clear on this, you’re talking about anything done while on your side of the border, correct?”

Chrysalis nods. “Yes, Princess Twilight. Conversely, anything that happens on your side of the border, whether it be done by pony or changeling, will be under your exclusive jurisdiction. But we do require the same to be done for any infractions committed on our soil.”

“Understood. Anything else?”

“Nothing I can think of, no. And you?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well... does that also mean that the war between our nations is over?”

“Completely. Assuming both sides adhere to this agreement, that is.”

“A treaty of sorts?”

“You could call it that, yes.”

Twilight looks Chrysalis in the eye. “If you’d be willing to put all of that into writing, I’d very much like to agree to it.”

“Very well. Thorax?”

She motions for him to step forward. Picking up a clipboard along the way, he gives it to Chrysalis.

“Here you are, my queen.”

“Very good.”

Presenting it to Twilight, Chrysalis continues petting the rock they are sitting on as Twilight reads it over carefully. Celestia frowns.

“What does it say, Twilight?”

Twilight looks to Celestia. “Just what Queen Chrysalis already went over with us.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Nothing more?”

“Not that I can see.”

Chrysalis smirks. “Would you like to inspect the document for yourself, Celestia?”

Celestia nods soberly. “I would, yes.”

Thorax approaches Twilight whom gives him the clipboard. Walking it over to Celestia she takes it in a hoof and begins reading silently. After a few minutes she looks up and grunts.

“It does appear to only say that which has already been discussed, yes.”

Chrysalis appears hurt. “Why, Celestia... do you really think I would try to cheat you?”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “I do, yes.”

Chrysalis motions to the clipboard with a wave of her hoof. “Even when everything is right there in ink before your very nose?”

“Correct. What if either side commits a breach of this treaty?”

“Then we can go back to a very costly war. Which I’m sure none of us wants.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “And our friends?”

“As a token of my... goodwill, assuming you agree to these terms, I will allow your Hero of Light to leave with you today, Princess Twilight.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “And our lieutenant?”

Chrysalis frowns. “She has caused innumerable problems since arriving here. And while I am anxious to see her gone, I will require some kind compensation in order to secure her release.”

Twilight frowns. “Of what kind?”

“That I have not thought of yet. However, you have my word that she will not be harmed any further while I ponder the matter. Conditionally, mind you.”

Celestia scoffs. “Conditionally?”

“As I said before, she’s caused nothing but problems here. Numerous attempts at escape have led to an equal number of injuries while attempting to recapture her.”

Twilight gasps. “Is she alright?!”

“Oh yes. Nothing more the scrapes, bumps, and bruises. No permanent damage.”

Looking to Celestia, Chrysalis grins toothily.

“Now then... if you’re done looking over the treaty, Celestia, perhaps you and I should sign it.”

Celestia shakes her head. “That... is up to Princess Twilight’s discretion.”

Twilight grimaces. “I’m not sure what to do. Might I read it over one more time?”

Chrysalis nods warmly. “Of course, princess. Take as long as you need to study it. I can wait.”

Thorax takes the clipboard from Celestia and walks it over to Twilight again. Taking it in her hoof, she begins reading the document over again several times. Sighing as she concludes her final scan, Twilight looks to Chrysalis.

“I... I agree with the terms as laid out.”

Chrysalis puts a hoof to Twilight’s cheek again. “A wise decision, my dear. You are intelligent far beyond your years.”

“Thank you, your highness.”

Chrysalis looks to Pharynx. “Bring Princess Twilight a quill so we can begin.”

Doing so, Pharynx walks a quill over to Twilight. Looking over the document one last time, she signs it. Chrysalis looks to Celestia with a smirk.

“And you may sign as a witness.”

Celestia grits her teeth. “Why would I...?”

Twilight interrupts her. “Please, Princess Celestia. The terms are sound and will bring about an end to the conflict between our two nations.”

Celestia points a hoof at the clipboard. “There’s more to this than a mere treaty though, Twilight!”

“That may be. But as the Princess of Friendship, I need to do my best to make policies that protect our land and citizens. And right now that means attempting to bring peace to both nations.”

Chrysalis claps her hooves happily. “Very well said, Princess Twilight. I knew you would be willing to work with me on this.”

Twilight holds out the document to Celestia. Looking at her former student for a long moment, Celestia eventually stands and walks over to Twilight. Taking the clipboard, she looks it over and signs her name under Twilight’s. Giving it to Thorax, he signs his own name under ‘witness’ before giving it to Chrysalis. Grinning broadly, she too affixes her name to the document and looks to Twilight.

