• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Into the Belly of the Beast

The Landmaster decloaks as Arc opens the back door. He and the others jump out and form a defensive perimeter as Sereb sniffs the air.

“I do not smell any fresh scents.”

“Good. Max, and the others take care of your objectives.”

“Yes sir.”

Xenos grins. “We won’t let you down, sir.”

Arc nods. “I know you won’t. Contact me when you’ve finished.”

They nod, cloak, and leave. Arc turns to Sereb.

“We’re going to need that golden nose of yours on this one.”

Sereb bats at his snout. “Is there something on it?”

“No, it was just an expression.”

Auriel looks around nervously. “Can we please get a move on?!”

Ember grimaces. “That’s probably a good idea.”

“Fine. Sereb, Auriel needs to be turned back into a human.”

“Very well.”

Sereb carries out his assigned task before turning back to Arc.

“Ember, let’s cloak. Sereb, you go with Auriel.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Eh?”

Cherry gasps. “Someone will see him though!”

Arc nods. “That they will. But I’m certain no one will give him a second glance if Auriel holds him.”

“Holds me?”

“Yes. After all, considering Diva’s reputation, I don’t think any soldier here would question her for bringing a pet onto a military base.”

Ember grins. “Hiding in plain sight. I like it!”

“Sereb, you can direct Auriel where to go once you find the scent. She’ll carry you to our destination as Ember and I follow closely behind.”

Cherry giggles. “Simple, but effective.”

Auriel kneels down as Sereb returns to his Cub Form and jumps into her arms. She turns him around to face forward before turning to Arc.

“There we go. Is everyone ready?”

Arc and Ember cloak.

“Now we are.”

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

Auriel walks toward the door. Taking a deep breath she presses the controls. The door slides open allowing her to step out into the corridor. Sereb turns his head to sniff around before looking one direction. Auriel takes his cue and begins walking. Cherry calls out telepathically to Arc as they walk.

“I sure hope this works.”

“So do I.”

They walk on for some time. Eventually they come to a corridor lined with numerous private quarters. Sereb calls out quietly.

“This door.”

Auriel stops and looks around. “Where are you two?”

Arc whispers. “Right behind you.”

Ember chuckles. “Yeah.”

“What now?”

Arc grins. “I have a plan. Here’s what I want you to do… Diva.”

Auriel sighs as Arc lays out her part.

“Alright. But I don’t really like this.”

“Duly noted. Go ahead.”

Auriel looks at the door for a bit before knocking. A few moments later Doctor Rieper answers wearing a pair of pajamas. He frowns at the woman before him.

“Diva?! Do you have ANY idea what time it is?! SOME of us have early mornings!”

“Well, this is important!”

She gestures to the creature in her arms.

“One of my… uh… sources just delivered this creature to me.”

Rieper narrows his eyes. “You mean to tell me that you felt the need to wake me up in the middle of the night to show me your new DOG?!”

“Not just any dog. This one has been found to contain magical essences.”

“That is not possible. The animal test subjects were purged long ago.”

Auriel frowns. “He may have it naturally.”

Rieper rolls his eyes. “Also impossible.”

“Well then, you should have no trouble scanning him to disprove my claims.”

Rieper sighs. “Oh, very well. If for no other reason than to prove yet again that you are not as infallible as you believe yourself to be. Just let me get dressed and we’ll head over to the lab.”

“No reason to go through all that personal preparation for a simple test. That and there’s no one else around.”

“Very well. Just let me grab something.”

He heads over to his desk and picks up his badge. Arc smiles silently as the pair return to the corridor and walk towards the lab. Ember whispers to him.

“I can’t believe that worked!”

“Of course it did. He still thinks Auriel is Diva.”

They make their way to the research lab and through it into Rieper’s office. Auriel sets Sereb on the desk. She pats his head as Rieper sits down in his chair and rummages through a drawer.


Sereb does so as Auriel continues petting him.

“Who’s a good boy? You are!”

Sereb growls slightly as Auriel stops and takes a step back.

“Whoops. Sorry about that.”

Rieper pulls out a strange looking device. He aims it at Sereb as he peers through the lens.

“Hm… he does has some latent magical energy surrounding him. However that could have been planted by your so-called source.”

Reaching back into his desk, Rieper pulls out a small pen-like device.

“Now we’ll find out the truth in this matter.”

Auriel appears nervous. “What are you doing?”

Rieper raises an eyebrow. “Taking a blood sample, stupid! What, are you worried about his safety now?”

“Very! Do you have ANY idea just how valuable this creature is from a research perspective?!”

“That has yet to be seen.”

Rieper puts the pen-like device on Sereb’s backside and presses a button. A small needle pierces his skin making him yelp momentarily. Grabbing a cord from his computer he hooks it to the device and begins typing.

“Alright now. Let’s see just how important this mutt REALLY is.”

Auriel frowns at him as she absentmindedly puts her hand on Sereb’s head again. Opening a program Rieper presses a few keys before frowning and looking at the device.

“This can’t be right.”