“With our signatures this document becomes legally binding.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “So that means the war is over?”

Chrysalis smiles as she gives Twilight one of the treaty copies. “Yes. As per our agreement, I will order my forces to never again venture beyond the borders of The Badlands without prior authorization.”

She looks to Thorax and hands him their copy of the document before continuing.

“Give the order to everyone as I’ve just stated and put this in our vault for safekeeping.”

Thorax grins as he takes the treaty and bows respectfully. “With pleasure, my queen.”

He leaves the Throne Room and closes the door behind him. Twilight watches him do so before standing and hopping off the rock. Returning to Celestia’s side, she turns back to Chrysalis and speaks.

“Now that our new treaty is officially in force, I would like you to keep your word and release Hero of Light Arc to us, Queen Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis smirks. “Of course, Princess Twilight. Believe me when I say that I am a monarch of my word.”

Hopping off of the rock, Chrysalis’ twisted horn glows brightly in tandem with the rock she was laying on. It begins to move slightly as both Twilight and Celestia take a step back instinctively. The movements become greater and more erratic as the seconds tick by. Finally, with a massive blast of magic from Chrysalis’ horn, the outer membrane of the rock bursts open as a slime covered appendage emerges from it. Landing on the floor with an audible ‘splat’, the appendage begins pulling the rest of itself from its slimy cocoon. A few moments later a head emerges and looks all around. Twilight’s pupils shrink in horror as she gasps.


Celestia seethes as she turns to Chrysalis. “What have you done to him?!”

Chrysalis smirks as she steps forward. “Nothing much. Just made him... better.”

She puts a hoof on Arc’s cheek and turns his face to look at her before continuing.

“A very fine transformation, if I do say so myself.”

Twilight grits her teeth angrily. “Transformation?!”

“Oh yes. My greatest creation to date.”

“But you said...!”

Chrysalis interrupts her. “...that I would ALLOW him to return to you, Princess Twilight!”

She returns her attention to Arc before speaking again.

“Tell me, my champion... do you wish to return with Princess Twilight to Equestria?”

Arc shakes his head stoically. “No... my queen.”

Celestia seethes. “This was your plan all along! “

Chrysalis puts a hoof to her chest as she feigns innocence. “Why, I just don’t know what you mean, Celestia.”

“You manipulated us into signing that blasted paper and ending this conflict!”

Chrysalis frowns. “I did nothing of the sort! You both read the document and were satisfied with the terms as written!”

Celestia points a hoof at Chrysalis. “You’ll break it the first chance you get!”

“No, Celestia. For you see...”

She licks a bit of green slime off of Arc’s cheek before continuing.

“...I have exactly what I want.”

Twilight stammers. “But... but WHY?!”

“You mean, why take your precious Hero of Light, Princess Twilight? Partially as an insurance policy. His continued presence here will prevent you from launching another foolish attack on our nation.”

Wrapping her hooves around Arc’s neck, she looks into his eyes before speaking again.

“That... and I’ve always wanted to do... this!”

Leaning forward, she presses her lips to Arc’s. Moaning contentedly, Chrysalis continues making out with Arc as Twilight grits her teeth angrily. Charging forward, she is stopped as Pharynx spits a green substance at her front hooves. It hits it’s mark and effectively glues Twilight’s hooves to the floor. Celestia rushes to Twilight’s aide but is similarly stopped by more slime from Pharynx’s mouth to her hooves. He looks to them angrily.

“None may interrupt the queen when she is feeding!”

Twilight gasps. “F-feeding?!”

Celestia nods, clearly sickened at the sight before her. “Changelings eat love, Twilight! She’s eating him!”

Twilight turns to Chrysalis angrily. “STOP!”

Pharynx spits a glob of green goo onto the pair’s muzzles, effectively gluing them shut, as Chrysalis continues making out with Arc. As she finishes, the changeling queen stumbles back groggily as if intoxicated and looks to Twilight.

“I see now why you wanted him for yourself. This one is powerful both physically and magically.”

Motioning for him to step forward, Chrysalis steps behind Arc and stands on her hind legs. Placing her front hooves on his shoulders, she taps his head eagerly.

“But it’s what’s in here that interests me the most.”

The pair before her can only glare silently as Chrysalis continues.

“He has the most beautiful mind. Intelligence and wisdom combined with tactics and raw strength. The perfect warrior to lead my forces into battle. Should your refuse to keep our treaty, that is.”

Pharynx bows respectfully. “I shall see to it personally that he is properly groomed for such a task, my queen.”

Chrysalis scoffs. “Will you now?”

“Yes. I shall make him into the greatest warrior this land has ever seen!”

“I don’t believe you understand the situation, Pharynx. You see... he’s already the greatest of our kind.”

Pharynx appears confused. “But... that would mean he could potentially challenge me for my position.”

Chrysalis smiles cooly. “Oh, don’t worry about that, my dear Pharynx. As you know, you’ll be my wing until your dying breath.”

Pharynx bows respectfully. “Thank you, my queen.”

His face to the floor, Chrysalis’ horn glows slightly. Looking upward, she fires a small blast from it to a crude looking chandelier hanging overhead. It falls, crushing Pharynx under it with a sickening crunch. Blood flows freely from around his carapace as he holds out a hoof to Chrysalis and weakly calls out.

“My... queen. Why...?”

Chrysalis smirks. “Thank you for your service, Pharynx. You shall be remembered always.”

His hoof falls to the floor as he lets out his last breath. Chrysalis looks to Arc and smiles warmly.

“It would appear that we now have an opening for a ‘wing’. And you shall fill it.”

“Yes, my queen.”

“Serve the hive well then, my champion.”

“What would you have your ‘wing’ do, my queen?”

Chrysalis licks her lips. “Patience, my champion. There will be time for such things soon. But for now, you will sit.”

Sitting down on the floor as commanded, Arc stares straight ahead as Chrysalis lays down across his lap and wraps her hooves around his neck.

“For now, you will hold me.”

“As you desire, my queen.”

Holding Chrysalis close, she licks his face and neck tenderly while looking to the mares standing before her smugly. All the while, Twilight and Celestia can do little more than just stand there and watch. Sometime later, Thorax returns to the Throne Room. Spotting his brother’s body lying under the chandelier, he hurries over to him.


Chrysalis looks to Thorax sadly. “I am sorry for your loss.”

“Wha... what happened, my queen?! Pharynx was always the most powerful of our kind!”

Chrysalis motions to the ponies before her. “Princess Celestia, seeing an opening, sliced the rope holding up the chandelier overhead. Your brother never saw it coming.”

Thorax strokes his dead brother’s head as he speaks. “Was it... was it... quick for him?”

“Yes, Thorax. He died instantly.”

Thorax glares at Celestia as he storms over to her. “I’m going to tear out her heart for this!”

Chrysalis flaps her wings and flies to stand between Thorax and Celestia. “No, Thorax.”

“But, my queen...!”

“I understand that the punishment for lifting a hoof against the queen’s wings is punishable by death. However, as you are fully aware, such a thing is not possible for an alicorn.”

“Then what can be done?! Pharynx deserves justice!”

Chrysalis nods wickedly. “And he shall have it! As will you! Now then, some drones to help you lay your brother to rest.”

“At once, my queen.”

As he leaves the Throne Room, Chrysalis walks over to Twilight and casts a spell. The slime covering her muzzle dissolves allowing her to speak again. She hastily spits the slime from her mouth before looking up to glare at Chrysalis.

“What are you DOING?!”

Chrysalis puts a hoof to Twilight cheek and smiles. “Taking care of business, my young princess.”

Twilight looks to Pharynx. “By killing your own guardian?!”

Chrysalis feigns ignorance. “But we both saw Celestia do that.”

“You KNOW it was you!”

“Just a bit of misdirection to grease the wheels of progress, Princess Twilight.”

“I don’t understand!”

“Then allow me to explain.”

She reaches down and picks up Twilight’s now slime-covered copy of the treaty before continuing.

“This document says that any and all crimes committed by Equestrians against the changelings here in The Badlands will fall under the jurisdiction of us. Namely... me.”

Twilight gasps. “And you blamed this murder on Princess Celestia so that you can hold her here!”

Chrysalis smirks wickedly. “So says the treaty, my dear. She is legally our prisoner and will be punished according to my will.”

“But why?!”

Chrysalis seethes as she turns to Celestia. “For all the years of torment we’ve received from Equestria and its rulers! Left here in The Badlands to waste away! Not allowed to set even one hoof on their lush, green lands! And for that, she shall be tortured night and day until I am satisfied!”

Raising a hoof, Chrysalis appears ready to deliver a mighty blow to Celestia. However, at the last possible moment she calms herself and stops before turning back to Twilight.