Grabbing the pen he deftly tosses it into the waste bin before pulling out another one from the drawer. Pricking Sereb again he hooks the new pen up to the computer. A moment later he gasps.

“I… don’t believe it!”

“What is it?”

Rieper points to his screen. “Look at these readings! This beast’s blood is positively flowing with magical energy!”

Auriel smiles smugly. “As I told you.”

Rieper frowns. “Yes, it would appear the age of miracles is not yet over.”

The doctor begins looking Sereb over.

“It’s incredible! To the naked eye, even a trained one such as mine, this would appear to be nothing but an ordinary stray!”

Sereb growls as Rieper looks to Diva.

“He must be studied! The Organization will benefit greatly from his sacrifice!”

“His what?”

“You know as well as I do that every test subject has a finite amount of use. When it’s passed that point, he’ll be disposed of like the rest. After we successfully clone him, that is.”

The doctor grins menacingly at Sereb as Auriel slowly reaches for the desk’s oak nameplate.

“Dog, you are going to help make leaps and bounds in my research! First we’ll have to take some blood and skin samples! Then I’ll…”

Rieper is cut off as a blow to the back of the head knocks him unconscious. Auriel breathes a sigh of relief as she drops the nameplate onto the floor and opens the door. Arc and Ember step into the office and decloak. Ember looks to Auriel and grins.

“Way to go! He is OUT!”

Auriel smiles sheepishly. “I hit him with his own nameplate.”

Sereb chuckles. “He never saw it coming.”

Arc grins. “Of course not. Rieper was probably far too busy with his latest ‘test subject’ to notice anything else.”

He walks over to Rieper and starts going through his robe’s pockets. Ember raises an eyebrow.

“Are you robbing him?!”

“More or less.”

Auriel sighs. “Arc, is this really the time to…?”

Standing up Arc holds up Doctor Rieper’s badge.

“One down.”

Ember frowns. “How did you know he’d have it?!”

“He’d have to. After all, it’s for more than just simple identification.”

Auriel nods. “Right. Arc’s idea of using Sereb for a potential test subject was to get this creep to go to the lab.”

Sereb chuckles. “And he needed his badge to open the door to this place.”

Arc looks to Ember, confused. “Didn’t you get the plan, Ember?”

“Um… I understood my part. Follow you and watch your back, Arc.”

Auriel sighs. “Should we move on to the next objective?”

“Yes. But first things first.”

Grabbing Rieper, Arc tosses him in a nearby closet before turning to Sereb.

“Cast that Sleep Spell on him.”

Ember frowns. “But he’s already out.”

Arc nods. “And I want him to stay that way.”

Sereb steps forward and does as Arc says.

“He should be out for at least a couple of hours.”

Auriel breathes a sigh of relief. “Plenty of time for us to get out of here.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

He holds up Rieper’s badge.

“But before we go, see if this will open those glass tubes, Auriel.”

Auriel nods as she accepts the card. Arc and Ember cloak as Auriel walks out of the office with Sereb and head over to the primary computer. She presses a few buttons and scans the card before smiling.

“I’m in. Shall I start the shutdown process to get these humans out of there now?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. We need to do that at the very end. Think of them as the final objective.”

Sereb frowns. “Not the princess?”

“Like it or not, they’re relatively safe in there. But if we let them out too early we’ll just have another variable to deal with.”

Auriel nods. “Either that or they’d have to stay here and try not to be noticed.”

Sereb looks around. “The rows of empty tanks would be a dead giveaway though.”

“That it would. And they’d probably freak out if we told them they had to stay in here and wait for us to come back. So let’s move on to the next objective.”

Ember smiles innocently. “Which is…?”

Auriel holds up Rieper’s badge. “Getting our hands on another one of these.”

Ember turns to Arc. “Why didn’t you just keep Hammer’s?!”

“Because I’m assuming we need the head researcher’s AND an officer’s card.”

Sereb nods. “Hammer is not a very high ranking soldier. It is unlikely she would have clearance to such an area.”

Ember sighs. “Great. So where to next?”

Arc looks toward the door. “I’m guessing there are two other people in this facility with a card that works. General Mustang and Diva. The only question is which one to go after.”

Ember shudders. “Diva’s pretty powerful, Arc.”

Sereb growls. “And she can most likely see through our cloaks.”

Auriel appears nervous. “Agreed. However, we know nothing of the general’s powers. Assuming he has any other than that of pheromone manipulation.”

Arc sighs. “Auriel, like I said during the planning stage, you could probably distract him long enough for one of us to locate and grab his badge.”

Sereb frowns. “That would be quite risky for all involved.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “We could just kill him and search his quarters.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ember.”

Sereb growls. “I’d be willing to do the deed.”

“We’re not murderers. Subterfuge here, everyone. Now, let’s go.”

Arc and Ember cloak again as Sereb jumps into Auriel’s arms. They return to the corridor as Auriel looks down at Sereb.

“Which way?”

“I will need his scent first.”

Arc removes a folder from his ring and holds it through the cloak. “Here you go.”