“However... I suppose I could find it in my heart to be merciful. Assuming that you yourself are willing to make a sacrifice to appease me, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight nods fervently. “Name it!”

Chrysalis rubs her hooves together wickedly. “You will join your mentor in imprisonment and torture. If you are willing do that, I shall be lenient with both you and her treatment.”

Twilight grimaces. “I...”

She turns to look at Celestia whom is shaking her head in the ‘no’ position frantically. Sighing, Twilight bows her head as her ears droop.

“...I will submit myself to share in her punishment.”

Chrysalis licks her lips happily as Thorax returns. “Very good, Princess Twilight. I knew you were a wise and noble ruler.”

She turns to Thorax as the drones begin dragging Celestia away.

“Princess Twilight will be joining her mentor in captivity.”

Thorax appears confused. “My queen?”

“She begged for mercy regarding Celestia’s punishment. Very persuasively, I might add. So I have granted her request to share in the torture sentence.”

Thorax motions to the drones. “You two, take Princess Twilight into custody! If she wants to defend a murderer then let her suffer alongside them!”

Holey hooves roughly grab Twilight and drag her down the corridor behind Celestia. Chrysalis, Arc, and Thorax follow them as the queen speaks to Thorax.

“I’ve decided to put our newest champion here into your brother’s vacated position as my ‘wing’.”

Thorax sighs. “Yes, my queen.”

Chrysalis turns to him. “You do not agree with my decision?”

“It’s not that, but...”

He motions to the trail of blood on the floor before them.

“...this is all happening so fast.”

Chrysalis nods as she puts a hoof around his shoulders. “As it must, Thorax. Our lands must be defended properly at all times.”

She motions to Arc at her other side before continuing.

“And I’m sure you of all changelings can understand that he is the perfect candidate to succeed Pharynx.”

Thorax nods sadly. “Yes, my queen. You are correct.”

Sometime later they arrive at a large set of double doors. The drones push them open to reveal a very large room. In the center lies a large fetid-looking green pool of slime. Chrysalis walks to stand in front of Twilight and Celestia as she gestures with a wave of her hoof.

“Welcome to our hive’s Spawning Pool. This is where all changelings are born.”

Twilight grimaces. “And we’re to help you care for them?”

Chrysalis grins. “In a manner of speaking. Let me explain the process.”

She motions for them to be dragged over to the side of the pool. A single drone sits in the green slime with only their head poking out above the surface. Chrysalis looks to several drones nearby as she points to the submerged drone. They step forward and position themselves on either side of her. Putting their front hooves around the pair’s shoulders, the trio begins slowly walking toward the edge. As they step out, Twilight immediately sees the submerged drone’s bloated appearance.

“Is she sick?”

Chrysalis shakes her head. “Oh no. Just heavy with eggs. Observe.”

The assisting drones carefully lay the drone down and roll her onto her back to look up at the ceiling. Their raspy breathes as they struggle to breath being the only other sounds in the room. Completing their task, the pair’s horns glow green as they cast a strange spell on the bloated changeling before them. It begins to shudder violently and scream as its body expands greatly. Suddenly, the drone’s midsection explodes outward revealing a large cache of eggs withing her body. More drones step forward to pick them up and leave the room as Chrysalis turns to a justifiably horrified Twilight.

“And thus the next generation is born.”

Twilight gags. “But... that other drone! She...!”

Chrysalis shrugs. “Such is the circle of life, my dear. Some must die so that others can be born.”

She motions to the pair of drones as the last of the eggs is removed from the ruined body. Picking it up, they toss the dead changeling’s body back into the Spawning Pool. Twilight grimaces as the body splashes into the green liquid and slowly begins to sink beneath the slime.

“What are you...?”

Chrysalis interrupts her. “The slime is actually a nutrient solution. It provides the host drone with far more nutrition than traditional eating ever could. This allows the eggs within them to feed off of her via what you ponies know as an umbilical cord.”

Twilight gasps. “But there were so many eggs! How could one host possibly provide nutrition for all of them?!”

“They can’t. The latter stages of incubation see the eggs start to feed off of the body directly. Blood, tissue, muscle, and fat are absorbed into them leaving the host with just enough resources to survive.

She looks menacingly at Celestia before continuing.

“And that is where Celestia’s role begins.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide. “You mean...?!”

Chrysalis smiles toothily. “Yes, my dear. My judgement is that she be punished for her crimes by being filled to the brim with changeling eggs.”

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