Auriel gasps. “One of the files he handed me?”

“Right. Remember, Sereb’s never seen the general, so he doesn’t have the scent.”

Ember sounds hopeful. “Is that enough to go on?”

Sereb nods as she sniffs the folder. “It is. But his scent is… strange.”

Auriel looks down at the dog in her arms. “How so?”

“Unknown. But unlike anything I have encountered in this world or the others.”

He looks around and sniffs the air before looking up to Auriel and pointing with a paw.

“This way.”

As before, Arc and Ember follow Auriel and Sereb. Taking several turns they eventually come to a large solid oak door. Arc puts a hand on Auriel’s shoulder.

“You okay doing this, Auriel?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No. But here goes.”

She takes a deep breath and knocks lightly. A few moments later the door opens and General Mustang greets her. He is fully dressed in his uniform and does not appear groggy or having been asleep.

“Good evening, my dear. Please come in.”

Auriel nods and steps into the room as the general closes the door behind her and look at Sereb.

“I see you’ve made a new friend, Diva.”

“He’s much more than that, sir. This dog somehow has the gift of magic.”

Mustang raises an eyebrow. “Does he now?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. I’ve already confirmed it with Doctor Rieper.”

“Really? Let me take a look at him.”


“I mean I’d like to hold him.”

“Oh! Um… okay.”

She hands Sereb to the general. He looks him over carefully.

“Yes… I feel it too. The magic inside this creature is quite powerful.”

He scratches behind Sereb’s ears. Smiling, Sereb wags his tail.

“I think he likes you, sir.”

“Agreed. I have an affinity for animals though. Tell me, where did he come from?”

“He was found by me, sir.”


Auriel nods. “Yes. I… went outside for some air a little while ago. Truth be told, he gave me quite a start when I sensed him.”

“He doesn’t appear to be underfed or anything though. Tell me, could he be one of the early test subjects?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, sir. I’ve already run that idea past Doctor Rieper. He confirms all early test subjects were destroyed.”

“Hm… quite the enigma.”

“I just wanted to bring him by and show you before bedding him down for the night. Doctor Rieper will get busy examining him properly tomorrow morning.”

“Very well. I still can’t get over just how well behaved he is. Very unlike our earlier test subjects.”


“Don’t you remember how violent most of them were? I shudder to think what might’ve happened had they gotten loose.”

“It’s fortunate that they did not.”

The general nods as he carefully sets Sereb down and turns his attention back to Auriel.

“Now then, my dear. Are you sure there isn’t another reason for your visit?”


“You usually have something a bit… different on your mind when you visit me at this hour.”

“N-no, sir. I just thought…”

General Mustang smiles at Auriel as she blushes and fumbles for the right words.

“You know… you’re adorable when you act so innocent. So… pure.”

Putting an arm around Auriel’s back he puts the other behind her legs and literally sweeps the young woman off her feet. Mustang then plants a very passionate kiss on her lips. Auriel’s body relaxes as she wraps her arms around his neck and leans in. Eventually Mustang pulls back and whispers in her ear.

“You always were an innocent little thing, Diva.”

He walks toward the bed and lays Auriel down. She does not seem to notice and continues kissing.

“You’re so cute… when… you…”

Suddenly, the general collapses on top of Auriel. Sereb walks over having returned to his true form, his horn aglow. With a sweep of his strong paw he pushes Mustang to the side to free Auriel.

“Are you alright?”

Auriel nods, her face red. “Y-yes. I… I’m fine.”

“My apologies for taking so long. I did not want the general to feel anything too quickly and be alerted.”

Auriel sits up. “Yes, well… let’s get Arc and Ember.”

Walking over to the door Auriel opens it and motions for the pair to enter. Arc closes it behind them and decloaks before turning to the pair.

“Everything go alright in here?”

Ember looks to the general lying unconscious on the bed. “It would appear so.”

Sereb clears his throat nervously. “Things were a bit touch and go for a moment, yes. But Auriel is unharmed.”

Auriel nods sheepishly. “Yes, I am.”

Sereb gestures with a nod. “I noticed his badge on the desk.”

Arc walks over and picks it up.

“Perfect. This along with Rieper’s badge should get us inside that high security door easily.”

Ember grins. “Great. Now let’s get out of here.”

Arc and Ember cloak as Sereb returns to his cub form. Auriel looks back to the general and sighs before picking up Sereb and leaving the room. Moments after the door closes behind them, Mustang opens his eyes and sits up.

“Quite the little ruse you cooked up there, Arc. Although I do wonder where you found that cute little newcomer to add to your group.”

Smiling, he picks up the bedside phone and dials a number.

“Sorry to wake you up, but I need to see you in my quarters right away. No, no, it’s not for that. This is all business. Teleport directly here after you’ve taken a few minutes to… freshen up.”

He hangs up and grins.

“Diva's certainly a beautiful woman. But Arc’s little friend is something else entirely.”

Standing up, Mustang walks over to the bathroom and combs his hair.

“My little colonel was quite hard to tame. But this new woman… she wasn’t even a challenge.”

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